Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: flintauqua on December 13, 2012, 10:15:40 PM
2.  I am not a Follower.  Neither are nearly all the others who have the temerity to come on here and refute the misinformation and outright lies that you contrive and spew forth onto the world through this internet portal.

If it talks like a Follower
And acts like a Follower
Especially since the inception of this thread.
Then it must be a Follower!

But you are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to my opinion.

Go ahead and call me some more names, its okay. I don't mind.

Quote from: flintauqua link=topic=11780.msg201834#msg201834 date=1355458540
Have I been truthful today?  You bet every statement in every post.

That's your opinion and you are sticking to it.
Good for you.

But in all your truthfulness, do you believe that the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners did the ethical and honorable thing having someone from their NGO come before them as County Commissioners and then voting to give themselves county taxpayers dollars and then denying it? In all that honesty you speak of, do you really believe that action is honorable and ethical?

Another in all your honesty, how do you feel about Elk Konnected, LLC losing the controlling votes on the County Commissioners Board in 2013? I think it should pprove interesting.

Can you provide honest answers to any questions on this thread, with all that honesty you profess to have?

Is the Elk Konnected, LLC Daycare Center in Moline still a go, or just another one of Elk Konnected, LLC's long list of failures, the truth now, please? Are they having trouble getting OPM, other peoples money to get it started?

Elk County is looking for honest answers?

Okay, Patriot, I'll try to refrain from further activity, before you climb on me for inciting a cyber riot?
Besides, I have alot of outside work to get done before it rains.And I sure hope and pray it rains.


Charlie, no question you tell it like it is. I think most of the people in Elk county agree with you.


There's no question that Flint's bottom line appears to be the advancement of the socialist agenda in Elk County
and beyond.



Good morning
Happy Holidays
And most of all
Merry Christmas.

I've been terribly busy for an old red neck hick, with building horse stalls in my barn, and doctors appointments and some complex personal problems in Washington State. Yea, remember I'm an outsider that simply chose to live here and pay property taxes unlike those outsiders that don't live here and pay property taxes here. Isn't it weird how things work in this world?

Like all those poor families that had children slaughtered in Connecticut. My heart goes out to them. Slain by the son of one of the social elite, one of the upstanding citizens, pillars of the community, a person of education and money and  a volunteer and donor what a terrible shame.

It is definitely enough to make me thankful I am an uneducated, poor (financially) redneck hick. Because, I am happy in so many other ways.

On the subject of me screwing up and supposedly stealing intellectual property Out of ignorance, the man that so sadly informed me in such a terribly rude and accusatory way, thank you. I went back to the websites and contacted the places and informed them of my ignorance and apologized and asked what I could to make the situation right. Well apparently they could careless or perhaps I haven't waited long enough to hear back from them. I will continue wait and see if anything develops over my error. But, I think perhaps because I am such a small drip in a gigantic ocean that they could careless about me. And I bet I'm not the only little drip that has done the same thing. But still waiting to  see what comes down the pike. Oop's is, "waiting to see what comes down the pike" copy righted or trademarked? I have never claimed to be anything but a human being who is quite capable of making mistakes and an Elk County taxpayer and resident that asks a lot of questions.

Now shall we get back to talking about Elk County, Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Konnected School Board Members and Konnected Kounty Employees and such?

The self proclaimed founder of Elk Konnected, LLC being Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks claimed the reason for starting up was the result of two communities in Elk County not falling in line with what Elk Konnected, LLC felt was necessary. Of course they worded it differently, but in essence that is what they were saying, in my opinion. They were simply using the old peer group model of control and shame. Of course when questioned about the disrespect towards the two communities during an Elk County Commissioners meeting Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks claimed they did not mean to diss those communities. Well to me it sure did and does appear that was the intent, because the open letter to the public is still posted on the internet several years later and no apology was every written that I could find or read.

Well, moving right along Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks claimed that Elk Konnected, LLC did not come about because the Wind Farm and the money the County would receive from it, because Elk Konnected, LLC came about first. Well, I sort of believe that and the reason I say sort of is two fold. First we were informed right here on this thread that wind testing was going on for seven years before building the wind farm and since that testing was taking place on or near her family's property wouldn't it be safe to assume she knew the wind farm was coming  and so she started Elk Konnected, LLC?

The other part is being Employed by Public Squares Communities, LLC in Leoti, Kansas by starting up Elk Konnected, LLC especially as a county commissioner would place a big feather in her bonnet? And didn't that lead to her becoming President of  Public Squares Communities, (now known as) INC?

