Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Ya want me to shut up and then complain 'cause I didn't say anything?  :angel: Holy cow! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


        Ross, you know they all quit because of you........ and your henchmen.

       After all y'all killed the forum. :o :o :o :o ::) :P :-* :laugh:


West Elk USD 282 is not located in Howard, Ks as stated at this web site
http://westelk.us/ !

Who continues to keep this blatant lie going?
Or is it someone that fails to understand how to communicate properly?
Perhaps they don't know how to say, and print the truth, West Elk is located south of Howard, 1/4 mile on Kansas State Highway 99?

Naw, I don't think so, I think someone just wants to be dishonest, what do you think?

I wonder who that might be?

Just like the road signs that belong to West Elk USD 282 and should be placed on the Highway at the School, not at the City Limits of Howard?
Is Howard a separate entity from the rest of Elk County?
Don't they care about a positive attitude with in the county?
Does the truth matter?
Does honest count for anything in Howard?
Howard what are you teaching your children, are you teaching them honesty this way?
Do you feel no shame?
There is no difference between this and a child stealing a candy bar, do you approve or do you make things right?

Where are all the Christians, where are all the preachers? Or are Christians and preachers only for Sunday?
Do you Christians and preachers think this is the right thing to teach the children,
tell them little white lies and cheat just a little, it's okay, is that it?
Teach the children there is no shame in lying and cheating and just ignore it, right?

If the school staff can't get it right perhaps the West Elk School Board of Education can suggest that thy do get it right, do you suppose?

Why does Howard want to continue to be dishonest and continue to hold the signs that belong to the School?

Perhaps it is like the Elk Connecter's statement of sorts. While some areas of the county are doing positive things Howard doesn't want to cooperate. Do you suppose that it? Where is that quality of life?

Why doesn't the West Elk School Board of Education take corrective actions and have the signs placed where they belong --- at West Elk for the kids? Do it for the Kids --- isn't that what the local NGO's say --- Do it for the Kids? Why don't they take corrective actions and have the web site corrected?

Isn't that the sales pitch of the West Elk School Board of Education will use in order to get a Community Storm Shelter for Howard? Do it for the Kids?

Copied fro the web page listed below.
Further reductions considered by the West Elk Board of Education to meet the 10% general fund
reduction budget for 2009-10:
o Move to a four day school week (reduce the calendar by 11 days) - @$55,000.Consolidate the elementary programs to one campus - @$128,000.

Moline Elem - Building # 2444 - Closed 06/01/2010
     Severy Elem - Building # 2448 - Closed 06/01/2010
Found at http://www.usakansas.org/content/1/West_Elk_USD_-_Superintendent_Bert_Moore.pdf

Close two schools to save $128,000.00 and spend nearly  $500,000.00 on trailers, does that make since. Then want to build a new gymnasium and provide a Community Storm Shelter for Howard, is that what you understand?

Where is the improvement for the budget?
Moline grade school's roof could have been fixed much cheaper, especially since half of the roof was still under warranty. And you would still have your separate gymnasium. Go figure! JUST THROW IT AWAY!

The $5.5 million School Bond issue failed didn't it, except in Howard where nearly ¾ of the people voting in Howard were for it?
Don't you wonder why?
I wonder?
While ¾ of the county and other communities had people vote no!

The West Elk School District has been operating just fine for two years as it is, and as the school board has noted numerous times with a declining enrollment and a declining population, where is the common sense in expanding the size of a building that is designed to house 600 students when there are only 300 attending?

Wake up School Board quit throwing money away at an engineering company that you don't even want to cooperate with.

They asked you to tell them what you want,
they asked you about the abilities of the building,
they asked you what your needs are,
ad many more important questions,
the questions would have provide in writing many answers from numerous people,
so that a consensus could be determined,
but apparently that was to difficult to accomplish.


Consensus seems to work for those School Board Members that are a part of Elk Konnected, why not here, with this difficult and complex situation is consensus a failure?
Are Elk Konnected's methods wrong?

I have a simple answers and solution for you?
Forget it, forget building
you have a large enough building for 300 children!

