Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I forgot to mention, or did I mention, someone at the last school board meeting expressed concern about the grade schoolers and high schoolers  sharing. Well guess what, we don't have a separate campus or separate school building for the children do we? You wanted it, you got it.

It is a unified school building centrally located in Elk County isn't it?
How is that working out for you?
Why the concern?
Can't the teachers, teach socializing between the two groups?

Remember back on the first pages of this thread and wanting to do away with City Councils and having a Unified Centrally Located Government? Remember that?
Let me remind you, Okay, ok?

Quote from: ROSS on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

If the West Elk Leadership can not deal with children in a unified centrally located building with one managing body, how in the heck would anyone in their right mind have thought a unified centrally located government with in Elk County would have worked?
This great idea came out of Elk Konnected's great idea of a Community Conversation. Which was simply an attempt to control the county coffers, in my opinion.

And, I believe Elk Konnected and it's followers are behind pushing for all this construction, I believe they are pushing the School Board of Construction through their members on the School Board of Education?  I believe they are pushing to make this horribly expensive move to create massive debt for the taxpayers?

Remember how Elk Konnected had control of our County Commissioners by having two members on three of the Commissioners seats? Remember that? They had control, very simple. Remember how the NGO abused the Counties resources; something to think about isn't it? All the information is available in the pages of this thread all you need to do is go back and read it, if you have forgotten or didn't know for some reason.

We are short one School Board member right now because of a resignation and I am pretty certain we have three Elk Konnected people on the school board now, maybe more. Will we have another when the vacancy is filled? Yes, I think it is something to worry about don't you?

Go back to page one and see how many of Elk Konnected's big idea's have been accomplished I think you will find none. Except for possibly a couple that were accomplished after Elk Konnected lost control of the County Commissioners Board.
And the ones that did get accomplished were only common sense that would have and should have happened anyway.

So I wonder is this massive debt that the school board of construction or trying to heap on us is one of Elk Connecter's schemes to accomplish their goal of improving the "Quality of Life" in Elk County. Surely you can understand why I think that way?
If not visit their web site and page one of this threads?

Where is the money coming from?
Come on School Board of Construction, you educated leaders of the community, surely you can make a statement and post it on the West Elk web site and /or put it in the local newspaper,

Really we need something; we don't get any information in the School Board Meeting minutes. You were elected to work for the citizens and taxpayers of the school district and part of that work is to answer to them. So let's have some answers? Where are the transparency and the communications?

Where is the money coming from?

If you have no answers
                                      You should cease and desist

                          This would be the only sensible thing to do.

Stop the hiding or stop the construction!                  Where is the money coming from?

Why do you insist on violating the voter's right to say no?

That's what you are doing?

You want to build the grade school that was voted down! Simply by building it in sections as wings to the present building. Trickery doesn't change a thing you are violating the voter's rights in my opinion and that is down right unpatriotic and sneaky.

Don't you believe in government of the people, by the people and for the people? Which is provided by voting. Don't you believe in the patriotic way? Don't you believe in the fact that our military fights for the right of the people to vote and control their governing bodies ? If you do why skirt it?
That is a very shameful attitude in my opinion and we are to trust you with the education of our children? Is this what you want our children to learn? To skirt what they don't like? To be unpatriotic, to ignore the voters? Really? Where is the honesty and the transparency?

I hope you ask God's forgiveness every night for these wrongs, when you lay down for sleep.

Oh, perhaps this is why I was charged the exorbitant amount of $65.71 for five simple pages, because I won't shut up, don't you think? And perhaps because they don't want you to have the information.

I notice there is still a large amount of downloads and views at https://app.box.com/s/7nbnimqqr6b2tkzudw6f and I appreciate that.
It makes my expense well worthwhile; it shows an interest by the public.


Once again Mr. Ross, the ideas from page one came from many citizens of Elk County. Nancy


Quote from: K.R. on August 14, 2013, 09:14:21 AM
Once again Mr. Ross, the ideas from page one came from many citizens of Elk County. Nancy

You may believe what you want, that is perfectly okay.
But to continue singing the tune will not make it so.

