Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: ROSS on February 16, 2013, 06:23:22 PM

The purpose of the Blue Ribbon is to show that the school is excellent in education of all children, not just the few at the top. This would give the school the prestige they are looking for to attract family's with children to the area. It would not be an easy task to accomplish. It would take considerable work on the part of the administration and the school board working together.

Ross, I agree that acheiving Blue Ribbon School status is a commendable goal of any school.  However, you make it sound as if not acheiving said status is somehow indicative of an underperforming school.

Do you realize that only one-fourth of one percent of all schools are nominated for Blue Ribbon School designation in any given year?  So a school could be better than 90% of all other schools and still only have a one in forty chance of being nominated.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on February 18, 2013, 05:25:22 PM
Ross, I agree that acheiving Blue Ribbon School status is a commendable goal of any school.  However, you make it sound as if not acheiving said status is somehow indicative of an underperforming school.

Well you must have mis-read what I said.

Quote from: flintauqua on February 18, 2013, 05:25:22 PM
Do you realize that only one-fourth of one percent of all schools are nominated for Blue Ribbon School designation in any given year?  So a school could be better than 90% of all other schools and still only have a one in forty chance of being nominated.

There is no reason not to put forth the effort is there? If you don't try you can't get there, can you?
Where is that positive attitude?
Even if it is just for the purpose of improving the school education for all the children, that would be beneficial wouldn't it.

But why did I make the suggestion, Okay, here it is.

Howard wanted to move their city limits out beyond which was thought would give prestige to Howard and people would start moving there. Check out the sign just inside the city limits, driving into Howard from the south. It is a sign recognizing the West Elk School.
Why isn't the sign in front of the West Elk School?
Why a half mile north of the school inside the Howard City limits?
I hope you can comprehend what I am pointing out here?

Then the thought of building a larger school would bring the people moving there.
Even though, they have a school capable of holding 600 children and only having 300 children.  

Building a Taj Mahal of a school at the expense of the taxpayers will not bring people moving to Howard.
Just give that some logical thought.

Besides, economic development is not the job of our school board, nor is just sitting around looking for places to spend money, now is it?

However, education of the children is, isn't it?
All children, right?

Wouldn't it behoove them to concentrate on that goal?
It would require more working together and effort between the school board, the superintendent and the staff and the teachers. You know, connecting to accomplish the goal of teaching all children.  No failures!

Wouldn't that provide a lot of prestige for the school and county?

It seems to me more attention and effort is on sports then education, as well as growing bigger campus.

Everything appears to have been working real well at the school since closing the grade schools, with the facilities they have.

But no,  now we need to spend more taxpayer education dollars leasing a building from the Assembly of God, for what, for sports support. It's been being considered from what has been posted here on this thread for about 6 years.
What is really going on?
Wasn't that before the grade schools were closed?

It sounds to me like bigger school, bigger school, bigger school and spend, spend, spend  and also sports, sports, sports.

Do we have a rich enough economy to support spend, spend, spend?

Haven't you noticed even the Federal Government is in financial trouble?
Is that the route we want to go?

If we were having $3 million a year from the wind farm like Enid, Oklahoma does from the same company for the same size wind farm, we could just replace the West Elk School with a real Taj Mahal.

Just my opinions and suggestions and no one is required to pay any attention to them.


Quote from: ROSS on February 12, 2013, 09:22:27 AM
Check out how the Konnected Followers tried to set me up on a new thread here.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 12, 2013, 04:48:51 PM
Again, Ross, I am not associated with Elk Konnected or anybody in that organization or company or whatever you want to call it. That thread was started by me for my knowledge to see if what I was told was correct or incorrect.

My apologizes for taking so long to respond to the above post.
It's just that I have been busy.

How are we supposed to believe you are not associated with Elk Konnected?
You keep telling us that however, it's hard to swallow.

Perhaps you misunderstand the definition of associated,
From Merriam- Webster =     to join as a partner, friend, or companion, to bring together or into relationship in any of various intangible ways (as in memory or imagination).

Your friends from your FaceBook page at
(Copy and past in your browser):
David Whetstone ----- Elk Konnected Steering Committee
Pat Perkins ______ He givesive appearances as an Elk Konnected Follower IMHO
Rudy Taylor-------- Told me he is Elk Konnected Affiliated
Charles Durbin----------- He gives appearances as an Elk Konnected Follower IMHO
Jennifer Montgomery----------- Elk Konnected Steering Committee
                                                And Elk Konnected's Youth Development Action Team
Diane Amberg or Diane Silverman ---- which is it? Also associated in the same fashion as you in my opinion.