Also when her NGO, Elk Konnected, LLC came before the County Commissioners Board asking for County Tax money to promote themselves by handing out what I refer to as lollipops were they not asking their founder for that money> Would it not have been the ethical thing for the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to have abstained from voting on their organizations request for county money? So why didn't they abstain?

Didn't Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners abuse the county resources by posting their own personal web page on the county owned and operated web site?

Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners abuse the county owned emergency call line by unofficial use of the system?

There is so much more but I'm out of time.

How's it gonna feel when the new county commissioner is seated in a few weeks and Elk Konnected, LLC will no longer possess the majority of controlling votes. Yes, Howard recognized which hold s the majority of votes in that district did the right thing in my opinion and voted Elk Konnected, LLC out of control of the County Commissioners Board.

There is so much more, but for now I would appreciate it if you would tear this post apart line by line and post under each line the misinformation or at least do some corrections.

And then perhaps we can discuss the Taj Mahal they are wanting to build south of Howard with the Community Storm Shelter and the new gymnasium. And other Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks NGO. Elk Konnected, LLC failures. Or if any of you Followers can enlighten us to any of their success that would be cool. Please tell it like it is.

I'll try to return soon to read your analysis, okay.
Responses welcome.


You know what, I was just reading the Defense Department has ordered criminal background checks of child care providers at all military bases after finding 31 workers at the Fort Myer center had police records on charges ranging from assault to sexual offenses.

The Pentagon Day Care Review is Expanding to Defense Department schools, youth centers and other facilities where children are present.

I have heard that it frequently happens that regular community schools will ask teachers to resign and I wonder why? What justification is there for such action! Aren't the school districts and school boards entrusted with the care of and responsible for the safety of our most precious resources? So I wonder why ask a teacher or employee to resign? If you take such an action aren't you putting that employee above the safety and welfare of the children? Where is the wisdom in that?

I heard on the streets of Elk County that this kind of thing happened with two Konnected School Employees of West Elk, can or will anyone confirm that it did in fact happen?

I mean how can we trust our children with any school district, if this sort of thing is happening and continues to happen? Who can we trust?

Just take a look at what has been happening with our school district!
We as taxpayers commissioned and paid for a bunch of college professors to evaluate the school district about a year ago. Were we allowed to see the completed study? NO!
Were we allowed to have the professor's address us with their final verbal response? NO!
We paid for it, but the school district decided we did not deserve to hear or read the final results, WHY? What are they hiding? Then they hire another type of study looking again at how to improve the District School, WHY?

I personally have not seen anything substantial except this professor teaching the school board members some critical thinking skill that most any good leader should have knowledge of prior to wanting to be a leader. Isn't it really about building a Taj Mahal near Howard, Kansas? Isn't it about preparing the taxpayer for another assault of a School Bond for adding a new wing or building a new grade school with a new gymnasium oh and most likely a community storm shelter for Howard? When will they quit?

But actually folks the very best thing I learned in high school was from an English teacher. And that is how to make decisions and how to find solutions to problems. Ask yourself the following questions or ask the questions of the people that are involved:
•   Who?
•   What?
•   Where?
•   When?
•   Why?
•   And How?
Over the years I have slightly adjusted it to include
Stop, Look and Listen (Oops, am I stealing that from the railroad companies, does that have a TM? Sorry about that I just don't know!)

There are plenty of solutions for the school board to give serious consideration to during these financially trying times. For instance, repeating myself,
•   Re-opening the Moline Grade School
•   Considering that the West Elk school building was designed to hold 600 students and the district only has 300.
•   Wasn't West Elk built for 600 students hoping for growth in the communities of Elk County?
•   From what little I have seen of the school building there is plenty of wasted floor space in the offices.
•   Consider moving the offices of the school Superintendent and principle in one office in the main building. And if you give it some serious thought you only need one principle for one building. This would save on school expenditures. You could also cut half of the staff freeing up more floor space and saving more tax dollars. This could then open of the district office to be used for class rooms.

Will any of these solutions make everyone happy, heck no. But is that your job as school board to make everyone happy or is your job to meet the needs of the children for learning? Or is it your to appease some NGO? Yes, I Said some NGO?

Continuing on I feel compelled to ask, has our school district ever asked an employee to resign OR whatever? I left the last option open simply because there are so many things that could be placed in that spot.

And IF you have you have the answer, I ask how is that beneficial to the children in our school district or even more important to children in other districts?  


I sure hope everyone had a great Christmas.
2013 is just about upon us, I want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.

Do you think it might happen?

