Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Ross you are one rude , idiot. Look back at a time before you were on the Forum and see how many were posting, when you do you will see it is obvious that you ran everyone off . Your are one rude idiot.


Quote from: Joesue23 on June 19, 2015, 09:34:22 AM
Ross you are one rude , idiot. Look back at a time before you were on the Forum and see how many were posting, when you do you will see it is obvious that you ran everyone off . Your are one rude idiot.

Still name calling aren't you?
And making statements with no way to back them up.
Like a Liberal with no substance.
That is what our countries major problem is, Liberals.

Are you one of them that's got one of them collee papers like Diane?

Oh well,  just the same he, she or it, try to have a pleasant weekend. LOL



Does anyone know was this woman
considered one of the elite
in Neodesha ? ?

Montgomery County Chronicle

A former employee of the Montgomery County Conservation District has been charged with two counts of fraud in U.S. federal court in Wichita.

Danielle R. Passauer, former conservation district manager, has been charged with one count of bank fraud and one count of wire fraud stemming from her alleged role in using conservation district money for her personal use between Jan. 1, 2011 and July 1, 2013.

Court information alleges that Passauer, age 29, obtained $27,678.97 in conservation district money by issuing pay checks to herself in excess of her salary. Furthermore, it is alleged Passauer authorized $23,694 in electronic transfer to VISA to pay for her personal, unauthorized expenditures.

If convicted, Passauer, who is a Neodesha resident, faces a maximum penalty of 30 years in federal prison and a fine up to $1 million on each count.

In an arraignment hearing on Monday, Passauer appeared in person with her attorney, J. Matthew Leavitt of Wichita. She pleaded not guilty and was released on her own recognizance.

She is scheduled to return to federal court in Wichita on Aug. 3 for a change of plea hearing.

The FBI investigated the theft and fraud of conservation district money. Assistant U.S. Attorney Mona Furst is the prosecutor in this case.


Red highlights in the following story are mine.

June 26, 2015
For Immediate Release
Contact: James Franko
Lower court ignores State Supreme Court guidance on determining adequacy, issues political statement
June 26, 2015 - Wichita - The Shawnee County District Court ruling on school funding comes as no surprise, as this is not the first time that the three-judge panel ignored the State Supreme Court's guidance and issued what is little more than a political opinion.

KPI president Dave Trabert said, "Their ruling on adequacy of school funding ignores a long list of facts that disprove districts' contentions. School districts acknowledge that they choose to operate inefficiently and used over $400 of million dollars of prior years' aid to increase their cash reserves."

Trabert concluded, "The three-judge panel also ignored the State Supreme Court's order that adequacy is to be determined on whether outcomes - as defined by the Rose capacities - are being met. School districts openly admit that they do not know how to define or measure the Rose capacities, and if they cannot do so, they have no legal basis for claiming they lack adequate funding to meet those capacities."

# # #
Kansas Policy Institute is an independent think-tank that advocates for free market solutions and the protection of personal freedom for all Kansans.  Our work centers on state and local economic policy with primary emphasis on education, fiscal policy and health care.  We empower citizens, legislators and other government officials with objective research and creative ideas to promote a low-tax, pro-growth environment that preserves the ability of governments to provide high quality services.
To speak with Kansas Policy Institute, please contact James Franko at (316) 634-0218.


I'll be telling you about an  inefficency at West Elk USD 282 very soon.



I had heard the rumors, but I didn't post them, I waited to talk to the horse's mouth. (So to speak.)

Harrods was hired to crown the football field and done so with out a contract !

$7,000 what a good deal for West Elk USD 282, well it was a good deal and the School Board blew it.

Harrods hauled in tons of dirt that was full of rocks and large roots and clay.

One board member stated at the board meeting, they would have to check their contract to figure out what recourse they had. WHAT CONTRACT ? ? There was no contract.

The school board apparently didn't figure it worth while to have a conversation with Harrod's and find out what he was doing, they just simply told him to remove the dirt and miscellaneous bad stuff in the dirt. Well, that is exactly what happened, the dirt was removed and another company contracted to crown the football field. I don't recall the exact amount paid, but I believe it was about $27,000. Or over 3 times what Harrod was charging. Is that the proper way to do business on behalf of the taxpayers? ?

