Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Bullwinkle on May 29, 2013, 05:14:54 PM
        Ross, you're a hoot.

Why thank you Bullwinkle, I accept that as a compliment. I assume it is anyway.

But I feel better as an unedumacted, redneck, hick.

Or am I being a fool. Oh well. I have admitted to being crazy.

I just don't like seeing my tax dollars wasted on a job position that has accomplished nothing in 3 or 4 years.

I like your posts, keep up the good work.

Have a safe night. I'm praying for rain but none of that other stuff.


Hey. would you look at that in today's news paper.
Page 4, far right hand column, just below the fold in the paper.

Busy Bee Childcare will open in Moline

But then the article goes on to say will open soon.
And accepting applications.

I wonder isn't the same name Elk Konnected was using for their daycare?

I wonder is this an Elk Konnected daycare?

If so why don't they say so?

If so why aren't they on the front page?
Did Elk Konnected lose front page privilege?
Buried deep in the middle of the paper. My, my.

I wonder if this is Elk Konnected if this time it will last longer than the Wellness Center they opened?

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see like everyone else!

Pardon me for wondering out loud.
Unless anyone has any answers that is!


I got a call and a suggestion of where to find information about the non-profit Busy Bee Childcare that will open in Moline.

This post contains, what I think, may be useful information for anyone wanting to check out any company in Kansas.

This information is at the Kansas Secretary of State web site for public information.

Business entity filed documents

Business entity filed documents


If none of this works or if you want to check out any business in kansas simply go to this link and enter their name: https://www.kansas.gov/bess/flow/main;jsessionid=e119342dd41e528106fcf007d411a02e.aptcs03-inst1?execution=e1s2 and follow the instructions.

The information received may not be used to make money as in selling the information and that is Kansas state law.

The above mentioned document for Busy Bee Child Care, Inc shows Elizabeth Hendricks as one of the INCORPORATORS.

And I find that interesting because, she is the President of Public Squares Communities, Inc. and the self proclaimed founder of Elk Konnected, LLC and a member of its Steering Committee.

And with all of Elk Konnected's talk of communicating with the Elk County residents and wanting every one to Konnect why won't they use this medium as they said they would?

I have asked if the Busy Bee Child Care, Inc was an Elk Konnected, LLC business as advertised months back in the local newspaper but, I guess Elk Konnected, LLC really isn't interested in communicating with and instilling community cooperation and interest . Please correct me if I am wrong.

So I ask once again is this going to be an Elk Konnected, LLC accomplishment or not?

Or is it a separate entity with nothing do with Elk Konnected, LLC?

These are not hard questions to answer and communicate about are they?

On your Elk Connected web site you state, "With a county population of only 3000, one tiny town spends time and energy wanting to pull out of the county wide trash service." Which indicates you felt they were not cooperative in the fashion you thought they should be. Where Elk Konnected, is your cooperation with the citizens of Elk County?

Is cooperation a one way street?


A little off the beaten path but pertaining to education.
Something I find a bit dangerous.
The collection of personal physical information on children that can be used in so many different ways.
And perhaps in ways that haven't been thought of yet.
Conducting iris scans on students without parental notification or consent.
For safety purposes, I don't think so, that would only be an excuse to gather the information. IMHO!
Mr. Orwell where are you?



"Beware of he who would deny you access to information for in his heart he dreams himself your master." Commissioner Pravin Lal, U.N. Declaration of Rights"

Even though, I disapprove of the U.N. I believe this guy is quite right in what he says.
My bet is, that he is probably equally guilt of with holding information!
People sometimes in positions forget what their real position is, IMHO!

Has our school board made any information available about the two studies we have paid for, i.e. the university and there friend the Dr. from eastern Kansas?

Have they posted on the school website or in the local newspaper any information?
The results of the studies and the cost of the studies?

What happened to the follow up for the public, that was promised and suppose to take place, and never done?  

Why the lack of transparency?

Why doesn't the school board want you to know the final results?

Because, the reports probably tell them they don't need a larger school building, is that possibly why?

Is it perhaps the reports say they need to concentrate more on education and raising their teaching standards?

What are they hiding in those reports?

You/we pay through the nose as taxpayers for those reports and You/we receive nothing for our money, why?

Yes, they know, they could scan those reports into the high priced school computer system and post them on the school web site you/we pay for.

Just who does the School Board of Education work for work for?

If I remember right they work for the taxpayer.

You and me.


