Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: greatguns on February 15, 2013, 09:35:06 PM
Chautauqua County did not go to the Winfield paper for their official paper.

I read in the newspaper that they did.
So perhaps you can enlighten us to what is happening.
Did they change their minds or something?


Ross -

I'm not taking offense. I just see no need for your negative interpretation of facts.

QuoteI had not heard of anything about this situation until recently and have only asked a few simple questions. And when you suggested that talks have been going on with the school board as far back before Elk Konnected (early 2007) of course that would raise questions? That was before the school district closed the grade schools and before the grade school was re-located to West Elk.

That was way before even the ground breaking for the church. What is that seven (7) years to ground breaking?

I am so sorry you take offense at a few honest questions?
Why do discussions raise questions for you? Lots of organizations and businesses talk about future plans years in advance of actually doing anything about them. So do people: "When I retire, . . . ." and "It would be nice if . . . .". Not everything happens in just 5 or 6 years.

I knew you wouldn't believe me when I said the building of the church had nothing to do with the closing of the grade schools and relocating those classes to the West Elk campus south of Howard.

If you don't like the way minutes are taken and printed at the school board meetings (or any other meeting), why not write a recap yourself? Take notes during the meeting and share them.
I had not heard of anything about this situation until recently and have only asked a few simple questions.

I'm sorry you weren't aware of what was going on in the area. I think your simple questions have been answered, but there are times I feel as if I'm discussing something with Hydra of Greek mythology.

Still not sure why you need to know:
QuoteNo one suggested you had to be a member of anything. I only asked if you are a member of ElK Konnected or the Church of God.
If you are a member of the Church we could better understand more of what you tell us.
What difference does it make if I'm talking about public knowledge?

Is it your attempt to put a label on me, so you can say, "Aha, she's a member of (insert), that's why she says those things or believes such and such"? Not all members of an organization have the same opinion on things.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 15, 2013, 11:47:02 PM
Ross -

I'm not taking offense. I just see no need for your negative interpretation of facts.
Why do discussions raise questions for you? Lots of organizations and businesses talk about future plans years in advance of actually doing anything about them. So do people: "When I retire, . . . ." and "It would be nice if . . . .". Not everything happens in just 5 or 6 years.

I Sure am glad you are not taking offense that would trouble me if you did.

Now your remark, "your negative interpretation of facts" sounds fresh out of the Elk Konnected language to me, if you don't agree with us you are negative, and that is just a wrong attitude in my opinion..
That is jus a polite bullying tactic in an attempt to shut someone up.
Nice try but it won't work.

If everything you do is a positive are you donating the building for the use of the children of Elk County?

And will there be Volunteers performing the labor to transform the church back and forth to a gymnasium for the children?

Now that certainly would be a charitable event for the real improvement of the quality of life of all the children of Elk County!

And would be a very positive and Christian thing to do for Elk County as a whole!
And I would be the first to give you a hearty pat on the back.

Or will this whole idea be about just the children of the West Elk School and for a profit? Money that is!

You see, I am not interpreting anything, I am simply asking a few simple questions.
And anyone can join the conversation and provide their input.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 15, 2013, 11:47:02 PM
I knew you wouldn't believe me when I said the building of the church had nothing to do with the closing of the grade schools and relocating those classes to the West Elk campus south of Howard.

Who said I don't believe you?
Did I call you a liar? NO!
Now, who is doing the negative interpretation of facts?
Since when, is asking questions for clarification necessarily calling someone a liar?

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 15, 2013, 11:47:02 PM
If you don't like the way minutes are taken and printed at the school board meetings (or any other meeting), why not write a recap yourself? Take notes during the meeting and share them.

I believe, this thread address that question and suggestion fully.

I believe also, that I handled the problem of the minutes of the school board during my last post by pointing out that the minutes of the school board were lacking in informing the public as to what is really happening. And suggesting that perhaps they could correct that problem.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 15, 2013, 11:47:02 PM
I'm sorry you weren't aware of what was going on in the area. I think your simple questions have been answered, but there are times I feel as if I'm discussing something with Hydra of Greek mythology.