But I guess all them goodies on their Board Meeting picnic table are more important !

Had they used some of that critical thinking they want to teach school kids they would have discovered that Harrod
had a man lined up to process all that dirt.
By processing the dirt he meant to clean it up to be used as a base for a layer of topsoil.

The USD 282nSchool Board blew an excellent deal for lack of critical thinking and the lack of communication amongst themselves. Only looking for recourse instead of asking.

Nope USD falls right in with the above post that they don't operate efficiently, they ha no incentive to operate efficiently
                                       Because you the taxpayers do not show them you care ?

You might ask how can I show them that I care about them throwing away my tax dollars wastefully ?

Show up at the board meetings ! If enough people show up they might pay attention. I say might, because I don't think they care what you think.

It's your property tax
It's your money 
And you can stop the waste !

The property tax break that the county has provided for us was sucked up by West Elk USD 282.
If you live in the West Elk USD 282 School District you are being screwed by the school Board, financially.
Because of wasteful spending

If the county stops the property tax break, do you think for one minute that the West Elk USD 282 School District will drop the excess taxation. Think again, the are hell bent on spend, spend, spend.

The next expense will be an electronic billboard to replace the old one they took out rather than have maintenance repair it.
Please, Give that a thought.

Here is a reminder for you of all the information, I have posted for you on Box.com:

County property tax 1997-2014

USD 282 Roof Repair

Elk County Levy Sheets

Voice Commissioners 11 2 15


West Elk USD-282 Audit for 2013-2014

West Elk USD-282 PiperJaffray

Elementary School Survey Information

Piper Jaffery Financial Handout to the West Elk School Board

West Elk USD 282 Public Records Information

Elk County - County Commissioners Meeting

West Elk 2013-2014

West Elk School Board Meeting Minutes

West Elk Site Council Minutes

USD 282 District Voters Map

West Elk USD-282 Board Positions by Date of Election 3-24-14
https://app.box.com/s/6h3vni6q1k0oeukhxo9j (This is where your start to stop the waste}


I hope everyone has a great 4th of July.



The two biggest bullshit buzzwords
on the Internet these days: 'Community' and 'Anonymous'.



Now where have i seen that word community used  ? ?

Oh that's right Public Squares Communities isn't it ?

And Elk Konnected pushing Community, Right ?

I wonder if ANON had heard of them ?

You know children are also used to gain attention as well.

Terrible don't ya reckon ?


I just read something I found very interesting and well written.
And it reminded me of  a circus of circles of chairs.
It also describes what creates sheeple and explains sheeple to a "T".

It is about manipulation.

This is not meant to be snide or derogatory but to be informative and educational.
But it is entirely up to you what you make of it.

The article:

How have we fallen so far?
Posted on July 6, 2015 by Bob Livingston

Is it philosophically wise to dwell upon the morality of government? Are we frivolous and diverted from more serious concerns? Should we be reading poetry, watching TV, playing golf or listening to Mozart?

A discussion of the morality of government is more than an intellectual exercise. It has to do with understanding force and raw political power hidden behind the cleverest of disguises. Our perception of government morality directly relates to our quality of life and whether or not we pass human liberty to our heirs. There can be no perception of reality without inquiry into the nature of political authority. We must understand we are born into a system of thought that is rarely challenged.

More and more, we are beginning to feel the presence of authoritarianism. We are coerced into conformity and obeying the demands of "society." We quite naturally feel oppressed. We know that there is deceptive manipulation of the public will. We know that subtle political forces are extracting our wealth and crushing our liberties under altruistic pretenses.

Political power in the United States is reckless. The political system is nothing less than mob rule. Private property is pillaged and destroyed, and the people are manipulated to support it. There is no "consent of the governed."

Politics in America is not a party system. It is instead a repetitive and insulting process of pacifying the national will with the illusion of freedom and political choices.

Once we unmask the morality of criminal politics, we see a sophisticated process of using words and phrases to force upon us a social and moral ethic of conformity. In fact, our standard of mental health is nothing more than our complete submission to conformity. If we translate further, conformity means yielding to the morality of government authority without question. The "national interest" is a monopoly of demagogues and powercrats.

