Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
Well, Bull, you made some work for me this morning, I really do have Ross on ignore, but since you mentioned me, I went back and read some of his posts to see what the heck is going on now.

Well maybe you have me on ignore but your infatuation doesn't allow it to work.
Gee Diane you made some work for me this afternoon. ROFLMAO

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
   I don't think it's cute for him to admit he is "playing" with people and making sport of it. That is very patronizing and he'll always have people who dislike him because of it. People are not toys! Why do something to deliberately get local people upset?

You are quite right there is nothing cute about it. It's not intended to be cute. And the only one I am playing with is you and the other Elk Konnected Followers who are the largest nay-sayers and name callers and back-stabbers I have ever come across. Now that is the honest to goodness truth. Do you think everything in life is a popularity contest? Well I don't!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
It's back to "he said, she said?"

What is new, it's always been that way from you Elk Konnected Followers.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
  He doesn't represent everyone and is not an elected official. Going to meetings is fine and gathering
information is fine, as long as he behaves and doesn't make fun of the people who were elected.That's how one gets a negative reputation. He needs to stop that if he wants to be taken seriously by a wider group of people.  One can think what one wants, but don't post it.

I have never claimed to represent anyone Diane. I have said people should think for themselves. In fact, I told you, I did not belong to any group what so ever, when you asked me why I don't have an organization.
I suppose for a person to voice their opinion or to provide documented information that they have to belong to some silly organization. Well. I don't believe that for one minute either.

I haven't made fun of any elected officials, I have perhaps stated that they are educated idiots, or don't give a damn about the taxpayer or the voter. I  have said the President of the Board failed to do his job at open meetings and put a stop to certain people in the audience, snickering and laugh at a board member while he was discussing an action. That is not making fun of anyone, it is providing my opinion concerning their behavior or actions. One acquires a negative reputation through their own actions or lack of actions.
So Diane, you have assumed the position of thought police, how gracious you are!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
. He needs to stop that if he wants to be taken seriously by a wider group of people.  One can think what one wants, but don't post it.

So now you are also the all and great wizard of the internet and forums with all your wisdom!
My-my what heavy loads you carry.

Is it your job to tell people what they can or can not post? I don't think so sweetie.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
Some of his good ideas may be missed because they are buried in rewinding a very old clock and revisiting things that don't matter.

Oh, but Diane the past does matter, it always has! And apparently you don't like the past because it spills the truth out on the floor. Hillary Clinton is fighting the past and the lies about her e-mails and she has a great deal to worry about. Really big criminal charges against her are possible because of the past. Can you understand and comprehend how the past does matter?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
  Loyal opposition is a good thing, but he needs to accept that people are allowed to disagree with him.

I think your analogy stinks, but that is just your opinion and yes you have stated it and this is my opinion.
Where in the heck do you find loyal opposition, those two words work against each other. It sounds like one of them far left liberal phrases trying to confuse issues. You have disagreed with me many, many times and I know that.

What you Diane have to accept is, that I have a right to respond, no matter how much you dislike it. Just like this response.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
(Threatening to take ones business somewhere else doesn't have a positive effect on anybody and makes one look hysterical.)

To state a possible boycott in a matter of fact way for believed abuses is a national hobby and does not necessarily represent a threat. It is a valuable tool of the citizens of this country. I think your negative liberal opinion stinks.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
rewinding a very old clock and revisiting things that don't matter.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
   I have never understood why he didn't do his research before he bought land in Elk County. It is well known that it is a county with high taxes.

You think that somewhere there is information. about some liberal community organizer is listed as a start up, years after one arrives. And do you think that anyone would tell you, that the school board would be foolish enough to shut down grade schools.  Because they can not afford to do some repairs and then waste tens of thousands of dollars for architects to draw up plans for a new school in their town, when the people had already let them know it would not happen. And also tell you the School board would do it all again at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars more for an extension, they knew would be voted down And how about the Board President angrily stating his children would have to grow up with out the opportunity to play in a brand new gymnasium. Or that the same Board President angrily said he didn't care how mad the voters got. Huh, where would you find information on such a bad attitude? Would there be information to find on all of that Diane? Please tell me where it is located?

You are suggesting I should have researched the past in the phrase, yet earlier in this post like a good little liberal you say history doesn't matter. Can you possibly make up your minf?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
Every retired person everywhere sees the same thing whenever taxes are raised and their income is chipped away. It's very predicable. That doesn't mean there is funny business going on, especially if an area is losing population.The same services are still needed with fewer people to pay for them...or drastic cuts in services have to happen...and absentee landlords, of which I understand there are a number of large landowners, aren't going to care like residents do.

