Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: ROSS on November 03, 2013, 09:19:42 AM
Please Watch this video
The man quotes himself from a 1958 Speech.
He briefly expresses that the Federal Government wants control of Education.

And now we have the Federal Government with it's Common-Core for education.

Go figure.


Okay I had to come back and had to add that the man spoke of the Federal Government wanting to control our every move in life and he spoke about obscure state lines. Well, If you remember --- from the Elk Konnected handout (page 1 of this this thread) of great ideas, they wanted to do the samething to Elk County. Here's a reminder:

Quote from: ROSS on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

By the way what is Elk Konnected doing these days?

I know their members on the school board are doing nothing to improve the educational standards at the school.

If someone know they are doing something,      anything at all,        for education      or anything else      how about leting us know, please.   

Or is it just a total waste?  Has it become a private club?      What?


More on the Common-Core.
Besides just another Federal Control Mechanism over United State Citizens, even the scholars ot the  Catholic  church accuse it of lacking proper educational standards. Go figure!
Could the plan be more of the Dumbing Down of America we have all heard of?
Could it be as screwed up as Obama Care?
Just something to think about!

Catholic Scholars Urge Bishops to Oppose Common Core
By Catherine Gewertz on November 1, 2013 4:22 PM

A group of more than 100 Catholic scholars have signed a letter to the nation's Roman Catholic bishops condeming the Common Core State Standards and urging the church leaders to resist adopting them, or abandon the standards if implementation has already begun implementation.

The letter's 132 signatories include professors in many disciplines, including theology, philosophy, political science, and architecture. And they come from not only Catholic universities, such as Fordham University, but also private and public nonsectarian institutions like Princeton University and Texas State University. Bringing the scholars together is Gerard V. Bradley, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame, who is circulating the letter, dated Oct. 16.

Read the rest of the story at:

Or is it best just to do it to get extra federal funding?


       I received my monthly power company magazine Kansas Country Living, the only part of the magazine I seem to like is the next to the last page with the recipes on it.
Those I have no problem believing.

But there it is again Squares Communities, LLC with another with another story. Month after month, Allow me to share my opinion on this story with you?

The writer, the Chief Operations Officer (they got fancy names now) compares her Public Squares Communities, LLC to her grand daughter growing to maturity. Really!

I find that weird, just my opinion. But I'll leave that up to your own opinion.

Public Squares Communities claims to be growing using a bunch of fancy wording, claiming to be maturing, all in my monthly rag from my power company, Kansas Country Living.

I'd like them to show me where?
Where's the growth?

Their communities as copied and pasted from their web site.
Didn't they use to have 17 communities? I only count 12 now, what's wrong with this picture.

Be Liberal
Decatur Tomorrow
Greeley Co Community Dev.
Elk Konnected
Dream Humboldt
Cultivate Fredonia
Tri Hope
Positive Pursuit Meade Co.
The Morton 4
Working Together Sheridan

Check their web site for your self at: http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/communities/
And even Elk Konnected, LLC's Steering Committee appears to be shrinking as well.

Here have a look at what I copied and pasted from their web site:

        Jennifer Montgomery
        Liz Hendricks
       Tommie Barnaby
       David Whetstone

Check it out at their web site:

Can anyone tell me where the growth is?

Can anyone tell me what they are accomplishing?

I tire of the monthly stories in my copy of Kansas Country Living with no real meat in the stories.

What have they accomplished if anything?

Inquiring minds would like to know --- the real story?


Hi Diane,

I recieved an e-mail today that led me to a cause for you in your own back yard in Delaware.
I thought it might be better for you at home in Delaware instead of your imagined cause 1200 miles away in Elk County, Kansas. Perhaps you could get involved locally in Delaware amd leave Elk County, Kansas to those that live here.

Here is the story just for you.

Prison protest is halted by police
Posted: Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 3:15 PM

THORNTON The group Citizens for Social Justice, which had planned to hold a peaceful protest across from the Delaware County prison to highlight issues such as abuse of inmates and improper releases, was told they had to move more than a mile away.

"They had about 20 guards, K-9s, county police; it looked like a whole Gestapo troop," said Pastor Keith Collins, one of the organizers of the protest.

The group of six protestors planned to meet Tuesday morning across from at the George Hill Correctional Facility, 500 Cheyney Rd., Thornton.

Collins said he had approached the county and was told they did not need permits for a peaceful protest. But Thornbury Township declined the permit saying the property was "private," he said.

Community Education Center (CEC), a private company in West Caldwell, N.J., has had a contract with the county to run the jail since 2009.

"It was something like a third world county," Collins said of the police presence. He said the experience was very disheartening.

Collins said they would like to meet with the Delaware County Prison Board. They would like a town hall meeting with CEC, the creation of a volunteer citizen advisory board, official visitor status for key members of the community and enhanced accountability.

- Mari A. Schaefer

Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20131106_Prison_protest_is_halted_by_police.html#YsMWGWffWQ87Y5eX.99

You don't have to thank me, I am more than happy to help you out.