Quote from: Warph on June 05, 2013, 12:55:11 AM
Mooch Gets Testy With Heckler: "Listen To Me Or I'm Leaving"
– Update: White House Scrubs Portion Where She Threatened To Leave

MRS. OBAMA: So let me make the point that I was making before: We are here for our kids. (Applause.) So we must recapture that passion, that same urgency and energy that we felt back in 2008 and 2012. Understand this. This is what I want you all to understand, this is not about us — no one back here. It's not about you or you, or your issue or your thing. This is about our children. (Applause.)

Why do they do that?
Why do they say it is all  about the kids?

With out you and me and every adult involved there isn't anything about the kids.

When the politicians and the NGO's say it's all about the kids, what they are truly saying is it is all about what they want and how they want to rule and what ever their agenda is, in using our tax dollars. It's also about how much money they can get to pay themselves a salary.

If it's all about the kids and not the taxpayers dollars to pay their salaries, they wouldn't need the public involved, now would they?
If it's all about the kids and not the taxpayers dollars to pay their salaries, they wouldn't need the county commissioners involved now would they?
If it's all about the kids and not the taxpayers dollars to pay their salaries, they wouldn't need the city councils involved now would they?

If it's not about the adults and their taxpayer dollars, why have a meeting for them to attend?

It's sort of like that saying, "It takes a village to raise a child."
Would you turn your child over to a village or an NGO or a politician to raise?
Don't forget you have the village idiot involved in that, "It takes a village to raise a child." plus the drunks and the druggies and the thieves.

It is all gobble gook talk that they expect you to swallow hook line and sinker, IMHO!

Why don't those same bull shitters tell Sebelius it's all about the kids? Where is that village in Washington, DC?

Sebelius Won't Waive Transplant Regulation
For 10-Year-Old Girl With Five Weeks To Live,
Says "Someone Lives And Someone Dies"

What about the kid, the little girl that needs a lung transplant, you know the one where Sebelius said, "Someone Lives And Someone Dies".
Are Michelle Obama and Sebelius part of the very same Presidential Administration? All about the kids? What about this kid, just die! No chance to be all that you can be, sorry kid, you ain't worth the money, you get no steering committee. Bye-bye.

What is wrong with using plain down to earth language and explain themselves clearly?

Is it vulgar to make yourself clearly understood without twisting words and using catch phrases?

Is it vulgar to express your desire to acquire taxpayer dollars to use as you desire?  No, no gotta say it's for the kids.

Why use the kids as a crutch by saying it is all for the kids, when it is all for your own decisions and your own glory and your
own paycheck? The Glory ---- being wrote up in the newspaper ---- and not in the Obituary section ---- but on the front page --- how cool is that?

Why? Because you don't want the truth known it might hinder getting your hands on taxpayer dollars, that's why, isn't it?

Oh lest we forget Steering Committee's don't make mistakes do they?  ( even itty-bitty Steering Committee's)

Major Think Tanks with Mensa Minds with numerous college degrees and numerous doctorates make mistakes, but Steering Committee's don't ---- right?'

So do we continue to fall for their B. S. ?



I just received my little magazine from my rural power company yesterday, called Kansas Country Living.
Nope nothing directly from Public Squares Communities, Inc this time or Elk Konnected, LLC either.

This month's article is from a colleague of Public Squares Communities, Inc.

It is entitled Professional Coaching:
What is it and Why?

And it says, "This Kind of Coaching Turns the Controls over to the Team."

I guess there are coaches out there for everything. Coaches to lose weight, coaches to play football, coaches to play basketball, coaches to fight, coaches for financial planning, coaches to help ya think. What next? I wonder what it cost for a coach to think for you?
I bet it's expensive, don't you?

I guess, I don't understand the article one little bit! I can not find where the explanation is for what Professional Coaching really amounts to.

And I thought the planning team or Steering Committee was already in control. After all don't they hire the Professional Coach as an aid? As someone to give advice not orders?

But what can a person in such a profession do to help? I can't find that in the article, can someone help me find it?

Well, I can only assume it might be equivalent to what I have been teaching my son, something I learned in high school from an excellent teacher. It is so simple, why pay someone to do it for you? What is it?

Just ask yourself the following questions: "The 5 W's and an H."
•   Who?
•   What?
•   Where?
•   When?
•   Why" and
•   How?
I also added the Railroads advice, "Stop, Look and Listen".

And to think there are apparently paid Professionals to tell you this stuff!
Where is that college education getting you if you have to hire someone to think for you?

I'm just a redneck hick (and proud to be one) that just doesn't comprehend all that higher education gobble gook thinking. Do they really spend thousands of dollars to get that diploma or several of them only to then hire people to think for them?

Anybody got any answers? Please help me understand!

If I can't get any help with this line of thinking, I'll just have to remain blissfully ignorant.

For any help you may be able to offer, thank you in advance.

