Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Joesue23 on June 19, 2015, 05:13:16 AM
The main thing bad that has happened to Elk County and the Forum is YOU. You try to destroy everything you don't agree with. Sadly because of you no one will post on the Forum anymore.

Destruction of communism is always a good thing.  quit yer bitchin.  BTW ROSS Is the polite one, I don't do Politically Correct

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Hey Srkruzich where have you been hiding?
I hope all is well with you. Glad to have you back.

I miss hearing from Warph top. I sure hope he is okay.

Stay cool.


Good to see srkruzich make some great American comments.  It's gonna be hard to top what you're saying. 

Most Republicans and reconstructed Democrats won't agee but that's just the way they are.
They're thinking their socialists' (Communist and/or Nazi) ways are best and modern.  They promote their ways by and thru Democracy - that's why they like Democracy so much instead of the Constitution.

Stay right in there.   

Diane Amberg

If not by taxes, how would you folks keep up your roads, your waterways, your bridges, electrical repairs, water service, sewer, ditches, etc. If it is used by the public, or is always available for that use, why shouldn't everyone pay?( Free saplings, free fingerlings, trout stocking, all by taxes in one way or another.)
Yes, in states that have sales taxes, purchasers do pay taxes for those washing machines ,etc. at point of sale.
I was talking about the use, not necessarily the invention of those things that have become "necessary" over time. TVA? Who paid for that? Who pays for the military that is now too expensive for anyone to afford?
Yes, to compete, GE and others do develop "improvements" on that washer. But then they become more expensive and the purchaser pays more taxes to own the newest version.
Some ''inventors",including big industry, did and still do get Gov't grants for research and development of things needed, for war or otherwise. Many Universities have discovered and/or developed all manner of things..... that is all tax money too.
In my own husband's family they historically banded together to help other members start businesses ,put relatives through college, bring them over from the "old country,"etc.  No one of them could afford it, but together,by pooling their money, they did well. I get it.
But most people don't want to live just to avoid paying taxes.
By the way,I'm not and have never been in favor of subsides. That is pure politics and goes right back to  local Gov't and congress people wanting to keep their constituents happy, so they will be reelected. But I don't need to shout "Commies" just because I don't agree with it. It doesn't change a thing and annoys the foxes.
Some things are and should be direct pay for direct service, like beach tags are here.Helps pay the life guards and for beach cleaning.But then after a storm our taxes pay for beach replenishing and the big repairs. Then just the people who go there benefit.
Steve, do you have honey now? Has that business thrived? I hope so.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 19, 2015, 08:25:45 AM

Some ''inventors",including big industry, did and still do get Gov't grants for research and development of things needed, for war or otherwise. Many Universities have discovered and/or developed all manner of things..... that is all tax money too.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 19, 2015, 08:25:45 AM

that is all tax money too.

That is the whole point, Diane !

Grants are sums that usually do not have to be repaid but are to be used for defined purposes. Subsidies, on the other hand, refer to direct contributions, tax breaks and other special assistance that governments provide businesses to offset operating costs over a lengthy time period.

There really isn't any difference between how taxpayer money is used for grants and subsidies. It is still taxpayer money even if you tell them they don't have to pay property taxes. Why? Because, if they don't have to pay their fair share, others have to pay it for them by increased taxation on them.

Both are both equally political and they use politics and they use lobbyist when needed to get the peoples money.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 19, 2015, 08:25:45 AM
By the way,I'm not and have never been in favor of subsides. That is pure politics and goes right back to  local Gov't and congress people wanting to keep their constituents happy, so they will be reelected.

See above note.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 19, 2015, 08:25:45 AM
But I don't need to shout "Commies" just because I don't agree with it. It doesn't change a thing and annoys the foxes..

That to me is the Democrat Liberal way of thinking.

Right is Wrong
Wrong is Right

Perhaps this is the reason our country is being flushed and we might end up Obama's  ----
Calliphate of the United States ?

Because people won't stand up and shout something, anything because it may not be politically correct.

