Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Today's newspaper would have had a great story on the front page about the Windfarm funded trip to Lawrence and KU. But no, they had to make it sound like our children are depraved of the arts because they live in Elk County.

In my humble opinion that attitude just flat sucks.

The paper makes it sound like Elk County can not operate without Liz Hendricks and her Public Squares Communities, INC or without Jennifer Montgomery as the Elk County Economic Development when really if anything would have had anything to do with the Youth it would have been the Elk County Youth Development, that position was eliminated because it was found that the position of Elk County Youth Development that was suggested by Elk Konnected and voted into approval by two Elk Konnected County Commissioners was a waste of taxpayers money. It was not budget cuts for the reason of eliminating Elk Youth Development and Mrs. Montgomery voluntarily resigned her job as Elk County Economic Development Employee as I understand it. This all took place after the Elk Konnected County Commissioners Liz Hendricks of Elk Konnected was voted out of office and Elk Konnected no longer had the controlling votes of the Elk County Commissioners Board. This was a great accomplishment for Elk County IMHO.

Just what part did Jennifer Montgomery have to do with this trip and of what value is her opinion. After all she resigned her position as Elk County Economic Development and the position I understand is now filled by someone else.

Well, I got news for the newspaper his article is just plain terrible journalism. In my opinion, I believe a high school journalism student could do better or receive a failing grade on such a report. Do we need a newspaper that puts our county down in such a fashion and I don't care what the editor's affiliation is with Elk Konnected, LLC and consequently with Public Squares Communities, INC and Liz Hendricks, it is still piss poor journalism in my opinion.

Elk County through summer school at Elk Valley USD 282 provided exposure to the arts and a lot of children attended the summer school. In fact the summer school was available to a lot more children and a lot more attended the event than attended the trip to Lawrence.

The children also took field trips and visited museums and various other educational places. They also took hike into the woods. They accomplished a considerable amount in a few short weeks.  The summer school provided Photography, Clay Building, Cooking, Backpacking, Nature and Science, Ipad Discovery, Art and Dance and perhaps some that I may have over looked.

So Mr. Editor if you are any kind of a man I believe your front page article should be followed up with an apology to each and every citizen of Elk County.

Mr. Editor why write such an inflammatory article that suggest that our children are deprived of the arts.

I will say thank you to Liz Hendricks and Linsey Wiseman for accepting the responsibility as chaperones and accepting an all expense paid trip to KU and Lawrence for doing the job.

But, I do not believe Public Squares, INC who has no involvement or a use to be County Commissioner position should receive any credit for the present day trip. That may be old history, but it takes more than on County commissioner to accomplish anything and the other two County Commissioners were not given any credit --- the bias is unnecessary in my opinion.

I will also say my son enjoyed the trip and thought that Linsey Wiseman was a really nice lady.

The newspaper also listed www/sunflowerpub.com/magazines as the place to read the complete Lawrence Magazine story; this link will take you to a number of magazines.

This link will take you directly to the Lawrence Magazine:


I wonder just who provided the information to the people responsible for this story?

The Lawrence Magazine say that Jennifer Montgomery the Elk County Economic Development Director believes cuts have made the program even more essential.
So why is Jennifer Montgomery being portrayed as the Elk County Economic Development Director by the Lawrence Magazine. Read it yourself! Is it possibly the doing of Elk Konnected of which she is a member of their Steering Committee?

What is really happening to all us country bumpkins in Elk County? That is what I see us being portrayed as in these articles, don't you?

Where is the prestige and pride for Elk County in such articles and what is the real purpose of these articles?
Is this the way to promote Elk County?
Just asking?

Just my personal opinion, ignore it if you wish.

Now you can let me have it, all you followers, I can take it.

Diane Amberg

Ross, why do you think the chaperones on the Lawrence trip had an "all expense paid" trip.According to the article in the paper the chaperones were volunteers.  Explain please. I know you have a personal thing against Liz, but I wondered if you read a different article than I did..


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2013, 05:52:19 PM
Ross, why do you think the chaperones on the Lawrence trip had an "all expense paid" trip.According to the article in the paper the chaperones were volunteers.  Explain please. I know you have a personal thing against Liz, but I wondered if you read a different article than I did..

Do you think they paid for room and board? Really?

No I have no personal thing for or against Liz Hendricks, just politics.

you know what she was nice enough to send me a post card offering to sell my place for me.
How sweet, is that a hint since every one knows this is my retirement home.
Na! Just being sarcastic about your Facebook friend.
Pokie, poke!

How is it that a person that resigned her position as Elk County Economic Development Employee several weeks back can claim to be in that position today and speak on behalf of Elk County in a publication like the Lawrence Magazine?
Wouldn't you call that a bold faced lie on the part of some one.
Could that have been your friend?

Just what was the story suppose to be about?
Was it suppose to be about the kids.
Was it suppose to be about County Commissioner that was voted out of office?
Was it suppose to be about Public Squares Communities?

What a waste of journalism in my opinion!

And what a disgrace to Elk County with the lie in the article in both the magazine and the newspaper in my opinion.

But I guess you condone lying.

So be it.

Teach you really do seem to miss the point.
And prefer point a finger in the wrong direction. Can't tell the difference between politics and personal, I feel so sorry for you and your line of thinking.


Quote from: ROSS on August 01, 2013, 08:54:00 PM

How is it that a person that resigned her position as Elk County Economic Development Employee several weeks back can claim to be in that position today and speak on behalf of Elk County in a publication like the Lawrence Magazine?
Wouldn't you call that a bold faced lie on the part of some one.
Could that have been your friend?

