Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Hey,Ross, perhaps you shouldn't construe or interpret Mom's silence after all, huh? ;)  Being sarcastic isn't always the right way to go,now is it. As for my living there, it is not a requirement for posting, as I was recently reminded. Some folks enjoy reading more than one point of view about things. I'd say more but I no longer have to. :angel:
Pastor Robin is an absolute delight. I think the world of him.


Ross, when did you become involved with taxes that go to West Elk?  Doesn't your child attend Elk Valley? 


Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM

You always twist things. Did it ever occur to you that the school board agenda had it wrong and that whoever you talked to on the school board told you incorrectly because they didn't know what they were talking about?

Why would I consider that the School Board would have it wrong? They were directly in contact with the church.  I believe the person that told me That COG written in the Agenda was very correct in stating that the initials meant Church of God. So you are wrong in suggesting she did not know what she was talking about. She did not say that the church was the Church of God. See the difference.
And I did not twist a single thing. I asked a simple question?

Quote from: Ross on February 15, 2013, 08:48:03 AM
Now to get it correct, I need to ask, because I am confused.
The school district refers to the church as COG, which I take to mean Church of God.
You refer to the church as the Assemblies, which I take to mean the Assembly of God Church.
Which is it or what do the two different names mean?
I truly am confused.
Does the church go by the two different names?

So who is doing the twisting?

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
Did it ever occur to you to talk to the pastor of the Flint Hills Assembly of God to find out the reason for building this church? I know he would be more than happy to sit down with you and entertain you with the reasons why, etc. His name if Ward Robin Haines. Most of us just call him Pastor Robin.

No, it never occurred to me to speak with the pastor of the church, I just don't see no need to. I would not want to pry into the churches private business. And IF I had done that, I am certain you would surely have had a to more to say about that.
I have the governing body of the West Elk School District, that has a responsibility to answer to the taxpayers and citizens of Elk County. What is so hard to understand about that?

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
Now, I do not belong to the Flint Hills Assembly of God church, but I know what is going on with the new building. Mom70X7 does not belong to that church, either, and she knows what is going on. That is because we ask the CORRECT people about what is going on when we want to know something. Mom70X7 has attended school board meetings for many, many, many years. She knows what she is talking about.

And what was so difficult about  Mom70X7 saying she was not a member of the church we are discussing, that she had to have you answer for her? So all of Dianes bad mouthing me was for nought, right? There ya go Diane!

So what you report is nothing more than hearsay just as when I report what I see and hear at the School Board Meeting or the County Commissioners Meeting, right?

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
As for the get a grip remark, I make no apology. In my HUMBLE OPINION, you need to get a grip. And as for trying to set you up, I didn't. You are so paranoid about this Elk Konnected thing that you don't seem to have any positive questions or thoughts of your own.

I am not paranoid or I would never have started this thread nearly two years ago.
I'm not paranoid or I would have discontinued this thread when I received the back handed threat, that this was bad for my health.
I am not paranoid or I would have discontinued this thread when I was informed on this thread that everything I post is being printed out for a possible lawsuit against me.

You asked and I responded to read the thread. Then you came back with your own answer for me. That my dear is a set up. Plain and simple. Oh by the way I don't recall a letter, perhaps a simple e-mail thanking her for caring for my child while on the trip. I'm not sure. But it is the least I could do for the care of my son as an escort/babysitter.  And the wind farm also provided a free trip for her mother, didn't they. Was the third escort her sister? I believe there were three escorts.  I didn't think to thank the wind farm for providing and setting up the trip.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
All I wanted to know from you was if you had seen anything positive from the Youth Development program. I personally do not know if the Youth Development program is Elk Konnected or not.

Why don't you take your own advice and speak to the people involved?
But here is how I understand what you are questioning works..
Elk County has an employee labeled Youth Development Coordinator listed on its web page at http://www.elkcounty.org/youth-development.htm .  That page also presently advertises one of its sporadic events, a movie. A movie is not youth development but merely entertainment. Entertainment by the way, that parents have been told they should pry their kids away from and send out to play, the TV.