I wonder what surprises today's local newspaper might have in store for us.

I really enjoyed the rain this morning, I sat out on the front porch for awhile to enjoy it even more. I hope you enjoy the rain as well.


School Board Meeting
June 10, 2013
6:30 pm

Mr. Konnected School Board President not present at opening of meeting therefore Mr. Black was facilitating. However it is my opinion this meeting like every other meeting is more of a School Superintendent meeting. I happen to like this school superintendent because he is a very likeable man and very intelligent. It is my opinion with his intelligence he is very capable of controlling the meeting without most people realizing this ability.

I have also been of the opinion that only elected officials should be sitting on the school board and that all others should be seated in the audience along with taxpayers and teachers and coaches. The secretary should be seated at a separate table.  If the school board is not capable of performing their elected jobs of having a school board meeting then perhaps they should consider learning how to do it.

If they require answers concerning the operation of the school they can then ask their questions of the individuals that are seated in the audience without having continuous interruptions during the performance of their elected duties.

It is my opinion if the school board really wants citizen's participation as stated in their so called studies they would set their table up to face the audience for clearer communication to the audience and avoid mumbling across the table to each other. If you notice most public boards operate in this fashion i.e. school boards, county commissioners, etc. Do they really want citizen involvement? Do they really want the citizens to know what is happening during the board meetings? I personally don't believe they do want taxpaying citizens to know.

Oh, I'm sure they will argue they don't have the room to set up their tables in the fashion normally used by public boards, but I would have to disagree. They have lots of room through out the school building they could utilize, just as other organizations have been allowed to use the school building.

And what is with the picnic set up on the table for every meeting. Who pays for it?
Is it the taxpayers that pay for it? If so, since there is such an abundance of food why don't they share with the taxpayers in the audience.
If they want the citizens to come to their meeting offer a buffet, how that for an idea?
Why be so anti-social and one way?

But when do they start concentrating on improving the education standards, don't they understand that should be their number one concern?

Back to the meeting.

I guess spending $85 an hour to have a man show up at the meeting with a poster board with the layout of the school building and saying he has nothing more to offer at this time is more important. How lame is that? Oh the man said something about $6,000,000.00 to construct a new extension, I think for a gymnasium. Cool huh? Oh that might contain a Community Storm Shelter.  I could see a Storm Shelter for the Children and Staff, but not a community Storm Shelter. If Howard wants a Community Storm Shelter, I think they should consider building it inside their community so it is easily acceptable for every in town. And they should pay for their own shelter and not make everyone in the county pay for it for them. The man charging us $85 an hour says he will be putting together a questionnaire asking what they want. What? Haven't they been talking to him, has he been listening? Oh well?

And Howard wonders why there is friction through out the county. All they have to do is give a little thought to their actions, IMHO.

They discussed repurposing (their word) rooms to move the children out of the trailers and into the school building. Go figure. The building has been reported to be designed to hold 600 students and there are only 300 students.

They discussed moving the grade school library into the main library and partition the grade school library into two class rooms. And do away with the trailers?

Wait a second, do away with at least a quarter of a million dollars worth of trailers that were purchased just recently at how much of a loss. They are now saying the trailers are not FEMA approved, but what, weren't they saying when they purchased them that, they  were FEMA approved? Did they put your children in harms way? For the cost of those trailers couldn't they have kept the Moline School with it gymnasium open? Wouldn't it be cheaper to reopen the Moline Grade School than to build a new gymnasium and discontinue renting from the Church? Who's pockets are possibly being lined? Where is the transparency at West Elk?

Okay they do away with a library and still keep a highly paid librarian, where is the sense in that? Do you need two librarians for one library? Heck, do you need two principles for one school building. Do you need a highly paid School Superintendent as well? What are we talking about here maybe $200,000 a year which includes a full range of benefits.

Just take a look at Elk Valley School District. Two school separate building and they have a School Superintendent that fills the position of School principle for both buildings. How's that possible, is he better qualified than our School superintendent? They also operate just fine with one gymnasium, why can't West Elk.


There is so much more to cover but I will have to continue later.


Well did you read that in the local newspaper?

Under the article in the paper labeled Elk County Commission, the County Commissioners voted unanimously to accept Jennifer Montgomery's resignation effective May 30, 2013.
Now, I think that is saving the county taxpayers some money and a good move.

But, lookie here, in the next article right below the Elk County Commission article is the Howard City Council article. And after several executive sessions the council voted to hire Jennifer Montgomery as deputy clerk on a 90 day probation. Nice transition Jennifer, I wish you all the luck in the world with your new position.  So many people go for such long times of unemployment before landing a new job, you are very fortunate.  Job well done.

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