Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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       Thanks for making me lose my breakfast, Jarhead.

      Still getting aftershocks from that image.  :-X


No problem Bull. At least you didn't rip my head off. That ol drunk'n sailor wrote me a private e-mail and went on a rant about how he had "been a bad boy" in every port in the Pacific but even he draws the line on some things. OK Ross, that's a fibber but I now you're thinking it . :angel:


I just stopped by the West Elk District office and spoke with the Superintendent about my request.
They understood the message of going to the state level and are putting together the paper work.
I'm still waiting for it.

They were nice enough to let me know I have to pay for the woman's wages plus the $.25 per page.

But ya know I just do think they want you the public  to have public information about the school district that taxes you,
because they did the same thing for another man, less the overtime pay and did not charge him a cent.
Not one red cent. I know this for a fact.

But, I will pick up the cost and post it for all you taxpayers to read when I get it.

They say they want the community involved but I don't think they really mean it.

It's a strange situation IMHO.

Are they ashamed or are they trying to hide something?

Like the fact that West Elk Was built to handle 600 students and they only have 330?

I imagine for less than the nearly half million the spent on trailers and the $6,000 plus for yet another trailer and the $19,000 they wasted on a contractor and got nothing for, they could have redesigned a portion of the inside of the present building as lot cheaper.

But as stated at a school board meeting they can raise our property taxes 4 mil without asking. I also understand there has been talk of raising that limit or completely doing away with it.

All this progressive thinking and positive attitude is hurting the schools budget and the school children and I think it is time for the school board to utilize the critical thinking that they want to teach the school children and stop wasting money.

I would assume that the critical thinking they speak of would include bothe the negative and positive and would require finding a sensible solution.  But that would include a real discussion amongst all school board members, wouldn't it?

Wake up people or pay much higher property tax and thank the progressives. Perhaps send the a Christmas present in gratitude.

Disclaimer: You are not asked to believe a bit of this, just go on ignoring it like the lady from Delaware claims you are doing.
It don't mean nothing until your next time to vote.

Have a great afternoon.


Quote from: jarhead on August 06, 2013, 12:29:23 PM
No problem Bull. At least you didn't rip my head off. That ol drunk'n sailor wrote me a private e-mail and went on a rant about how he had "been a bad boy" in every port in the Pacific but even he draws the line on some things. OK Ross, that's a fibber but I now you're thinking it . :angel:

Fer crying out loud you old fart. I was single in the Navy and had a great time in every port.
But today I am very happily married, I suspect my wife is too!
@1 Years and never ever fooled around on my little lady and never even thought to.
Don't need to  5'1 and built like a brick shit house and don't take no crap off me or anyone else.
A little package of dyn-o-mite and sweeter than fudge. I love sugar.

So you are absolutely right ya old coot.

I'm trying to be nice and that can be difficult with you jarheads. LOL

Start the nest post with Dear Abby will ya.


       " Dear Abby, dear Abby, well I never thought, that me and my girlfriend would ever get caught. "


Quote from: Bullwinkle on August 06, 2013, 07:27:31 PM
       " Dear Abby, dear Abby, well I never thought, that me and my girlfriend would ever get caught. "



I'm about to attempt to explain, what I have been asking for of our publicly owned school district to the best of my ability. That being the West Elk School District USD 282. Whether you believe me or not is entirely up to you. If you discuss is again is entirely up to you.

On or about July 29th I requested a list of all employees' salaries including overtime pay and summer time pay on the districts official Public Request for School Records. For the period of the 2012-2013 school year. As a taxpayer just as you are, I am entitled to all Public Information associated with the school district. The only thing to my knowledge that is not allowed to be made public is information concerning disciplinary actions directed towards employees or students. All other is public Information.

I was told I would have to pay $.25 cents per page which I agreed to. Even though, another man was provided a similar request less the overtime and summertime pay without being charged a single cent.

Instead of providing the information I requested, I was sent a letter. That letter dated August 1. 2013 contained a Salary Schedule and An Hourly Rate which is a graduated pay scale which showed yearly step pay raises. Not anything closely resembling what I requested. They wasted taxpayer dollars and charged me nothing. I believe that was done simply to appease a dumb redneck hick, me.  They did state in the letter and I quote, "If this is not the information you are requesting, please give me a call." She new full well that was not what I was requesting because we had a face to face conversation about it. Sorry it did not fly. I submitted a second request this time I requested salary or pay, for each position taxpayer money is used for including overtime pay and summertime pay. I did state that I was not interested in the individual employees names. I took pictures of this request to document the request. I was informed by the School Superintendent to remove the names would require a lot of extra work removing them manually. So I said, okay, include the names then, my intention is not to create extra work.  The names are public information also. I also informed them that if needed, I would go to the State Level with my request.

I was then informed I would have to pay $.25 per page, but this time, they say I have to pay for the time, for the work performed by Business Manager or someone. You know, I wonder why, when no one else is asked to pay for such time? I'll leave that up to you to decide. Is it to get me not to follow through with my request? Is it because they don't want that information circulating amongst taxpayers?