And if  you check Elk Konnected, LLC's webpage at http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/teams.php you will find under the name Action Teams, the term Youth Development.

To go one step further our ex-county commissioner is still advertising herself as county commissioner on the same page Isn't it time for her to change that?

Now would please tell me what is twisted about quoting web sites?

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
All I know is what you and Patriot have said on this forum.

Why then haven't you followed your own advice and talked to the people involved or checked the associated web sites? If you don't know the name of the links for the web sites , simply Google them by name. Or ask here on the forum. And each web site has been referenced right here on this thread several times.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
Why do you seem to be so paranoid that I know the positive outcome for your son of one of the programs that Montgomery helps with and the positive letter that you wrote to her? Why? Oh, and by the way, since you wrote the letter to Mrs. Montgomery because of her duties as a county worker, that information is public record. Oops.

You sure do have a hang up with that word paranoid. Don't you?
Please scroll up and read the paragraph that starts with and I quote, "As for the get a grip remark, I make no apology." Please read my response. Or would you prefer I copy and paste it here.

And by the way I would not ask nor would I expect an apology from someone who had tried to set me up. It just would not be feasible in my opinion.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM

Now, as for the Prairie Star losing the Chautauqua County business by the county commissioners giving the job to the Cedar Vale paper, this happened last year, too, and Taylor wrote an editorial about it at the time. How quickly people forget when they are just wanting to stick it to someone on a public forum.

I was simply repeating what he said in his paper this time. So what is the big deal? If he was sticking it to himself , I suppose I have to concede to sticking it to him as well. Thanks for that Janet, I plead guilty.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
Like I told you a long, long time ago, ask these questions of the people who are involved with Elk Konnected.

So are you the self appointed Commander of the Forum and can give orders that have to be followed, I don't think so.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
Since you think the county commissioners have all the answers, start with them.

I have never said that. I personally have never meet anyone person in my many years of life that have all the answers. If you happen to know someone, please let me know. Thanks.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM

Then go to other people.

Oh I already have right here on the forum.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:04:34 PM
Why haven't you done this instead of asking on a public forum that anyone that does belong to Elk Konnected wouldn't touch if their life depended on it?

How can you positively say that if you are not and do not know anything about Elk Konnected, LLC?

If you care to scroll back you can find a lot of posting by their self proclaimed founder.
And Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau said at the official County Commissioners meeting that what I post is vile. And he to is welcome to his opinion. But there you go proof that they have in your words and I quote, "anyone that does belong to Elk Konnected wouldn't touch if their life depended on it?" have actually done so. And I would be willing to bet if I were a gambling man, that they never miss a post.

Once again Janet thanks for your input and words of wisdom.

Sharing ideas and opinions is fun isn't it?

And I bet all the readers are enjoying this as much as we are, at least I hope so.

Janet Harrington


Let's bundle shall we. LOL

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:08:36 PM
Here's another question for you, Ross.

When the school rents out the gym or the cafeteria for a church associated thing and the church pays the school board money for that rental, is that a problem because of the separation of church and state?

Just wondering.

This is the first anyone has mentioned separation of church and state?
Would that be something the two entities should be exploring?
I don't know anything Janet about the school board renting the gym to the church.
To return your advice, why don't you ask the instead of on an open forum?

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 12:21:25 PM
Oh, yeah, I forgot to add this...Now, pick those apart sentence by sentence. LOL

I sure did,  only I didn't tear them apart but simply gently separated them with the spacebar on my computer. This is the only way I know of to respond to each of your statements and questions with out creating confusion, on my part or creating confusion for the readers.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 12:54:20 PM
Hey,Ross, perhaps you shouldn't construe or interpret Mom's silence after all, huh? ;)  Being sarcastic isn't always the right way to go,now is it. As for my living there, it is not a requirement for posting, as I was recently reminded. Some folks enjoy reading more than one point of view about things. I'd say more but I no longer have to. :angel:
Pastor Robin is an absolute delight. I think the world of him.