That has absolutely nothing to do with raising property taxes just because they want to, just because they want to build a Taj Mahal and a professional sports arena for perhaps 20 or 30 children. Because really it is not for the children, it is for a few egotistical people in my opinion.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
   Why is he still hung up on the first EK meeting? After all this time who cares how a meeting was meant to be run, except Ross?

Why do you care it is in the past? But I will respond and thanks for asking.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
rewinding a very old clock and revisiting things that don't matter.

Perhaps that meeting was the catalyst to today's problems?

But actually it was maybe the 3, 4 or 5th meeting.

Perhaps because of all the socialist attitude of the meeting.

Ever heard of Saul Alinsky Diane?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AMThere was nothing unusual about the format, it just didn't suit him. No, he didn't have the "right" to address the group. I've never understood what that was all about. He has never gotten over the fact that he was refused.

I thought you said the past did not matter. I guess you meant it only matters if you in your liberal ways brings it up then it matters.

I am full well aware that you do not understand or comprehend what that was all about even though it has been explained to you numerous times. There was plenty unusual about it.

1. It was billed as a community conversation --- it didn't happen! It was not a normal community meeting.       -                                     Why?
2. You had to sign in --- and they later they claimed you were now a member of the organization.
3.  You had to have a little kindergarten star on your nametag and anyone showing up with you was required--          to wear the same color kindergarten star.
4. You were told you had to sit in circles of chairs.
5. Once seated you were told you could not sit in the same circle with your spouse or friend or neighbor. This was the purpose of the colored kindergarten stars no people with the same colored kindergarten star could occupy the same circle of chairs. What a circus it was.
6. The man running the circus was not even a citizen of Elk County. He came from way over west, a town called Leoti in Washington County. He in no way represented our county in any way.
7. People that chose to stand were accosted by the man from Liota, who attempted to coerce them to the circle of chairs.
8. A number of people left the so-called Community Conversation because they did not appreciate all the controlling factors. This alone was unusual for any kind of a Community Conversation.
9. These are the tools of Socialist Saul Alinsky.
10. The other Saul Alinsky tool is to disallow anyone that comes forward to speak and to call the cops to escort them out as if a criminal.

Well Diane I was not escorted out because our sheriff's deputies were outside busy visiting. I politely turned to the crowd and politely said I thought it was suppose to be a community conversation. But as you stated Diane it was not, your refered to it as an Elk Konnected meeting and that is what it was. Why else would someone say that by signing the paper, upon entering, made you a member of the organization?

No, Diane there was nothing unusual at all about the meeting if you are deaf and dumb.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
   Back to the garden..we're going out for soft shell crabs later, since Al is feeling much better today.

Have fun Diane.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
  If Ross allows himself to be annoyed by my postings, he can put me on ignore... no more problem. :angel:

Oh I'm not annoyed. I thoroughly enjoy by your postings, they are very entertaining. I find no problem with your posts. 

And by the way you have no voting rights in Elk County and I do.
So do the citizens I reach out too! They matter very much, don't you see.

And the state allows for citizens of the county, to petition and sign petitions to block actions by elected officials. I believe the school board would disallow it, if they had that power to do so. But they don't.
I have done a hours of studying in order to construct, what I hope is an acceptable petition to take to the County Attorney.

As always it has been a real pleasure to respond to your misconceptions.

Bye-Bye Diane have a fine evening will ya.


Quote from: Joesue23 on July 31, 2015, 09:51:30 AM
Well said Diane, I am sure the large majority agrees with you.

Wait until you have read the BETTER said response.
Pleease hold the applause.
LOL I'm just funnin'


Quote from: Joesue23 on July 31, 2015, 09:52:48 AM
Well said Proelkco, I am sure the large majority agrees with you.

Oh my, what did he say?
What did he say?


I'm through playing today, see you kiddies tomorrow.

Good night!


I went back in this thread about 7-8 pages to try and catch up on whats going on.  Its impossible.  I can't believe you all spend so much time bickering over nothing.  I don't even know what the hell you guys are arguing over.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on July 31, 2015, 03:18:05 PM
I went back in this thread about 7-8 pages to try and catch up on whats going on.  Its impossible.  I can't believe you all spend so much time bickering over nothing.  I don't even know what the hell you guys are arguing over.

For me Anmar I'm just playing with the Elk Konnected Followers it really isn't anything personal.
Just one big joke.

I try to provide information for Elk County residences  and some people that live outside the county can't handle the truth. And they are really taking it personal.  Silly of them isn't it.

Have a good night Anmar.