We can't always be aware of everything can we?
But 5 or 6 years ago is not today and today is what matters isn't it?

You perhaps may think my simple questions have been answered and you are free to think what you want. However, you can not think for me? And there may be many more questions to come. Because we are dealing with a public entity a taxing entity, both of which by fact of law, I and many other people are members.

Another bullying tactic to shut me up, another attempt to tell me not to ask any further questions, is that what that is?
Isn't that simply the reason for and I quote, "I feel as if I'm discussing something with Hydra of Greek mythology."?
The insinuation is a sinful thing, don't you think?
Is that the new Christian way?
But Its okay, I forgive you for that slip.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 15, 2013, 11:47:02 PM
Still not sure why you need to know:What difference does it make if I'm talking about public knowledge?

If you wish to deny your affiliation with the church by not answering that's fine with me.
But the difference is the inside information about the church that you have already provided in your previous post and that would only add credence to your input.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on February 15, 2013, 11:47:02 PM
Is it your attempt to put a label on me, so you can say, "Aha, she's a member of (insert), that's why she says those things or believes such and such"? Not all members of an organization have the same opinion on things.

No ma'am if you belong, you accept the label.
I don't have the authority to label anyone.

We all have reasons for believing such and such, so really what's the point?

I am a member of the taxpaying bunch of people that live in Elk County.
And I believe if someone or some organization wants to make money off of, or deal with the taxing entity, that I am a part of, I should be kept well informed.  As well as all other members of the taxing entity.

See there, I am a member and that is why, I think such and such,
and I don't deny my membership,
is that such a bad thing?
I don't think so!
But it adds some weight to the reasons for my questions.

You can bet, I'll have more questions, how else is a person to learn if he doesn't ask.
And this is a great media for asking questions, because any number of people in the community can join in and provide answers or ask for further clarification. Or just read along and learn along with us.

Isn't technology great!

I went to bed last night and slept so hard and soundly I woke completely rested. Anyway I have responded to you and read a few emails and drank a cup of hot and I am heading back to bed for some more sleep.

Good night!


Read your paper again.  Read what it says not what you want it to say.  Try the Cedarvale paper which is printed by the winfield Courier.  Just as the ElDorado Times prints several papers.


Quote from: greatguns on February 16, 2013, 06:37:28 AM
Read your paper again.  Read what it says not what you want it to say.  Try the Cedarvale paper which is printed by the winfield Courier.  Just as the ElDorado Times prints several papers.

Big deal, they dropped the Prairie Star which was the whole point!
But just the same thanks for the correction.
He appears to be hurting his own business in my opinion.
Ya just can't bad mouth your customers and expect them to stay with you.
Especially publicly.

Diane Amberg

Ross, I admit this is none of my business, but you never cease to amaze me.
You actually just told mom 70x7 that she is denying her church affiliation by not answering your question! I am shocked!  I'd love to see where in the county record that states that all nosy and personal questions that are asked by Ross must be answered, or there will be taunts, insults and insinutions..... Even if you deny that you do. You tend to worm your way out of any subject to whatever suits you . Is that fair to the other side of the "conversation?"
Any and all phrases can be interpreted at any time by Ross to be" EK talk." Might as well be cussing, huh? OOOH, such an insult!  And eventually about a church? Good grief.
You ask questions prematurely that can't possibly have answers, yet and it always returns to money somehow...always!
My word man, who are you? How old are you? Where do you come from and why? What is your real name? Which church to you attend weekly without fail, and if not, why not? Inquiring minds want to know.... how you can avoid questions about yourself and then ask personal questions about others and make thin assumptions about what such information means.
You tangle every subject in crazy webs of no information and misinformation that remind me of the long ago studies on spiders who were fed LSD and the crazy looking ineffective webs they wove. Don't worry Ross, since you own this thread, and have for almost a year, nobody thinks anything they say will shut you up. Off subject? Sure ,has been for some time. Ross, try real debating for a change. I don't think you know how. It isn't all about taking verbal prisoners and pushing people personally until they have had enough.
  The Prairie Star is just one newspaper out of many. If it doesn't suit you ,read another one. Publishers know they have detractors, they always do and are used to it.  There is certainly nothing wrong with disagreeing, but wrapping it in personal insults is just plain wrong and counts for nothing.IMHO


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 09:43:19 AM
Ross, I admit this is none of my business, but you never cease to amaze me.