Become the School Board of Education (instead of sports). With the State admitting that education standards have been lowered so much,
this would be a great time to make a name for Howard and West Elk,
that seems to be the goal right?
Make a name for Howard?
Build a Taj Mahal.

Instead of concentrating on construction,
concentrate on education.
Raise the standard of Education at West Elk.
Go for the Gold!
Be all that you can be!

But not for just one year, make it a goal for year after year.
Let all the kids get the education they deserve for our tax dollars.

Let's get more effort out of the School Superintendent and Principle to improve the educational standard and to motivate a few more teachers.

The classes are pretty small and children can get more one on one with the teacher than at a school with crowded class rooms.

So what are the excuses?
Does West Elk have the ability to improve education?

Does the West Elk School Board have the ability to see that West Elk Excels in Education?

No - Not if you don't give it at least a little thought, and effort, right?

Are you just going to settle for average while education standards are so low? Doesn't that just translate the average to a low standard of average?

Remember you are the West Elk School Board of Education.
You are Not the West Elk School Board of Construction for Howard!

Just some thought, just some questions, just some opinions.

What do we want West Elk USD to be?
•   A big spender

•   A big educator
•   A better educator

Something to think about, your property taxes depend on it.
Your children's education depends on it.

Diane Amberg

I'm going to ask a question and I'm very serious about it. When you said you couldn't hear at the meeting, I was on your side. I don't care who spoke up and who didn't. Ask them to use a microphone. Surely they have one.
  I keep being told to butt out, so I have. And now you criticize me for that? If you really want my opinion on this subject now ,you'll have to ask. I'm sure you don't, so I'll try to be silent.
I thought you were posting primarily for the school board to read. I wonder how many do? Do they consider you a one man NGO?
I still don't know why it bugs you so much that the high school isn't quite IN Howard. Compared to so many other things, that seems like minutia...but, for you it has importance.
Is that all that's left? You few will start arguments with me over anything?  That's a real shame.  Off to work at school. Have a nice day.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2013, 09:10:07 AM
I'm going to ask a question and I'm very serious about it. When you said you couldn't hear at the meeting, I was on your side. I don't care who spoke up and who didn't. Ask them to use a microphone. Surely they have one.

You don't get it, do you? If they had microphones there wouldn't be no problem would there?
But do you need microphone's in a very small room maybe 12'X20'. As I pointed out only one man speaks up. I don't think the rest want to be heard. That is the advantage of living here and knowing first hand what is going on.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2013, 09:10:07 AM
  I keep being told to butt out, so I have. And now you criticize me for that? If you really want my opinion on this subject now ,you'll have to ask. I'm sure you don't, so I'll try to be silent.

Are you smoking loco weed?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2013, 09:10:07 AM
I thought you were posting primarily for the school board to read. I wonder how many do? Do they consider you a one man NGO?

I would hope to think they are smarter than that? I think they realize an NGO is a Non-Governmental Organization and that I am not an organization or a member of any organization. I would think the school board would think of me as either a pain in the ass or a thorn in their side. But, I personally think of myself as a concerned citizen and trying to share with the voting and taxpaying citizens of Elk County, Kansas. I know, I am even sharing some information they may already know. I hope to get people talking to each other and get more interested in how the systems in this county operate and to let them know that they have the power to do something affect their enviroment. Even the school has said they want more community involvement. Albiet now the way they want? I think there are other factors involved. But you are not here to hear and see for yourself. You rely on hearsay. The folks that live here can very anything they want on their own, a great advantage to being a resident.

I post on this forum and specifically on this thread for all of the people of Elk County, not just specific groups. But as has been explained County Commissioners have read this thread, Elk Konnected and their followers have read this thread and we can only assume that the School Board reads this thread. I know for a fact that the School Superintendent has read this thread and I think it might to be safe to say he is probably still reading this thread. But no this thread just like the rest of the forum is open to everyone. If I you must know and can't figure it out! I intend to be specific to the taxpaying and voting citizens of Elk County, Kansas. This is where we live, this is where we vote,  this is where we pay taxes.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2013, 09:10:07 AM
I still don't know why it bugs you so much that the high school isn't quite IN Howard. Compared to so many other things, that seems like minutia...but, for you it has importance.