While attending a school board meeting I asked for a copy of the School Board Member Meeting Packet, which in the past has been referred to as an attachment in the School Board Agenda. However this packet has never been attached to the agenda or the School Board Minutes. The minutes are posted on the West Elk web site. How is a person attending the meeting supposed to follow along at an open school board meeting without this information, they say refer to  page such and such, and I am not allowed page such and such. The purpose of an open school board meeting is just for that purpose to be open. I received a letter dated July 18th that I would have to request in writing for a copy prior to the meeting on the Public Request For School Records. These are not necessarily school records until after the meeting, but should be provided to the public during the meeting to follow along. I think they need to get legal advice on this. The Open Meeting laws are different than those requesting school records. I feel they are simply denying me or you the taxpayer proper knowledge during an open meeting. To me it is a form of keeping things secret and I believe they know and understand that. I may take this to the state level. These documents are provided to some individuals in the audience so that they may follow along and I suspect those folks are not paying $.25 per page or requesting them prior to the meeting.

But moving on. I verbally requested a copy of the contract between West Elk USD 282 and the church to the north of the school. This was not accepted very well. I was told they had chosen not to sign a contract because the state had not approved the building for school use. So I cane back with their Public Request For School Records form requesting a copy of the PROPOSED contract with the church to the north of the West Elk School. I then received a copy of my request back and it was dated mailed 8/8/13 and it had written on it under, "REASON FOR DENIAL OR REASON FOR DELAY", awaiting legal opinion before the document is released. Don't these people understand that all documents and papers of a public school are public information, I think they do, I think they were only playing a game with me. Why haven't I been asked to pay for the legal opinion associated with the release of the document? I don't believe they got a legal opinion. Therefore, I am not positive I have received the latest copy of the document. The sent me a draft labeled, "LEASE AGREEMENT DRAFT revision 4-5-2-13 with the 4 X'd out. I received the document dated, mailed 8-9-13.

I am posting these documents for all to see and the link is posted at the bottom of the page.

I am still awaiting the pay for August 1, 2012 through August 1. 2013.

Why is everything so difficult with West Elk and Public Documents when the school board with their long term plan and their study's paid for by tax dollars say they want community involvement? Is it that the staff think they are running their own private business? Is it that the staff doesn't recognize they are employees of the School District which belongs to the taxpayers? Has the school board directed them to be difficult with anyone wanting information? Is it a tool to continue with their plan to build a Taj Mahal  for Howard? What is really going on? You decide? How much do you want your taxes raised since we have finally received a tax break from the county? I believe the School District figures that gives them a green light to raise your taxes, perhaps you don't deserve a tax break, what about that?

Perhaps the School District needs a State Audit, something to think about isn't it?

I hope this is as clear as mud. LOL


Good nights folks.


Well, I have added another file, West Elk USD 282 Pay Schedules at https://app.box.com/updates and two Folders :
             Board of Education Minutes (includes District Profile)
              Site Council Minutes
The site council meetings are easy to find because they are listed in a banner across the page. The site council has no power and can only make suggestions to the Board of Education. However, the Board of Education which has the power to vote on things and make them happen do not have their minutes listed on the same banner and are a bit difficult to find that is why I have made this folder, to make it much easier for you the voter and taxpayer.

I am having some difficulty at board meetings understanding what they are saying, I admit that. I have admitted to having hearing problems and that I wear hearing aids, but even if I turn my hearing aids up to the highest possible volume bordering on feed back through the instruments, I still can't hear the discussions. But, I have heard from others the same thing and they don't have hearing problems. So why can't the School Board members fill the little room with their voices like the School Principle does or like the salesmen that address the board? Is it because they don't want to be heard. Oh pardon me, Mr. Bellar has been exceptional in filling the room with his voice. Good job Mr. Bellar.

I received the Agenda for the School Board Meeting tomorrow evening 8/12/2013.
It keeps referring to pg. such and such but I think they are probably going to refuse to hand out this information to everyone in attendance. Thus not allowing voters and taxpayers to follow along, IMHO And that is totally wrong again IMHO!

Amazing they are going to talk about the Architects Report – Heckman & Associates.
Wait a minute I know for a fact that I heard the School Superintendent tell the School Board that the questionnaire the Architect sent was to difficult to fill out, he also stated he did not want the public to see the questionnaire that I heard for a fact. I thought he said he told the man not to come to the school board meeting. Perhaps I mis-understood him but I thought they were finished with the firm, guess I was wrong. They just don't to deal with a pop quiz about what they want, I guess !!!

Another item on the agenda is the resignation of Rachel Ware as Board of Education member.

Yet another item on the agenda is to Approve notice & resolution to fill vacancy on BOE.

Really what is going on at West Elk USD 282?

How many BOE Members have resigned in the last two years or so?
I count three. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Why has West Elk had two coaches resign, they were both females, one worked with the girls volley ball team and the other worked with the Girls Cheerleaders?

Oh, I think we all know the standard reasons, but really?
With so many resignations should someone be taking notice?
No red flags? Why?

Oh, I think we understand the common excuses for leaving jobs, any jobs.
But maybe, Three Board members and two female coaches and how many that we possibly don't know about? Shouldn't someone be asking why?
I mean really, WHY?

I don't think most hourly wage employees give a written resignation.
They usually only give a written or verbal 2 week notice.
Would anyone have an idea if or how many hourly employees may have quit in recent years?

Do you reckon there could perhaps be some hidden problems at West Elk?
Just asking!

Such a small county and so many unanswered questions, why?

Diane Amberg

 Ask that the ones with softer voices use a microphone. You have the right to be able to hear.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2013, 01:12:53 PM
Ask that the ones with softer voices use a microphone. You have the right to be able to hear.

I guess you didn't pick up on the fact that Mr. Bellar seems to be the only one mentioned that speaks up.

What about the fact that yet another board member has resigned and no body wonders why so many have or how many more may.

And ya didn't get anything else out of the last two post I made.

Wow just Wow.

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