Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I'm hearing rumors them Elk Konnected people are up to something again.

Something to do with that expensive and wasted position of Elk County Youth Development.

I mean did you ever see any form of youth development from that position?

Is watching an occassional movie a new kind of youth development.

Is youth development only an occassional thing?

Is baby sitting for a couple of hours called summer day camp, a new form of child development?

Isn't child development something the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and 4-H and FFA do?

And isn't that done on a weekly basis with regular meetings?

Has our youth developement even came close to anything representing youth development?

If Elk Konnected, LLC wants Youth Development, why don't they hire a Youth Development employee?

They are a Limited Liability Company and companies hire employees, don't they?

We know they have failed at everything they have triied to do, with the exception of begging and
spending OPM (Other Peoples Money, right?

What happened to their day care center? They begged for appliances and a lot of other stuff and didn't they receive stuff?

I know, I helped them acquire a refrigerator and a couple of other appliances.

I'd suggest if the idea of the day care center has failed like everything else they have tried, perhaps they could give those appliances to someone that needs them and cannot afford to buy them.

I have a question for elk konnected, LLC, when do you start producing something, anything?

Well, I'm gonna go out and see what I can learn about the rumor I've heard.

I'll let you know what I learn, if anything.


Well, here we go. I know a few people are going to be upset with this post and on that note I wish to say sorry about that.

I think we should all be able to get along even though we disagree politically.
I personally don't believe we should do each other harm in any way shape or form.

Now, I have heard from several people that they will no longer shop in Howard because of present day events. I personally feel that is doing harm both to the merchants and the county.

Now what is happening to provoke such attitudes?

Could it be the petition to reinstate the Elk County Youth Development position?
Yes, in my opinion and because several people have told me so. Others had quit several weeks ago.

Is this good for Elk County Economic Development?

I don't think so!

I happen to like some of these folks, even though I disagree with their politics about Economic Development and Youth Development. So I will continue to shop with them.

Now about that Elk Konnected bunch (really just a few people) that showed up at the County Commissioners meeting, it appears it was only the merchants and so call Leaders of the community.
But really who is Elk Konnected I have been asking for nearly two years, and no answer, why?
What are they hiding from?
Are those people that showed up at the county commissioners meeting, really Elk Konnected?

If so, since Elk konnected lost the Kontrolling votes on the County Commissioners Board, are they going to attempt Kontrol of our government by petition?

Will the petition only be available in Howard?
I heard there is a copy of the petition in the bank in Howard?
I saw the petition in the Drug Store in Howard while shoping?
If anyone know of other locations let us know, please.
If you don't want to post it drop me a private message and I will do it for you with out mentioning your name.

Will Elk konnected post it at West Elk, we know how they like to use the children, don't we?

Does this put forth a good image for Elk County.
Will it make tomorrows newspaper?
My guess is, yes. Isn't the editor Elk Konnected affiliated?
Let's wait and see.
If it's not there I will be pleasantly surprised.

Will the petition be verified by the County Clerk or who ever does the voter registration be checking to see that all the petition signers are registered voters? Or if all of them are citizens of Elk County? I sure hope so.

Apparently today is the first day of the petition and it had 17 people sign it.

Will the county commissioners be required to run our county on simple and self centered petitions by a few people? I sure hope not.

If they can't accept what our elected officials told them and this petition fails will a lawsuit against the county be next?

Will we the property tax payers have to spend our hard earned money to fend off a lawsuit?

How far will these few people go to get their own way?

To our real leaders of the community that listen to the people and do the peoples wishes:\
County Commissioner Hebb and County Commissioner Ritz, good job.
I am proud of you.   

You have managed to do a few of the things on the ridiculous list of Elk Konnecteds that made since.

You paid off the County Debts
You have put money towards improving the county roads.
(and yes it will take time to do the job right)
You have managed to reduce property taxes

But does Elk Konnected recognize what you have done?

Well I do!  Keep up the good work.

Now all you followers go ahead slap me down, I'm ready and willing to hear it.


A petition.  Isn't that special.  After 2+ years of watching the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners shut down opposing viewpoints during commission meetings, at least these folks were afforded an opportunity to voice their opinions openly and without contention from the commissioners.  That's one heck of a lot more consideration than the previous board afforded folks in the past.  Let em have their petition.  Seems like a lot of work just to keep from lowering the cost of government.  But, heck, this group of folks never met a taxpayer dollar they couldn't find a way to spend. 

