Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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The elementary is NOT moving into the main building.  There are two classes (2nd and 4th) that have been split due to large class size.  The district has hired teachers for both of these new classes, and they will be housed in the main building.  The grade school library will be moved to the high school library with only ONE librarian.  The elementary library will be divided into two rooms, one for a classroom and the other half for the elementary computer lab that will be monitored by the former elementary librarian.  The Spanish class is being moved to a small office that housed the counselor,  and the counselor will be moved to the former sick room.  This opens the former Spanish room for another classroom.  All of the modular are still being used for the elementary.  Where did I get my information? ..... My children go to school there, I ask questions, I listen to what those people that are involved with the situation have to say.


Quote from: daisy on June 19, 2013, 07:20:12 AM
The elementary is NOT moving into the main building.  There are two classes (2nd and 4th) that have been split due to large class size.  The district has hired teachers for both of these new classes, and they will be housed in the main building.  The grade school library will be moved to the high school library with only ONE librarian.  The elementary library will be divided into two rooms, one for a classroom and the other half for the elementary computer lab that will be monitored by the former elementary librarian.  The Spanish class is being moved to a small office that housed the counselor,  and the counselor will be moved to the former sick room.  This opens the former Spanish room for another classroom.  All of the modular are still being used for the elementary.  Where did I get my information? ..... My children go to school there, I ask questions, I listen to what those people that are involved with the situation have to say.

Well finally some one that is willing to clarify what is going on. Good job.
It just didn't come out that way at the school board meeting. Thank you.

So what I understand is the over crowding is for real, right?

So what do we need with a new gym when it appears that class rooms for educating should be the priority?

Is sports more important than teaching>

And what would be the problem of re-opening the Moline grade school most likely at considerably less expense than building a new gym and another building to make class rooms? With t he Moline Grade School building we would regain the class rooms and the gymnasium and the high school would regain the full use of their present gym.

All that crap about everyone being happy to have every thing on one campus is just that, crap. Mainly because of the excessive expense of construction for only housing a declining enrollment as stated by the school board report. Also because of much higher taxes for a declining population as reported again in the school board report.

Where is the critical thinking and the logical thinking?

Are you a member of the school board or the school staff, just curious?


Regarding your comment about all the Howard properties coming up for sale for taxes----as usual you only used what you wanted to in an attempt to make Howard look bad.  ACTUAL FACTS are as follows regarding the # of listings of properties for sale:
I rather imagine your request/wish that people NOT BELIEVE anything you say is being granted.  
Does the phrase "to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"  mean anything to you?  Or do you really believe your right to freedom of speech just allows you to say anything you want to regardless of facts, accuracy or sensibility?


Quote from: flintauqua on June 18, 2013, 09:43:38 PM
Did they say "above average" and you just had to stick on the "just" to make it sound derogatory? 

Isn't just being average derogatory enough. Doesn't saying be average saying they are not doing their best?
I'm just using your word derogatory even though I don't feel it is appropriate but that it seems to fit your opinion.

Quote from: flintauqua on June 18, 2013, 09:43:38 PM
Wouldn't be the first time you tried that.  (And unfortunately it won't be the last from you will it CCTP?)

Unfortunately it won't be the last from you either, will it. Actually I find that derogatory and I what I actually mean to say thanks for the dialog.

Would you pleas clue us in on what you mean by CCTP, all I can find is "The Community-based Care Transitions Program (CCTP)" and for some reason it just not fit here. Of course you don't have to clarify if it is too derogatory.



Quote from: ddurbin on June 19, 2013, 07:43:08 AM
Regarding your comment about all the Howard properties coming up for sale for taxes----as usual you only used what you wanted to in an attempt to make Howard look bad.  ACTUAL FACTS are as follows regarding the # of listings of properties for sale:
I rather imagine your request/wish that people NOT BELIEVE anything you say is being granted.  
Does the phrase "to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"  mean anything to you?  Or do you really believe your right to freedom of speech just allows you to say anything you want to regardless of facts, accuracy or sensibility?

Give me a break of course we know it is going on through out the whole county. It was not an attempt by me to make Howard look bad, the fact alone does that. But it appears it is Howard wanting a community center isn't it?

But you on extend what I was saying people are refusing to pay property and would prefer to let the property ownership go and let it be sold on the step of the Court house. What do you think that says about property values in Elk County? Is that something good?

Thanks for the confirmation that people are not believing anything I say, that means they are thinking for themselves, Good job Mr. Durbin.

Of course I can say anything I want, just as you can.

But can you provide any facts that Howard is not behind this idea of a Community Shelter at the School District taxpayer expense?

And what facts can you provide that the School District is/or should be responsible for a Community Storm Shelter for Howard?

Can you Provide any facts that the ElK Konnected School Board President's NGO Elk Konnected is not behind this movement on taxpayers dollars to build a Howard Community Shelter?

Can you provide any facts that Howard can not apply for a FEMA grant and build their own Community Storm Shelter with in their city limits, providing better access to all of it's citizens?

