Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Wow..What imaginary friends? Save your pity for someone who needs it. I sure don't. You just don't understand moderates and open friendly visitors.
Yes, I'm still a rather open person, but not as much as when the forum started. The ones who were there then have had to close up, especially those who don't live there anymore or never did. No more photos of origional art work, or new kitchens, or chats about places we've traveled in common. Very few interesting recipes or poems or kid safe jokes.  No more fun social conversation with those who enjoy it. Bahh!
Calling names?  Insults? Really, REALLY? I can't begin to touch what you...few..thank goodness... do.  If I tell you all what I know, you'll find out my friends are far from imaginary and my expertise ,what there is of it is very real. But then again, I don't need to care what you think, now do I? I can support my friends and projects out there without having to vote or have anything to do with you. Why are you wasting time with me, ya gotta enough to work on at home! Trust me, I know. ;)


I am reluctant to respond to you because you tend to always feel a need to have the last word in any discussion, but I simply can't ignore your latest example of using the old 'double-standard' on this forum.  Since you joined and torked off so many of the existing members, you have mentioned on many occasions how folks were 'trying to shut you up' or were trying 'trying to run you off'.  You have even bragged about how tough you are and that no one short of Teresa and/or Kjell could get you to change your ways and your right to say on here WHATEVER you feel.  And now here you are, apparentally trying to ask Diane to just disappear off the forum because now you pity her so much.  The fact of her living in Delaware seems to be a real bone of contention with you.  Well guess what, although I can't say with certainty and this is JUST MY OPINION, there are likely more members of this forum who live outside of Elk County than there are that do reside in the county.  I myself am a non-resident of Elk County, but I was raised there and still have a multitude of family and friends there, so I am extremely interested in the goings-on of the area.  When I learned of this forum and joined in 2006, I was made to feel very welcomed.  From the statements you've made so many times that non-residents or taxpayers should not speak, write or express their opinions on here, I surmise you would prefer I just disappear from the forum as well.  AIN"T GONNA HAPPEN.  That's all I have to say on this for now.  I'd say feel free to respond, but I can guarantee you will regardless.  You always do.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 03, 2013, 04:41:32 PM
Wow..What imaginary friends? Save your pity for someone who needs it. I sure don't. You just don't understand moderates and open friendly visitors.
Yes, I'm still a rather open person, but not as much as when the forum started. The ones who were there then have had to close up, especially those who don't live there anymore or never did. No more photos of origional art work, or new kitchens, or chats about places we've traveled in common. Very few interesting recipes or poems or kid safe jokes.  No more fun social conversation with those who enjoy it. Bahh!
Calling names?  Insults? Really, REALLY? I can't begin to touch what you...few..thank goodness... do.  If I tell you all what I know, you'll find out my friends are far from imaginary and my expertise ,what there is of it is very real. But then again, I don't need to care what you think, now do I? I can support my friends and projects out there without having to vote or have anything to do with you. Why are you wasting time with me, ya gotta enough to work on at home! Trust me, I know. ;)

These statements only amplify your extremism. The things you talk of are on other threads and have absolutely nothing to do with this one and your imaginary friends. And has nothing to do with your being an Elk Konnected follower. Unless you are saying the so called people that have quite posting are stupid enough to allow a political thread affect their personal involvement on all the other Topics 13510 of them. Is that what you are saying?

But by the way the number of users continues to grow and at the moment there are 130 guest on line.

Yea, I'd say you are a liberal extremist, if I were to say that is.

LOL     LOL    LOL    How's that for you pokie poke way of doing things.    LOL LOL  LOL


Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
I am reluctant to respond to you because you tend to always feel a need to have the last word in any discussion,

You have no idea how I feel so your remark is moot. There is no last word just as you proved with this, your response. So please feel free to respond. It is an open forum, don't you agree?

Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
                                       but I simply can't ignore your latest example of using the old 'double-standard' on this forum.  

What old double standard are you referring to in your remark above:
Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
you tend to always feel a need to have the last word in any discussion,
Is that it?

Or is it perhaps the old pokie thing that Diane uses and you are saying I can't use it as well?

Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
                                                       Since you joined and torked off so many of the existing members, you have mentioned on many occasions how folks were 'trying to shut you up' or were trying 'trying to run you off'.  

Who are all those members I have supposedly torked off? Are they nameless, non-existent?
Or are they the few Elk Konnected Followers such as you?
You are related to some of them folks aren't you?