I agreed that you have a right to your opinion just as I do.
You can even speak for others if you want, I don't care, just try to have fun with that, okay.
So what is your point.

Quote from: Wilma on February 16, 2013, 01:53:24 PM
Ross, when did you become involved with taxes that go to West Elk?  Doesn't your child attend Elk Valley? 

Where my child attends school or whether or not I have nothing to do with paying property taxes an in school district.

Taxes are levied on just about all properties with in the school district on all properties whether children live there or not. And if I am not mistaken they even taxed the property next to me and across the highway from me.
Neither have buildings on them.
Neither have children on them.
One has cows and the other doesn't, so I guess it doesn't mater if cows are there or not.

But when did I become involved in the West Elk School District.
That would be August of 2005 when I bought my property and put a home on it and started paying property tax. That's it, that's when.

Just in time Janet to make the bundle. I was about to post.
Thank you for the timing.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on February 16, 2013, 02:19:33 PM
Yep. Paranoid. I do like that word.

It's been a lot of fun folks but its break time and i have a few chores to take care of.

Ill check back latter.


Ross -

QuoteAnd what was so difficult about  Mom70X7 saying she was not a member of the church we are discussing, that she had to have you answer for her?
There's nothing difficult about answering or not answering. It's unnecessary to this discussion. I chose to not answer your question about my church membership because it's none of your business. My church membership/attendance as nothing to do with a discussion about using the the Assemblies gym for sports practice. The information I have shared here is all public information and has been public information for several years.

QuoteWhere my child attends school or whether or not I have nothing to do with paying property taxes an in school district.
You are absolutely right with this statement. You have pushed several times for West Elk to become a Blue Ribbon School. I assume you're making the same push (or an even stronger one) for the school your child attends. If being a Blue Ribbon School is such a big deal for you, I'm sure you would want your children to attend one.

Again, I see it as a labeling issue. You ignore all the plaudits West Elk students receive just because they don't have one label you admire. I don't perceive it as an attempt to make West Elk better but a chance to point out an area you think the district is lacking in. If you believe that strongly in making West Elk a Blue Ribbon school, then what have you done, actively, to help it achieve that status? Have you volunteered to assist the district? Do you know the specific requirements needed to become a Blue Ribbon school? How are you going to specifically help West Elk achieve that goal? Near as I can tell, you're just talking and not doing anything to reach a goal you desire.

QuoteI am not paranoid or I would never have started this thread nearly two years ago.
Not sure of this statement. The way I read your postings, if you don't like an activity, they you label it as part of Elk Konnected. It appears you see that organization behind everything you don't like.

QuoteMom 70x7 invited herself into this conversation and provide(d) information on her own.
Yes, I did. You asked a simple question (your words) and I gave you a simple and honest answer. You then proceeded to question my information, even after I gave you my credentials and sources. You weren't satisfied with my simple and honest answer.

QuoteThere you go defending you friend the Konnected editor, which is fine with me.
Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau
Ross - You have stated several times that you're not a bully, yet continuing to misspell a person's name or label them with a misspelling is a form of bullying. It's an attempt to belittle someone by using a name you think is unflattering. I think people woujld give more credence to your statements if they were accurate. I know I would. It's also called being courteous.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 16, 2013, 03:07:05 PM
Ross -
There's nothing difficult about answering or not answering. It's unnecessary to this discussion. I chose to not answer your question about my church membership because it's none of your business. My church membership/attendance as nothing to do with a discussion about using the the Assemblies gym for sports practice. The information I have shared here is all public information and has been public information for several years.

Well, I guess, I should apologize, I am human and I do make errors. You sounded like you had inside information to me and I thought wrong. I never meant to offend you. It was stupid of me to remark in such a manner. Please accept my sincerest apology.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 16, 2013, 03:07:05 PM
You are absolutely right with this statement. You have pushed several times for West Elk to become a Blue Ribbon School. I assume you're making the same push (or an even stronger one) for the school your child attends. If being a Blue Ribbon School is such a big deal for you, I'm sure you would want your children to attend one.

