Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I appologize for that out burst I should have been more polite and said suckup instead of kiss-asses.

But still no answers, because you lack the knowledge to respond, isn't that right?
Time will tell when the damage to Elk County is done with some goofy idea like the ones on page one of this thread? Those goofy ideas don't appear to be going there, so they can be read anytime, like I said on page one of this thread.

Even with free taxpayer money to purchase equipment the Elk Konnected Fitness Center failed, remember?
Here read and weep:

Prairie Star

Wellness Center opens in Howard

A new wellness and fitness center has opened at 129 N. Wabash in Howard, operted by Elk Konnected.
The building is owned by See-Kan which is leasing it to Elk Konnected, LLC.

The mission of See-Kan is to enhance the quality of life in Southeast Kansas by providing leadership, education, and communication to help find solutions and resources for community needs.

Elk Konnected, a familiar name in Elk County and the surrounding communities, is a community development program designed to promote strong families, solid education, and a superior lifestyle. The Community Wellness team will have a float in the parade this weekend during the Elk River Festival activities, as well as host an open house in the building on Saturday.

The team encourages people to stop by to see the building and some of the fitness equipment already in place, as well as pledge a membership. The Fitness Center is still in the planning phase and is not open for business yet, but the Wellness Team hopes to have it ready within a few weeks.

September 23, 2009 · It was Posted in Newspaper.

It was a total failure, wasn't it?

Is this the way our county government will be ran with another Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Board?

Only time will tell, huh?

How has Elk Konnected provided any of the things they claim they are designed to promote as in strong families, solid education, and a superior lifestyle? Where are the accomplishments?

Will the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Board provide taxpayer funds to Elk Konnected so they can pay their dues to Public Squares Communities ?

Since you can not provide an intelligable answers, we will have to wait and see, won't we?

I have heard that the Fredonia Chamber of Commerce voted to not give any more funds for thier part in their NGO. What do you know about that?

Oops! I fogot, you got now answers.

I's a shame you only know haw to pat each other on the back and have no answers!

Bye-bye for now.


People of Elk County are talking and those with no answers and simply suck up to each other will be the losers.
Check out http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,16292.msg221471.html#new
Good Folks
Good Sense.

It's A "Different Thingy" Going On
What's Orchestrated And Organized Behind The Curtain? 
It's snarky when they disagree with you, otherwise,
its clever wit!
These attitudes can not be permitted to continue to fly.


Quote from: redcliffsw on August 07, 2014, 06:18:18 AM
It's Ross' politics that bothers you all more than anything.  Ross supports small and good government, not your social agenda financed by government force. 

That how I'm seeing it.

Thank you redsclifsw, you are so right.
I do'nt care much for Progressive Liberal Socialist Watedful People in Government.

Sheeple are so easily lead, some call it leadership!
Not me! If it sounds shady question it, until answers are recieved.
Remember the Kindergarten Stars and all the Lollipops!
Remember being herded to circles of chairs and being told who you could or could not sit with?
I failed to follow their orders and the Sheriff was called-in, remember?
Simple tools of Progressive Liberal Socialist Leader wanna be's.
Just my thoughts and opinion!

I sure as hell hope not!


Hi Folks,

I have missed the last two School Board Meeting, but not by choice (well yes it was by choice), I do want to attend these meetings, because I want to know first hand what the Konnected School Board Members are doing. That's not to say that everyone on the School Board is Konnected, I am certain one of them is intelligent enough to think for himself.

I missed the School Board Meetings because of Higher Priority personal reasons, that I don't feel a need to share. I will say everything went smoothly and ended with the finest of results. It was a Quality of Life situation and no help from Elk Konnected. Have they ever defined what Quality of Life means to them?

While on the subject of Elk Konnected where are they?

Who are they?

Are they they really the Old Guard in New Dresses?

What are their present day goals?

Did they get a member elected to the County Commissioners Board?

Will that mean we will have another Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Board?

Will that Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Board changes the by-laws so they can re-hire the old Konnected Youth Development and Economic Development Employee at great expense to the property owners and taxpayers? The two previous positions provided nothing for the county, will it happen again?

Will that new Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Board resume providing taxpayers dollars to their organization as they did in the past?