Are enough of the people of Elk County so liberal as to think that the School District Governing Body (Government) should provide for them through taxation? Or is it just a few in Howard that continue to push for more money to throw away?

What has priority Education, Sports, Appearance or wastefully spending taxpayers dollars?

You got any facts to the questions, if so I'm sure every one including my self would like to hear them?

I think I just heard the Moline Grade School Building say shame on you people. No I'm not delusional.

Can't you hear it?

I hear it daily?

If you focus and concentrate I'm sure you will hear it, too!

Shame, Shame, Shame!


A few more question at this time Mr. Durbin since you appear to be a Howard Booster.

Why do you suppose Howard continues to steal the glory from West Elk about the Boy Track team win in 2008?

Those signs don't truly belong at the Howard City limits, Howard did not earn that accomplishment did they?

Those signs technically belong on each side of West Elk, the school that earned them, don't you think?

The West Elk School is not in the Howard City limits is it?

Or do I have the facts wrong?

Did Howard eventually follow through on moving their city limits?

If they did why isn't the city limit sign south of the West Elk School Grounds?

Can you show me the honesty in all this?

Facts please.

Thank You while we wait for the facts.


Quote from: ROSS on June 19, 2013, 08:05:05 AM
Give me a break of course we know it is going on through out the whole county. It was not an attempt by me to make Howard look bad, the fact alone does that. But it appears it is Howard wanting a community center isn't it.

But you on extend what I was saying people are refusing to pay property and would prefer to let the property ownership go and let it be sold on the step of the Court house. What do you think that says about property values in Elk County? Is that something good?

Thanks for the confirmation that people are not believing anything I say, that means they are thinking for themselves, Good job Mr. Durbin.

Of course I can say anything I want, just as you can.

But can you provide any facts that Howard is not behind this idea of a Community Shelter at the School District taxpayer expense?

And what facts can you provide that the School District is/or should be responsible for a Community Storm Shelter for Howard?

Can you Provide any facts that the ElK Konnected School Board President's NGO Elk Konnected is not behind this movement on taxpayers dollars to build a Howard Community Shelter?

Can you provide any facts that Howard can not apply for a FEMA grant and build their own Community Storm Shelter with in their city limits, providing better access to all of it's citizens?

Are enough of the people of Elk County so liberal as to think that the School District Governing Body (Government) should provide for them through taxation? Or is it just a few in Howard that continue to push for more money to throw away?

What has priority Education, Sports, Appearance or wastefully spending taxpayers dollars?

You got any facts to the questions, if so I'm sure every one including my self would like to hear them?

I think I just heard the Moline Grade School Building say shame on you people. No I'm not delusional.

Can't you hear it?

I hear it daily?

If you focus and concentrate I'm sure you will hear it, too!

Shame, Shame, Shame!

Ross, you're an idiot.  Unfortunately for the rest of us, you are an idiot that has an uncanny ability to lie, repeatedly, and make some people believe you.  But the vast majority see through your methods of lying by omission, minimisation, fabrication, exaggeration, and just outright bullshit.

Here is a question for you.  Why are you trying so hard to stir up animosity between Moline and Howard?  Or Longton and Howard, or Grenola and Howard.  Huh?  Why?  What purpose does it serve to you or anyone else?  And don't try and tell us that is not your intention.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

Diane Amberg

Ross, as long as you are on the hook....Do you still pretend not to know where I am? There isn't enough money in the world to get me to move to New Jersey!  Are you pretending to be thick headed or what's the story with you?
Daisy already told you how and why she knows about the goings on at the school. Are you deliberately being obtuse?  One would think you were fomenting trouble among the little towns to stir up trouble... except so few read your posts any more they won't know what you are doing. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
 And now you have got the placement of a school sign stuck in your craw? Good grief man,how petty is that? What post office is the school associated with?  If Howard isn't the closest local town, what is? If it bothers you so much, have the kids paint some more signs and put them in front of the school too! Stir that pot, CCTP! Don't you have enough to keep an old retired guy busy? ;)


Quote from: ROSS on June 19, 2013, 08:16:38 AM
Facts please.

Thank You while we wait for the facts.

Ross, you don't want facts, and when they are presented to you, you ignore them.  If you do acknowledge the presentation of a fact and it doesn't fit your closed-minded notion about something, you then deny the validity of the fact.  

This is all a carefully calculated tactic of harassment and derision from you, since you're goal is clearly to disturb, upset, and incite animosity amongst your fellow citizens.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I have to make this short, I have been putting off my personal work for too long this morning.

Flint, Diane and Mr. Durbin keep typing, you Konnected Followers make for good entertainment.

Your excuses for not answering honest questions and your methods of evasion are fun to read.

You refuse to provide facts with excuses, that is commendable.

And you call others mainly me a liar, how tactless, how rude, how uncouth!

That must be that higher edumacation at work.

Show the lie, show the fact, not the fiction made up in those Konnected Followers heads.

Please the facts!

And the question was never answered, have the school children been being housed in an unsafe school building?
If so why have the been having tornado drills in an unsafe school building?

I'm out of here, I've got work to accomplish.

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