With the Federal Government up to all its games,
The Fiscal Cliff, Austerity, and all sorts Budget Cuts?

What about locally?
And the konnected kounty kommissioners approval of the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" that claims Elk County is a blighted area and provides welfare for those that least need it by calling it a rebate, how about that?
Starts the first of the year doesn't it?
After all, that is what the program is for, isn't it, blighted areas?
Something for all Elk County Citizens to be proud of, right?
Very nice of them to consider this beautiful county, blighted.

This could cost the county coffers tens of thousands of dollars, if not, a few hundred thousand dollars inproperty taxes, right?
But its okay isn't it?
As long as they keep the property taxes high on everyone else,
except maybe their friends and relatives, etcetera and possibly their own special projects right?
A good deal if you can get it right?
Doesn't that fall under "Beggar Thy Neighbor"?
Not wanting to pay yourfair share of property taxes, tch, tch!
Shameful in my opinion!

Perhaps that will change for the good in 2013 with the installation of a new County Commissioner and one less konnected kounty kommissioner?

We can hope for the best, right?

And we have the situation at West Elk and a school board with a konnected school board President bringing in outsiders to try to find excuses to build a new grade school, isn't that what is happening?

Haven't they already been told by the majority of Elk County Voters?

Does leadership mean to ignore those that you serve?
I don't think so, do you?

I mean didn't a University send a handful of Professors in to West Elk to do a study?
You and I paid for that study, did you know that?
Did we get to see the final results?
I didn't, did you?

Those Professors were suppose to come back and talk to us about their study, but apparently someone decided they didn't need to come back and tell us the school was doing fine, did they?

So, the school board hires an outsider, known as a facilitator, a single Professor to try to do something that a whole university couldn't do, I wonder what is he is suppose to do?
Don't you?

I wonder how much that first study by the University with all those Professors cost us?
And how much this study by this lone Professor/Facilitator is costing you and me?

Just how much of the money from our property tax, that is supposed to go towards our children's education, is being wasted and what is the real reason?

I wonder why it is so difficult for a group of 7 people on the school board to make decisions, using critical thinking and so easy for them to hire an outsider, called a facilitator to do their thinking for them? I know at least one of them is attuned to critical thinking, because, he thinks it should be taught in school.
I say, Hooray for him!

Didn't they run for those offices with the intention of doing what is right for the entire school district?

And they each have a vote, don't they?

I have to give the board Kudos for voting, not to get involved with the "Beggar Thy Neighbor Program" called the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program", which in my opinion is an ultimate put down to Elk County. I don't see Elk County as blighted, but that is just my opinion.

But, we can hope for 2013 a better year of thinking, than what is shown on page one of this thread. Can't we?

I did read about several organizations in Elk County and Chautauqua County that added to the Quality of Life of children and families during this holiday season but none of them were Elk Konnected, LLC and I wonder why?

Can someone, tell me did I miss reading their story?

Well, anyway here is wishing each and everyone of you the very best in 2013 and that includes the Followers.


Did ya all read the article in the Prairie Star on page 2 about the Chautauqua County Budget? Very interesting and, very educational on many levels IMO!

How about the letter to the editor concerning the same thing right below it, did you read it to?  

The gentlemen said, "I told you so."

Apparently some support group he says sold them a bill of goods. Remember keep everything "Positive".
Would that support group by any chance be known as an NGO err a Non Governmental Organization? Was that support group something sort of like elk konnected, llc?

I wonder did that support group have a name. Will that support group step forward and take responsibility? Will they accept responsibility and pay for the loss to the Chautauqua County Tax Payers? Hell no, in my opinion! Why should they? They got people to vote for it, so the people will have to pay for the next five years?

He also said the bond company (most likely an outsider company) also stood to make a lot of money, didn't he?

He also stated the bond company was very vocal about how viable the future funding of the new jail was, there was just no way could they go wrong!

They didn't discuss the extra costs involved like:
•   Utilities (water, electricity, telephones, etc)
•   Additional Employees (staff)
•   No guarantees of housing inmates from other jurisdictions to produce income.
•   And probably many other factors.

I just ask you is this the kind of School District thinking we need in Elk County?

Thank goodness, that is changing in our county Government in just a few more days, huh?
Why do you think the konnected kounty kommissioners refused to do a viability or feasability study on that "Beggar Thy Neighbor" program known as the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program"?

Would that program have received a green light with a study performed?
IMO a resounding NO! Folks that is just a polite way of saying we have been had!

