Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Care to buy
"A Pig In A Poke"
Sukka ?

Common Core Developers
Fail To Warranty Product

Although many would like Americans to believe that the Common Core standards were developed by states, were state led, and belong to the states, that is simply false. The standards belong solely to the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The NGA and CCSSO license of the standards only "grants" a limited license of the Common Core Standards to the states that supposedly developed them. The NGA and CCSSO Common Core Public License can be seen in its entirety here: http://www.corestandards.org/public-license

The license agreement states that: "NGA/CCSSO shall be acknowledged as the sole owners and developers of the Common Core State Standards, and no claims to the contrary shall be made." So does Oregon own the standards? No. Does Wisconsin own the standards? No. Does Massachusetts own the standards? No. No state owns the standards.

The license agreement makes it clear that although the NGA and the CCSSO own the standards, they do not stand behind them or make any claim to their efficacy or effectiveness. In fact, they want nothing to do with accountability, outcomes, or any damage the standards may cause.

Reading the policy, one is reminded of the "Sold As-Is" sticker on the window of a used car. This part of the license is written by the NGA and CCSSO lawyers in all capital letters, presumably so states don't miss it and fail to understand the implications:


The standards have no guarantee of "fitness for a particular purpose." The purpose of the standards is college- and career-readiness for K-12 students in all states where they were adopted. But the NGA and the CCSSO clearly do not warranty or guarantee their fitness, accuracy, or absence of errors.

If anything is found lacking in the standards, or if in fact our education system circles the drain in the coming years, the NGA and the CCSSO want nothing to do with any liability for the standards. Children, parents, teachers, school districts, and states are on their own. This section is presented in all capital letters, as well, lest anyone become confused and believe the developers can be held responsible in any way for what was developed:


Some are left wondering why there is such emphasis on not being held responsible
for the results of something that is supposedly well-researched, benchmarked, and developed by experts. In fact, Common Core is not benchmarked or based on any scientific or education studies. It's simply based on what the NGA, CCSSO, and their agent, Achieve, Inc., wanted to produce. And they are not education "experts."

It seems that if the giant, national experiment that is Common Core fails, those opponents who are sending up warnings that this is a bad idea will have to be satisfied with saying, "We told you so."

It will come as no surprise to those who have studied Common Core to learn that should some entity be foolish enough to be undeterred by all the legal protections with which the developers have shielded themselves, a lawsuit could not be filed in any state where the "state-led" standards were supposedly developed. The NGA and the CCSSO are private lobbying organizations headquartered in Washington, D.C., and as such: "A court of competent jurisdiction in Washington, D.C. shall be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any disputes regarding this License, and consent to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction, and venue, of such court is irrevocably given."

The Common Core license
agreement demonstrates a lack of confidence in the product. If it were a used car, no one would buy it.



(Remarks in Parenthesis and blue ar my opinion)

WICHITA, Kansas – For lawmakers, Governor Brownback signing the controversial education bill into law Monday afternoon is a huge win for the classroom.

One of the provisions in the law allows people with experience in companies or advanced degrees to go straight into the classroom rather than earn their teaching degree.

"They are going to be able to go into our classrooms and teach because they are well qualified individuals, who lacked having that teaching license, and sometimes that is prohibitive if somebody was just let go, or they are at the end of their career when Boeing just left town," said Sen. Michael O'Donnell.

But some teachers have had a very different response to the law.

"My first thought was this is ludicrous. How can someone, who has no teaching background, come in and expect to be highly qualified teachers of science or math? It doesn't make any sense," said David Clark, science teacher.

(How many non-highly qualified teachers do we have in the classroom now? How many teachers bore their kids to sleep?)

For teachers, who have their license, putting someone who hasn't had special training on how to teach children could be more of a hindrance than an advantage.

(Could be a great experience for everyone. We should be so fortunate to get someone with real life  field experience. Aren't the teachers just afraid of a Masters Degree in Science or Mathematics? Aren't they just afraid of being shown up?)