You may actually be right for a change. Since, we are not in Delaware.
We are still in Kansas, thank God.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 09:43:19 AM
You actually just told mom 70x7 that she is denying her church affiliation by not answering your question! I am shocked!  I'd love to see where in the county record that states that all nosy and personal questions that are asked by Ross must be answered, or there will be taunts, insults and insinutions..... Even if you deny that you do. You tend to worm your way out of any subject to whatever suits you . Is that fair to the other side of the "conversation?"

In case you did not comprehend the present issue  involves a Public School and  a church!
And mom 70x7 provided information that would presumably come from an insider of the church. So I asked. If she is a member, and feel it would provide weight and credence to her statements. She chose not to respond and that can be construed to mean she is a member.  She could also have said it is none of your business Ross. But she left it up to the imagination. And you know what, I believe she is quite capable of speaking for herself, Diane!

However, you are entitled to your opinion and you are welcome to twist what I said to whatever you wish.

My remark was not meant to be inflammatory:
Quote from: Ross on February 16, 2013, 03:42:29 AM
If you wish to deny your affiliation with the church by not answering that's fine with me.
But the difference is the inside information about the church that you have already provided in your previous post and that would only add credence to your input.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 09:43:19 AM
Any and all phrases can be interpreted at any time by Ross to be" EK talk." Might as well be cussing, huh? OOOH, such an insult!  And eventually about a church? Good grief.

How do we know what is going on within our school districts government that is supported by our tax dollars if we don't ask? Does being a church provide them immunity from questions when dealing with our government? I don't think so!
Your attempt to make it look heathen to question a church is just wrong. And they should not be offended given the fact that they are dealing with taxpayers. Dealing with taxpayers and governments possibly for money has nothing to do with God or religion or beliefs. In my opinion a good Christian would be willing to be honest and open in order to avoid anything that might be disputable.  There by avoiding any conflict at as later date.

Mom 70x7 invited herself into this conversation and provide information on her own.

So, yes Diane, to quote you," Good grief."

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 09:43:19 AM
You ask questions prematurely that can't possibly have answers, yet and it always returns to money somehow...always!

Is it not about money?
I asked if they were donating the building for the use of  the school district and volunteering the labor to transform the building from Church Services mode to School Gymnasium mode.
Do you know the answer Diane?
What's premature? 
Questions of this sort and more should be answered before entering into any form of contract, verbal or written, especially with a governing body that works for the taxpayers, don't you think?
For instance will the church be operating the building as a business as well as a church?

Don't you s if your friends at Elk Konnected, LLC had asked more questions of themselves, perhaps they would have not failed running their Wellness Center in Howard.  Do you reckon that's a possibility?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 09:43:19 AM
My word man, who are you? How old are you? Where do you come from and why? What is your real name? Which church to you attend weekly without fail, and if not, why not? Inquiring minds want to know.... how you can avoid questions about yourself and then ask personal questions about others and make thin assumptions about what such information means.

I believe I have answered the only question you pose above that matters several times through out this thread. That question is and I quote you again, "My word man, who are you?" The answer is
1. A Vietnam Veteran.
2. A resident and home owner of Elk County. (no mortgage)
3. A tax paying citizen of Elk County.
4. A voter in Elk County.
5. A concerned citizen of Elk County.
My real name is right up there in the left hand corner.
And I feel that, that is all I am required to tell you and then some,  when it is concerning the spending of my tax dollars.