The answer for us is to inquire into government morality. Therein is revealed an unbelievable power system organized at every level to coerce us into self-sacrifice. We are pressed throughout our lives to believe that the shining path to utopia on Earth is built upon the fictions of egalitarianism and universalism. We should have faith in external authority with no thoughts of our own consciousness and personal well-being. A belief system of mysticism replaces rational thought.

But first, a little side trip is necessary to explain what I mean by universalism. Universalism is the belief that all men are or will be saved or redeemed, regardless of creed. It is the perfect religious system for deceiving people into political slavery because of its mass appeal to equality. In this way, universalism becomes a politico-religious organism. It is a comprehensive system for deceiving great masses of people. In the vision of utopian universalism, there are no races, colors, creeds nor standards of excellence.

Universalism organizes around and goes forward under similar ideologies ranging from humanitarianism to egalitarianism. These politico-religious ideologies are akin in their humanist depiction of men as victims of history, victims of other men and victims of God and in the belief in human progress or works as necessary to salvation. Universalism incorporates Islam, Judaism and all brotherhood religions in the religious sphere.

Universalism is socialism, communism and democracy in the political sphere. Only Christianity differs from these world religions, and only Christian families and communities founded on the truth can resist the deception and tyranny of universalism.

Universalism trumpets perfect freedom while resulting in total slavery. In the United States, universalism has led to superstitious and even barbaric beliefs and practices.

Homosexuality, bisexuality and polyamory are the new normal and are now codified into law by the lawless Supreme Court. These perversions are typically practiced around the world in cultures in which normal, healthful God-sanctioned relations between men and women are obliterated by pagan religions (e.g., Islam, Satanism, secular humanism). They are anathema to the Christian family as established by God: one man and one woman married for life, with children.

There is also a kind of fatalistic futurism among people which leads them to reject history, tradition, lineage and authority. Their behavior is fueled by the notion that this world either will not last much longer and/or that life in the world of their parents is forever lost or just not worth it. The state propaganda machine encourages this by flushing real history and heritage down the memory hole and replacing it with state-worshiping pseudo history.

The practical results of such beliefs are anarchy, barbarism and that which is promoted by the Council on Foreign Relations as "Third Worldism." Third Worldism is the guiding principle of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, etc., presuming that if underdeveloped nations are provided with the wealth of the industrialized nations, all will prosper ... all will be equal. One of the objectives of global democracy is to redistribute the wealth of the world in just this fashion, making all people everywhere absolutely equal. They want to distribute your wealth, not the wealth of the ruling oligarchs.

The key question then becomes, "How do people come to accept universalism?" One of the means is by secular, civic glory. That is, public sporting and political events take on a religious fervor, much as they did in the French and Russian communist revolutions. Another is the constant onslaught of humanistic and perverse propaganda disguised as entertainment that emanates from the idiot box.

Moreover, traditional and scriptural Christianity is gradually forced out and suppressed through intimidation and oppression and substituted with the new, secular system. Christians are targeted and forced to mute any discussion of their value system in the public sphere, threatened with loss of livelihood and forced into indoctrination camps if they refuse to conform to the new conventional wisdom. Some recent examples of this are Brendan Eich, Phil Robertson, Jack Phillips, Barronelle Stutzman, Elaine Huguenin, Aaron and Melissa Klein, Robert and Cynthia Gifford, and the LeBlanc family in Minnesota.

Christians and nonChristians alike in today's world accept government morality because they have acquired the same morality for themselves. Value relativism and universalism of thought have diminished in our lives the spiritual influence of the Holy Scriptures. We no longer know right from wrong; and in fact, right or wrong can now change from day to day, depending upon new conventional wisdom or how one feels at the time.

What was a sin and perversion yesterday is now not only state-sanctioned but state-promoted. Our senses are so dulled with altruistic propaganda that we no longer have an imperative to inquire. There is no distinction in our minds that our individual and personal identity is different or should be different from the crowd.

The crowd is a product of government force. But the individual is a creation of God. God's truth remains true, regardless of what the state says or commands. The individual can resist the perversion of the truth, and the godly individual must do so.

Inquiry is more than a curious mind. It is a disturbance of thought when values and inalienable rights are challenged and violated.