Again, I see it as a labeling issue. You ignore all the plaudits West Elk students receive just because they don't have one label you admire. I don't perceive it as an attempt to make West Elk better but a chance to point out an area you think the district is lacking in. If you believe that strongly in making West Elk a Blue Ribbon school, then what have you done, actively, to help it achieve that status?

The purpose of the Blue Ribbon is to show that the school is excellent in education of all children, not just the few at the top. This would give the school the prestige they are looking for to attract family's with children to the area. It would not be an easy task to accomplish. It would take considerable work on the part of the administration and the school board working together.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 16, 2013, 03:07:05 PM
Have you volunteered to assist the district? Do you know the specific requirements needed to become a Blue Ribbon school? How are you going to specifically help West Elk achieve that goal? Near as I can tell, you're just talking and not doing anything to reach a goal you desire.

What is with all this volunteering stuff when we pay good money for professionals to get the work done?  Every Elk konnected turns around they ask that very same question when someone questions their actions. Also I happen to believe we have probably one of the smartest men in Kansas as the West Elk School Superintendent.

No, I haven't volunteered at the school. I do enough volunteer work on my own and I have a very full plate taking care of my wife and raising a son, along with my own limitations as a senior citizen. Not excuses, just facts.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 16, 2013, 03:07:05 PM
Not sure of this statement. The way I read your postings, if you don't like an activity, they you label it as part of Elk Konnected. It appears you see that organization behind everything you don't like.
Yes, I did. You asked a simple question (your words) and I gave you a simple and honest answer. You then proceeded to question my information, even after I gave you my credentials and sources. You weren't satisfied with my simple and honest answer.
Ross - You have stated several times that you're not a bully, yet continuing to misspell a person's name or label them with a misspelling is a form of bullying. It's an attempt to belittle someone by using a name you think is unflattering. I think people woujld give more credence to your statements if they were accurate. I know I would. It's also called being courteous.

I don't understand all they you are saying here.
But I will try to respond anyway.

What specific persons name did I misspell?

How about the guy that spells Ross with am L.
I did not take offense.
I found it humorous because while stationed in Japan I was called Loss by the Japanese people because they could not make the "R" Sound. I enjoyed the error by the Japanese people.

First of all Elk Konnected, LLC at a community conversation that was not a community conversation was not courteous to me. The man from Leoti refused to talk with me in public and instead wanted to go outside and when I told him I preferred to speak with him as a community conversation he asked where the sheriff was. They did not disclose to the public that it was their meting but that it was a community conversation. Which ot never was. Where is the courtesy in that?

Is it fair that Elk Konnected, LLC misspells and then to say no one else can?
And apparently you are not konnected (their spelling ) if you are not like minded or ask questions they do not wish to answer.

And as well, I was told here on this thread I was part of Elk Konnected because I attended a couple of their meetings and signed their paper at the door. Now how rude is that.

As far as activities such as movies and air filled jumping houses and air filled slipper slides. Those are play and only occasionally, they are not youth development. Also every time the county did something Elk Konnected took credit for it. Where is the Elk Konnected, LLC courtesy in that?

Elk Konnected, LLC commandeered the County Web site and made their own web page on it. Until Commissioner Liebaus Aunt called them on it. how courteous is that of Elk Konnected, LLC?

Elk Konnected, LLC commandeered the County Emergency Call system for their own use, until there was a public outcry. how courteous is that of Elk Konnected, LLC?

Elk Konnected, LLC suggested to the Elk Konnected County Commissioners to fabricate the position of Youth Development. And Elk Konnected Commissioners voted to do it. How curteous is that? I mean voting to approve their own suggestion, where are the ethics?

For the Konnected County Commissioners to ast as cheerleaders during a County Commissioners meeting, how courteous is that of Elk Konnected?