Why wouldn't the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners even discuss putting off voting for this "Beggar Thy Neighbor" program until the new County Commissioner comes into office in 2013? Why were they in such a hurry? IMO, because it probably would not be passed, that's why. Why is that you might ask? In my personal opinion, because there would no longer be two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners on the board to insure it's passage.

Do we need a support group ramming down our throat the need for additional space to house children for teaching, for additional grade school class rooms? Especially since that same support group was most likely behind shutting down the Moline Grade School, right? And again, the same group probably supported the purchase of metal buildings for class rooms, right? And a konnected School Board President, right?

We had a study performed at great expense by a University full of Professors and apparently they found no problems, so let's hire yet another, only make it a lone Professor/Facilitator, great idea. Is it? Waste more of the taxpayers money on something other than using it for education! Yea, makes sense to me! Does it make sense to you?

And much like Chautauqua County they probably, brought in this lone outsider Professor/ Facilitator to some how convince us we need a new building or at least a wing on the high school with a new gymnasium. I ask you to consider, is that really needed to teach the children? Or is it needed to increase the size of the campus to give it a Taj Mahal appearance? Just check out the wasted floor space in that building, that is already there!  The building was built for growth, as I was informed, to house 600 students and it is only housing 300, what is with that?

Will you be impressed by a real outsider who happens to have the name Professor written in front of his name? Will you be impressed by a Professor/Facilitator who asks, what do you want for your school? Sort of like Santa Clause asking the small child what do you want for Christmas, isn't it? The poor Professor probably doesn't understand how he is being used, it is the Professor before his name that I believe is being used. But he is being handsomely paid, so what difference does it make to him? I just asking?

Or are we going to be grown-ups and ask:
•   What do we need?
      How about better teachers?
      How about more concentration on educating all the children?
      How a bout a Blue Ribbon School?
•   Do fancy, new, and very expensive score boards increase the education levels of the children?
•   What should be the real goals of our School District?
•   Would we get a better return on our money building a Taj Mahal or offering better wages to attract better teachers?
Even the school board discussed wages to attract better teachers at one of their meetings. It was even on their list for future planning. Folks the future is now! The future is sitting in those class rooms right now!

Does some support group want a brick and mortar Grade School building, it sits right there in Moline, go get it! Or do they just want that Taj Mahal?

Didn't they already waste enough district money drawing up that fancy pants new school building not long ago with the community storm shelter for Howard? And didn't they waste enough money running a vote for a bond issue for $5.5 million and were told no?
It reminds me of my teenager, how many times do I have to tell him no? Can you tell me, how many times, do I have to tell him NO? In my opinion far too many times.

I ask you to think for yourself and consider all the other options available versus raising property taxes, how does that sound to you?

Perhaps you can get some discussions going around the county about these subjects; after all they are the taxing agents you voted into office.

Let the followers and supporters know there is plenty of talk, let them know they are out numbered just like during the School Bond issue you voted down.
Let them know it's not going to happen.
No More Taxes for us, while giving tax breaks to a few others.

I believe support groups want silent citizens and then their voices are the only ones heard.
If you want to maintain Elk County as the beautiful place that it is, and the friendly country folks and want to avoid the big city ways of doing things, speak up.

Did your ancestors have outsider facilitators telling them how to live?
Did they?

Don't Shut Up! Ask Who, What, Where, When, Why and How?

If nothing else bad mouth me at least that would be communicating something?

Ready for feed back.

Diane Amberg

I would be interested in knowing what you mean by ''better'' teachers. Are you saying your teachers now are not good at what they do? Why do you think a pay increase would make them better teachers?
How would you rate them? A teacher test? Student performance? Parent satisfaction?  Professional observations? Advanced degrees?
Are you suggesting that ''all'' students aren't being taught to their performance level now? Why do you think that? How do you think it could be improved since all kids are not the same?
  I know you want to talk about facilities but you also suggested better pay instead. What do you have to offer to attract new teachers besides increased pay? Housing subsidies? Tax forgiveness?  Fuel allowance for traveling?Transportation on the buses to and from work with the kids? Saturday school with extra pay? Grade 13 for extra education?
You are comparing schools and their environment with jails in another county? Yikes !I don't think most parents would see tax spending for education in the same way as tax spending for a jail.
You have already had some suggestions as to who is looking at the high school space and what can be done. You have apparently ignored it. Why is that?
What do you consider "wasted" space? Even office space can only be squeezed so far. (privacy issues with parents' meetings and such and ADA issues, etc.)
Not all classrooms are created equal either. Some need more space than others, and now with the world on computers and with wireless everything, teaching and learning can't even remotely be compared to when we went to school.
Soon there will be a huge change in the information and learning process (It has already started.) Kids won't be expected to memorize most anything they can look up on the internet. Once the basics are learned ,in about fourth or fifth grade, "learning to read" will change even more to "reading to learn.'' Math will be the same...thank goodness!
Education will be much more about cause and effect and applied application. More learning will be self directed, at the rate the child can gain proficiency in the unit topic. 
Teacher college training is slowly, much too slowly, being revamped to reflect this new educational world. Get with it or be left behind. Parents and other interested people will have to keep up ,or wander around with puzzled looks on their faces. ;D ;D ;D Have fun Ross...