The ideas came out of a supposedly Community Conversation that was an Elk Konnected function and they were so proud of it, it was in the newspaper and posted on their website. It was more of an Elk Konnected meeting with Elk Konnected having the County Sheriffs there to back them up in their total control of their meeting. The meeting was facilitated from the President of Public Squares Communities and at that time Public Squares Communities President and his NGO were located in Leoti, Kansas. He was mot even a local person, but from 339 miles away, 5 hours and 33 minutes by car/ Nat a thing local about him was there? Please keep that in mind and continue reading?

Sure they claim they were invited to hold the meeting by the Elk Konnected Kounty Commissioners, don't you recognize the complicity of the situation and how that cast a shadow over the whole thing?

And in my opinion it was not a Community Conversation it was an orchestrated circus of numerous circles of chairs and we have no idea whether the suggestions came from one person or from Elk Konnected only.

Are you assuming everyone is dumb enough to continue to believe the whole farce? I would think if they were their would be so much support for the NGO that they would still bein control of our county government and we would still be wasting money on a Youth Development and Economic Development position and still handing out county money to Elk Konnected. Do you?

Once again Nancy, I am sorry you continue to believe. But that is your right and your privilege and I won't stand in your way, but also I won't accept it as fact with out absolute proof. Can you provide absolute proof?

I really don't think so.
None of the very few Elk Konnected Followers ever have.


School officials in Chicago said they underutilized schools that are being closed.

In other words they spent tax dollar to over do, to build more than they actually needed, didn't they?

Apparently they didn't recognize the difference between WANT and Need did they?

Did the School Officials in Chicago use critical thinking when they did all that wasted spending?

Our school board basically said they did not need a grade school and shut down two of them.
Was that critical thinking?

Now they are saying they need a grade school but at the cost millions of taxpayer dollars.
Is that implementing critical thinking?

There is still a school building in Moline that Moline would probably return to the school district for the one dollar bill the school district sold it to them for. And that would save millions of dollars. Now this would only make sense to taxpayers and the Community of Moline in my opinion! Critical thinking? Maybe thinking of the other communities of Elk County!

But does the school board have the common sense and the critical thinking to save millions?
I don't think so. What do you think?

Does the School Board of Construction have $3 or 4 million dollars to spend, Heck no!

If they do, show it to us?

No, I don't think so!

But they have your property to tax and tax and tax. Don't they?

I think they will probably prefer to make us Number 1 in the State of Kansas once again, as the highest taxed county in Kansas.
That is really something to brag about isn't it.
"Build It And They Will Come" is that the new motto for Howard and the taxpayers?
Can't you just see people flocking here to Howard to be able to send their children to a great big school building, with only a grade of average from the state and the highest property taxes in the state?
Can't you just see good teachers clamoring to come to Howard for the same reasons?
After all it's that critical thinking the school board wants to teach our children isn't it?

Can we have some rock-n-roll music with our property tax increases?
Or do we have to put up with violin music?

It's only critical thinking isn't it, that the taxpayers get something while they are being screwed?


Once again Mr.Ross the suggestions came from many citizens of Elk County. Call any of the commissioners or Dana Mills for your proof.  Since you were not present at the meeting any of these 3 people can verify the information. Nancy


Once again Nancy believe what you want.
Where is the documentation?
Who said what?
It was all secret, so you can say what you will and believe what you will and I will believe what I will, Okay!
I said we can agree to disagree, I can't do no more than that without documentation because of the control factors at the Elk Konnected Meeting called a Community Conversation. It was also a three ring circus with quite a few more rings.
I know they called the sheriff on me simply because I wanted to ask the outsider from Leoti a couple of question, I assume he was afraid to answer openly in public because he told me he would talk with me outside. I left of my own free will and spoke with the deputies outside of the building and they were terrific. There was absolutely no problem. Except with the outsider from Leoti being fearful of answering a few questions in public. No, no community conversation was held a circus was.

That man also tried to intimidate a number of people and failed terribly. A good number of people just ignored him, I bet you didn't see that either, did you?