So tell us how come Elk Konnected hasn't come across with all that quality of life stuff?

Why haven't they provided wet inflatable slipper slides or mechanical bulls for the different county events?
Don't they still think of themselves as part of the Elk County Community?
Is it because they no longer control the County Government and can't bilk the taxpayer any longer?
I still haven't found that Elk Konnected community on the map.
I have found it in the virtual world called the internet.
Please let's hear your side of this story, we are all listening.

Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
You have even bragged about how tough you are and that no one short of Teresa and/or Kjell could get you to change your ways and your right to say on here WHATEVER you feel.  

Oh, no sir I haven't bragged about how tough I am, now that is a big fat lie. Of course I will retract that statement if you can quote me saying such a thing on this forum. So please quote me.

Oh wait a minute, are you referring to the threats made to me early on in this thread, you know the back handed threat about my health or the possible lawsuit?

As far as the lawsuit all I said was bring it on, no tough guy stuff.
They had no reason to make such a threat, therefore it did not scare me.
No reason to get tough, LOL !

And I never said, "no one short of Teresa and/or Kjell could get you to change your ways", that is another bold faced lie.

I have said that they own the forum and if they want to shut me down or reject me from the forum that is their right. And I would respect that.

But I will say, you sir do not have that power over them either.
They are very reputable people.

Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
And now here you are, apparentally trying to ask Diane to just disappear off the forum because now you pity her so much.  The fact of her living in Delaware seems to be a real bone of contention with you.  

There it is again. Didn't you see the pokie poke thing running across the screen.
The double standard you keep referring to apparently it is alright for Diane an Elk Konnected Follower to constantly do it, but I can't, Isn't that it?

Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
Well guess what, although I can't say with certainty and this is JUST MY OPINION, there are likely more members of this forum who live outside of Elk County than there are that do reside in the county.  

So what?
They can say what ever they want here on the forum, it is an open forum.
But they have no real say locally, they don't vote or live here do they?
It really is the vote that counts isn't it?

Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
I myself am a non-resident of Elk County, but I was raised there and still have a multitude of family and friends there, so I am extremely interested in the goings-on of the area.  

That's fine! But you have no vote, so no real say, am I right?

Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
When I learned of this forum and joined in 2006, I was made to feel very welcomed.  From the statements you've made so many times that non-residents or taxpayers should not speak, write or express their opinions on here,

No, no you twist it a bit don't you?
First I do not possess the ability just as you don't to tell anyone they can not post on this thread or any other thread on this forum. Only the owners of the forum can do that, right?

Quote from: ddurbin on August 03, 2013, 04:57:22 PM
I surmise you would prefer I just disappear from the forum as well.  AIN"T GONNA HAPPEN.  That's all I have to say on this for now.  I'd say feel free to respond, but I can guarantee you will regardless.  You always do.

Am I not supposed to respond when you address me?
That would be rude of me, wouldn't it?
I don't want to be rude.

No, no I would rather you stayed on the forum and I appreciate your posting on this thread. Your posting keeps things going and interesting.

By all means do not go away, please.

All the Elk Konnected Followers are encouraged to respond and post at least by me.

Especially, if they can provide any real positive information about Elk Konnected, that is believable.

I would definitely appreciate that.

Mr. Durbin since you have such great connections can you tell us how many officials elected to the West Elk USD 282 might be Elk Konnected?

That would be excellent information.

Thank You and have a good evening.


Wow, Ross this is a new one even for you.  Using things from a post that you made at 6:23 this evening in another post at 7:38 to refute things my brother Dan posted at 5:57 pm? ? ? ? ? ? ?

You post so much nonsense that even you can't keep it straight.

And I guess your tin-foil hat must be coated in Teflon.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Flint, if Ross was a liberal/socialist, he'd be agreeing with you most of the time.  However, that's not the case.


Quote from: flintauqua on August 03, 2013, 07:33:40 PM
Wow, Ross this is a new one even for you.  Using things from a post that you made at 6:23 this evening in another post at 7:38 to refute things my brother Dan posted at 5:57 pm? ? ? ? ? ? ?

You post so much nonsense that even you can't keep it straight.

And I guess your tin-foil hat must be coated in Teflon.

Just my opinion, you and your brother are funny, hilarious.

