Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Joesue23 on July 30, 2015, 06:09:52 PM
Ross I and my family own more Land in Elk County than you do. You are always making staatements and babbling about things you know nothing about.

Why do people make this statement about having more land than someone else does???  Does having more land make that person better than the other somehow?? How does this have anything to do with the topic at hand??  Or is it because one has more land one pays more taxes and that makes them superior because they are not as upset about where their tax dollars go, unlike Ross? 

I've said it before.....

If you don't like what the man has to say, stop reading his posts.

Keep at it Ross, people are still reading.  Air out the garbage and the underhanded things that happen, someone might learn something.
Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.


Thank you nykkylsdymes.

I am still working on getting the proper and legal petition for filing with the couty attorney so I can start collecting signatures.

These people that are naysayers are just trying t make me mad and they are failing terribly.
I am and actually having fun playing with them.

This whole thing is not personal to me. It concerns a couple of organizations trying to behave as a governing body and the governing bodies we have that have been out of control and one that is still out of control. It's also about them possibly slipping back out of control.

Some people just can't deal with the truth.

Have a good evening nykkylsdymes and thanks for the encouragement.


     I for one appreciate that Mr Ross attends meetings and does homework on where OUR money is going. I find no disputing of the facts as related to this thread monentarily.

     The "my husband says" poster is obviously not the sharpest tool in the box, and Diane, you know it, so why give any credence, other than to annoy Ross. As you have said, he brings forth some interesting items.

     When I read about someone's BIG X marine, it brings to mind the movie, " Full Metal Jacket" , and the private "Gomer Pyle" . Sorry , Jar, but you know they all don't deserve to belong in your beloved corps. A Marine would never provoke a fight, just end it.


Quote from: proelkco on July 30, 2015, 05:47:00 PM
So you are now calling Dana Mills a liar.She is the one that gave the info.

No sir, I have never put those three words together ever, as you have.
So don't try to put words in my mouth.

It does not matter who the delivery person is or are you saying the mailman is responsible for the message he delivers in the letter he leaves in his mail box. If so I guess the party you mention is responsible for putting the Community Conversation Committee Report (What Elk Konnected called it) together all on her own and is fully responsible. Is that what you actually think?

Please do not count me in on your way of thinking. The delivery person is not the person necessarily responsible for the message.

Elk Konnected holds all the responsibility IMHO and as I have stated many times there is absolutely no documentation, that anyone at the so called Konnected Kommunity Konversation had any of the ideas listed.

Enough said.

Have a good night Mr. Elk Konnected Follower



Excellent point about the Marines.
I had the opportunity to work with and around plenty of Marines during m service time and all were stand up people, honorable people.

Then I met Jarhead as a civilian, boy does he like to harrass swabbies. LOL

Well at least this old swabbie.


Ross your answer to me shows how narrow minded you truly are


Quote from: proelkco on July 31, 2015, 08:14:07 AM
Ross your answer to me shows how narrow minded you truly are

Your opinion noted and accepted.

But your opinion is far more narrow minded than mine, if you for one minute you think that the delivery person is responsible for the written doccument. Thats my opinion ! And I stand behind it !

And perhaps you did not comprehend what I posted, so here it is again for your reading pleasure:
Quote from: ROSS on July 30, 2015, 08:43:17 PM
No sir, I have never put those three words together ever, as you have.
So don't try to put words in my mouth.

It does not matter who the delivery person is or are you saying the mailman is responsible for the message he delivers in the letter he leaves in his mail box. If so I guess the party you mention is responsible for putting the Community Conversation Committee Report (What Elk Konnected called it) together all on her own and is fully responsible. Is that what you actually think?

Please do not count me in on your way of thinking. The delivery person is not the person necessarily responsible for the message.

Elk Konnected holds all the responsibility IMHO and as I have stated many times there is absolutely no documentation, that anyone at the so called Konnected Kommunity Konversation had any of the ideas listed.

Enough said.

Have a good night Mr. Elk Konnected Follower

Diane Amberg

Well, Bull, you made some work for me this morning, I really do have Ross on ignore, but since you mentioned me, I went back and read some of his posts to see what the heck is going on now.
   I don't think it's cute for him to admit he is "playing" with people and making sport of it. That is very patronizing and he'll always have people who dislike him because of it. People are not toys! Why do something to deliberately get local people upset?
  It's back to "he said, she said?"
  He doesn't represent everyone and is not an elected official. Going to meetings is fine and gathering information is fine, as long as he behaves and doesn't make fun of the people who were elected.That's how one gets a negative reputation. He needs to stop that if he wants to be taken seriously by a wider group of people.  One can think what one wants, but don't post it.
Some of his good ideas may be missed because they are buried in rewinding a very old clock and revisiting things that don't matter.
  Loyal opposition is a good thing, but he needs to accept that people are allowed to disagree with him. (Threatening to take ones business somewhere else doesn't have a positive effect on anybody and makes one look hysterical.)
   I have never understood why he didn't do his research before he bought land in Elk County. It is well known that it is a county with high taxes.
Every retired person everywhere sees the same thing whenever taxes are raised and their income is chipped away. It's very predicable. That doesn't mean there is funny business going on, especially if an area is losing population.The same services are still needed with fewer people to pay for them...or drastic cuts in services have to happen...and absentee landlords, of which I understand there are a number of large landowners, aren't going to care like residents do.
   Why is he still hung up on the first EK meeting? After all this time who cares how a meeting was meant to be run, except Ross?  There was nothing unusual about the format, it just didn't suit him. No, he didn't have the "right" to address the group. I've never understood what that was all about. He has never gotten over the fact that he was refused.
   Back to the garden..we're going out for soft shell crabs later, since Al is feeling much better today.
  If Ross allows himself to be annoyed by my postings, he can put me on ignore... no more problem. :angel:


Well said Diane, I am sure the large majority agrees with you.


Well said Proelkco, I am sure the large majority agrees with you.

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