Go on believing what you will. I am definitely not here to tell you what to believe. I'm not here to tell anyone what to believe.

I don't even ask them to believe that the documents posted at https://app.box.com/s/7nbnimqqr6b2tkzudw6f are genuine. They have the ability to determine that for themselves. And if they have doubts they can go to the schools admin office and request their own copy or ask the office to verify the documents. I do have the original copies given to me by the school and I am hanging on to them.

And that brings me to the point to thank everyone that is downloading and previewing the documents.
You make me proud of Elk County citizens and lets me know you are interested. Good Job!
Even though I know you don't need me telling you, keep it up.

If there is anything in particular you would like to see, let me no by private message or openly right here on this thread and I will do my best to get it and post it. If you private message me I promise not to divulge who you are, if that is your desire.

Oh lest I forget disciplinary actions and student records are not public information and can not be requested.
Well they can be, but they would be denied.


Let's do a little review of what has been going on since Meeting that Elk Konnected had their Kommunity Konversation concerning the West Elk USD 282' financial status.

But first does Elk Konnected fall into this category?
Ask yourself, please?

Quote from: Patriot on October 29, 2012, 10:11:44 AM
Originally published in Eco-Logic Online in 1997:

In communities across America, "stakeholder" councils are being formed, or have already been formed, to advance Agenda 21 to transform cities and towns into "sustainable communities." The "consensus process" is used to gain the appearance of public support for the principles of sustainability, applied to a particular community. The process is designed to take the public policy- making function away from elected officials and place it in the hands of non-elected officials, while giving the appearance of broad public input into the decision-making process.

Stakeholder councils are called by many names and are created for a variety of specific purposes. Whatever they are called, and whatever the stated purpose for which they are created, they all have several common characteristics, and all have a common objective: the implementation of some component of Agenda 21. While each community may experience a variety of different approaches, it is necessary to recognize the common principles that guide all such councils...

...The general objective of all stakeholder councils is to promote three primary values: environmental protection, equity, and sustainable economic development. To promote these values, a comprehensive "community" plan must be developed which links, or "integrates," all three values. In some communities, stakeholder councils are formed to work on a single component of a comprehensive plan that is to be combined with the work of other councils that may be working on different components in different geographical areas of the same community. The various councils may or may not know about the work of other councils that is underway simultaneously.

Full Article:  http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/sustainable_development/the_consensus_process_20060603181/

Quote from: ROSS on March 14, 2013, 06:25:00 PM

Here is the desperation, I have referred to many times on the Elk Konnected thread and no little NGO begging for money can fix it.
I hope you will click on the link at the bottom and read the whole article.

Census: Record 1 in 3 US counties are now dyin
By HOPE YEN | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — A record number of U.S. counties — more than 1 in 3 — are now dying off, hit by an aging population and weakened local economies that are spurring young adults to seek jobs and build families elsewhere.

New 2012 census estimates released Thursday highlight the population shifts as the U.S. encounters its most sluggish growth levels since the Great Depression.

The findings also reflect the increasing economic importance of foreign-born residents as the U.S. ponders an overhaul of a major 1965 federal immigration law. Without new immigrants, many metropolitan areas such as New York, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh and St. Louis would have posted flat or negative population growth in the last year.

Read more at http://news.yahoo.com/census-record-1-3-us-counties-now-dying-040238347.html

Quote from: ROSS on November 27, 2012, 11:54:12 AM

Special School Board Meeting
Nov 26, 2012

Goal Setting with Facilitator Dr. James C. Christman

The man says there will be three questions later:
1.   Who is responsible? (Really? These elected officials don't know already?)
2.   What is the timeline for accomplishing the Goals? (Wasn't it already discussed as a 5 year plan?)
3.   How do you know when you are satisfied with the plan? (Is this rocket science?)

The man then says tonight we are not going to talk about $'s or efficiency, we are going to talk about what you the board members want, if you can have it. (The man keeps saying tonight we are not going to talk about money, as if he is going to return, later I learn this is the truth. He will be returning several times, but at what cost to the tax payers?)