I just wasn't about to go through all 1368 friends on your Facebook. I bet there are even more people in there associated.
No, I did not hack (cause I don't know how to Hack)  your FaceBook it is open to the public.
(Copy and past in your browser)

You left it as public information for everyone to see.

I do believe this says other than what you say, and I quote, "Again, Ross, I am not associated with Elk Konnected"  in my opinion that is just plain wrong..


Quote from: ROSS on February 19, 2013, 09:46:49 PM
My apologizes for taking so long to respond to the above post.
It's just that I have been busy.

How are we supposed to believe you are not associated with Elk Konnected?
You keep telling us that however, it's hard to swallow.

Perhaps you misunderstand the definition of associated,
From Merriam- Webster =     to join as a partner, friend, or companion, to bring together or into relationship in any of various intangible ways (as in memory or imagination).

Your friends from your FaceBook page at
(Copy and past in your browser):
David Whetstone ----- Elk Konnected Steering Committee
Pat Perkins ______ He givesive appearances as an Elk Konnected Follower IMHO
Rudy Taylor-------- Told me he is Elk Konnected Affiliated
Charles Durbin----------- He gives appearances as an Elk Konnected Follower IMHO
Jennifer Montgomery----------- Elk Konnected Steering Committee
                                                And Elk Konnected's Youth Development Action Team
Diane Amberg or Diane Silverman ---- which is it? Also associated in the same fashion as you in my opinion.

I just wasn't about to go through all 1368 friends on your Facebook. I bet there are even more people in there associated.
No, I did not hack (cause I don't know how to Hack)  your FaceBook it is open to the public.
(Copy and past in your browser)

You left it as public information for everyone to see.

I do believe this says other than what you say, and I quote, "Again, Ross, I am not associated with Elk Konnected"  in my opinion that is just plain wrong..

Ross you are so full of crap, this is one of the dumbest post you have made. You won't be satisfied until you ruin everyone and everything in Elk County. All because you got thrown out of a meeting many months ago.


To Oldtimer:
You need to change your method of writing.  Otherwise you'll be accused of bullying.  You should have written: " Ross, why are you so full of crap?  Why did you write such a dumb post?  Why won't you be satisfied until you've ruined everyone and everything about Elk County?  Is it all because you got thrown out of a meeting many months ago?"  This way you're simply asking questions and can't be accused of attacking Mr. Ross.


Quote from: Oldtimer on February 20, 2013, 08:58:11 AM
Ross you are so full of crap, this is one of the dumbest post you have made. You won't be satisfied until you ruin everyone and everything in Elk County. All because you got thrown out of a meeting many months ago.

You are welcome to your opinion, and again, just as I am.

I am not ruining anything, or anybody. They do those themselves.
Or if anyone is ruining anything it appears to be you followers, with your word twisting, name calling and bullying right here on this thread and other places on this forum.

Failing to be responsive to decent  questions concerning the organization you follow, doesn't help either.

Here is one for you, I bet you won't answer.

What does Elk Konnected mean when they use the term "Quality of Life"? Specifics Please?
What is there plan to improve the "Quality of Life" in Elk County" besides spending "OPM" (other peoples money) Again Specifics Please?

Why does telling the truth just seems so difficult for all you followers!
But to attempt to set me up or to smear me is okay, is that right?

Janet posted information about me claiming it was public information, and trying to make it sound like I was a recipient of services from Elk Konnected or Elk County Youth Development. When in fact what I received was a direct result of the wind farm. Our Elk County Youth Development Employee and mother or sister and a third person were only utilized as escorts/babysitters and most likely paid for that service along with a free trip, rooms and food. Elk Valley School District provided the bus for transportation.

So why isn't credit given where credit is due.

Why are all you Elk Connected Followers ashamed to admit the truth about being Konnected?

If you are not Konnected, why would you be so defensive?

If you are not Konnected, why are you so anxious to attack people that ask questions?

Quote from: Oldtimer on February 20, 2013, 08:58:11 AM

All because you got thrown out of a meeting many months ago.

See you got it all wrong. I left of my own free will, because of the rudeness of the facilitator from Leoti, Kansas not wanting to talk openly and honestly in front of the community. He told me let's go outside.  Gracious of him wasn't it.  Also, because of the Circus of "Circles of Chairs" with a facilitator in each circle and the name tags with little kindergarten colored stars for the sole purpose of controlling people. Because of the secrecy that was set up in what was suppose to be a community conversation and was not. A lot of other people walked out as well.  