"It's not as simple. I think as let's throw some math and science educated people," said Clark.
(I taught a lot of young sailors aboard ship (fresh out of high school) I would never have thought I would be doing that. But it happened because of real life on the job experience.)

(Didn't we just get rid of a School Superintendent, wasn't he educated in education, didn't he have a teaching license? Can we hear it for that konnected positive attitude locally)

Now that the bill is law, it's an issue that individual districts will decide on as they determine who they want to hire.

"This is a great win for the teachers and the classroom because we're going to have opportunities to have individuals who have masters degrees in math and science," said O'Donnell.

(They might even bring some freshness to the profession? Maybe we could earn a blue ribbon school, year after year.)



(Remarks in Parenthesis and blue are my opinion

Personally I think we got a good deal especially with the tax break, I sure hope so. Only time will tell. )

TOPEKA, Kansas - Gov. Sam Brownback has signed a $129 million school funding measure aimed at satisfying a March 7 Kansas Supreme Court ruling.

The signing took place at 4 p.m. at the Governor's Ceremonial Office.

Legislators finished work on the bill April 6 and will go back to a three-judge district court panel for review.

The measure increases spending by more than $129 million, funds separate programs at state colleges and universities and makes changes in education policy, including teacher employment rights.

"It provides $73 million into the classroom and $78 million in property tax relief annually. It returns local control to school districts and counties," said Brownback. "It is an investment in our future of our children and in the future of our state."

Brownback's supporters have praised the measure for providing more money for education and property tax relief to school districts.

(Elk County really needs this, especially the way West Elk USD-282  School Board is constantly trying to figure new ways to raise property taxes. And also because we are right up there at the top of the list of county's paying the most property tax in Kansas )

Money aside, Democratic Minority Leader Paul Davis says he is uncomfortable with a provision in the bill that makes it easier for teachers to be fired.

"But unfortunately, Governor Brownback and his allies in the legislature inserted a provision that does away with due process rights for teachers."

(Really due process or just tenure? Sure it can make it easier to fire a poor teacher! Unless you are a poor teacher what do you have to fear, besides fear itself? Perhaps the perceived pressure on teachers will motivate some to be better teachers.)

(Don't they still have thieir teachers union? Don't they have far better due process than the average worker without a union? I also taught young people in the Naval Shipyard, wothout tenure. Whoopie!)


How States Compare
in the 2014
Best High Schools Rankings
By Robert Morse April 21, 2014

How States Compare in the 2014 Best High Schools Rankings
Maine performed the best in the latest rankings of public high schools.
By Robert Morse April 21, 2014 SHARE

A state-by-state breakdown of the 2014 Best High Schools rankings shows that Maine is this year's leading performer, with 22.2 percent of its eligible schools earning gold and silver medals.

(Look for Kansas at the bottom of the list.)

