Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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      And while she is rereading, perhaps another look at Teresa's post in the Forum topic is in order.

I don't know who you are nykkylsdymes, but thank you. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
I know how many people read the forum.. and there are lots. If there were only a handful, as many think... we would have shut it down a long time ago and not maintained the cost and the site. But that isn't the case.

Thanks for all those that read.. and thanks for all those that post.. and thanks to all those who continue to keep an open mind and heart to all types of people and personality's.. and know that just because someone is verbal on how they believe and feel doesn't make them a bad person.. It makes them a person who is alive and passionate about life.

Diane Amberg

Yup, that response is exactly what I expected.
By the way, I did make one error and I've done it before. At one point when I said "you" that was meant to be you plural, not just you personally. Sorry. I don't tend to say "you all" because that isn't correct either. Your whole posse  was involved. As far as the school, I have no comment because I have no idea what your cost of living and building costs are there. I could tell you what it costs here, but that's not the same. I also don't know if your facts about the issue are correct.They have been refuted before. As far as others hating me...I don't care. I know exactly when it started some time back and it has become "fashionable" to dislike me by a few...with a lot of misinformation tossed in.
 I'm hoping more people will move to face book also...a lot less rude name calling, labeling and generalizing. Some ''just in fun" poking ,but nothing meant to be mean or taken seriously among friends.
As far as my supporting Elk County and it's people, you don't have a clue and I won't brag about it. Further away too. Do you remember dear little Brody Hurt?  My heart bled for that family. His sister and I still chat from time to time.
The tote bag that was made for me...I'm hoping for it to be full of golden eggs when T. ships it.
Gotta go.


Well moving on Diane, I've got more important things to discuss.

And whether or not any one believes even a single word is strictly up to that individual.
If people choose to ignore this information that is quite okay too!

A few weeks ago at a West Elk School Board Meeting, before the meeting even started I asked for one of the hand outs they provide to the school board members and a few select others and was refused.

I was told I would have to ask in advance and pay $.25 a page to get a copy.

The purpose for asking is this is supposed to be an open meeting and the public should be permitted to follow along and understand what they are talking about. Without that hand out there is no way to follow them. They provide copies to the teachers and coaches at no charge I bet. Oh the excuse is they are staff and need to be able to follow along in case they are called on to respond. Really, don't they as staff know what is going on in their specific area that might be questioned? Do the teachers and coaches and Principal pay $.25 per page to follow the meeting.

So I guess it is like providing a cheat sheet for the teachers, so they don't have to openly discuss what the subject is and that keeps it secret from the public, what other reason is there? And I am sure like any other good secretary or  Clerk of the Board putting information together for a public meeting she would have extra copies.

I'm sure some of you have had the opportunity to read the School Board Minutes and can recognize that they are not very informative. For instance when a member of the board resigned they didn't mention why. But they did vote to accept the resignation. To me that was a pretty important resignation. They didn't even say for personal reasons. That in itself places a cloud over the Board of Education IMHO. It was after that resignation that they asked to have the School Districts reduced from 6 to 3 and I believe they stated to make the school boards job easier. Oh yea, everything is suppose to be easy isn't it. And this still continues.

The school board members sit at their smorgas board table facing each other barley speaking up. Their voices should be heard loud and clear by all present. It is a public meeting.

I have had others express their concern to me about not being able to hear the school board members. The High School Principle addressed the school board and filled the room with her voice easily; the same goes for the contractors and salesmen that have addressed the school board.  But the School Board can not accomplish the same thing. I turned my hearing aids up as high as possible and strained to hear the board members and still could not hear them.

Now about the School board meeting and the way they have their School Board set up.
It just doesn't seem proper to me.  They sit facing each other and can not be heard in that tiny room. They have the School Superintendent sitting at the head of the table coaching the school board, IMHO. He is not an elected official and should not be sitting on the Board. He should be in the audience just like the rest of the staff and or employees. The Principle and the teachers and the coaches that show up, all sit in the audience, which is the proper thing to be doing. The school Board does not have the right or privilege to invite the School Superintendent to sit on the Board and should correct this at the next meeting. It is nothing personal towards the Superintendent, I personally happen to like him. It is simple matter of protocol, procedure and etiquette. He is not an elected official and can answer any questions posed to him from the audience. And follow the procedures imposed on everyone else and not interrupt the meeting unless specifically addressed or acknowledge. He is an employee of the School District and the taxpayers just as the rest of the employees.