If you go back to page one of this thread you will see where the secrecy came in.
Elk Konnected provided a list of dumb ideas to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.
The secrecy is that nobody and I mean nobody accepts credit for anything on the list, not even Elk Konnected. So what do you say, shall we stick to the truth okay?

I know the truth is very difficult sometimes.

Just my opinions and questions!

Has that lawsuit been filed against me yet, for posting my opinions and questions on this thread?

Oh is the West Elk School District gonna just keep spending money meant to give the children a better education or continue on the track of building a Taj Mahal for Howard?

Or are they gonna run another Bond Issue to raise property taxes during these troubling times for everyone and our Country as a whole?

Are you able to enlighten the anxious public of Elk County?
Do the visionaries know?
Do you know?
Are we gonna lease a Church even though everything has been working pretty well?
Or are we just interested in sports and spending money?

Do we just continue down the liberal road? Spend, spend?

I hope the questions are not to difficult for you to answer!

Perhaps you should listen to a brother Follower.
Hers is his advice in case you missed it.

Quote from: ddurbin on February 20, 2013, 09:18:57 AM
To Oldtimer:
You need to change your method of writing.  Otherwise you'll be accused of bullying.  You should have written: " Ross, why are you so full of crap?  Why did you write such a dumb post?  Why won't you be satisfied until you've ruined everyone and everything about Elk County?  Is it all because you got thrown out of a meeting many months ago?"  This way you're simply asking questions and can't be accused of attacking Mr. Ross.

Easy on that mister stuff, I  don't want this old redneck to get a big head by feeling flattered. LOL

Nice post Mr. Durbin, that's telling Mr. Oldtimer. Good job!
Not you are not just trying to tell me what to do, you are spreading it to your brother followers.

Kudo's to Mr. Durbin.

Perhaps you can provide some answers to the above questions. what do you say?


Mr. Ross:
For some unknown reason, you seem to think I might be able to provide you with answers to some of your many questions.  It appears this may be because I have made some remarks in the past that were contrary to your stead-fast beliefs, thus earning myself your label of "Follower", which you seem to tag such people with.  Let me reiterate these two points once again:  I do not know the answers to your questions, and I do not consider myself a "Follower".  That is a term you have erroneously bestowed upon me. In my opinion, you seem to follow the activities of Elk Konnected far more than anyone posting on this forum.

With that being said, I would like to discuss one main part of your recent post above.  You suggest we look back at the first post of this thread at the "list of dumb ideas presented by Elk Konnected to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners".  In doing so, it reads as though the top rated ideas and the ones given the higher priority were:
Lowering of taxes
Paying off debt
Banking a certain % of income
Improving county roads
Maintain/improve water and trash service
Assist and promote growth in existing businesses

Would you mind explaining why you consider these "dumb ideas"?  Are you not if favor of striving for the implementation of these ideas?  As a taxpayer, I would think you would be more supportive of them.


Quote from: ddurbin on February 20, 2013, 11:07:10 AM
Mr. Ross:
For some unknown reason, you seem to think I might be able to provide you with answers to some of your many questions.  It appears this may be because I have made some remarks in the past that were contrary to your stead-fast beliefs, thus earning myself your label of "Follower", which you seem to tag such people with.  Let me reiterate these two points once again:  I do not know the answers to your questions, and I do not consider myself a "Follower".  That is a term you have erroneously bestowed upon me. In my opinion, you seem to follow the activities of Elk Konnected far more than anyone posting on this forum.

With that being said, I would like to discuss one main part of your recent post above.  You suggest we look back at the first post of this thread at the "list of dumb ideas presented by Elk Konnected to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners".  In doing so, it reads as though the top rated ideas and the ones given the higher priority were:
Lowering of taxes
Paying off debt
Banking a certain % of income
Improving county roads
Maintain/improve water and trash service
Assist and promote growth in existing businesses

Would you mind explaining why you consider these "dumb ideas"?  Are you not if favor of striving for the implementation of these ideas?  As a taxpayer, I would think you would be more supportive of them.

Mr. Durbin, Mr. Durbin,
My, Oh MY!

The term Follower stems from Elk konnected.An Employee that use to work at Harrods over heard the term used there amongst a bunch of laughing. He doesn't have to worry about losing his job because he moved on and out of Elk County way back
As a great defender and associate of Elk Konnected it just seem right to fit you, in my opinion.
Why deny such a great organization.

I do believe I was refering to a bunch of dumb ass ideas, I did not mention a very few that are only common sense.

Care to go back and re-read.

It is so much fun communcating with you Followers and defenders. Oh i just though of the idea defenders, so don't give Elk Konnected credit for that, okay!

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