Do you meet any of the items I listed?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 09:43:19 AM
You tangle every subject in crazy webs of no information and misinformation that remind me of the long ago studies on spiders who were fed LSD and the crazy looking ineffective webs they wove. Don't worry Ross, since you own this thread, and have for almost a year, nobody thinks anything they say will shut you up. Off subject? Sure ,has been for some time. Ross, try real debating for a change. I don't think you know how. It isn't all about taking verbal prisoners and pushing people personally until they have had enough.

Again, you are entitled to your opinion!
However, I do not own this thread or any other thread.
There are very generous people, that own this Forum and are kind enough to let each of us use it.

Do any of the people that want me to shut up have any right to limit my freedom of speech?
Do you have any right to limit my freedom of speech?
Does being friends with the elite of Elk Konnected  provide you that right?
I did not think so.
Does anyone force you to read this thread?
No, I didn't think so.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2013, 09:43:19 AM
  The Prairie Star is just one newspaper out of many. If it doesn't suit you ,read another one. Publishers know they have detractors, they always do and are used to it.  There is certainly nothing wrong with disagreeing, but wrapping it in personal insults is just plain wrong and counts for nothing.IMHO

Thank you Diane, I will read what ever material I so desire.
There you go defending you friend the Konnected editor, which is fine with me.
So please just because you think it is insults instead of the truth, that may not be what others think. You are not the only reader of this thread.

I did not see where your friend held back insulting Elk County by his, what I consider bis reporting as an affiliate of Elk Konnected.

Diane, thanks for sharing your many words of wisdom with us.
And have a good day.

There are many, many questions that should be asked and answered by all parties, when marrying a church and government together in a contract be it verbal or written, I hope you understand that?

But, as I have often stated I an simply a redneck hick with no college education and I do not encourage people to listen to me, but to think their own minds and discuss what might be going on with their friends and family and whoever else they choose. And to ignore my personal opinions and make their own.
Nothing more!

Janet Harrington


You always twist things. Did it ever occur to you that the school board agenda had it wrong and that whoever you talked to on the school board told you incorrectly because they didn't know what they were talking about? Did it ever occur to you to talk to the pastor of the Flint Hills Assembly of God to find out the reason for building this church? I know he would be more than happy to sit down with you and entertain you with the reasons why, etc. His name if Ward Robin Haines. Most of us just call him Pastor Robin.

Now, I do not belong to the Flint Hills Assembly of God church, but I know what is going on with the new building. Mom70X7 does not belong to that church, either, and she knows what is going on. That is because we ask the CORRECT people about what is going on when we want to know something. Mom70X7 has attended school board meetings for many, many, many years. She knows what she is talking about.

As for the get a grip remark, I make no apology. In my HUMBLE OPINION, you need to get a grip. And as for trying to set you up, I didn't. You are so paranoid about this Elk Konnected thing that you don't seem to have any positive questions or thoughts of your own.

All I wanted to know from you was if you had seen anything positive from the Youth Development program. I personally do not know if the Youth Development program is Elk Konnected or not. All I know is what you and Patriot have said on this forum. Why do you seem to be so paranoid that I know the positive outcome for your son of one of the programs that Montgomery helps with and the positive letter that you wrote to her? Why? Oh, and by the way, since you wrote the letter to Mrs. Montgomery because of her duties as a county worker, that information is public record. Oops.

Now, as for the Prairie Star losing the Chautauqua County business by the county commissioners giving the job to the Cedar Vale paper, this happened last year, too, and Taylor wrote an editorial about it at the time. How quickly people forget when they are just wanting to stick it to someone on a public forum.

Like I told you a long, long time ago, ask these questions of the people who are involved with Elk Konnected. Since you think the county commissioners have all the answers, start with them. Then go to other people. Why haven't you done this instead of asking on a public forum that anyone that does belong to Elk Konnected wouldn't touch if their life depended on it?

Janet Harrington

Here's another question for you, Ross.

When the school rents out the gym or the cafeteria for a church associated thing and the church pays the school board money for that rental, is that a problem because of the separation of church and state?

Just wondering.

Janet Harrington

Oh, yeah, I forgot to add this...Now, pick those apart sentence by sentence. LOL

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