-------------- Simply Sheeple -----------------

I do not like Trump but the man is mostly honest about illegal immigrants.
Just short of honesty about McCain.
McCain is no hero in spite of being captured.
It was his actions upon being captured and through his five years of supposed captivity that  he most likely deserves the title of traitor in my opinion!
This is also the opinion of the majority of Vietnam Veterans.

However, with a Father being an Admiral and his Grand Father being an Admiral had an awful lot to do with his out come.



That should not be hard to figure out, should it?


Wind Lobby Scrambles To Hide Alleged Influence Of Foreign Companies

Photo of Michael Bastasch
1:33 PM 07/17/2015

The American Wind Energy Association, the wind energy industry's main lobbying group, touts wind power as helping the U.S. economy, but a news report claims the group's advocacy is being driven by a group of foreign executives.

To make matters more interesting, AWEA removed its list of companies on its Leadership Council from its website — the Leadership Council was still missing from AWEA's website when this reporter went to check on its status. AWEA refused to comment on the removal when approached by The Washington Free Beacon. Likewise, the wind lobbying group declined to comment on the removal when asked by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

"All of the companies represented on AWEA's Board are American companies or have U.S. subsidiaries," David Ward, AWEA's lead spokesman, told TheDCNF. "Like any global industry, some of those companies have parent companies that are active in other countries.

"That distinction is irrelevant as all companies on AWEA's Board have major offices in America, employ large numbers of Americans, and are making large investments in America," Ward said.

The Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday the influence of AWEA's foreign membership clashed with their "made-in-the-USA rhetoric." The Free Beacon reported there were seven foreign firms listed on AWEA's Leadership Council as of late 2013 — all of which get federal subsidies for wind power.

One of the companies listed in 2013 as part of AWEA's leadership council was Iberdola, a Spanish company that's been awarded billions in government subsidies over the years. The other companies are "Nordex and E.ON Climate & Renewables, both German companies; French EDF Renewable Energy; Portuguese EDP Renewables; a subsidiary of the British RES Group; and Danish firm Vestas," according to The Free Beacon.

Iberdola has gotten $2.2 billion in green energy subsidies — making it the largest recipient of federal corporate welfare, according to a report by the left-wing group Good Jobs First. The Obama administration's 2009 stimulus bill gave billions of dollars in subsidies to wind and solar companies.

The Good Jobs First report also notes that the German-based E.ON Climate & Renewables got $576 million in subsidies , the French company EDF Renewable Energy got $325 million and the Portuguese EDP Renewables received $722 million.

"[A] large portion of the funds received by the foreign energy firms came from Recovery Act programs such as Section 1603," the report notes. "Japan's Toshiba, on the other hand, received most of its funding through Energy Department research grants, including numerous awards to its Westinghouse Electric subsidiary for work on nuclear energy. Energy Department grants also make up nearly all of the $237 million in funds received by Germany's Siemens."

AWEA brushed off criticism of its foreign membership, saying the wind industry provides tens of thousands of jobs for Americans. Though the group still did not address its removal of the membership list from its website.

"73,000 Americans work in the wind industry, building wind projects that benefit American consumers," Ward told TheDCNF. "That includes nearly 20,000 manufacturing jobs at over 500 facilities across 43 states. The domestic content of wind farms has risen, with more than 60 percent of the value of U.S. wind farms made in America."

"The large number of jobs associated with installing, maintaining, and operating wind plants cannot be outsourced, and it is often cost-prohibitive to import large turbine components like blades and towers," he said. "Wind turbine and component manufacturing is a significant contributor to U.S. heavy manufacturing."

Update: AWEA told TheDCNF they got rid of their Leadership Council, but still keeps a n online list of their members. The group did not explain why they got rid or their Leadership Council or what influence they held over the group. The article has been updated to reflect this new information.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/07/17/wind-lobby-scrambles-to-hide-alleged-influence-of-foreign-companies/#ixzz3gLwevhfB


They don't discuss the Billions of Dollars perhaps Trillions in profit funneled out out of the US of A, do they?