The same goes for the Clerk of the Board, she should be seated at a separate table and only speak when addressed.

Would you like to see a professional school board meeting? Visit the Elk Valley School District meeting some time. They don't have anyone providing them with a smorgasbord either. Who pays for that food at our West Elk School Board is it the taxpayers who's money should be used for the kids? Or is it a private entity trying to buy favors. Either way it IMHO is very improper. So they don't get paid, they volunteered for the job, not for the gratuity. So let's see the gratuity go away and pay attention to the business of education instead of pass me the tray of goodies.

A week ago I filled out a "Request for School Records" which are public information and was told I would have to pay $.25 per page and I agreed. The public information I requested has not been made available. I had also made it very clear verbally to the school superintendent and the lady he had me talk with. I specifically asked for a list the School District's employees positions and the pay/wages for the year including overtime and summer time pay for each of those positions. I also explained that I was not interested in the names of the particular employee that has the particular position, even though that too is public information. Instead they mailed me an hourly rate salary schedule classified employees only for the unified School District. That is for the teachers positions only. That is not all employees of the school district and does not include overtime and summertime pay.

They also included a letter and stated, if this is not the information you are requesting, please give me a call." That simply means they already knew it was not the information I requested and I was not asked to pay the $.25 per page.  They paid postage and used an envelope and wasted paper failing to provide what I asked for. I know for a fact they provided the same information to another taxpayer but without the overtime and did not charge him $.25 a page. So you figure it out what is going on with our tax paid employees at West Elk.

I re-submitted my request once again this morning and photographed the request for possible use near the end of the week if necessary. I also requested on a second form for copies of the proposed contract with the church nest door to the north of the West Elk School building, I also photographed that request.

Now to sit back, and wait and see if they provide the requested public information.

I was asked by a person to try to get the information and post it o they too would know what is happening. I was asked not to divulge who that person is. And I will respect that request, so please don't ask.

You too have the right to public information and with all the technology and a technology expert working for you at West Elk if the people that have the information don't know how to use it I'm sure the technology expert could help them post it to the Schools web site  along with the board minutes which lack the handouts referred to in the minutes.

I know that two School Board Members are Elk Konnected affiliated in one way or another. Does anyone know how many others are?
Just curious about what is going on with the school board and because I have an idea that all this business of building an unnecessary  Taj Mahal of a school has something to do with that. Just asking.

Okay let me have, I'm ready to hear it.


       The government is hoping more people join facebook as well. Makes it easy for them to know all about you.

       Why spend time here, if facebook is so great?

      I know the answer already, but fire away.


Quote from Bullwinkle:
Why spend time here, if facebook is so great?

I can answer that Bull. It's because if she had to have the last word on everything---if she  tried to bully everyone----if she tries her damndest to stir the pot---and if she doesn't get a rise out of anyone she tries again and again and in her sneaky way dis-respects anyone that lives here until someone finally responds to her so then she can have her pity pat party or tell us how she will not be pushed around---argues with anyone that isn't a liberal like herself---- has some smart ass remark on 99 % of all topics but never a solution except to tell us how they do it in De.. That's just a few of the things she does on this forum that if she pulled the same crap on facebook EVERYONE would un-friend her or delete her or whatever they do on FB.

Diane Amberg

So don't read what I  have to say, and yes I know exactly what Teresa had to say, to EVERYONE. Count youself in on that . pftttt.


I sure wish there was a flash button for this one.

pftttt. Jarhead just pftttt.


I almost forgot pokie, poke Jarhead.


     Is this some kind of "broken record".

    "So don't read what I have to say".


Quote from: Bullwinkle on August 05, 2013, 08:52:10 PM
     Is this some kind of "broken record".

    "So don't read what I have to say".

It's a never ending story on thread after thread.
I've kinda got use to it.
Poor dear.


Ross and Bull,
Every time I read where she says Poke to y'all I think of Gus on Lonesome Dove asking Laurie darling for a poke. Maybe you lads are getting propositioned and letting a good time slip right by you. :D

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