Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Nancy on March 03, 2014, 01:53:52 PM
Who is the Elite?  Once again the citizens of Elk Co. that went to the meeting that you left is where the ideas on page one came from. You have been told numerous times to contact Dana Mills for proof that these ideas were not made up by Elk Konnected.

Very good question you have there!
Who is the elite?
What does it mean to you?

I do believe most people can figure that out for themselves.

I don't tell anyone what to believe, do you?
No, I  don't recall being told to contact Dana Mills!
And why should I?
Is she 21st Century?
Does she have a computer?
Does she have a desire to discuss the list?
This forum is open to everyone.
If she has something to say, I'm sure everyone would love to hear it?

But at the time the list came out Elk Konnected made it clear there were no names attached to a single one of those silly ideas. The list was compiled by Elk Konnected, at a so called Kommunity Konversation.  Consequently they are Elk Konnected's ideas.

Nancy are you Elk Konnected or just a Follower?

The reason I ask is, how do you know she has proof?
If there are no names, how can there be proof?
And why wasn't the proof given back when the thread was fresh?


Last nights Special School Board Meeting started out with a plate stacked high with cheese and crackers on one end of the table and a plate filled full of (what looked like) Snicker Doodle's and M&M cookies and bottled water all the around the table.

Where are these peoples couth and manners! I mean as a small child my mother taught me better manners than what these adults sitting on this School Board have! My mother taught me, if there wasn't enough food for everyone that it is very impolite to eat in front of others. Maybe, their mamma's never taught them manners, because the manners don't show at any of these very public meetings.

I wonder who pays for all that gratuity any way?
And, I thought gratuty was disallowed !
It ain't free !
Probably paid for out of the kids educational monies !
You know what I'm talking about, yours and my property tax dollars !

gra•tu•ity: something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service.

Just where is the couth in any of that?

Does the School Board have any couth?

On to the meat of the School Board Meeting, with the lack of ability of wanting the audience to hear what they are saying, except when they have the telephone on speaker, talking with someone. And all the whispering between members during an open public records meeting, it's just plain difficult to catch everything.

Wait a moment someone is reaching for the cheese and crackers.

Okay, like I was saying just can't hear much but I did hear the President ask, do I hear a motion? Then everything got real quiet for about a minute and nothing as if the question was never asked. Do you reckon the President of the board has an opposite problem of mine and hears things?

It was mentioned that the roof and air conditioners should not be included in the bond issue, because they have the money to pay for that. A side note here, they were advised a couple of years ago by a university study of West Elk to do that work a little each year and they ignored the advice! Brilliant move, just sit back and wait for inflation to make it more expensive, right?

It was also mentioned to leave the new Gymnasium off of the ballot, you can guess how long that idea lasted!
It was also mentioned to reduce the size of the class rooms, what a surprise to me. They don't want them luxurious 800 square foot rooms for 12 to 14 students per child?
Can I suggest you cut down some of those luxurious class rooms and make a new class room out of the left overs! I do believe your architect told you that was a possibility.

Mentioned, build low end class rooms. But, I didn't hear that about the new Gymnasium, I wonder why?

School Board Whetstone asked if the could put more than one question on the bond issue ballot. So a phone call was put in to Piper Jaffery with  phone put on speaker. And there is another reach for cheese and crackers and someone else reaches for cookies. Do you want cornfusion on the ballot?

The call is made and now the board members can be heard. They speak up so as to be heard across the room on the telephone. Other wise it is like they don't want to be heard. They had already been advised at the previous meeting, when the Piper Jaffery person was standing right there in their presents, that it was not a good idea. But he was kind enough to tell them it can be done just like the told the first time he told them.

One idea is to have you vote for the class rooms as one and also include a spot to vote for the Gymnasium. They could ask as an "either" or as an "and".
Meaning one or the other passes, if it is an either. If it is an "and" if the second one doesn't pass, neither passes. More cornfusion!

Another question asked of Piper Jaffery was how much of an explanation can they put on the ballot. Answer: Very Little. LOL Have these people ever voted and looked at a ballot?

It simply sounds like desperation to me, by trying to trick you out of your vote.