Perhaps someday they'll wake up to the realities of our current economy & remember that the government works for the taxpayers/voters.... not the other way around.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Ross, am I the only one who remembers your threat to take your business elsewhere and you were going to encourage your friends to do the same? Have you wisely changed your mind?
I wondered then why you had shot yourself in the foot.  Boycotting the local businesses that are hanging on by a thread as it is...now that's real narrow minded thinking, isn't it?  Ghost towns on the horizon, so instead of being friendly and encouraging newcomers, some of you want to pound nails in the community coffin? Yeah, that'll show 'em all right. ??? My word!
Sure, and I'M the one full of crap. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 05, 2013, 04:28:57 PM
Ross, am I the only one who remembers your threat to take your business elsewhere and you were going to encourage your friends to do the same? Have you wisely changed your mind?

I do believe, I said, I wouldn't like to do that but if they continued to ask for "Beggae-Thy-Neighbor" or "Welfare for the Wealthy" called rebates. I would boycott that entity. And I meant it. I don't think it is a good idea but if people want to hurt the taxpayers then they should pay for it.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 05, 2013, 04:28:57 PM
I wondered then why you had shot yourself in the foot.  Boycotting the local businesses that are hanging on by a thread as it is...now that's real narrow minded thinking, isn't it?

No more narrow minded then merchant's thinking that the taxpayers should fund their business, By using County taxpayers money. So they are desperate as is everyone else across the country, I feel for them. But I support their business with my hard earned mone purchasing from them, and they make a profit. Isn't that enough out of my poscket?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 05, 2013, 04:28:57 PM
Ghost towns on the horizon, so instead of being friendly and encouraging newcomers, some of you want to pound nails in the community coffin? Yeah, that'll show 'em all right. ??? My word!
Sure, and I'M the one full of crap. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yes Diane you are full of crap, on that we can agree.
I have probably welcomed more new comers to Elk County since I have been here than anyone else. Remember who is calling newcomers, outsiders. The Konnected followers, isn't it.

Why don't you tell those konnected friends of your to be more cordial. Oh, especially your friend Rudy, tell him too.

I gotta run for now there is a couple of hamburgers and fries and drinks waiting for me to go order at the Highway drive in, in Longton. Have I told you how much better their hamburger are then Burger King or McDonalds.


Quote from Diane:
I'M the one full of crap

YES !!! Hallelujah  !!! She has seen the light and finally said something I believe !!!  :angel:


Stephanie just posted on FB that they have a copy of the petition at the feed store in Moline for anyone who wants to sign it.

Do with that what you will.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

Diane Amberg

How did Rudy come into this? Yes, as many do, I do know him and consider him a friend, so what? You don't like the fact that the owner of a newspaper can speak as he likes, don't read it. That's why Howard had several newspapers years ago...all expressing different views.That pesky freedom of speech, ya know?
Enjoy your hillbilly burgers. They just have to be better than any chain can do.


Thank you Diane for your promotion of The Elk River Drive-In's delicious bacon cheeseburgers and seasoned tater wedges. Don't forget a cold iced tea to wash it down. And I too am glad you realized you are full of shit. You chime in on COUNTY politics when you don't live here, spend your dollars here or have a clue as to what actually goes on. Thank you for your superior knowledge in the way the infrastructure of our local government is run.

Ross--It sounds like the Elk Konnected group are still upset that the head of the snake was cut off and the rest of the body is being disposed of.  Putting a petition out sounds like nothing more than a form of Elk Konnected coup. Kudos to District 1 and 2 Commissioners for having the intelligence and the manly fortitude to do what's right. Now if the people in District 3 would get together and oust little Kenny Liebau, things truly would look up for everyone. But remember what they did by shutting down the grade schools even after it was voted to keep things going and a former county commissioner (as of last month) stated "Screw the Public. We'll give them what we want to!"-----Robert L. Walker



Diane Amberg

Uh, you have no idea how much money I have happily spent, donated, and given to support your area and people over the years. Just because I don't talk about it doesn't make it true.Ya might want to rethink that statement >:(. As far as in not knowing how your county works, the last time I visited, I had something in mind. After doing some serious investigation, I decided not to make the investment I had being thinking about. Your water problems had a lot to do with it also. My treatment on this forum has done nothing to change my mind. Too bad, and I don't appreciate your cussing in my name. :P

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