Diane Amberg

Anmar, I agree, it is nothing. But there are some who are still upset about his attitude, apparent disrespect and how he has rewritten some of the history of the early EK events in question. He has a personal problem with one of them that he is still stuck on. He just isn't able to get past it and move on. What is that all about?
   There are people who were there at that first EK meeting who know what happened and still wonder why he did and still does keep fussing about it.
He still picks apart posts line by line and even takes issue with individual words posters' use. Why? A substantive difference might be worth debate, but individual words?
  He keeps pushing that I don't pay taxes out there.    So what. That is true, but I believe in such a thing as ''In lieu of taxes." I have supported quite a few things over the years that I don't talk about because I'd be accused of bragging, one that just happened last week. Not huge amounts, but enough to make a difference. Since my family (on one side) happily lived there and go back a long way, it is my pleasure to do things in their honor.
I do still have some family there,  and they remain unknown to him, which I hopes bugs him...HA! They aren't on the forum.
   I wouldn't have gotten back into this except I found out my name had been tossed in again. I hope to not say anymore about it, but I resent him calling me a liar when I am not, not that there are many left who would care one way or another. I do get PMs from some friends who care about me, so information does reach me.Hope you are having a great day.


!Quote from Bullwinkle :
When I read about someone's BIG X marine, it brings to mind the movie, " Full Metal Jacket" , and the private "Gomer Pyle" . Sorry , Jar, but you know they all don't deserve to belong in your beloved corps. A Marine would never provoke a fight, just end it.

Bull, I respectfully disagree about a Marine not provoking a fight, but hell, we were all young once and full of piss and vinegar. ;)
I don't know the story as to why Joesue's husband in an ex-Marine but I do know most people try to keep that hush, hush.Upon graduating boot camp you earn the title of being a Marine and the right to wear the EA&G and you are a Marine until you die---then you become a dead Marine. An Ex-Marine is one who WAS a Marine but got a bad discharge and those few are known as ex-Marines . Hope that clears that up.
You seem to be a wise old bull so could you tell me why people have to have some fancy do-dad to block what Ross or Red posts ?I know nothing about common core so when Ross posts about it I just don't read it---I don't need my computer to block it---or when he gets repetitive---or as I say "beats a dead horse—over and over"--- I don't finish reading that post . So simple to do.
While I have your ear, have you also noticed the hypocrisy ? Joesue can't seem to post, without calling Ross an idiot or liar and openly threating him but where is the scolding from Proelk or Diane or anyone from the liberal crowd ? Guess silence is golden !!!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2015, 07:53:30 AM
Anmar, I agree, it is nothing. But there are some who are still upset about his attitude, apparent disrespect and how he has rewritten some of the history of the early EK events in question. He has a personal problem with one of them that he is still stuck on. He just isn't able to get past it and move on. What is that all about?

You too as well keep bringing up the past, but continue to say it is unimportant. But by bring up the past you contradict yourself. My attitude and perceived disrespect towards you people that do not live here and resorted to name calling and threats through out this thread is not perceived it is real. And it is well deserved. You have no first hand knowledge and therefore really have nothing to say intellectually.

Who is upset Diane?  Name them.
Are those the people that are a figment of your imagination?

Some people have tried to set you straight on you behavior, right here on this thread. But your understanding and comprehension fails you terribly, doesn't it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2015, 07:53:30 AM
   There are people who were there at that first EK meeting who know what happened and still wonder why he did and still does keep fussing about it.

It was not the first Elk Konnected meeting, but many, many meetings later. See you don;t have first hand knowledge.

But shat people are you talking about?  Why have they failed to speak up?
Oh, once again the people that are a figment of your imagination right?
They can't speak up for the reason stated above or Because, I have done nothing but speak the truth, that's why.

You sure weren't here and you have no idea what actually went on. And no one has denied any of what I have said. Nobody.. It was a total Saul Alinsky event with nothing but total physical and mental control. And you can not deny it, because you were not there.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2015, 07:53:30 AM
He still picks apart posts line by line and even takes issue with individual words posters' use. Why? A substantive difference might be worth debate, but individual words?

I don't want to miss anything,As you said:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
Some of his good ideas may be missed because they are buried in rewinding a very old clock and revisiting things that don't matter.

This method helps keep things nice and solid, doesn't it.

And as far as picking words a part try this one of yours.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 08:39:44 AM
  Loyal opposition is a good thing, but he needs to accept that people are allowed to disagree with him.

Really how do  loyal and opposition even really fit together, unless a person is a liberal?
Is this what you fell about me, loyal opposition?   