Another member wanted to know if they could seal off a couple of the exit doors, so they could put a class room there. Answer from the Superintendent was no they are required for emergency exits. He also stated that the two doors should be locked to the outside for security reasons. And I can almost say with certainty, that he said the doors are being used all the time. My question is what happened to security?  Aren't they terrified of a gunman entering the building?

Another question to Piper Jaffer was, what is the last day to register to vote for the bond issue. Folks the last day to register is 20 days before the day of the vote.

Board Member Black showed up at 7:04 pm, over a half hour late!

Board Member Bellar made a very good suggestion in my opinion!
He said, I think we should look around we don't know what all is out there.
He said we should ask for bids from architects and perhaps we don't have to settle for a flat roof and get a roof with a pitch to it. This is not word for word, but the point is someone is doing some critical thinking. At a previous meeting he stated we should stick with what we need. Some more critical thinking in my opinion.

But the response to his suggestion was, we have already spent $19,000 with our present architect and we can't do all that other stuff in time, so we have to stick with what we got in order to get a June Bond Issue vote. Is that some critical thinking?

Just what is the real goal   --- Spend --- Spend --- Spend ?  ?  ?

Them Cheese & Crackers and Cookies just keep on moving.
But the issue seems stalled.

Good night folks.


My monthly utility company rag or a magazine came today! That's it "Kansas Country Living".

I wonder if the company even reads some of the drivel they put in this magazine?
I sometimes enjoy some of the recipes, because they are real. Sure I cook and have for many years.

But would you believe an article titled, "Community Health Needs A Personal Trainer".
Drivel -------------- Drivel ---------------- Drivel --------------- IMO . . . period, period, period.

Communities need "personal trainers" to help produce their wellness.
In my opinion communities need less busy bodies, that want to attempt total control of the community. It is these so call "personal trainers" and the small groups that are what causes the illness, the division in the actual community. IMO!

They seem to always talk leadership but don't appear to appreciate and work within the system of leadership elected to do the jobs they are voted in to office to do.
Why is that?
Where do you get leadership out of a bad attitude?
Where do you get leadership if you don't run for the office?
Where do you get leadership by leading a gang and demanding your way?
Where do you get leadership out of a one way communication?
You do not get leadership that way, no way Jose. 
That's not leadership, sorry to have to break the news to you!
Using fables and science fiction or any kind of fiction is not leadership ---- either.

A true leader would listen to the people in a two way conversation without being defensive!

A true leader would listen to the people in a two way conversation without being fearful!

A true leader would listen to the people in a two way conversation and lead by following!

A true leader would lead without the want of power to control everything!

A true leader would share with those that they lead!

A true leader would work along side those that choose to follow, not above them!

A true leader listens!

If you only have the attention of a very few people in a community involved you must surely realize you have nothing, the same applies on a job.

In the Puget Sound Nuclear Naval Shipyard I would be given a job assignment and 10 to 15 young men and women to accomplish the task. We would head out to the particular ship as a group and have unguided conversations about various subjects. Once on the job site I would explain what we were to accomplish as a team. At first these very young men and women asked if I was going to stand over them and make sure they did their job right. And I said, "No". You know what to do and I am going to do my share of the work. And a response was what if I screw up. I said come and get me and we will straighten the  problem together. Their confidence soared and I got so much work out of each person it was incredible. And I was proud of each and every one of them and I let them know it. On the way back to the shop at quitting time I would tell them to just look at how much we accomplished as a team and how we worked circles around the other groups. And this was a daily routine. After a time of working together an urgent job came up for the shop that required a speedy repair and our group was chosen to do the job. We performed the, job well under the required time and received special recognition. My crew tried to put the praise off on me and I said no way this crew worked extremely well together and each and everyone of them deserved the praise. I sure miss working with those young folks. I didn't need praise because I had pride in my crew. Oh, I have a bunch of stories like this from my 50 + years I the labor force. No, I wasn't always in leadership positions and from time to time I had to work my way back to a leadership position. My first leadership position was a real learning experience, I almost lost some teeth, I said almost, I thanked the guy later, for the lesson.

Leadership can be studied but it takes real life experience to respectfully practice it.
I lead by example; not by saying I'm smarter than you. I listened to my workers.