This year's rankings covered all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
State rank    State    Number of eligible high schools*    Total number of gold medal schools    Percent of schools with gold medals    Total number of silver medal schools    Percent of schools with silver medals    Total number of gold and silver medals    Percent of schools with gold and silver medals
1    ME    90    4    4.4%    16    17.8%    20    22.2%
2    CA    1,872    105    5.6%    310    16.6%    415    22.2%
3    CT    188    17    9.0%    20    10.6%    37    19.7%
4    MA    341    22    6.5%    41    12.0%    63    18.5%
5    MD    228    13    5.7%    29    12.7%    42    18.4%
6    NH    83    0    0.0%    13    15.7%    13    15.7%
7    VA    319    20    6.3%    28    8.8%    48    15.0%
8    OH    824    22    2.7%    93    11.3%    115    14.0%
9    TX    1,382    54    3.9%    135    9.8%    189    13.7%
10    CO    331    14    4.2%    31    9.4%    45    13.6%
11    VT    59    0    0.0%    8    13.6%    8    13.6%
12    NY    1,136    55    4.8%    99    8.7%    154    13.6%
13    FL    602    29    4.8%    52    8.6%    81    13.5%
14    DC    31    2    6.5%    2    6.5%    4    12.9%
15    WA    433    9    2.1%    46    10.6%    55    12.7%
16    IN    362    4    1.1%    41    11.3%    45    12.4%
17    GA    414    17    4.1%    34    8.2%    51    12.3%
18    KY    229    5    2.2%    23    10.0%    28    12.2%
19    AK    82    0    0.0%    10    12.2%    10    12.2%
20    NJ    383    25    6.5%    19    5.0%    44    11.5%
21    IL    628    19    3.0%    53    8.4%    72    11.5%
22    AZ    378    8    2.1%    35    9.3%    43    11.4%
23    NC    329    2    0.6%    34    10.3%    36    10.9%
24    RI    49    1    2.0%    4    8.2%    5    10.2%
25    NV    73    1    1.4%    6    8.2%    7    9.6%
26    OR    283    4    1.4%    22    7.8%    26    9.2%
27    NM    160    3    1.9%    11    6.9%    14    8.8%
28    PA    674    7    1.0%    49    7.3%    56    8.3%
29    HI    49    0    0.0%    4    8.2%    4    8.2%
30    MT    37    1    2.7%    2    5.4%    3    8.1%
31    AR    273    1    0.4%    21    7.7%    22    8.1%
32    DE    25    0    0.0%    2    8.0%    2    8.0%
33    MN    518    7    1.4%    34    6.6%    41    7.9%
34    MI    780    10    1.3%    50    6.4%    60    7.7%
35    WI    446    2    0.4%    32    7.2%    34    7.6%
36    SC    207    2    1.0%    12    5.8%    14    6.8%
37    ID    166    1    0.6%    10    6.0%    11    6.6%
38    WY    62    0    0.0%    4    6.5%    4    6.5%
39    WV    112    0    0.0%    7    6.3%    7    6.3%
40    OK    281    4    1.4%    11    3.9%    15    5.3%
41    TN    333    4    1.2%    13    3.9%    17    5.1%
42    AL    356    3    0.8%    12    3.4%    15    4.2%
43    IA    334    0    0.0%    12    3.6%    12    3.6%
44    UT    148    1    0.7%    4    2.7%    5    3.4%
45    MO    473    2    0.4%    13    2.7%    15    3.2%
46    NE    170    0    0.0%    4    2.4%    4    2.4%
47    KS    109    0    0.0%    2    1.8%    2    1.8%
48    SD    122    0    0.0%    2    1.6%    2    1.6%
49    LA    301    0    0.0%    3    1.0%    3    1.0%
50    MS    244    0    0.0%    1    0.4%    1    0.4%
51    ND    104    0    0.0%    0    0.0%    0    0.0%

See the complete Article at: http://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/articles/2014/04/21/how-states-compare-in-the-2014-best-high-schools-rankings

Best High Schools
in Kansas
We reviewed 31,242 U.S. public high schools; 32 Kansas schools made our rankings.


Kansas High Schools Ratings
Go to : (to see West Elk USD-282 Near KS Avg there is no information on the Schools National Average.)

Do we still need to focus more on Sports or Education?
What is our School Board doing to improve education at West Elk?
We have been told that West Elk is doing above average, but this chart from http://www.usnews.com/ says otherwise.

Which is it a million dollar gymnasium and more sports
and higher property taxes
More Focus on Education.


So do our elected officials called School Board Members of West Elk USD-282 listen to the voters?
Or do they listen to someone else?
Or do they possibly listen to some organization?
I know they don't listen to themselves, because I heard them say at several School Board meetings that a School Bond Issue will not pass, the voters won't go for it.
I heard them plan this June 3, 2014 Bond Issue while saying if it fails they would have time to get a November Bond Issue ready.

Does any of that sound like they have your property taxes in mind? They even said they could raise property taxes again by 4 mil even if the Bond Issue passes to meet whatever the $4 million doesn't cover.