They don't mention the jobs provided are paid for with taxpayer dollars either, do they?

They don't discuss the fact that conventional electric companies have to have a standby generator manned and ready for when the wind stops blowing, do they?

They don't mention the extra cost to consumers for standby generators and crew do they?


West Elk School USD-282
Voters and Property Owners
Friends and Neighbors

Taxation, Taxation, Taxation

A West Elk School USD-282 Hobby

Every year and durn near every West Elk School USD-282 School Board Meeting the subject of taxing us comes up.

We who live in the West Elk School District were given a property tax break from our Elk County Government thanks to the wind farm money. Did you see any reduction on your property tax?


West Elk School USD-282 sucked it right up !

Thinking you would not notice !

While the rest of the county enjoys their tax reduction you are paying more than you did the year before.

I informed everyone that was the goal of the elected elite to tax, tax, tax.
Why are they doing it ?

In the words of an angry School Board President, "I guess my kids will have to grow up without having the opportunity and pleasure of playing in a brand new gymnasium." And he also made it very clear in an angry voice he didn't care how pissed off the taxpayers gets. This is the attitude we have to deal with. Clearly they don't care how much they tax you as long as they can provide extra goodies for their children. That is the attitude we have been dealing with for years.

They are only asking for an amount not to exceed an 8-mil tax levy increase not to exceed 5 years. And my bet is they will take the maximum or they would have listed how much they really want. And next year they will raise your property taxes another 3-mil and the next year and the next year to build their empire.  Have you had enough, yet.

Well hang on  to your hat cowboy!

They list various things in the newspaper. One to purchase computer programs.
I don't buy that for one moment.
Why you may ask!
Because it should be budgeted annually!
If it isn't they are not doing their job properly.

Another they say for acquisition of building sites!

Whoa, horsies!

Just a few years ago they shut down two grade schools and sold the properties --- for what?

One stinking dollar.

Because they said we could not afford to keep the grade schools open.
So why do they think they need building sites?

Why do they need building sites?

Hold on to your hat ?

Perhaps because of another thing they mention in the newspaper.
Quote. "Housing and boarding pupils enrolled in an area vocational school operated under the board."

WHAT the hell are they talking about?

There is no vocational school operated under the West Elk USD School Board?

Just where do you think this lead us folks?
More and more taxation that where?

They would need a School Bond Issue to build a Vocational School and Boarding Facility of at least a

And these are the same people that shut down our grade schools.

I am not making any of this up.
Please read their public notice in the Prairie Star under Public Notices on page 9 of this weeks newspaper.

Are you willing to let them do this to you ?
Or are you willing to stand up and tell the elite enough is enough ?
Are you willing to Tell them loud and clear that they work for you?
They didn't hear you on the last bond issue and angrily just blew you off.

I am strongly considering putting together a petition to put a stop to this nonsense!
But I need your help?
I'd like to know if you will you help stop them before I start doing all the work necessary to get the job done.
We will all need to work together as neighbors to get the job done.

Please private message me and let me know what you think. I will not divulge any information you message me with unless it is something nasty or ugly or mean. You have my word on that.

Thanks for reading my post and have a nice evening.
I hope to hear from a bunch of you by personal message.

Very Sincerely Ross

P.S. If you are a renter you too pay property tax because it is part of your rent check.
        If property taxes are raised enough you can count on your rent going up as well.
        So yes it does affect you as well.


Blah! Blah! Blah!, typical Ross trash and talking when he Doesn't know what he is talking about. A lot of what he Is
talking about on shutting down the old Grade School Happened before he invaded Elk Cpunty. From what my Family in Howard tells me it was Condemened for several reasons.


We know how you feel about Ross, so what's your opinion of the government school system?

Are you supportive of spending money?

Why don't you debate the issues with Ross so we'll know where you stand?


You and Ross are to stupid to debate anything. My husband says if you two idiots want to debate he will meet you on some deserted road, just name it.

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