Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Joesue23 on July 30, 2015, 05:12:03 AM
One sick person, Ross.

I'm sorry Jyou're feeling feeling ill joesue, try a couple of asprins and see your doctor.
I hope you get to feeling better soon.


If you backtrack back you will find every rude quote, lie and negative comment comes from this thread and Ross.
No wonder everyone left the Forum.


Really funny that you would post this since you are the biggest liar on the Forum and have the least friends.


Quote from: Joesue23 on July 30, 2015, 05:13:30 AM
This is the rambling of a spoiled, idiot trying to push the blame on to others. No matter what you say Ross you and you alone ruined the Forum.

Little girl I have never been spoiled.
I cane from a dirt poor family and if I wanted something I earned it.
As a kid if I wanted to go to the movies I earned that quarter by working for people.
I worked from the age of eleven years old. When I needed new clothes, I bought them with my own money.
Spoiled far from it.

Everything I have or ever had I earned by holding down a job.
But you know the materialistic items are not near as important as having ethics, honesty and integrity.

When I was your age, I had much more respect for people than you do.
I didn't take time out from holding down a job to bad mouth and lie about people.

The hardest work for some young people these days is picking up their welfare check from the mail box.

Has yours hit the mailbox yet?

Quote from: Joesue23 on July 30, 2015, 05:45:28 AM
Really funny that you would post this since you are the biggest liar on the Forum and have the least friends.

This is just exactly what I am talking about.
The name calling,
The accusation of lying.
And your lack of respect!

You call me a liar and yet have nothing to back it up with!
That my dear is called ignorance
That is what Obama's liberals do when they lack the knowledge or the proof to back them up.
It is also the tactic used by children frequently.

I have asked you to prove that I am a liar and you lack the ability to do so.
You also seem to lack the ability to communicate beyond one sentence.
And that one sentence always being crude and ugly.
You truly have my sympathy.


You say I call you a liar and I have nothing to back it up with. Everyone that I know and that reads the Forum says you are a liar and a rude jerk. You ruined the Forum and Like a little kid you don't want to admit it. I am not a little girl I am a big man and I am coming to see you to discuss manners and honesty, both of which you don't have.


Quote from: Joesue23 on July 30, 2015, 07:50:45 AM
You say I call you a liar and I have nothing to back it up with. Everyone that I know and that reads the Forum says you are a liar and a rude jerk. You ruined the Forum and Like a little kid you don't want to admit it. I am not a little girl I am a big man and I am coming to see you to discuss manners and honesty, both of which you don't have.

You have absolutly nothing to back you up.
Saying everyone you know is saying it is either a lie or they don't know or most likely they don't exist.

Try doing something really honest and quote any of my lies from this forum.

You can't do that, can you. Because I am not a liar. I have stated that I am human and subject to making mistakes, and that is the truth.

So now you are a big man when you recently said your husband was a big ex-Marine.

You have said Kaminski wasn't Elk Connected and the turn around and say you don't know what Elk Konnected is.

That just suggest that you are an Elk Konnected follower. That is the method all the Elk Konnected Followers
used through out this thread.

Can you possibly go back and play on Dianes thread?

Diane Amberg

Interesting. I can almost tell what Ross has been saying without taking him off ignore. ;D ;D ;D.
I'll bet he has been as patronizing as all get out and has patted you folks on the head and feels sorry for you. ;D ;D ;D.  Am I right? All you have to do is do as he says and all will be well.
Did he attack EK again? I'll bet he did. ;D ;D ;D. He really has no interest in being a team player and will never ask for anyone elses ideas or opinions, or tolerate them. He will redirect most any topic to what he wants to talk about. Get used to it. It will never change.  Good luck. :angel:


Ross, everyone I know has said you are a Bald faced liar, I could list some of your lies her but you know what they are. Idiot I am the husband not the wife, you are really stupid. As far as me saying Shari was not Elk Connected I know nothing about EK except the lies you put out there, and I knew dome of the people you were lying about. Shari knew nothing about EK either except for you ranting and raving. You have already ruined the Forum so why don't you find something else to ruin away from the Forum.


Quote from: Joesue23 on July 30, 2015, 09:35:22 AM
Ross, everyone I know has said you are a Bald faced liar, I could list some of your lies her but you know what they are. Idiot I am the husband not the wife, you are really stupid. As far as me saying Shari was not Elk Connected I know nothing about EK except the lies you put out there, and I knew dome of the people you were lying about. Shari knew nothing about EK either except for you ranting and raving. You have already ruined the Forum so why don't you find something else to ruin away from the Forum.

Temper, temper.
You kept referring your husband was gonna do this or that.
So how come I'm to believe you are a man.

Maybe you have a split personality?  I don't know what.

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