Let's review what West Elk USD-282 already has:

        1. A school Building Designed to house 600 students. And only 300 student's.
        2. Four Portable Class Room Modules for an additional 8 Class Rooms.
        3. A penchant for building professional sports facility.
        4. A below average grade as posted in a previous post in this thread.
        5. A recent Bond Issue just a couple of years ago with 75% of the tax payers voted a
             Resounding "NO".
        6. An estimated $28,000 or more wasted on Architects.

So who are they listening to?

Maybe the School Board President who said his children will probably grow up and graduate with out being able to experience the pleasure of playing in a brand new gymnasium?

Or are they listening to the Konnected School Board Members.

Here is something interesting I ran across about Common Core, and how we are being used.
And a couple of my remarks. Just click on the line above the box to go to the thread and read the article.

Quote from: ROSS on April 24, 2014, 01:57:46 PM
Here is the proof that just because
you have money and may be considered
the elite
doesn't mean you are smart.
Are we to be so easily bought?
Are we to be someone's whore just because they have money?
Are we to be their play toy?
We each need to evaluate ourselves, IMHO!

One Man's Money: Bill Gates,
Education, and Common Core

You decide.


For you Elk Konnected people.

Especially School Board Members and County Commissioner about Economic Development and what won't work.

Week in Review: Errors, doomsday and
tax breaks
By Travis Perry  /   April 25, 2014

In the last two years alone, Kansas has distributed more than $28 million in payroll tax breaks to encourage businesses to create new jobs in the Sunflower State. But a Missouri university professor broke the data down by the numbers, and the results aren't pretty. What's the big find? As it turns out, receiving a government handout doesn't make a business more likely to create new jobs.


Also building a larger un-needed School Building won't but harm our present economic situation even further.

And it will not help the continuing decline in population.

Neither will running another School Bond issue in November when Bond Issue the on June 3rd gets voted down.

If you want economic development in Elk County you have to start with the basics and it is not complicated.

The more you raise taxes, the further damage you do to Elk County Economics, that is as simple as it gets.
             The more you raise taxes, the more people you drive out of the county.
             Which causes further declines in population.
             Even driving out poor folks hurts the few merchants in Elk County.
             Because there goes the food stamps. (Economics - money for the store owners pocket.)
             Because there goes the poor children reducing school enrollment even further.

Elk County Population
2000        3,261       −2.0%
  2010      2,882       −11.6%
Est.2012      2,720          −5.6%

As of the 2010 census, the Howard city population was 687.
So with a guesstimated minimum decline of 2% population per year
the population might look like this:
                   For Elk County
            2012   -   2065
            2014   -   2023 

                    For Howard
            2011    -       673
            2012    -       660
            2013    -       647
            2014    -       634
I figure these are on the low side, actual decline may be more extensive.
If you have better numbers, please share them with us.

Economic Growth is suppose to show Growth in numbers not a decline !

Simple Economics: Drive people away with ever higher taxes, reduces the amount of money entering the county and there is less money to be spent with the store owners. Which means less money for maintaining a business, which leads to more store closures.

Building un-necessary School Buildings or Extensions or add on's by raising taxes damages the Economy of the County as a whole - not just the School District.

Simple Common Sense.
(Not Common Core)
A "NO" vote on the June 3rd ballot will be best for Elk County as a whole.

That is not what the Elk Konnected Kommunity and the people they have in elected positions want to hear, I'm sure. But, that is quite alright, because we have a larger and a better and a real community that needs taken care of. A community that and is depicted on the maps, real boundary's. Not imaginary.

Isn't it time to look out for Elk County as a real and a whole community instead of listening to an imaginary Kommunity. Isn't it time to ignore a Kommunity. whose apparent and only distinguishable trait is to play with just a very few of the county's children, occasionally, in order to get their name in the newspaper?

Vote "NO" to preserve what is left of the County!
Vote "NO" to preserve what is left of the taxpayer!
Vote "NO" because it is the only sensible thing to do!
Vote "NO" because it is what the School Board expects!