For Konnected Commissioner Liebau to announce in angry tone in an attempt to humiliate and intimidate me at a County Commissioners meeting saying that my posts on this forum are vile, how courteous is that of Elk Konnected?

When our Youth Development Employee was called to give her year end report to the County Commissioners and Elk Konnected, LLC steps forward in her place, how courteous is that of Elk Konnected? Do they really have any business interfering during a County Commissioners Meeting when a County Employee is suppose to be doing her job that she is paid to do. If you or I were to get up there we would be asked to wait until the open forum part of the meeting. If Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company felt the need, they could have been respectful and addressed the County Commissioners by having themselves placed on  the agenda or wait for the open forum just like everyone else. But no not them, why? Because they knew they could get away with it. Really a total lack of respect for the system and a lack of courtesy.

But you follow that up with all the begging they do for money and appliances, and really that is what they are doing in my opinion. Where does it stop.

A lady, a senior citizen asked a simple question of them folks at the last County commissioners meeting. She asked how much money they had. Were thy even courteous enough to recognize her and tell her they did not want to disclose that information, how courteous is that of Elk Konnected?

And if you check back through the posts of this threads there are plenty more, I can't recall all of the instances of the lack of courtesy on the part of Elk Koneected,.

Oh, one more Elk Konnected insinuated at the last County Commissioners meeting that Commissioner Hebb and Commissioner Ritz appeared to violate the open meetings law, how courteous is that of Elk Konnected?

Personally, I have tried very hard not to get into the name calling and have tried equally hard to be decent.

The Elk Konnected thing of changing letters in the word Connected just naturally led to Konnected Kounty Kommissioner and it simply amplifies the Elk Konnected, Konnection, nothing ugly about it really. Is it that they can amplify their connection by being cheerleaders for Elk konnected at County Commissioners and I am not suppose to amplify it in a different fashion.

Yes Elk Konnected, LLC is involved in just about everything in Elk County especially in Howard because they are the so called leaders of the community and some are merchants.
But they no longer have the controlling votes on the County Commissioners Board. And due th that fact all the County bills have been paid off and money allocated to repair and maintain the roads, and property taxes are being lowered.  All this adds to the quality of life in Elk County.

Elk Konnected has claimed for what 6 years to want to improve the quality of life in Elk County and what have they done? They haven't even said how they would go about it? Six years ajd not even a plan. But they did not hesitate to ask the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners for recreation money that the communities could have used themselves.
Did any other privately owned company ask for recreation money to use to advertise themselves? Do you think if they had asked that they would have received any money from the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners? Why would they, when Elk konnected wanted it. Well I believe our present day County Commissioners did the right thing by returning the money to the individual communities for their own recreational funds. Now there will be no more confusion on that subject.

I do not deny being a hard head old fart either.
I have seen no compromising on their part, it appears to be their way or no way.
And they will not hesitate publicly to put some one down as illustrated with the remark about the commissioners appearance to violate the Kansas Open meeting laws. In an attempt to plant the seed of doubt, which is damaging to Elk County.

I hope you understand me a little better now. Now my disclaimer because I was threatened with a lawsuit right here on this thread. I haven't given it in awhile.
So here it is.

These are my opinions and my opinions only. I do not expect you to accept them or believe them. I would prefer you have an open dialog with your friends and relatives and develop your own opinion. And anything I post is under the constitution and the freedom of speech laws.

Please just ignore me if you so desire, I will not be offended if you do.


Diane Amberg

SSDD... How about spending more time writing to not give offense and spend less time congratulating yourself on not taking offense. I'm done, 10-7 for the duration. :P


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 06:36:39 PM
SSDD... How about spending more time writing to not give offense and spend less time congratulating yourself on not taking offense. I'm done, 10-7 for the duration. :P

You just gotta get your two cents in as a put down, don't you Diane?

Janet Harrington

Yes, Mother, Ross has to pay U.S.D. 282 taxes because he lives in this district. It doesn't matter where the child goes to school.

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