Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I can't seem to get any answers and I still have a ton of questions left.
Here are a few more.
Proelkco can't you help me out with some answers?

I have heard the remark numerous times; anything is possible when people come together for the common good.

Just what does that mean?
Does it mean to blindly follow?
Does that mean an organization any organization should operate secretly and keep secrets?
Does that mean an organization any organization
should commandeer other people's property for their own use?
Should organizations any organization force themselves on others under false pretenses?
Really, shouldn't there be a whole lot of ethics involved?

Please read on!
Common Good
By Michael Kraus
Graduate Student, Grand Valley State University

Common good is difficult to define because it can mean different things to different people. These are just a few examples:
Webster's Dictionary defines common good as "belonging to or shared by each or all" (Webster's 1990, pg. 122).
The idea of common good can also be described "as the product of a particular process, such as a democratic process." This can be a difficult version of common good as those within the procedure can argue what is in the interest of the common good and sometimes make decisions based on personal gain (Powell and Clemens, 1998, pg. 10).
There is a "functional or collective" meaning of "what would be good for the enterprise to which a group of individuals belong, rather than what would be good for the individuals of that enterprise." The concern with this definition is that what may be good for the team could be destructive for the public as a whole (Powell and Clemens, 1998, pg. 10-11).
The debate over the common good has existed since Plato wrote the Republic in the late 5th century BC. Common good can hold different meanings depending on one's involvement. For example, if City Hall makes a decision that is good for its citizens, but not good for citizens of a neighboring city, is that the common good? And, what is good? It can be defined as "doing what is right or proper" (Webster's 1990, pg. 255), but does everyone agree what actions achieve common good? Probably not (Powell and Clemens, 1998).
A debate about what is "good" is not a negative action. By having as many parties involved as possible can bring together many different perspectives to determine the overall best decisions for the "common."
Read the rest of the story at http://learningtogive.org/papers/paper14.html

Would Elk Konnected, LLC really be interested in social and economic change?

How about trying beneficial to many in each of the Elk County's Community by building community gardens? I bet you could beg for some seeds and some of the community's city owned property and some free water them with? And you connected folks and followers could get down and dirty with the folks, instead of sitting back and asking everyone to do your share, of the labor of love. Feeding the poor is always a grand plan or helping them fed themselves, is even better. It goes on around the world, don't you see? And then you are accomplishing something. And gardening is a great activity and development tool for children!

And if you become a non-profit organization more doors may open for you. But wait a minute that would entail open books wouldn't it?


Why answer you? You do not answer any questions asked to you.


Quote from: proelkco on January 03, 2013, 11:22:22 AM
Why answer you? You do not answer any questions asked to you.
Translation: You don't have any proper answers, right?
I have explained numerous times, I don't have any answers, just questions?

Diane Amberg

Ok Ross, I went back and found it...now from the old school teacher, more the reason to proof your work. Even a tiny comma can change the meaning in a big way....typo or not. 8) (You could have gone back and corrected that before I ever saw it.) Especially when you are typing about what you consider to be so serious a subject.


Alot of people have answered you on this thread. You never give answers. You ask questions and want answers but do not have manners enough to answer people. And you wonder why? If anyone needs to go back and reread any of this thread it is perhaps you. 


Quote from: proelkco on January 03, 2013, 01:36:37 PM
Alot of people have answered you on this thread. You never give answers. You ask questions and want answers but do not have manners enough to answer people. And you wonder why? If anyone needs to go back and reread any of this thread it is perhaps you. 

But they haven't answered the questions I'd like answered, they simply deflect or redirect?
Keep up the good try, it doesn't work.
I'll repeat again, I have no answers only questions in hopes that you will comprehend!

Thank you for your time but I'd appreciate real answers.

Try this one, once again please.
What is Elk Konnected, LLC?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2013, 12:16:45 PM
Ok Ross, I went back and found it...now from the old school teacher, more the reason to proof your work. Even a tiny comma can change the meaning in a big way....typo or not. 8) (You could have gone back and corrected that before I ever saw it.) Especially when you are typing about what you consider to be so serious a subject.

And my advice to you teacher would be to read for comprehension and to try to focus on the real subject.

Especially before spouting off about a typographical error.
And then continuing with the complaint.
But I suppose teachers don't make errors, do they?

Quote from: Ross on January 02, 2013, 09:05:19 PM
Okay, my big Boo-Boo! I had meant to put a comma after the word quit.
Which then would have read a bit different.
Please excuse my human behavior of making errors.
My sincerest apologizes.


Quote from: proelkco on January 03, 2013, 12:08:27 PM
That is an excuse.
No excuse, just go back to page one and wonder why I started this thread?

Is that the biggest bunch of ideas you have ever read!

And they were presented to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners by their own organization Elk Konnected, right?

Doesn't that just beg for all kinds of questions?

Diane Amberg

Ross, you are starting out the new year as an old grumpy fuddy duddy. Of course I make errors, and as often as possible I try to correct them before they are ever read. In this particular case some time had passed before I read your original. You could have repaired it before I ever saw it.
Perhaps your "just an uneducated redneck' business is hurting you. Don't you want to be taken seriously? It sure looks like you really do have a grudge and some sort of score to settle with certain people and nothing anyone tries to tell you will ever satisfy you. Is your caring about Elk County honest, or are there strings attached?
  Wind farm rent jealousy? Why?  Did certain land owners create a miracle so the wind would blow just on their places? Do you honestly think people can control that so just the ''right people''get the rents? Use your head man!
Some people also have oil or water on their places. So what? That's what they bought, in some cases a very long time ago.
Keep in mind, with my "spouting off' as you so graciously call it, you are the one with all the repetitive questions, not me. You want to be taken seriously, so why not do everything possible to present a readable, cohesive stand?
You still seem to still be wallowing in self pity, complaining about things as far back as the very first ''community meeting." You have new commissioners now. Isn't it time to move on, wearing big boy pants and revealing your grownup character? Perhaps they will pleasantly surprise you.

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