Just my thoughts and opinions. I hope enough people agree !


This Includes Education and School Politics


Front page of this weeks
is a

I guess the School Board and the Editor think we lack the ability to comprehend the bias in the story about the school bond. The editor did call us a bunch of boobs, didn't he?

(all emphasis is mine)

In my opinion their arrogant ignorance stands out like a sore thumb.

Yes, I'm talking about the School Board, the Editor and their Konnections with Elk Konnected.  If you are proud of being Elk Konnected how about using those Kommunication Skills and tell us who you are and why you are proud to be Elk Konnected.

The Editor reported, "This is the first attempt since 2009 when a bond issue election failed --- one that would have constructed a new elementary facility on the HOWARD campus."

(Mr. Editor there is no Howard Campus, there is what could be referred to as West Elk USD-282 District Campus. Sorry Howard, you lose! Not everything in Elk County is about Howard, sorry. Or the rest of the county would not be voting, would they?)

The Editor, said they chose to merge all educational training to ONE CENTRAL CAMPUS, located outside of Howard along Highway 99.

Where have we heard all that CENTRALLY LOCATED garbage before?

Wasn't it Elk Konnected ?

Let's review page one of this thread shall we?
Elk Konnected'shand out to what was the  Elk Konnected Kommissioners Board , right?

I'm going to high light parts of this.

Quote from: ROSS on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair - I (Big Idea's)
Courthouse Improvements - 2 (Idea's)

Centrally located
county fairgrounds with 1 fair - 1 (Big Idea's)

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

I sure am glad they didn't get full control of the county aren't you?
Each of the little communities have their own personality and I personally like that, don't you?
We finally wrested county control away from them, but I hear they are already planning to take it back.
Is that what we want?

I know two members of the School Board are Elk Konnected and I believe all the rest except one are also Elk Konnected !
Why do I say that?

None will deny being Elk Konnected members, that's why!

I have to get busy with my chores, I'll get back to the newspaper article a little later.

Thank you for your tolerance. After all, I'm no newspaper editor.


Now some more
about that
of a newspaper!

The newspaper said we had an increase in student enrollment, I find that really strange, because I can't find such record with the Kansas State Department of Education. Those extra bodies have to be reported to the state, in order for the school district, to be paid for those extra students? And I am wondering, where they are coming from, with a continuing decline of population in Elk County.
Does any one know?
Can anyone find where an increase in student enrollment was reported to the state?
I'd sure like to see a link for the web page that shows that increase.

The newspaper says the actual election is set for Tuesday, June 17th. What happened to the advertised June 3 that was written up in the legal announcement in the newspaper and as reported to the Kansas State Department of Education? 

Oh well, the paper says the County will be mailing out the ballots on or about May 28th. I'm sure we can count on the County to get the job done! But the paper says on or about May 28th, why the waffling. Can't the School Board set a date and get the job done?

The newspaper discussed the worthless survey the school board ran which I don't feel was worth all the expense let alone all the paper used to print copies for everyone. If the School Board was smart they could have saved a lot of money and used digital paper, so to speak. What ever happened to understanding the digital world of computers? And their public meeting the newspaper mentioned was nothing short of a flop.

Well, the newspaper also says we will be mailed a ballot and specific information about what the  ballot is for. How sweet of them, more paper waste? It is on the ballot right?  And on top of that they are going to tell you all about the appurtenances, how gracious of them. Just what are appurtenances?
Well Merriam Webster says --- an object that is used for something. Are you duly impressed?

You see the School Board was told by the architect, not to write additional stuff on the ballot, so they are just going to stuff the envelope.

The newspaper also states, "Instructions will be included on how to mark the ballot to vote either for or against the proposal which will be submitted in detail with the ballot." Isn't that sweet of the School Board, to think we need detailed instructions, on how to mark either the Yes or No box on the ballot. All us Elk County Boobs need detailed instructions don't we?