He writes as the board members take turns, he writes their wants down on the big piece of paper, the papers are taped to the wall:

   Construction Grade School/Second Gym (Keep this in mind) (konnected Board President)
   Better Grade School Facilities (Keep this in mind)
      Promote West Elk on Individual and Corporate Levels (made by the konnected      board President. Would that mean with your NGO)
   Education of Children (It would seem to me that would have been mentioned right off the bat as the main goal.)

At this point the man said, we name every dollar.

   Continuing with wants   
A 10 Year Plan to Allow For Saving For It

1.   Facility Maintenance and Construction (can you see where this is going, keep watching)
4.   Teach Critical Thinking (good board member IMHO)So he writes Issues on the big piece of paper and writes what the school board members say. They are:
   Finances $
                Public Relations With the Community~  ~ ~The man says we will discuss methods later.

                Community Division
                Make School Center of Community (Which Community)
   Construction Grade School/Second Gym (Keep this in mind) (konnected Board President)
Well are you ready for the, and from, the first list of wants, Construction Grade School/Second Gym (Keep this in mind) (konnected Board President).

I have been hearing on the street about building a wing onto the school for a grade school and a gym. How's that for coincidence?

They are worried about finances and lowering the mill levy, where is that critical thinking when you need it?

With the national and international financial crisis and the fiscal cliff and austerity, yes austerity right here at home in the USA and in Kansas and our recession/depression, what the heck is going on with the thinking? Some body help me out here, please? They want to build a grade school and new gym and lower the mill levy how can they do that?

Sounds a lot like elk konnected, llc to me, how about you> They do have a konnected School Board President and who knows which others are konnected?

And to place us further in debt and raise our taxes every year for the next eight years will accomplish what? Don't forget massive inflation possible when the Federal Reserve starts reducing the $85 Billion a month QE3.

Before Elk Konnected had control of West Elk USD 282:
Quote from: Patriot on September 12, 2012, 02:46:43 PM
The school board for USD 282 has voted NOT to participate in the Elk County Neighborhood Revitalization tax rebate plan.

Apparently, a majority of board members, after review & consideration, have decided against rebating portions of their tax revenues to a selected few citizens in Elk County.  I understand the vote was 4-2 against with David Whetstone (Elk Konnected LLC steering committee member & major point of contact) voting with one other member in favor of participation.

See even the School Board voted against reducing taxes for a few, except the liberals.

They sure made a liar out of Rudy didn't they:
Quote from: Rudy Taylor on November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM
West Elk voters turn down bond issue, 622-375

Voters in West Elk USD 282 soundly turned down the $5.55 million bond proposal to consolidate all school facilities onto one campus in balloting on Tuesday.

The final result: Yes 375 votes, and No 622 votes.

This will bring to a halt plans to construct a new elementary school in Howard and the eventual closure of grade schools in Severy and Moline.

The USD 282 Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday night, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p.m. Board members must now decide which direction to take as the school continues with its three-campus school district.

And we had this from an Elk Konnected Follower:
Quote from: flintauqua on November 03, 2009, 10:45:09 PM
F You!

Even back then I think Patriot knew something was brewing:
Quote from: Patriot on November 03, 2009, 09:26:40 PM
Back to the main topic of this thread.....

Now that the 5.5 million dollar 'Plan A' has failed, does anybody want to prognosticate what the unpublished, undiscussed 'Plan B' will entail and how much it will cost?

The School Board was working secretly weren't they?
Ya just can't trust anyone these days can you?
Remember Rudy said, "This will bring to a halt plans to construct a new elementary school in Howard and the eventual closure of grade schools in Severy and Moline." He must have been left out of the loop.

Quote from: Tobina+1 on October 28, 2007, 10:55:40 AM
 The biggest obstacle that will be faced is the "naysayers" and people who can't get over rifts from years gone by between all the cities within the county.  If the future of the county is to move in a postive direction, so must attitudes.

Yes I agree! When does the city of Howard remove their name from the West Elk Schools Sports agenda's at games?
When does the City of Howard give West Elk it sport accomplishment signs and place them on the highway at the School?
So when does the City of Howard amend their attitude and end the rift?

