Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Last nights School Board Meeting was just as non-professional as all the previous School Board Meetings. They still have their picnic with all their cold cuts and cookies and cheese on the table. And still don't speak up enough to be heard properly and talking amongst themselves as if it is not a public meeting. And they still have the School Superintendent sitting at right next to the head of the table, only now he has pulled his chair right up to the table.  No protocol!

Mr. Professional never showed up, not even late, just not there at all. I hope, he is well and doesn't have that nasty flu that is going around. We need Dr. Black to be at the meetings and possibly bring some of that Professionalism to play at the School Board Meetings that he wrote so boldly about in the newspaper about other elected officials. I have to say though that, I don't believe, he had any idea what was going on during that particular County Meeting, he has only attended one County Commissioners Meeting that I know of. Oh well.

The talk continued about the expansion of West Elk to become a Taj Mahal and it was rather confusing. They had a conference call with a bondsman via telephone. And I must say the volume was plenty loud on the telephone, to bad the School Board Members don't have a volume control knob! LOL There was a suggestion about the phone sound from the tech guy, I could not hear what he said, but I heard, that it was difficult to follow the man during the phone conversation. Not such a great thing when you are talking about millions of dollars is it?

I heard said that the Church is not up to code and that they no fire alarm system wiring in the wall and that the walls are being sheet rocked. And someone said they need to communicate with the church.   Communicate, really?

I heard the following numbers thrown around for a bond issue some of which contained interest and others without interest:
1.   $8,500,000.00
2.   $6,000,000.00
3.   $3,000,000.00
4.   $1,500,000.00
And the cost of the bond broker would be something in the neighborhood of $15,000.00 fee per each $1.5 million unit, which would be part of whatever the final bond issue might be.

Well, as the meeting continued a very good statement was made, "We need a plan before doing anything."  Those are words of wisdom!

Personally, I think that would have been a terrific idea before spending 10's of thousands of dollars on an architect/salesman. And, I think they should have started with the question, "We have a building designed for 600 students, why do we need a larger building, that will increase maintenance expenses and heating and cooling costs?"

Another question would be, "Why do we want to destroy a half million dollars worth of portable buildings and construction, especially when our reason for having them was to save money?"

We will hear excuses that it wasn't this School Board! That is an excuse that simply shouldn't fly. We only have one West Elk School Board and when you accept the position, you accept that responsibility and can not shirk it. Very Simple!

I did hear a few more words of wisdom:
1.   A 6 million dollar bond issue will never pass
2.   A 3 million dollar bond issue will never pass
3.   Maybe a 1.5 million dollar bond issue may not pass

A real plus, two real words of wisdom, "Go Reasonable"

A few discouraging words:
1.   The board can raise taxes 4 mil to a maximum of 8 mil
2.   (out of context) "a dirty way of doing things" (I don't know what this was about)

It was mentioned once again that the School Board has one million dollars that are unencumbered. This simply means they can use it as they so desire. So, why were they talking a couple of months ago of going to the County Meeting to ask for money, from the wind farm money, to pay for transportation gas?

Why are they discussing air-conditioning for the present gymnasium at the cost of $128.000. Apparently when the building was built, it was determined that air-conditioning the gymnasium was un-necessary. Isn't the gymnasium a place to work up a sweat and burn off calories? Also the gymnasium is not used during the summer is it?  Why? Why such an expense? It's only taxpayer money, right?

They already have to face the expense of replacing all the air-conditioning units on the roof for approximately $485,000 and that doesn't include repairing or replacing the roof for approximately another $500,000. These are only estimates, from what they have talked about, during their meetings. They don't want you and me to know exactly what is going on. Just ask yourself, is there any communications from the School Board to the public?

There will be some communications with the public   soon,   especially the taxpayers and voters. It doesn't any longer look like April, as they previously discussed but maybe in June. We only have to wait and see? Will you give them a vote to go deeply in debt, even though they are terribly Cornfused?