My tinfoil hat is in perfect shape, it protects me from you Elk konnected Followers just fine. LOL
Polkie Poke!

Afterall it's okay for an Elk konnected Follower to pokie poke and you didn't say I couldn't.

Ain't this funer than being mean and ugly?


Quote from: flintauqua on August 03, 2013, 07:33:40 PM
Wow, Ross this is a new one even for you.  Using things from a post that you made at 6:23 this evening in another post at 7:38 to refute things my brother Dan posted at 5:57 pm? ? ? ? ? ? ?

You post so much nonsense that even you can't keep it straight.

And I guess your tin-foil hat must be coated in Teflon.

Wow! I didn't know he was your brother, my apologies.

Perhaps since you live here and you provide him with local information, just perhaps you can tell all of us how many School Board Officials are Elk Konnected or Konnected Followers?

By the way do you live in Howard?

Diane Amberg

 Look out, let the bashing continue. ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Oh my word...now I'm a liberal extremist? You say that like it tastes bad. :P ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
 So you believe information sharing is actually bragging...disagreeing is whining. Jokes aren't funny... People who support local public causes are socialist fools. Any complants, except by you, are a pity party... nobody is allowed to be sarcastic except you, even when you surely deserve it.  You want to be a leader from behind the scenes and have your loyal goons do the dirty work. Everybody is out of step but LW? and perhaps his little posse? Wahoo! Scrape those human spurs.
By the way,one of my "invisible" Kansas friends just made a really nifty tote bag for me with a big red hen on it. Not bragging, just telling you. It's very clever.
You can whack people and then whine foul when they finally have had enough and come back at you. Everybody but you always starts every disagreement, so you are merely defending yourself.    WOW. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
It must to be such fun to be you... and THEM.  No thanks, I'll stay my old, and getting older, moderate self. No party line for me.
Ross, I'm telling you, the people you are so sure are reading all your posts and are hanging on every word you post, ARE NOT.
You don't even remember what people post so you go back over things over and over. They left. They don't read you . Gone. Pfft. Get used to it.
Teresa did ask you nicely to back off this thread and you said you didn't see it. How convenient. But you apparently ignored her.
Your reading comprehension seems to lead you to misunderstand the point of much that you read, so you start with the " so I assume you mean"  or "so you really mean" something that was never posted or meant.  Or do you do that on purpose? You are a master at confusing any issue. If you could make money at it you'd be rich.
So now you are apologizing to Flint for having Dan as his brother? Why, is it your fault? ;D ( that's just what I meant) So now you assume Flint is told EVERYTHING by Dan and nobody else? oooh.
Why do you care where Dan lives? You must be up to something. ::)
Time to start cooking. 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
Look out, let the bashing continue. ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Oh my word...now I'm a liberal extremist? You say that like it tastes bad. :P ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

It is in my opinion. We have enough people on welfare and enough Corporate Welfare and enough Foreign Welfare thanks to liberal thinking.

We also have an over abundance of NGO's.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
 So you belive information sharing is actually bragging...disagreeing is whining. Jokes aren't funny... People who support local public causes are socialist fools. Any complants, except by you, are a pity party... nobody is allowed to be sarcastic except you, even when you surely deserve it.  You want to be a leader from behind the scenes and have your loyal goons do the dirty work. Everybody is out of step but LW? and perhaps his little posse? Wahoo! Scrape those human spurs.

No, no that wasn't me, where is your comprehension? That was your fellow Elk Konnected Follower that broached that subject by saying I was bragging, when in fact I wasn't. So I'll forgive you that one. Go back and re-read it, please. I think you are a bit cornfused.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
By the way,one of my "invisible" Kansas friends just made a really nifty tote bag for me with a big red hen on it. Not bragging, just telling you. It's very clever.
You can whack people and then whine foul when they finally have had enough and come back at you. Everybody but you always starts every disagreement, so you are merely defending yourself.    WOW. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I am sure your imaginary friend did and I suppose they sewed a million bucks into the lining as well. Enjoy your new wealth. LOL  Only you can say poke, poke is that what you are saying. But just who did I whack, you can't say can you. Just poke, poke right back at you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
It must to be such fun to be you... and THEM.  No thanks, I'll stay my old, and getting older, moderate self. No party line for me.

Do you even know the meaning of moderate?
So if you do, do you think it is being moderate to expand the size of a school that was designed to hold 600 children when there are only 330 children attending it?