Quote from: Tobina+1 on October 28, 2007, 10:55:40 AM
Here's another couple tidbits from an Elk Konnected survey:
"Strong Support for Education" (ranked in 1st place on the list)
% of people who rated 1-excellent or 2-good:
Elk county:  74%
Grenola: 74%
Elk Falls: 45%
Longton 87%
Moline: 77%
Howard:  88%
Severy:  100%

"Willingness to invest in the future" (ranked in last place on the list)
% of people who rated 1-excellent or 2-good:
Elk County:  21%
Grenola:  21%
Elk falls: 27%
Longton:  13%
Moline:  27%
Howard:  26%
Severy:  43%

By saying, "Willingness to invest in the future" didn't they mean Construction?
Nothing here about supporting Construction only Education.
Notice the numbers for spending money foolishly, called, "Willingness to invest in the future".
Don't you think the people voting realized that? Or Perhaps at the meeting they used the words addressing construction?
There were bigger percentages against the idea apparently, but not shown.
Sorta like that old joke:
The USSR and the USA were in a race today with Russia coming in second and the USA cane in next to last.

Even Elk Konnected asks:
Quote from: Tobina+1 on November 06, 2008, 09:33:52 AM
Remember:  Who, What, When, Where, Why!

But left out the "HOW" ! How are they going to come up with the money?

Isn't EDUCATION what they should be discussing rather than construction? We have a building to support 600 students and only have 319 enrolled --- down from 330 or more.

Outgoing Kansas Board of Education member questions state test standards
Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2012/11/24/2579419/outgoing-kansas-board-of-education.html#storylink=cpy
No it's more important for the liberals to push sports than education, that's why the construction, mainly for sports, a new gymnasium the rest is incidental. Consider the proposed contract with the Church of God at $1000.00 a month to rent as a gymnasium that would be $7000.00 a school year for sports. West Elk has been doing just fine for two years without all that expensive luxury. How much money has been spent on that really fancy track, that fancy football field, the baseball field? Some of it may have been donated but that does not alleviate the maintenance expense does it? If you think something might be free think again. Is this Beverly Hills; are we to pay for someone else's fantasies?
Are you going to continue to allow these arrogantly ignorant, non-caring, non-critical thinking liberals continue to tell you your vote does not count?
By arrogantly ignorant, I mean they are arrogant enough to ignore the voters.
Just because they are not building a stand alone building changes nothing.
It just means they are being shifty; they are building the same building a wing at a time onto the existing building.
They are being deceptive to us --- you and me, and mostly to themselves.
They are in my opinion believing their own lies --- that being they are not listening to the voters.
They are in my opinion believing their own lies --- That they believe in DEMOCRACY or the REPUBLIC.
In my opinion they are operating in the same deceptive way that our Federal Government is operating.
And surely they don't like that out of the Federal Government.
"What does it matter now", that American's were abandoned and left to die at Benghazi. Really! Ever heard of truth and honesty? What does it matter if the IRS is secretly harassing people? Really! Ever heard of truth and honesty?
What does it matter if the School Board uses Trickery to ignore the VOTERS? Ever heard of truth and honesty?

By ignorant, I mean they are apparently ignorant to the fact they are elected to serve the voters, not to serve them up.
The VOTERS said, NO.
What part of NO is it they don't understand?

My teenage son pulls the same stunts and I have to ask him, what part of NO is it you don't understand.
So why is the school board throwing away our tax dollars acting like adolescent children.
Oh, I know this will make them mad, just like it makes my son mad.

How do you define the word RESPONSIBILITY, school board members?
Who are you RESPONSIBLE to as school board members?
Is it your RESPONSIBILE to twist things to build the building that the voters said 'NO' to?

Please read Rudy's remark quoted above he said, "This will bring to a halt plans to construct a new elementary school in Howard and the eventual closure of grade schools in Severy and Moline." He fully understood the voters didn't he?

But you failed to understand the voters or chose to ignore the voters.

That is totally wrong.
Do you think your board is a dictatorship?
If not it is time for some tall explaining isn't it?
In my opinion your attitude and actions have been totally SHAMEFUL.