What, I definitely did hear was the School Board President ask (he spoke up for a change) one member why he was opposed to what was going on. And he had to repeat himself; he had to rephrase his question. I did notice he seemed rather frustrated and demanding and red in the face when he asked, "Is it you just don't want it, or what?" The reply was. "We need to be reasonable and do only what we need to do, we should have a plan." I found that to be an excellent answer!

It is at this point that I sense, that the President of the School Board's main concern, is a new gymnasium, over and above anything else. That is simply my impression of the whole ball of wax.

Please, does anyone know if the School Board President is associated with Elk Konnected, LLC or for that matter what other board members might be associated with Elk Konnected, LLC, just asking?

I think we are being duped, what do you think?

One final note of great expense to the School District, Transportation is asking for two new School buses, these are very spendy new or used.

I'd suggest keep the kids in the School Building they have, which is beyond sufficient and provide for their needs.

They need:
1.   School buses for the children's safe transportation, right?
2.   They need a roof over their head that doesn't leak, right?
3.   They need dependable heating and air-conditioning in their class rooms, right?
These are real "needs" for the kids and not "wants" to bolster someone's ego, right?

They called for a Special School Board Meeting on February 24th at 6:30 pm to discuss further the building of their Taj Mahal.

Are there perhaps some un-pleasant truths in any of my posts?
Yes, I'm asking your opinion.

I will repeat my disclaimer, LOL!
These are simply my thought's and feelings and opinion and nothing more. I don't expect you to believe a word of this. Please form your own thought's and feelings and opinions.


Published on Jan 27, 2014

Athletes and celebrities lend their voice to the urgent call for action: It's time for educational choice.

By the end of this message, another child will drop out of high school.

Too many children aren't getting the quality education they deserve.

We've got to make a change.

Let's build a system where every child gets a great education.

Let's give parents the power to choose the very best school for their child.

Power for every child...

Join us. For every child. For every parent. For our future...

NOW is the time for educational choice.

It is not a Taj Mahal that teaches.


I still do not see what West Elk school board meetings have  to do with Elk Konnected. Nancy


Quote from: K.R. on February 12, 2014, 03:51:54 PM
I still do not see what West Elk school board meetings have  to do with Elk Konnected. Nancy

I think we can all remember when Elk Konnected, LLC had control of our County Government, can't we?

Well, we know of at least two of the School Board members are associated with Elk Konnected, LLC  don't we?

The only School Board Member listed with Elk Konnected, LLC  is:
(copied and pasted from http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/communities/elk-konnected/elk-about/ )
Elk Konnected Accredited Community
Community Contact
Dr. David Whetstone (316) 708-0296

And also, I think because of the last person assigned to the School Board, as a temporary position was appointed by the Board Members, without a single little discussion amongst themselves during the meeting, about the two people that applied for the vacant seat, they voted for one person, without hesitation. It just appeared to me to be a pre-planned vote!   No, I can't prove anything, it was just the appearance. You would have had to be there to see it for yourself. It's reasons like this why the School Board will most likely operate professionally and probably never move into the twenty first century. IMHO!

It is for reasons like this that I don't believe the School Board has no desire to have true transparency !

Also, this foolishness of building a Grade School as attachments --- extensions or whatever you wish to call them follows right along the same line of thoughts expressed in the foolish list in the first post of this thread. The list in the first post was generated by Elk Konnected, LLC  with no one taking credit for anything on the list. IMHO!

Where did the original idea for this plan come from?
Nobody knows, right?
Why is it No Body wants to accept responsibility for such an original idea?
Just like all those ideas from Elk Konnected, LLC  isn't it?

Why does West Elk need a bigger building when the one they have was designed to house 600 students and there are only 300 students?
Now that is just plain foolish.
I believe if you simply give that a moments thought, you will surely come to the same conclusion IMHO!

But your opinions are your and yours alone, just as mine are --- mine alone.

I don't ask you to believe anything I write here,
If I ask anything of you, it is to think for yourself.
I am not here to convince you of anything.
I am here only to express myself and I have a Constitutional right to do so.