Will that new Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Board try to run that Neighborhood Revitalization Program once again? You know where they give special property tax breaks to special people? Shouldn't everyone pay their fair share of property tax?

Will Elk Konnected or their Konected Followers (sheeple) step up and answer any questions?

Why do they hide?

Are they ashamed of their Konnection?

Oh no I have't disappeared, just been busy!
I still have uanswered questions!

And it doesn't appear anyone is intelligent enough to answer any of them?

It doesn't appear that all them college diplomas provide much in the way of answers, does it?

Can any of the Konnected get Konnectedwith enough intellegence to provide any Konnectedanswers?

Even Obama and Holder and Biden have answers, even though they are usually wrong !

Is that what is perhaps bothering the Konected Followers[/b] (sheeple)? That their answer will be wrong?

Oh my gosh I think I landed on the real problem!

Have a happy Sunday everyone. I know I will, I have out of town company coming.


If you listen to Ross blow, everyone that doesn't agree with him is part of Elk Konnected. I happen to know that Shari Kaminski has never had anything to do with Elk Konnected. All my family and friends in Elk County intend to vote for Shari. She is super sharp and her family are Ranchers and landowners in Elk County. Doug is not a landowner and what he farms is land owned by Shari's Aunt. Think about it what has Ross done for Elk County, NOTHING.


Wow, what a dy-no-mite response, just WOW!

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM

I've asked before What is a JoeSue is it a male or female or a transvite? Who is Joesue? 
Ya all know who I am, I'm Ross, I'm not hiding behind a transexual name, am I?

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
If you listen to Ross blow, everyone that doesn't agree with him is part of Elk Konnected.

I do not blow, but perhaps you do!

You fail to comprehend; I asked ,who is Elk Konnected?
What is Elk Konnected? Do these questions offend you?
Why Joesue, why is it that everyone denies a Konnection with Elk Konnected?
Or perhaps, I should ask why no one admits being Konnected?

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
I happen to know that Shari Kaminski has never had anything to do with Elk Konnected.

Can you prove that, what ya got to back it up with?
Why doesn't she come right on here and make that statement herself?
It sure would be reassuring, if she had the backbone to do that, in my personal opinion!
Why can't she just flat out make the statement, "I have never been involved directly or indirectly with Elk Konnected." ?

Are you also saying Shari Kaminski has no Konnection with our previous Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liz Hendricks?

Can Shari Kaminski say the exact same thing?

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
All my family and friends in Elk County intend to vote for Shari.

That's nice! Would be all five of them? Wait a minute, I'm sorry but because you hide behind that funny name, I have no idea who you are or what you are or how many people you might be talking about. Sorry!

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
She is super sharp and her family are Ranchers and landowners in Elk County.

She is so sharp she tried to deflect questions from the crowd at the Longton Free Fair Political Forum, right? And that's why she asked, why everyone was picking on her and not Doug Rits, right? That sharp?

I did hear you say the she owns land but that her family owns land?
Was that by chance inherited land that belongs to all the family members?
Just asking.

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
Doug is not a landowner and what he farms is land owned by Shari's Aunt.

What difference does it make if Doug own or leases the land he farms?
Are you trying to discredit a hard working farmer?  ---  shame on you.
He pays the property tax either way?
So just how does that disqualify or make him any less a citizen and taxpayer and voter in Elk County?

Even the poor folks that rent homes in Elk County pay property taxes in Elk County through their rent money to their landlord and the landlord make a profit as well.

A lot of renters, say I ain't gonna vote because, I don't pay taxes in Elk County! They just don't understand if property taxes go up their rent will go up to make up the difference. So really, they should vote to protect themselves.

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
Think about it what has Ross done for Elk County, NOTHING.

Oh, really!

I own my own little ranch/farm, I didn't inherit it either and I don't owe the bank on it either, but what difference does that make?

Just like all other property owners in Elk County, I support the County with my property taxes.

I brought new blood to Elk County; I understand the old blood is growing stale --- just kidding about the old blood – bad joke.

I brought new money into Elk County of which much is spent supporting the merchants in Elk County, which provides them a profit. And guess what it happens each and every month.

I have also provide a few good laughs for some people with my green horn farming and ranching. Did you ever drive by my place and have a good laugh at my amateur round bales of hay? Well you really missed something. But the cows that ate it didn't laugh while eating it.