Diane Amberg

Sorry Bubby... Delaware County is in Pennsylvania...There is stuff going on here, but that one is not in Delaware. :o Sure hope ya do better at getting your facts straight when you get into things in Elk County. You could sure lead people astray. ::)
You'll have to try harder to insult me, but work on the facts first! :P  ( What a doofus.) We have only three counties. New Castle, Kent and Sussex. We're the first state...so much for your knowledge of history... and ya gotta flaunt your ignorance? HA!!!! Go back to school Ross...or ask your son, I suspect he'd know more.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 06, 2013, 02:54:06 PM
Sorry Bubby... Delaware County is in Pennsylvania...There is stuff going on here, but that's not here.
You'll have to try harder to insult me, but work on the facts first! :P  ( What a doofus.) We have only three counties. New Castle, Kent and Sussex. We're the first state...so much for your knowledge of history... and ya gotta flaunt your ignorance? HA!!!! Go back to school Ross...or ask your son, I suspect he'd know more.

What does history got to do with geography, I don't understand that point!

You are right, I am not familiar with your part of the country. Boy that sure is a small state. Only 3 counties, that's interesting. And you just can't find a cause in Delaware to occupy your time. That's a shame. I have never been over there.

But ya know what, we have a dialog going on, even though your side of the dialog is sorta rude, I am enjoying it.

I wasn't intending to be insulting. I was trying to help you get busy at home. Oh well, it nothing but a string and a thing. And besides you Followers don't appear to have anything to follow here in Elk County.

Elk Konnected doesn't appear to be active in Elk County doing anything about the quality of life they spoke of.

I never saw them at any of the communities functions this year.
No parades, or festivals or anything.

Why do you suppose that is? You are long distance Konnected right?

Do you suppose it's because they couldn't get control of the County's wind farm money's or other taxpayers money's?

Do you suppose they have tried geting some of Howard's (or as you pointed out Ho weird) recreational money?

Tell us Diane as a Follower of Elk Konnected surely you know something!                           Anything?

Elk Konnected seems to have just disappeared excet for being on the school,  board? Do you know why?

I don't even read about them in the Newspaper anymore!
Isn't the editor Rudy still affiliated with em?

Tell us everything you know about this subject in Elk County, Kansas, a long read would be very acceptable.

I'm gonna check todays paper pretty soon for information.

Thanks for any input you may have.

Diane Amberg

You don't get it. The reason Delaware has only three counties and why we are the "first state" is all about history not geography.  We are also known as the Diamond State. Only Rhode Island is smaller. As far as my being busy, that's not up to you. If I need your help (yeah, right) I'll let you know.
    I can make some suggestions about what you should be doing out there too.I suggest working on your spelling and grammar first of all, and learning how to write properly would help folks who are still left to read you understand what you are trying to say.
You still don't get my relationship with EK. You decided to label me and now you just repeat what you decided with no facts. You never did have any. You are still writing fiction and believe your own words rather than listen to or believe what people tell you. That's your burden to deal with, not mine.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 06, 2013, 07:42:23 PM
You don't get it. The reason Delaware has only three counties and why we are the "first state" is all about history not geography.  We are also known as the Diamond State. Only Rhode Island is smaller. As far as my being busy, that's not up to you. If I need your help (yeah, right) I'll let you know.
    I can make some suggestions about what you should be doing out there too.I suggest working on your spelling and grammar first of all, and learning how to write properly would help folks who are still left to read you understand what you are trying to say.

Yes, use to be teacher --- you have been quite good at telling people what to do. And you often have errors in your postings, but I don't point them out to you, because I am not the spelling and grammar police of the internet. And I try to avoid being rude. I am not going to be offended by your attitude, because, I understand it and accept it as your personality. I accept you as you are. Ain't that sweet of me.

I think I commuicate quite well, thank you. Check the numbers up near the top of the page.

Ain't this fun!

I asked what history had to do with geography. You said, I suggested information from the wrong state and that had absolutely nothing to do with History. I'm not much interested in your history anyway.

But you know teacher you failed to answer even one question about Elk Konnectedwhich you are a Follower of. Why is that, I didn't think educated teachers failed. Is it you have gave up on Elk Konnected way up there in Delaware? Or is it you lost your Konnection and just don't know anything?

Please respond intelligently to the questions if you can?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 06, 2013, 07:42:23 PM
You still don't get my relationship with EK. You decided to label me and now you just repeat what you decided with no facts. You never did have any. You are still writing fiction and believe your own words rather than listen to or believe what people tell you. That's your burden to deal with, not mine.

Oh, but you know quite well I pointed out your Konnection many pages back after viewing your Face Book page and all the folks listed that were Elk Konnected. By the way did you ever set up your preferences on your Face Book. If you need help with that let me know, Okay! You know it was open to the public for viewing didn't you?

I don't write fiction that is a figment of your imagination, and I hope you enjoy that figment.

But please are you trying in around about way of denying Elk Konnected ?
Are you saying you don't know anything about Elk Konnected ?
Let's hear it like it really is?
Why isn't Elk Konnected active any longer ?
Do you deny that Elk Konnected has people on the West Elk School Board ?

Nothing in the paper aain this week about Elk Konnected.

Diane Amberg

Nope, I will not engage you one way or the other about EK. What's in it for me? Say what you will your opinion doesn't matter. As far as your numbers...is that so important to you? I have numbers too. So what, it doesn't matter.I won't be seeing any of your posts soon anyway. poof!


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