Our enlightened and open-minded readers want useful, practical and survival information based on perceptive reality. They know that there is something that they don't know, and they inquire because their values and property — their liberties — are threatened. They need a steady translation of the government and media hype. They know that their security is not in government, its fictions and illusions of reality. Nothing in the world could bring us faster command of happiness and survival than to understand the morality of government and its esoteric philosophy. To see the emperor without clothes is to see things as they really are.

What could be more degrading and insulting to our being than to imagine that we are free and never inquire? Yet we have allowed government mysticism to create an illusion of freedom that we have accepted as the real thing.

The agenda of government morality is to erase man as a rational individual, transfer his psyche into the programmed crowd with prescribed thinking of the herd mentality and "correct" behavior (or correct his behavior), then program his mind so that any influence outside of government morality is hostile environment.

The common herd mentality is a product of government force, though it is contrary to man's nature, his personal desire to acquire wealth and security, and his requirements for happiness.

In February 2002 I wrote in The Bob Livingston Letter, (www.boblivinstonletter.com, subscription required), "Christians, in your smugness, arrogance, conceit and materialism, the time will come when you may be considered 'a terrorist' if you claim your faith, belong to a patriotic group or even a pro-life organization."

My friends, we are there. I take no pleasure in being correct.



coerce us into self-sacrifice.

Might very well volunteering to accomplish whatever the organization or LLC deems necessary. The coersion, Public stating "You never volunteer for anything." Basically a lie. because they do not know every facet of your life.

The key question then becomes, "How do people come to accept universalism?" One of the means is by secular, civic glory. That is, public sporting and political events take on a religious fervor, much as they did in the French and Russian communist revolutions. Another is the constant onslaught of humanistic and perverse propaganda disguised as entertainment that emanates from the idiot box.

To me this means lollipops.

Inquiry is more than a curious mind. It is a disturbance of thought when values and inalienable rights are challenged and violated. when

I concur, I didn't know what I was getting to when I  started asking questions and people failed to answer them. I felt something very disturbing was going on. It took awhile to realize it was manipulation of our county citizens. This I found very disturbimg.

To see the emperor without clothes is to see things as they really are.

It sure is.



The cost of wind energy is significantly more expensive than its advocates pretend, a new US study has found.

If you believe this chart produced by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), then onshore wind is one of the cheapest forms of power – more competitive than nuclear, coal or hydro, and a lot more than solar.

But when you take into account the true costs of wind, it's around 48 per cent more expensive than the industry's official estimates – according to new research conducted by Utah State University.

"In this study, we refer to the 'true cost' of wind as the price tag consumers and society as a whole pay both to purchase wind-generated electricity and to subsidize the wind energy industry through taxes and government debt," said Ryan Yonk Ph.D., one of the report's authors and a founder of Strata Policy. "After examining all of these cost factors and carefully reviewing existing cost estimates, we were able to better understand how much higher the cost is for Americans."

The peer-reviewed report accounted for the following factors:

The federal Production Tax Credit (PTC), a crucial subsidy for wind producers, has distorted the energy market by artificially lowering the cost of expensive technologies and directing taxpayer money to the wind industry.

States have enacted Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) that require utilities to purchase electricity produced from renewable sources, which drives up the cost of electricity for consumers.

Because wind resources are often located far from existing transmission lines, expanding the grid is expensive, and the costs are passed on to taxpayers and consumers.

Conventional generators must be kept on call as backup to meet demand when wind is unable to do so, driving up the cost of electricity for consumers.

"Innovation is a wonderful thing and renewable energy is no exception. Wind power has experienced tremendous growth since the 1990's, but it has largely been a response to generous federal subsidies," Yonk stated.

Among the factors wind advocates fail to acknowledge, the report shows, is the "opportunity cost" of the massive subsidies which taxpayers are forced to provide in order to persuade producers to indulge in this otherwise grotesquely inefficient and largely pointless form of power generation.

In the US this amounts to an annual $5 billion per year in Production Tax Credits (PTC). Here is money that could have been spent on education, healthcare, defence or, indeed, which could have been left in the pockets of taxpayers to spend as they prefer.

Instead it has been squandered on bribing rent-seeking crony-capitalists to carpet the landscape with bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco-crucifixes to produce energy so intermittent that it is often unavailable when needed most (on very hot or very cold days when demand for air-conditioning or heating is high) and only too available on other occasions when a glut means that wind producers actually have to pay utilities to accept their unwanted energy. This phenomenon, known as "negative pricing", is worthwhile to wind producers because they only get their subsidy credits when they are producing power (whether it is needed or not). But clearly not worthwhile to the people who end up footing the bill: ie taxpayers.