Very simple Diane!
It's the lack of honesty!
Do you appreciate dishonesty?
Howard at one time attempted to move their City Limits out to encompass the school.
Don't you see the Howard attitude?

Where you lack even the slightest honesty,
you lack morals,
you lack the ability to be trusted.

It is the first steps to corruption?

Start by stealing a dollar from gov't and get away with it, then it's ten dollars and then where does it end.

Only here they are stealing from the kids school.

The recognition must be very important to the City of Howard to stoop so low, where does it stop.

Teach don't you believe in truth and honesty?
Or do you turn a blind eye when children cheat on a test?

Don't you find lying and cheating and stealing shameful no matter how small it might be?
Especially by government bodies?

Does your church believe in truth and honesty?

So truth and honesty is minutia... to you, that's fine with me, but I find it shameful.
I have been teaching my son from the time I got him, the opposite of your thinking.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2013, 09:10:07 AM
Is that all that's left? You few will start arguments with me over anything?  That's a real shame.  Off to work at school. Have a nice day.

What argument? If A discussion with differences of opinion is an argument, so be it.
It would appear to me that you are trying to instigate an argument by making such a statement. That's a real shame, for sure!

Diane Amberg

Yup.... started out OK, but turned into more gaslighting. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Is there anything with you that is just neutral?  It's a just sign for Pete's sake!    black, white, good, evil, honest, dishonest and always on purpose. No mistakes, no accidents, no redos.
The forum is open? Imagine that! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. And you represent everyone who lives there...NOT. You do not represent the residents and tax payers who disagree with you.
Ya start firing loaded questions at me like that whole list...that's gaslighting!  When do ya start with the "I must be ashamed" speech? And your son..really, REALLY? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  :P :-X     m-m-m-m-m-m-m. I totally get that everything is a big deal to you. I'll put my next comments on "the east coast thread."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2013, 02:32:15 PM
Yup.... started out OK, but turned into more gaslighting. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Is there anything with you that is just neutral?  It's a just sign for Pete's sake!    black, white, good, evil, honest, dishonest and always on purpose. No mistakes, no accidents, no redos.

Once again the victim aren't you?
Gaslighting, no way!
Definition of gaslighting:
Gaslighting is a form of mental abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making a victim doubt his or her own memory, perception and sanity.[1] Instances may range simply from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim. The term "gaslighting" comes from the play Gas Light and its film adaptations.

You really amaze me.

If it is just a sign why isn't it where it belongs?

Ya still gotta throw names around and can't comprehend what you are told. I'm not even sure you comprehend what you post. Fer instance when it comes to honesty or dishonesty and good and evil your post suggest you are Switzerland --- neutral. I suppose if someone stole your business sign or your cash register you would be neutral, right? That what I read in your statement above.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2013, 02:32:15 PM
The forum is open? Imagine that! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. And you represent everyone who lives there...NOT. You do not represent the residents and tax payers who disagree with you.

You are absolutely right I do not residents and taxpayers, I only represent myself.
And you have no idea what all the people of Elk County think and neither do I.
Why do you assume you know something like that?
Why are you way up there in Delaware so disturbed by this thread?
Are you against improving educational standards in Elk County versus improving sports?
What really gives with you?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 12, 2013, 02:32:15 PM
Ya start firing loaded questions at me like that whole list...that's gaslighting!  When do ya start with the "I must be ashamed" speech? And your son..really, REALLY? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  :P :-X     m-m-m-m-m-m-m. I totally get that everything is a big deal to you. I'll put my next comments on "the east coast thread."

You seem to have a problem with answering questions honestly about honesty and morals!

Yes as a parent I have a responsibility to teach my son many things and that includes honesty and morals. Do you have a problem with that too?

Have fun being neutral on the east coast.
I didn't lose anything over there.
And east coast politics is east coast politics, and I know nothing of it!