There is just no proper rebuttal to the truth is there? [/b]

And please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE. When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.
Lets just say "NO" to the Smoke and Mirrors shall we ?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO "


School Survey

Do you want a new Grade School in the form of a bunch of add-ons to West Elk USD 282?

Do you want air conditioned gymnasiums, a place where you go to sweat and burn calories.
Obesity is still alive and well. One-third of the nation's children are carrying too much weight. The same is true in the adult world.

See what others have to say about a piece meal Elementary School !
Be sure to scroll the pages to read what people wrote on the forms.

What the School Board and the School Superintendent won't share with you openly and honestly that is unless you go to the Superintendents and request to see the documents.

Of course, I could not get each and every page, but I think it is enough for you to get the jist of things.

Each page is on file at the USD 282 District Office and each Board Member received a personal copy. This public is information.

I did this with a hand held scanner. You are right, I am no office boy.
But I hope this gives you enough information.

I am going to try to acquire more information for you this next week.

To go there and view the follow this link: 


Let's have  an open discussion about this and perhaps we can get the School Board to open up about it, in an honest and open dialog. I doubt they can actually do it.

I think all the waste of money by the School Board  for Architects and College Professors to teach the how to think should cease! Because they haven't shown any interest in following expert advice. IMHO!
And also because they don't appear to have any sense of responsibility towards numbers ! By that I mean  simple math. For example they know they have a building designed originally to house 600 children and they only have 300 children.

I also understand they think, if they have a huge West Elk School Building people will move to Howard and that would improve the economy for the retailers in Howard. That would be a piss poor reason for any sensible person to move for.  Just think about it for a moment, just for a moment. Would you move to Cherryvale, Kansas because they have a 3 story High School? Would you do that? Really?
Remember all the talk, not long back, of putting up an electronic billboard at West Elk?
Senseless IMO.

Where do they come up with these hair brained ideas, check page one of this thread for a bunch of this kind of doozies.


Do you want a new Grade School in the form of a bunch of add-ons to West Elk USD 282?

Do you want air conditioned gymnasiums, a place where you go to sweat and burn calories.
Obesity is still alive and well. One-third of the nation's children are carrying too much weight. The same is true in the adult world.

See what others have to say about a piece meal Elementary School !
Be sure to scroll the pages to read what people wrote on the forms.

What the School Board and the School Superintendent won't share with you openly and honestly that is unless you go to the Superintendents and request to see the documents.

Of course, I could not get each and every page, but I think it is enough for you to get the jist of things.

Each page is on file at the USD 282 District Office and each Board Member received a personal copy. This public is information.

I did this with a hand held scanner. You are right, I am no office boy.
But I hope this gives you enough information.

I am going to try to acquire more information for you this next week.

To go there and view the follow this link: 


Let's have  an open discussion about this and perhaps we can get the School Board to open up about it, in an honest and open dialog. I doubt they can actually do it.

I think all the waste of money by the School Board  for Architects and College Professors to teach the how to think should cease! Because they haven't shown any interest in following expert advice. IMHO!
And also because they don't appear to have any sense of responsibility towards numbers ! By that I mean  simple math. For example they know they have a building designed originally to house 600 children and they only have 300 children.

I also understand they think, if they have a huge West Elk School Building people will move to Howard and that would improve the economy for the retailers in Howard. That would be a piss poor reason for any sensible person to move for.  Just think about it for a moment, just for a moment. Would you move to Cherryvale, Kansas because they have a 3 story High School? Would you do that? Really?
Remember all the talk, not long back, of putting up an electronic billboard at West Elk?
Senseless IMO.

Where do they come up with these hair brained ideas, check page one of this thread for a bunch of this kind of doozies.

https://app.box.com/s/h260n5ybv7ttr2tl62jx For documents pertaining to the Survey. There are two folders and a note.

I don't ask you to believe anything I write or post here,
If I ask anything of you, it is to think for yourself.
I am not here to convince you of anything.
I am here only to express myself and I have a Constitutional right to do so.

There is just no proper rebuttal to the truth is there?