You really do have a compression problem and probably incapable of responding in like fashion hence calling it tearing your post all apart as if it is something terrible is happening. Individual words can make a great deal of difference in a sentence and as a use to be teacher, you should know that. I don't believe, I have picked on any individual word, if I have would you please post a quote of it. Thanks in acvance.

I have explained this before.
I do this for clarity in communicating.
There is nothing sinister about it.
I respond to each section and quote it so there is no misunderstanding for anyone reading it.
And it keeps me straight as well. I don't want to miss any of your important information.
I just don't understand what you find sinister about it.
I assume it's a liberal type thinking and you would rather things were muddled and unclear for possible denial at a later time.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2015, 07:53:30 AM
  He keeps pushing that I don't pay taxes out there.    So what. That is true,

So what? So What?
What concern is it of your haow we deal with the taxation problem here?
That's so what?

So why knock what you have no first hand knowledge about?  You are not in any affected by our elected officials gone crazy with taxation way like the Liberal Federal /Government. The same way many states have been going and driving themselves into so much debt they can make their payments. Only here the School Board has gone crazy and wasted tens of thousands of dollars that may be as much as $!00,000.00 that should have been used for student education. Does that make a lot of sense to you?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2015, 07:53:30 AM
but I believe in such a thing as ''In lieu of taxes." I have supported quite a few things over the years that I don't talk about because I'd be accused of bragging, one that just happened last week. Not huge amounts, but enough to make a difference. Since my family (on one side) happily lived there and go back a long way, it is my pleasure to do things in their honor.

You can believe in anything and that is fine. But that does not mean everyone else has to believe it to?

''In lieu of taxes." Usually means who ever receives the deal usually pays a small amount of taxes and that means someone else has to pay a greater share and that is usually other property owners. And I suppose that is fair to you.

Your argument the other day about the population declining and causing fewer people to pay more taxes does not change the amount of property that is being taxed and the mil rate is on the property not the person.

In other words the amount of taxes collected last year would be the same amount this year if the mil rate is not changed and 100 people moved out of the county. Sure whoever bouthg the land would also pay the taxes on it. But the amount collected does not change. Because people leave does not affect the overall amount of tax dollars does not change and over taxing the property is still over taxing the property. Whether it a simple empty lot or 7000 acres. Plain and simple.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2015, 07:53:30 AM
I do still have some family there,  and they remain unknown to him, which I hopes bugs him...HA! They aren't on the forum.

I could care less if you have family here or not. You are not here to comprehend first hand what is taking place. You deal in hearsay and rumors.  When I deal in rumors I say so and ask for verification from other local readers. Big difference by admitting hearsay and rumors than not stating so, isn't there?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2015, 07:53:30 AM
   I wouldn't have gotten back into this except I found out my name had been tossed in again. I hope to not say anymore about it, but I resent him calling me a liar when I am not, not that there are many left who would care one way or another. I do get PMs from some friends who care about me, so information does reach me.Hope you are having a great day.

I do not believe I have ever called you a liar. If I have please post a quote of it.

You PM's are hearsay and or rumors it is not first hand knowledge.
And it proves nothing.

Oh I do have my petition finalized after a week of searching the internet and studying Kansas laws.
I intend to take it to the County Attorney Monday morning for approval, and should be able to begin collecting signatures in about a week. I only need 145 signatures but I am planning on a minimum of 200 signatures. I don't for see having any problem acquiring 200. Citizens of the West Elk School District are fed up with the taxation attitude. I have spoke with many people and they can hardly wait to sign. It should be another wake up call to the elected officials of the School Board to listen to their citizens. The first two wake up calls failed to register with them.  My hope is that this one will register with them.

I have been accused, by your friends at Elk Konnected of not volunteering.
Because, I don't volunteer for them. 

But you see Diane, I am volunteering to help all the property owners here in the West Elk school district without being told to.

Does Elk Konnected volunteer to help the property owners?
Have they ever helped the property owners? NO!
Have any of your relatives offered to help out the property owners?

Personally I'd rather not be doing all this, I really don't care for the attention or all the time involved.
But I am a concerned citizen with a responsibility, so I have no alternative.

Diane you should try to get over yourself and all the attention you crave.

I hope you have an enjoyable evening.

And please do post those quotes, I asked politely for.


I forgot to mention that with the wind farm operating under in lieu of taxes the West Elk School District collects no property tax from them.

But if they were to pay property taxes like all other business in Elk County it would be quite a handsome amount for the West Elk School District wouldn't it?

And possibly even more tax for the county as a whole. Which could lower property taxes for everyone in Elk County.

So paying in lieu is not such a great thing is it?

Just a thought.

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