Writing an article in a magazine desperate for an article saying I went to leadership school is simply spinning your wheels. IMO

And a circle of grade school chairs is just that and toss in the little colored kindergarten stars, wow!

I am not asking you to believe a word of the above.

But I will ask that you believe I am a has been, a retired has been.
And it is great! LOL

Good night.


Quote from: Nancy on March 03, 2014, 01:53:52 PM
Who is the Elite?  Once again the citizens of Elk Co. that went to the meeting that you left is where the ideas on page one came from. You have been told numerous times to contact Dana Mills for proof that these ideas were not made up by Elk Konnected.

Quote from: ROSS on March 03, 2014, 04:32:59 PM
Very good question you have there!
Who is the elite?
What does it mean to you?

I do believe most people can figure that out for themselves.

I don't tell anyone what to believe, do you?
No, I  don't recall being told to contact Dana Mills!
And why should I?
Is she 21st Century?
Does she have a computer?
Does she have a desire to discuss the list?
This forum is open to everyone.
If she has something to say, I'm sure everyone would love to hear it?

But at the time the list came out Elk Konnected made it clear there were no names attached to a single one of those silly ideas. The list was compiled by Elk Konnected, at a so called Kommunity Konversation.  Consequently they are Elk Konnected's ideas.

Nancy are you Elk Konnected or just a Follower?

The reason I ask is, how do you know she has proof?
If there are no names, how can there be proof?
And why wasn't the proof given back when the thread was fresh?

Nancy I was sure I'd have had a response from you by now.
I hope all is well with you.

This is just a reminder that I am interested in your input.

Let me repeat the important question:
Nancy are you Elk Konnected or just a Follower?

I anxiously await your response. Thank you.


This may very well be good news for rural Kansas. Sounds like this might eventually lead to an
Increase in State Funding for our School Districts.
And Hopefully Less School District Property Taxation!

KS Supreme Court: Legislators made 'unconstitutional' school funding choices

By Travis Perry │ Kansas Watchdog

OSAWATOMIE, Kan. — In a long-awaited decision, the Kansas Supreme Court on Friday ruled that state lawmakers created "unconstitutional" and "unreasonable wealth-based disparities" by withholding certain state aid payments to public schools.

While the legal battle leading up to the decision has been a four-year slog since the lawsuit's initial filing in 2010, much of Friday's ruling boiled down to the court's interpretation of what is considered equitable and adequate education funding.

Read the full court decision here.

While the Supreme Court unanimously upheld a lower court decision regarding the state's failure to equitably disburse capital outlay and supplemental general payments to Sunflower State schools, it stopped short of issuing a decree for specific funding to meet the Legislature's constitutional requirement to provide an "adequate" education.

"Under the facts of this case, the district court panel did not apply the correct test to determine whether the State met its duty to provide adequacy in K-12 public education as required under Article 6 of the Kansas Constitution," the court decision stated, explaining that any decision about total funding levels would be bounced back to Shawnee County District Court for further consideration.

Supreme Court justices stated in the opinion that addressing concerns relating to equal state aid payments also could affect assessment of overall education funding.

Dave Trabert, president of the Kansas Policy Institute, a pro-free-market think tank, said the partial reversal of the lower court's decision was huge.

"That's a tremendous victory to say that 'you can't just say total spending is the measure,'" Trabert told Kansas Watchdog.

The Legislature was given an ultimatum to fix unequal capital outlay and supplemental general state aid payments by no later than July 1, or face court intervention. Following the ruling, plaintiffs told the Topeka Capital-Journal the state would need to appropriate $80 million to $150 million to comply with the judicial decision.

While it's a far cry from the roughly $500 million a trio of Shawnee County District Court judges said the state needed to provide in January 2013, equalization payments are still a large chunk of change, and with the decision on overall funding still up in the air, it's yet to be seen how the Legislature will respond.

"With no police force and no ability to sanction or punish lawmakers, the court would have no way to make the Legislature comply," said Chapman Rackaway, political science professor at Fort Hays State University. "If the Legislature wants to ignore the court's decision they are perfectly within their rights to do it.  It would only be with a massive revolt by voters ousting lawmakers who participated in ignoring the decision that there would be any consequences to defying the court."