And please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE. When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.
Lets just say "NO" to the Smoke and Mirrors shall we ?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO " /s/h260n5ybv7ttr2tl62jx[/size][/color] [/b][/center]


Last nights Special School Board Meeting

A list of desires, suggestions whatever was read by one of the teachers on behalf of several teachers. A few things, I could hear were:

The elementary teachers want to their grade school classes all grouped together, so they can maintain camaraderieship. (I believe that was the word used.)

The teachers want to know what the School Board plans to do with the portables.

I'm going to try to get a copy of the list from the District office tomorrow.

Anyway after the man explained that he was doing the report because  someone else could not make it to the meeting. He said this before giving the report. Bw the but the point I am getting at is School Board Member Black took off on a speech about how the board has been working on this for two and a half years and that the teachers had been asked for input and there had been a couple of surveys and that this last minute information was uncalled for. You get your input and are not to happy get them, not even a thank you>

I would like to ask Mr. Black several questions:

1.   Where is that Elk Konnected Positive attitude?
2.   Why the shoot the messenger with such a rude speech?
3.   Is there a scheduled input date not to excede?
4.   How are the teachers suppose to be able to figure out what they want, when the School Board is still so unsure of what they want?
5.   If you and the School Board realize a Bond will not pass why continue the charade?
6.   Why waste $3000.00 of our childrens education dollars on a charade?

Last night, I heard mention having a wrestling room! Whaaaat?
That is the purpose of a gymnasium, isn't it?

Can we put in a few gigantic Chrystal Chandaliers and how about a wine cellar, oh and a nineteen hole golf course and a caddy shack? Maybe build a dormatory for runaway or homeless teenagers so they can go to school there. Let's build a real campus!

PBA Architects said he took a look at the roof of West Elk and said it was immaculate. Yes he used the word immaculate! I almost fell out of my chair when he said now is the time to replace it. Really, what does that mean? If something is immaculate it doesn't need replaced does it? Where is there any sense?

David Whetstone was asking Piper Jaffery Financial if they could put more than one question on the ballot. Piper Jaffery said yes, but then then the conversation dropped down to a whisper as if they didn't want anyone else to hear them.
I thought this was a public meeting and the conversations were supposed to be available to the public. I guess not!

But the question made me wonder. Why would he want to do?
Maybe he would ask us to vote on say a $6 million dollar bond and also ask us to vote on a $3 million dollar bond hoping to trick us into voteing for the smaller bond, do ya think? I think it would be really stupid and I think that was the purpose of the basically private conversation. What do you think? Why two questions on a special ballot for one bond issue.

Build a Tornado Wall?


I am revisiting my post from yesterday, please note the morale and attitude that was happening by the school board member. This is wide spread at West Elk IMHO!

Quote from: ROSS on February 25, 2014, 10:05:58 PM
Last nights Special School Board Meeting

A list of desires, suggestions whatever was read by one of the teachers on behalf of several teachers. A few things, I could hear were:

The elementary teachers want to their grade school classes all grouped together, so they can maintain camaraderieship. (I believe that was the word used.)

The teachers want to know what the School Board plans to do with the portables.

I'm going to try to get a copy of the list from the District office tomorrow.

Anyway after the man explained that he was doing the report because  someone else could not make it to the meeting. He said this before giving the report. But the point I am getting at is School Board Member Black took off on a speech about how the board has been working on this for two and a half years and that the teachers had been asked for input and there had been a couple of surveys and that this last minute information was uncalled for. You get your input and are not to happy get them, not even a thank you>

I would like to ask Mr. Black several questions:

1.   Where is that Elk Konnected Positive attitude?
2.   Why the shoot the messenger with such a rude speech?
3.   Is there a scheduled input date not to excede?
4.   How are the teachers suppose to be able to figure out what they want, when the School Board is still so unsure of what they want?
5.   If you and the School Board realize a Bond will not pass why continue the charade?
6.   Why waste $3000.00 of our childrens education dollars on a charade?