The School Board in my opinion is simply trying to confuse the voting public and the process, hoping to get the thing passed. They already know it won't, and have already stated, at meetings, they will brow beat us by doing it all over again in November.

They are expecting a "NO", so let's not let them down.

"Throughout history, supposedly enlightened elite's have been able to convince themselves that they are right and everyone else is wrong. The fact that they have always been wrong before does not, somehow, lead them to question those assumptions in the present day, because this is such a convenient belief to have."

There are those that oppose OPPOSITION even when they know they are wrong! That will make up problems that don't exist or create a problem to prove themselves right. All the while they still remain wrong! Are they not wrong in opposing OPPOSITION?

Folks remember you have the power to change things towards your own positive. You don't have to be boobs.

Your local vote carries much more power than your national vote.
Please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE.
When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO " [/quote]

"A life directed chiefly toward the fulfillment of personal desires will sooner or later always lead to bitter disappointment."
—Albert Einstein ---

Awe heck, I'm tired and heading to see the sandman.
I'll be praying for some more rain tonight.
Good night all.


Quote from: ROSS on May 08, 2014, 09:34:51 PM
Now some more
about that
of a newspaper!

The newspaper said we had an increase in student enrollment, I find that really strange, because I can't find such record with the Kansas State Department of Education. Those extra bodies have to be reported to the state, in order for the school district, to be paid for those extra students? And I am wondering, where they are coming from, with a continuing decline of population in Elk County.
Does any one know?
Can anyone find where an increase in student enrollment was reported to the state?
I'd sure like to see a link for the web page that shows that increase.

The newspaper says the actual election is set for Tuesday, June 17th. What happened to the advertised June 3 that was written up in the legal announcement in the newspaper and as reported to the Kansas State Department of Education? 

Oh well, the paper says the County will be mailing out the ballots on or about May 28th. I'm sure we can count on the County to get the job done! But the paper says on or about May 28th, why the waffling. Can't the School Board set a date and get the job done?

The newspaper discussed the worthless survey the school board ran which I don't feel was worth all the expense let alone all the paper used to print copies for everyone. If the School Board was smart they could have saved a lot of money and used digital paper, so to speak. What ever happened to understanding the digital world of computers? And their public meeting the newspaper mentioned was nothing short of a flop.

Well, the newspaper also says we will be mailed a ballot and specific information about what the  ballot is for. How sweet of them, more paper waste? It is on the ballot right?  And on top of that they are going to tell you all about the appurtenances, how gracious of them. Just what are appurtenances?
Well Merriam Webster says --- an object that is used for something. Are you duly impressed?

You see the School Board was told by the architect, not to write additional stuff on the ballot, so they are just going to stuff the envelope.

The newspaper also states, "Instructions will be included on how to mark the ballot to vote either for or against the proposal which will be submitted in detail with the ballot." Isn't that sweet of the School Board, to think we need detailed instructions, on how to mark either the Yes or No box on the ballot. All us Elk County Boobs need detailed instructions don't we?

The School Board in my opinion is simply trying to confuse the voting public and the process, hoping to get the thing passed. They already know it won't, and have already stated, at meetings, they will brow beat us by doing it all over again in November.

They are expecting a "NO", so let's not let them down.

"Throughout history, supposedly enlightened elite's have been able to convince themselves that they are right and everyone else is wrong. The fact that they have always been wrong before does not, somehow, lead them to question those assumptions in the present day, because this is such a convenient belief to have."

There are those that oppose OPPOSITION even when they know they are wrong! That will make up problems that don't exist or create a problem to prove themselves right. All the while they still remain wrong! Are they not wrong in opposing OPPOSITION?

Folks remember you have the power to change things towards your own positive. You don't have to be boobs.

Your local vote carries much more power than your national vote.
Please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE.
When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO "

"A life directed chiefly toward the fulfillment of personal desires will sooner or later always lead to bitter disappointment."
—Albert Einstein ---

Awe heck, I'm tired and heading to see the sandman.
I'll be praying for some more rain tonight.
Good night all.

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