Supreme Court justices, though, made one thing abundantly clear: They are not about to back down from this fight.

"Just as only the people of Kansas have the authority to change the standards in their constitution, the Supreme Court of Kansas has the final authority to determine adherence to the standards of the people's constitution," the ruling stated.




Brownback said, " I will work with leadership in the Kansas Senate and House to determine a path forward that honors our tradition of providing a quality education to every child and that keeps our schools open, our teachers teaching and our students learning."
Gov. Sam Brownback issued a statement Thursday ahead of the ruling.
"I have repeatedly stated and believe funding schools is the most important thing state government does," Brownback said. "The centerpiece of my agenda for the 2014 legislative session is to increase Kansas's investment in all-day Kindergarten, which is long overdue and a true path forward."


If the so called leaders practiced what they preach with out being forced to practice what they preach.

Now if our Local School Board recognized  providing a quality education to every child and keeping teachers teaching and our students learning does not entail doubling the size of a school designed to hold 600 children when only 300 attend and there continues to be a decline in local population. And Also that it does not entail building a second gymnasium to support a sport complex. Education takes place in the class room.

Ask your self how many thousands of dollars have been spent on a super sport complex for this small school?

Yes, at School Board Meetings I have heard the expression concerning sports, that they want to be more PROFESSIONAL. We don't have a single professional team connected with our School District do we?   

Where is that attitude concerning School Board Meetings?
Attend a School Board Meeting sometime and you might feel like you have been transported back to the 1950's in the Kentucky mountains expecting to see spittoons sittin thar on the floor.

Where is that attitude for improving educational standards?

Most high school students wanting to go to college have to take remedial reading and math in college. Is that what you call being educated in K-12?

Will you continue to support such a waste of Educational Money on Some ones desire to have a Premier    Sport Complex with increased Property Taxation?

We often hear through Economic Development that taxation is bad for the economy, so why support something that is bad all the way around.

I guess we will find out June 3!
And we will probably find out that the School Board wasted yet another $3000.00 educational dollars on the voting process. They claimed this vote will not pass during a School Board Meeting and yet they are going to go through with it at the cost of $3000.00 educational dollars. When they could just wait for the November Elections and not be out $3000.00 educational dollars. But what the heck they said they are going to do it again in November.

Apparently they have educational dollars to waste, trying to wear you down for a yes vote for a new sports gymnasium not education.


Ross -

Have you talked with your School Board representative about these issues? What kind of response do you get from your elected representative?

I haven't gone to a meeting in a couple of years, so I'm not sure of the opinions of the individual members.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on March 08, 2014, 01:37:30 PM
Ross -

Have you talked with your School Board representative about these issues? What kind of response do you get from your elected representative?

I haven't gone to a meeting in a couple of years, so I'm not sure of the opinions of the individual members.

Surely you jest?
Individuals, I really don't think so !
I know a few of them are Elk Konnected and my guess is the majority of the others are.
I only truly think one is probably not Elk Konnected.
You know all those like minded folks, where does individuality come in here?

Myself and perhaps two or more other people asked the President of the School Board to Record the School Meetings Board Meetings and make them available on the taxpayer supported web site just like they did with the Public Visit in the School Auditorium. (The video lacks any display of video intelligence not even the slightest sign of amateurism, but it apparently served their plan and purpose).

The  President of the School Board acted like any other politician. He stated, "We could do that!"     
And has never attempted to do it.
Why do you suppose that is?
Perhaps, because they don't want you or anyone else to know what happens at those meetings?
How's that for a response from an elected representative, Mom70x7 ?

Has the School Board bothered posting the budget or the other public documents i.e. the bills from the contractors or the architect bills or the bills for work on the softball and football field's bills? Did they post the cost savings of closing down the two grade schools? Did they post how much the portable buildings cost and the cost of installation. Not no, but hell no! Why, because they don't want you to know, that's why!

The portable buildings set the district a Half a Million Dollars, and they want to dispose of them!

I posted a lot of that information for you, if you have any interest in knowing. There are links in previous posts in this thread.

This is all public information and should be available to the taxpayer on the School web site. Ask yourself why it isn't available ?