Really note the overall attitude concerning West Elk as a whole, perhaps part of the problems at the school stem from this log drive / push to build a Taj Mahal!

How long has this lets build thing been going on? I believe the School Board member said 2 1/2 years. But really hasn't it been going on since 2009?

The School Board member stated they had been asking for input from the teachers for 2 1/2 years, right?
Doesn't this show there are more serious problems than what new building extensions can fix?

We are talking about a minimum of 2 1/2 years of morale dysfunction, morale problems, and attitude problems at West Elk. They will deny it but that too is part of the problem. Dysfunctional denial!

The teacher that gave the report to the School Board did not deserve a public dressing down, he was simply the messenger and a very polite messenger at that. Why shoot the messenger? Simply a show of power, a bullying tactic in my opinion. The messenger isn't going to stand up and say stop is he, he has no power right?

Shouldn't the School Board just drop this non-sense of a Taj Mahal (which has been going on for way too long, since 2009 or even earlier) and seek counseling for their morale and attitude problems?

Oh, yeah!
There are definitely morale and attitude problems at West Elk and I'm not the first to notice it!
The above information is just a slight touch of the problems at West Elk, IMHO!
I'm not the first to say it!
I am probably the last to notice it!
I am possibly the first to put it in print!

But folks it's up to you to decide for yourself.

It is your School Board!
It is your Staff!
It is your teachers!
All paid for with taxes and permitted by your vote!

So far your School Board appears to have ignored your wishes, haven't they?
They ignored your vote not to build a new grade school, right?
Because they have simply re-branded it as extensions to the West Elk Building, right?
And they keep spending money like water to try and push the idea and attempt to put you in debt for another twenty years.

Are you going to let them win,
with their phony survey,
with their "attitude" that you don't matter?


This is the page that caused a School Board Member to spout off about.
It was the Principals report not the messengers report.
Why shoot the messenger?


This is just page 16 of a 20 that I will be posting on Box. com later.
This is in a report from PiperJaffery.
In the report they speak of $3 Million, $6 Million and $7.5 Million with and without state aid.
My guess is there probably won't be any state aid or FEMA money.

Piper Jaffray

Investment banking company

Piper Jaffray is a full-service investment bank and asset management firm focused on mergers and acquisitions, financial restructuring, public offerings, public finance, institutional brokerage, investment management and securities research.

It looks like they are preparing to spend nearly $3000.00 on a bond election that the are sure will fail.
WHY WASTE $3000.00?


I have posted the Piper Jaffery Financial handout to the West Elk School Board at:
https://app.box.com/s/27jkb8ilpa55v0dhb3fw for you to have a look see. These are in JPEG form.

I am not the greatest office boy, but I try.
The School Board could have these posted on the West Elk School web site if they wanted you to
be an informed voter. Can you afford another $300 property tax increase each year for a new grade school.
Look at the documents, it's possible.

Here are all the links for documents pertaining to West Elk and Elk County for your convenience.

It's A "Different Thingy" Going On
What's Orchestrated And Organized Behind The Curtain? 
USD 282 Documents
Documents Pertaining To The Survey
Piper Jafrey Financial

Elk County Govt

Benjamin Franklin said "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

"A government that's big enough to give us everything we need is big enough to take everything we have." Thomas Jefferson

It appears the blame is the child's status of being poor. Think again, the chIld being poor has nothing to do with poor teaching in the classroom.

There are those that oppose OPPOSITION even when they know they are wrong! That will make up problems that don't exist or create a problem to prove themselves right. All the while they still remain wrong! Are they not wrong in opposing OPPOSITION?

I believe the taxpayers and voters of both Elk County and the West Elk School District are finally getting a good vision of the trickery happening both inside and outside Elk County.
                               So folks remember you have the power to change things for the positive.
Your local vote carries much more power than your national vote.
Please remember you have the POWER of the VOTE.
When this comes about encourage your friends to vote as well.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just Tell The Elite " NO "

It is not all about me! It's about you the voter!

If I do not provide a link then everything I post is MOOT!

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