Do you think it is moderate to spend $19,000 hiring a firm to work for your school to redesign or extend the building, and then fire them because they ask you to fill out a simple questionnaire asking precisely what you want? Because you find the questions to hard to answer and because it will take to long to answer? If students in class said that about a teachers questionnaire (test or quiz) they would get a failing grade wouldn't they?

Do you find all that waste of money moderate?

Moderate I don't think so. You won't answer a single one of these questions about this liberal waste of taxpayer's dollars will you?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
Ross, I'm telling you, the people you are so sure are reading all your posts and are hanging on every word you post, ARE NOT.

Boy your comprehension is really bad. When have I ever asked anyone to hang on to my every word? Haven't I asked people to ignore me and do their own thinking?

But as far as reading you keep coming back with nothing but twisted words and you never have anything positive to say about your precious Elk Konnected, why is that?
Perhaps because there is nothing to say. They don't provide anything for the children any longer at the Community events. Not even real lollipops. Such a shame.

But by the way take a look at the numbers near the top of this thread and try to comprehend them. Over 150,000 reads, so there you go twisting things again. Oh, I feel so sorry for your failure, you are trying so hard.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
You don't even remember what people post so you go back over things over and over. They left. They don't read you . Gone. Pfft. Get used to it.

See above response. Sorry again. So you don't appreciate repetition, get over it. Don't read it. No one is forcing you to come here. So can the whining. No, I a,\m sorry for that, it's your privilege to whine, carry on.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
Teresa did ask you nicely to back off this thread and you said you didn't see it. How convenient. But you apparently ignored her.

Twist and twist. You never cease to amaze me. And trying to speak for the nice lady, how shameful of you twisting her words. By the way isn't saying twisting the sane as saying lying?

Teresa has the ability to totally destroy this thread, don't you comprehend that?
She neither needs your say or backing. Teresa in my opinion is a very strong minded woman and I would not want to piss her off. I met her recently and she told me she could kick my ass. Now do you think I would want to go there? No way. LOL

I just happen to like and respect an honest woman like Teresa

You are so funny and so much fun; I don't understand why people tell you to back off.
Really, yes I do.
But the entertainment is great. Thanks for posting. Bye-bye.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
Your reading comprehension seems to lead you to misunderstand the point of much that you read, so you start with the " so I assume you mean"  or "so you really mean" something that was never posted or meant.  Or do you do that on purpose?

When you fail to properly communicate you leave the subject open to assumption and therefore I am asking if that is what I am to assume. Remember teach to communicate properly you have the opportunity to respond and correct your own error. Even others were assuming about what you said. So sorry, for you again.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
You are a master at confusing any issue. If you could make money at it you'd be rich.

Oh, I confuse you! I am so sorry for you if you are so easily confused.
I do make errors and I have accepted the fact that I am human and subject to errors.
And I have graciously accepted the corrections when made. What more do you want teach. Teach me, but please be truthful.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2013, 04:04:57 PM
So now you are apologizing to Flint for having Dan as his brother? Why, is it your fault? ;D ( that's just what I meant) So now you assume Flint is told EVERYTHING by Dan and nobody else? oooh.
Why do you care where Dan lives? You must be up to something. ::)
Time to start cooking.  

I ain't up to nothing you foolish woman, I was being polite and curious that's all.
I did meet the man once on the street in Howard, if I were up to something I wouldn't ask him where he lived. Do you comprehend there are phone books, and county maps with names on the properties and there is also the internet. So, that statement, that I am up to something lacks any comprehension. Sorry, once again Diane.
Oh my, oh my how we twist and twist and twist. I see where you could twist my statement. I failed to leave out that possibility. I truly meant that I was sorry that I did not know they were brothers. Shame on you and shame on me. Human error don't you see?

I sure don't understand why people tell you to back off.
I find you funny and entertaining, especially since you are so well educate and having trouble putting down this redneck high school graduate. Keep bring it on. I'm having a great time and I am sure you are to.

But, truthfully, I do understand those other people and their complaints about you.
Bit I enjoy the twisting and turning you do to a degree. Ooops, I repeated myself.

Oh and since you have made it a point so many times to correct my spelling and for others as well Teacher please check all the errors in your post I am responding to, please!

Please any people reading this just ignore all this B. S. and just have a good laugh on me.  Thanks all, Ross

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