This is a public school, supported by Kansas and County public taxes. It is not a private school operated for profits. Therefore everything is public information with the exception of Disciplinary Actions.

The school has made the statement that us old folks, don't understand the importance of Technology.
I'd like to rephrase that!
The School Board wishes, we did not understand the importance of Technology.

I asked to see a copy of the School Board by-laws, they call them policy, back the first of December. I was told they had pieces of it everywhere and that they were I the process of updating it. They then told me it would be posted on the web site over Christmas break. Guess what, it is March 8th and it is still not posted. They made a spot for it on the web site, but it is empty. WHY?

Are we so naïve, to believe the school board has the best interest of the students or the taxpayer or the general public in mind ?

The School Board paid good money for advice and have failed and I mean failed miserably to follow the advice.

The School Board received free advice from a University that is skilled in their dealings with School Districts and have failed and I mean failed miserably to follow the advice.
We have a School Board in my opinion that is a complete and total failure.
A School Board may be very well Konnected, IMHO!.

There is just one Board Member that in my opinion that has had anything intelligent to say!
He said we need to be sensible and stick with what we need.

Oh, there was another person that said a bond issue will not pass, but that was bad news for him?

These are just my opinion and I am not asking anyone to believe any of it.
Go find out, do a little work on your own and come back and express yourself.


I just received my notice of the School Board Meeting for Monday March 10th at 6:30 p.m.

Under Discussion/Action Items the first thing is AOG Request to Address Board.
I believe AOG is the  Assembly of God Church next door to the West Elk School Property.
I wonder if they are ready to lease to the West Elk School District for $1000.00 a month allowing the school to use their facility for sports practice? I guess I'll have to wait and see, huh?

This is followed by Architect interviews.
Wow! Shouldn't that been the first thing they should have done on a project like this?
Amazing just amazing.

Next: Approval to Republish Budget.

And now tada:
                     Facility Planning - Resolution to Construct New Facilities Through a Bond Issue.

And this one I don't understand!

Suggested Motion:
Mr. President, I move that we go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel and students to protect the privacy interests identifiable individuals and to discuss negotiations to protect the public interest
in negotiating a fair and equitable contract and to include Juli Young and Bert Moore.

What I am going to be asking is what kind of contract with the School Board is private, when this is a public entity?

The first part of this statement is always used, I bet most of the times students are not even involved.
I think the School Board could be a bit more honest with the public in their statements, don't you?

Just my opinion.

Honety is the best policy! Remember that teaching from childhood.


Corruption in a very small town !
(see at bottom of this post)
We don't tend to our own local business !
We need to clean up our own back yards
before we can straighten up the
States or Federal Governments back yards. 
Don't you think?

Do you think corruption could not happen here ?

Do you think it couldn't happen in a School District ?

Isn't it your job to monitor what happens with your tax dollar ?

Why aren't the School Board Meetings digitally recorded
and made available
on the taxpayers paid for West Elk Web site?

Why aren't the  monthly West Elk Public budgets
posted on the taxpayers paid for West Elk web site ?

Why did the School Administration fail to provide public information
requested under the Freedom of Information Act,
concerning overtime pay in 2013?

Ask questions.
Do not assume that people
in positions of authority
are working for the good
of the community.

Haven't we already been called
Boobs and Social Idiots ?

Kansas Law CC §21-6001 State Ethics and Public Corruption Laws

With the intent to improperly influence a public official, offering, giving or promising to give, directly or indirectly, to any public official any benefit, reward or consideration which the public official is not permitted by law to accept.

Intentionally requesting, receiving or agreeing to receive, directly or indirectly, any benefit ewardor consideration/b], which the public official is not permitted by law to accept, with the intent to improperly influence such public official.

[color=redesn't this include salesmen's coffee cups, ink pens,  and other people or organizations providing cheese and crackers, cookies and bottled water ? The law does not say small amounts do not count. does it?[/color]

TALLAHASSEE -- Say goodbye to Hampton, Florida. Lawmakers said Monday they plan to file legislation this spring abolishing the tiny town of 477 people in the wake of a scathing audit that found widespread financial mismanagement and led last week to the resignation of north Florida town's entire staff.

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