     The sign/ signs in my opinion, should be at the school boundaries. Most areas I have been, that is how it is, unless the school is in the center of town and no other towns have a school that shares the accomplishment.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on August 12, 2013, 06:21:16 PM
     The sign/ signs in my opinion, should be at the school boundaries. Most areas I have been, that is how it is, unless the school is in the center of town and no other towns have a school that shares the accomplishment.

Thank you Bullwinkle,

I think I will be having an interesting post for everyone tomorrow.
Providing I have the time to put it together.
I attended the school board meeting this evening and it was pretty interesting,
That is what I could hear of it.
And I have some pictures to post on my special web site for you folks of the proposed construction
at West Elk. The pictures are not all that great, but I did the best I could do with what I had to work with.

Would you believe an additional 20,000 square feet?

And practically renovating the whole school?

I guessing from the figures given out in the neighborhood of $3,300,000.00 taxpayer dollars? I could be wrong I won't deny that.

That is not allowing for inflation each year between now and 2012.
They reported having 319 children enrolled this year and are hoping for a few more?
I believe last year they had 330 children isn't that the declining student enrollment that is discussed in all their studies?

So go ahead do the math, what is the cost per student and don't forget to factor in inflation and continued declining student enrollment between now and the discussed completion of the rebuild of 2021.

Oh I have some good news too, there was talk of education for both children and parents and to include  surrounding schools and even parents and other adults.

But, I am tired and will try to post tomorrow, when I an rested.

Good night all.


Where to start?

Okay, the school principal said they have had 319 students enroll and are hoping for more to enroll. Well I think hope is nice, but folks this shows another decline in enrollment. If some one knows different please correct me but I believe last years enrollment was 330 students. The decline continues but the idea of building a Taj Mahal doesn't, does it?
Where are they going to come up with the money to pay for this Taj Mahal? I imagine a raise in property tax, yours and mine. I'll share more of my opinion on that later.

The good news was there was some talk about education by the principal, she has invited (for free as I understand it) a guest speaker to hold an assembly for West Elk and said she is inviting the other schools in the area to bring their students to West Elk to attend.

The subject Digital Dangers was on phrase I heard. It will teach the children and I assume the staff as well about the dangers of using Social Sites such as Facebook whether on the internet via computer or smart phone, and more.

There will be an assembly for adults in the evening and even though I feel I know the dangers and have provided as many safety's on my computers as possible and I feel I know the other dangers, I think there may be something new to learn.

I tried to tell the principal "good job" but I thought she deserved more then that, but that was the best I could do at the moment.  I am definitely looking forward to that program.

I wasn't to pleased with the school superintendents remarks about the subject. I felt he was Implying bad parenting by all, perhaps he could choose better phrasing of his remarks. He said something to the affect that parents are not doing their job and teaching their children. I really resent that attitude to generalize so broadly. Sure there are some but not all parents that may fail at parenting. But personally I believe the majority work pretty hard and steady at parenting.

If the school is making the technology available to the children shouldn't they assume responsibility on their end as well? It seems they are always shifting fault to the parents. Why is that necessary? Who is responsible for West Elk only operating at an average level on the state grading system? Whose responsibility is it to see that West Elk's performance improves? The school board that's who! Do they block the social sites on the schools wifi or hard wired sites? I know Elk Valley USD 283 does. But the School Board is too busy doing construction to focus on education. I'll get to more of my opinion on the construction later.

You can look forward to a posting on the West Elk web site of the School Board Policy soon. I was about to ask for a copy and would have had to pay $.25 per page and probably an employees hourly wage. They have made a number of changes to their Policy, they did or the School superintendent did, I'm not sure who is responsible for the changes. But the board voted to accept the changes? During the school board meeting I'd sure like to be able to do a word count like in Word document that might prove to be interesting? I think it would show that the school superintendent has more words than anyone on the school board. So wouldn't that make it a school superintendent meeting, seeing how he has a seat at the head of the smorgasbord picnic table called the school board?
I am making some changes to the documents I uploaded to Box.com, to make it easier for you to access them. I hope! I am moving everything into one folder and then one link will open the folder that has files and other folder with files inside of them. I'm working on understanding the web site so please bear with me. My next post will have the new link and I hope to follow that up with information about the proposed construction.

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