Hence the observation of serial wind energy "investor" Warren Buffett, who says: "We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That's the only reason to build them. They don't make sense without the tax credit."

But even this report may underestimate the real costs of wind energy. It doesn't account for the damage caused to the health of people unfortunate enough to live near wind turbines, as acknowledged officially for the first time in this report produced for the Australian government.

Nor does it account for the environmental blight caused to the landscape – far greater, as Christopher Booker has reported, than that created by the greenies' bete noire fracking.

When Professor David MacKay stepped down as chief scientific adviser to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) last year, he produced a report comparing the environmental impact of a fracking site to that of wind farms. Over 25 years, he calculated, a single "shale gas pad" covering five acres, with a drilling rig 85ft high (only needed for less than a year), would produce as much energy as 87 giant wind turbines, covering 5.6 square miles and visible up to 20 miles away. Yet, to the greenies, the first of these, capable of producing energy whenever needed, without a penny of subsidy, is anathema; while the second, producing electricity very unreliably in return for millions of pounds in subsidies, fills them with rapture.

Nor yet does it factor in the epic destruction of avian fauna caused by these supposedly eco-friendly devices. According to Oxford University ecologist Clive Hambler:

Every year in Spain alone — according to research by the conservation group SEO/Birdlife — between 6 and 18 million birds and bats are killed by wind farms. They kill roughly twice as many bats as birds. This breaks down as approximately 110–330 birds per turbine per year and 200–670 bats per year. And these figures may be conservative if you compare them to statistics published in December 2002 by the California Energy Commission: 'In a summary of avian impacts at wind turbines by Benner et al (1993) bird deaths per turbine per year were as high as 309 in Germany and 895 in Sweden.'

Because wind farms tend to be built on uplands, where there are good thermals, they kill a disproportionate number of raptors. In Australia, the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle is threatened with global extinction by wind farms. In north America, wind farms are killing tens of thousands of raptors including golden eagles and America's national bird, the bald eagle. In Spain, the Egyptian vulture is threatened, as too is the Griffon vulture — 400 of which were killed in one year at Navarra alone. Norwegian wind farms kill over ten white-tailed eagles per year and the population of Smøla has been severely impacted by turbines built against the opposition of ornithologists.

Nor are many other avian species safe. In North America, for example, proposed wind farms on the Great Lakes would kill large numbers of migratory songbirds. In the Atlantic, seabirds such as the Manx Shearwater are threatened. Offshore wind farms are just as bad as onshore ones, posing a growing threat to seabirds and migratory birds, and reducing habitat availability for marine birds (such as common scoter and eider ducks).

In Britain, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has belatedly acknowledged the problem – which his Prime Minister's "greenest government ever" helped create – by promising to rein in green energy subsidies.

The cost of subsidising new wind farms is spiralling out of control, government sources have privately warned.

Officials admitted that so-called "green" energy schemes will require a staggering £9 billion a year in subsidies – paid for by customers – by 2020. This is £1.5 billion more than the maximum limit the coalition had originally planned.

The mounting costs will mean every household in the country is forced to pay an estimated £170 a year by the end of the decade to support the renewable electricity schemes that were promoted by the coalition.

But given the damage that has already done to the British landscape by wind turbines it may well be a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. Especially when you consider that this man has already made £100 million out of the scam and that there are no mechanisms to get any of that wasted money back.



Yer paying for all that Wind Farm nonsense.

Call it Fascism.

Republicans and reconstructed Democrats stealing liberty from America.

Diane Amberg

Again with the labels. What would you prefer? Go back to candles? If they were so great why did they fall out of favor? If air conditioning was such a waste, why did most everyone embrace it once it became available and more reasonable in price?
I guess we could still wash our clothes by pounding them on a rock, but for most people, why?  Shall we take the country folks electricity away again after so much was done ,and paid for by other people's taxes, to bring it to unprofitable areas?
Do people really like hauling water? Would they still do it if they didn't have to?
The Amish still have that simple way of life and even they embrace a more modern, safer lifestyle now.

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