So where is the MONEY coming from? Are you planning to raise our taxes every year for the next ten years?

Come on you Elk Konnected followers that know everything enlighten those of us that don't know.

How about you Elk Konnected members of the School Board can't you speak up as Elk Konnected or are you to ashamed to do so?

I am ready to take a stomping on anything I have said that may be wrong, bring it on Elk Konnected and followers if I am wrong. Tell me to apologize and why I should do so.

Speak up, speak out.

Don't just say:
And we had this from an Elk Konnected Follower:
Quote from: flintauqua on November 03, 2009, 10:45:09 PM
F You!


West Elk claims to be doing above average.
And I made a remark of just a little above average and was asked where I got that it was a little above average.
Well I didn't answer, but no one seemed to know exactly what was meant by above average.

My curiosity was peaked and I had to dig for the answer and I discovered something.
To try to make themselves look good West Elk claims to be doing above average, but the best I can find that the state grades with is "% standard or above" so if you flip the words around and leave out the "or" you have a different meaning, don't you?

Lets look at what this means and how it is used:

For 2012 Grade 10 Math there was 66.7 percent of the students that were performing at standard or above.
What does that mean?
That means 33.7 percent of the students that were performing below standard, doesn't it?
This does not tell you how many are "A" students or "F" students does it?
To me that leaves a lot to be desired. It is a lack of true and understandable information in my opinion.
The students are graded on an "A" through "F" scale right, why not the schools?
So wouldn't a Grade of "C" be considered as standard?
Would that mean 33.7 percent were getting "D" an "F" ? Just Asking, because I'd really like to know.
33.7 percent below average  seems awful high to me.

The numbers were almost identical for 2011.

For 2012 Reading Grade 3 was 78.6 percent of the students were performing at standard or above.
What does that mean?
That means 21.4 percent of the students were performing below standard, doesn't it?

Shouldn't the School Board of Education be working on this, rather than the School Board of Construction working against the voters?

The state shows enrollment for 2011 at 334 students.
The state shows enrollment for 2012 at 326 Students. A 9.8% decline from 2011.
The School principal stated they have an enrollment this year at 319. A 9.8% decline from 2012.
Do you see the decline in enrollment?
How about a math teacher check my math for me, please. I think I may have made an error, even though I keep getting the same answer.

I could not find a number of the students for the various grades, so I can't break the percentages down to the number of students.

Don't believe it? Use this link to build your own custom report for West Elk:

Also have a look at this web page http://svapp15586.ksde.org/rcard/dist_assess.aspx?assess_type=1&org_no=D0282&grade=99&subgroup=1

Oh I spoke with a lady from the Kansas State Department of Education and she informed me that unless the school board has the funds in the general account, or takes the funds out of other accounts (i.e. the students education funds or transportation funds) they would have to have another bond issue. Which would mean you the voters would have to approve a major tax hike. Of course we will vote noto a TajMahal for Howard, right?

So why don't they concentrate on improving education for the students, the way I see it there is plenty of room for improvement.

Just something to think about, isn't it Elk Konnected, do something for the kids in education, right?

Instead of lollipops.


Quote from: ROSS on August 16, 2013, 01:56:59 PM
The state shows enrollment for 2011 at 334 students.
The state shows enrollment for 2012 at 326 Students. A 9.8% decline from 2011.
The School principal stated they have an enrollment this year at 319. A 9.8% decline from 2012.
Do you see the decline in enrollment?
How about a math teacher check my math for me, please. I think I may have made an error, even though I keep getting the same answer.

I checked your math, and it is in error.  334-326=8   8/334=.02395 or 2.40%      326-319=7  7/326=.0215 or 2.15%

I'm not a math teacher, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


Quote from: crosstimber on August 16, 2013, 03:37:19 PM
I checked your math, and it is in error.  334-326=8   8/334=.02395 or 2.40%      326-319=7  7/326=.0215 or 2.15%

I'm not a math teacher, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

I guess I had my tin foil hat on upside down.
It didn't seem right.
Messed up the formula big time.
But it is a decline just the same.
Good job.

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