I also provide this thread for all to read and with the help of a few people information provided caused an awakening of sorts. Perhaps you are not familiar with the whole thread, it is an interesting read of manipulation and circus of circle of chairs and kindergarten stars for adults.

On one hand it ain't much, but on the other hand it is a lot. It all depends on the perception of the reader. How's your perception?        I'm just an outsider, so why do you bother?   Every one know I'm an outsider right?

What has Shari Kaminski done for Elk County besides abandon it for 25 years and then did it a big favor by coming back?  She is not the only one, that abandoned Elk County for many, many years is she?

If you consider the questions as just "Blowing" Please excuse yourself from responding or please answer the questions. Please go back to my previous post and review those questions. I would really like to hear some responsible answers and I'm sure others would too!

I had to come back and modify the following question: modification is in bold red.
One last question please, "What has Joesue of Caney done for Elk County?" Fair is Fair isn't it?

Thank you !

Have a Great Evening.


Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
Doug is not a landowner and what he farms is land owned by Shari's Aunt. Think about it what has Ross done for Elk County, NOTHING.

So he leases your Aunt Shari's land and farms it, no big deal.
Lot's of farmers lease land to farm.

However your remark that Doug Rits does not own land is poppycock, nasty politics or a lie or perhaps arrogant ignorance. Take your pick.

The County Assessor county website of property ownership shows otherwise.

So you must be as sharp as your Aunt, huh, Joesue23 of Caney?

If you are going to politic, why must you copy the methods of Washington, D.C. ?

You see I don't know Doug Ritz personally but I have seen the improvements he has made as County Commissioner without the lies. He is an honest man.

Are you still politicing?


I just heard a local RUMOR, perhaps some of you may have heard it and can fill in the blanks.


           HOWARD WILL  be getting a DOLLAR GENERAL ?

The reported location is across the highway from West Elk District Office in the raggedy old house.

The advantage of the location is
                                1. Larger population in Howard than other communities in the county.
                                2. Outside the Howard City limits across the highway, no property taxes for Howard.
                                3. Very close to the West Elk School Kids and their pocket change.

One advantage for Howard they get to lose a blight on the landscape, the old house would be gone and the lot cleaned up, isn't that right?

I'd bet there are some major draw backs to this enterprise for local Merchants.
I can't quite put my finger on them right now, perhaps someone else can supply some info on that subject.

How will this enterprise aid or harm Elk County's overall economy?

Unlike me, bringing fresh money into the county every month, won't this CORPORATION be taking money out of the county?

What is the Great Elk Konnected's take on this "Quality of Life" function?
Aren't these tangible things what Elk Konnected considers "Quality of Life" function?

So Elk Konnected enlighten us, please ! You have all the answers don't you?
You are commuity organizers aren't you? We patiently await your educated response, thank you!

Would the possible future County Commissioner enlighten us on this Economic Development situation since she has said she wants to have Economic Development and Youth Development re-established in Elk County.
Let's here it! Is this what you refered to as industry, you want to bring to Elk County?

Oh, Ms. Kaminski will you be a Konnected Kounty Kommissioner when seated on the Couty Commissioners Board? The reason I ask is your opening speech at the Longton Free Fair Political Forum echoed so strongly of Elk Konnected ! 

Oh and during your speech you rather knocked the West Elk School District Voters, that was just shameful.
It's as if you don't beieve the voters have a right to say, "NO". By the way Elected County Commissioners and County Government are a seperate entity from the Elected Officials of the West Elk School District Government.  They are even seperate property taxing entities. I hope that clarifies Government business for you a little bit.

ow about some of that type of information on the subject of Dollar General?
We the citizens deserve answers, We deserve Clarity, We deserve Transparency, don't we?

Is this just a dumb rumor or what do you the Great Elk Konnected know about it?


Jane, is there any truth in the note about a Family Dollar store going on your land.


Quote from: frawin on August 26, 2014, 06:50:33 AM
Jane, is there any truth in the note about a Family Dollar store going on your land.

Yea Jane if not your land whose Land is it going on?

Where are all them Konnected Follower folks with all the answers?

Where are the neighborhood organizers with the answers?

Can anyone confirm a rumor ?


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