Ross, the article in the summer issue of the Lawrence Magazine was available online on or before May 15, meaning it went to print well before then.  And it was written as a follow-up to last years camp, and a preview to this years camp.  So no one was lying about what position they were in at the time.  If you would just stop jumping to conclusions about everything that comes along, trying your best to paint anything and everything involving Liz and/or Jennifer as evil, maybe more people would take you seriously.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on August 01, 2013, 11:58:43 PM
Ross, the article in the summer issue of the Lawrence Magazine was available online on or before May 15, meaning it went to print well before then.  And it was written as a follow-up to last years camp, and a preview to this years camp.  So no one was lying about what position they were in at the time.  If you would just stop jumping to conclusions about everything that comes along, trying your best to paint anything and everything involving Liz and/or Jennifer as evil, maybe more people would take you seriously.

Well thank your for the I formation. I Wii go back and double check that.

So why list something in the newspaper that is in the past or not available without stating so.
Simply poor journalism or misdirection, which is it, perhaps an error for lack of knowledge of how the magazine works.
So I may have retired, just blame my lack of college papers, but what is the editors excuse?
Just asking, because we rely on the information provided.

Thanks again. I'm on my way back to double check.


Quote from: flintauqua on August 01, 2013, 11:58:43 PMRoss, the article in the summer issue of the Lawrence Magazine was available online on or before May 15, meaning it went to print well before then. And it was written as a follow-up to last years camp, and a preview to this years camp. So no one was lying about what position they were in at the time. If you would just stop jumping to conclusions about everything that comes along, trying your best to paint anything and everything involving Liz and/or Jennifer as evil, maybe more people would take you seriously.

Well flint it looks as if we both are both guilty of jumping to conclusions.
Or were we mislead?
I have never painted either lady red or blue or evil.
It is politcs plain an simple. Only you mentioned EVIL.
So am I to assume that politics is EVIL in your view?

I returned to the magazine but it is not the SUMMER ISSUE written on or before May 15th as you suggest it is clearly marked the the SPRING ISSUE.

THE SUMMER ISSUE apparently is not available yet.

I can admit my error can you?

But still why would the editor mislead us?
Did he use that old story as a reference for his newspaper article instead of talking with the proper people concerning his years event?
Or did he use his last year's story for reference?

What really happened?

Why the reference to Jennifer Montgomery's remarks?
Is that perhaps because she is on the steering committee of Elk Konnected and because he claims affiliation with ELK connected?
And why was it necessary to mention Public Squares Communities, INC.

None of the above Non Governmental Organization's or Jennifer Montgomery had anything to do with the wind farm SUMMER camp for the kids this year to my knowledge.

I thought this was suppose to be all for the kids?
I thought it was suppose to be all about the kids?

Really what is going on here in Elk County?
And why such a terrible article about Elk County?
Just asking?
Just my opinion!

Oh flint two more Questions before I leave!
Why should anyone take me or you seriously?
Don't you believe they are capable of thinking for themselves?

I have every faith in the fact that they can think for themselves.
I only hope that they discuss all this foolishness, that may increase their property taxes via the school board.

Don't ask flint you won't like my response.



The article that you linked to is the same article that I read on May 15, and it is the Summer 13 issue, not the Spring 13 issue.  Check your glasses. 

The Prairie Star made mention of the program being "recently featured in 'Lawrence Magazine'" but the article and the picture that was with it are from this years trip.  The paper also is very clear about Jennifer Montgomery being "previously the county's economic development director." 

The paper is also very clear regarding Liz Hendricks stating "Hendricks is a former county commissioner who was able to help start the Summer Arts Institute while in office. She now works as a real estate associate and as president of Public Squares, Inc., which serves to encourage local development in rural communities." 

Just what in that statement is false?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on August 02, 2013, 01:00:37 PM
The paper also is very clear about Jennifer Montgomery being "previously the county's economic development director."  

The paper is also very clear regarding Liz Hendricks stating "Hendricks is a former county commissioner who was able to help start the Summer Arts Institute while in office. She now works as a real estate associate and as president of Public Squares, Inc., which serves to encourage local development in rural communities."  

Just what does any of that have to do with the kids and the Windfarm Summer Camp for the kids especially something like an ex-Elk County Economic Development Employee who resigned her position before the summer camp even took place?

Why is it necessary to muddle up a story about our children with Public Squares Communities, INC. Simply Advertisement and name recognition isn't it?

But I guess all the games played on Elk County Citizens by what I consider a few liberals is okay, m I right?

It is just a bunch of garbage in my personal opinion.

Diane Amberg

Ross, why did you have to smack me for asking a perfectly good question about the Lawrence trip? You defend your asking questions but I'm not allowed to? There is that double standard again. I am very disappointed .
You couldn't leave me alone? What lie did I condone? What does it have to do with anything anyway? You are all over the place. I went back and reread the newspaper article.
....Elk County budget cuts led to the elimination of its youth development program. "It is now dependent on grants and volunteers, including Elk County chaperones who stayed with the students while in Lawrence."    Ross, they stayed in the KU dorms. Why wouldn't I think the  adult chaparones paid their own way?  If you think chaperoning a bunch of kids on a trip is a vacation to a tropic isle, you've never done it.  ;D
If you think the article was so awful, why not write a rebuttal piece. Keep it reasonably short, but speak your mind. There is no point in  my writing about how writing is done, but giving a review of general information about well known people is very common in newspaper articles. It helps tie things together.
Now you can demand that an article be written about summer school...and perhaps demand an article about yourself and how you are the self- appointed conscience of Elk County Gov't.  :P


      Now there you go , Ross You've been given your assignment by the forum self appointed instructor. Remember, keep it short. :P

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