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM

I would be interested in knowing what you mean by ''better'' teachers. Are you saying your teachers now are not good at what they do? Why do you think a pay increase would make them better teachers?
How would you rate them? A teacher test? Student performance? Parent satisfaction?  Professional observations? Advanced degrees?
Are you suggesting that ''all'' students aren't being taught to their performance level now? Why do you think that? How do you think it could be improved since all kids are not the same?

You can not put that burden on me
I was just repeating the school board's plans
But you wouldn't know that way up there in the North East part of the country would you?

But yes, testing could be done. I know back in the eighties the State of Texas did it state wide. And a considerable number of teachers were found to be unable to pass the test, even given three attempts with study in between testing.

But here is what I said.
Quote from: Ross on December 28, 2012, 07:49:54 AM

•   Would we get a better return on our money building a Taj Mahal or offering better wages to attract better teachers?
Even the school board discussed wages to attract better teachers at one of their meetings. It was even on their list for future planning. Folks the future is now! The future is sitting in those class rooms right now!

Does some support group want a brick and mortar Grade School building, it sits right there in Moline, go get it! Or do they just want that Taj Mahal?

So your question about the teachers abilities should be directed towards the Konnected School Board President and the other School Board members.
Do you think they are suggesting what you are asking?

I also asked:
Quote from: Ross on December 28, 2012, 07:49:54 AM

I just ask you is this the kind of School District thinking we need in Elk County?

Meaning one that can not do proper planning, perhaps even do a feasibility study.

After all even you Diane, suggested that education is changing, just as the Professor/facilitator suggested home schooling via the internet?

By the way I already know at least one student doing exactly that right here in Moline.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM

 I know you want to talk about facilities but you also suggested better pay instead. What do you have to offer to attract new teachers besides increased pay? Housing subsidies? Tax forgiveness?  Fuel allowance for traveling?Transportation on the buses to and from work with the kids? Saturday school with extra pay? Grade 13 for extra education?

You might make some of those suggestions to the konnected School Board President!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM

You are comparing schools and their environment with jails in another county?

No, Diane I am comparing poor planning and manipulating the voters and taxpayers in adjacent counties that have basically the equivalent economic environment.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM
Yikes !I don't think most parents would see tax spending for education in the same way as tax spending for a jail.

No, Diane I am comparing poor planning and manipulating the voters and taxpayers in adjacent counties that have basically the equivalent economic environment. We do not have the population or the economic environment you have in the wealthy county that you reside in, therefore, I don't compare it to your county.

The situation is sort of like the elk konnected, llc Wellness Center and their Daycare Center poor planning in my humble opinion and akin to the arrogant ignorance on page one of this thread, you know the list put together by elk konnected, llc.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM

You have already had some suggestions as to who is looking at the high school space and what can be done. You have apparently ignored it. Why is that?

What suggestion? Why don't you quote me a few? Let us all in on what you are talking about.
Who is looking at the space allocation in the school building?

I suggested the money they are wasting could be put to better use by hiring an engineer to look over the floor plans and make suggestions for improvement.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM

What do you consider "wasted" space?

Rooms with wide open space that is not being used, pretty simple, huh?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM

Even office space can only be squeezed so far. (privacy issues with parents' meetings and such and ADA issues, etc.)

How nice of you to continue to attempt to confuse issues from way up there in New Jersey (I couldn't help myself.) Wouldn't the aforementioned engineer be the best to determine what is best, or would it be you from way up there?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM

Not all classrooms are created equal either. Some need more space than others, and now with the world on computers and with wireless everything, teaching and learning can't even remotely be compared to when we went to school.

No one has even suggested such a thing, so why are you suggesting it?

Just to confuse the real issues? I notice you don't refer to the Grade School, in-waiting in Moline, a complete facility that only needs a few repairs, why?
Is it because that is not what Howard wants or is it because that is not what the konnected School Board President wants?

Must we always fulfill someone's wants or should it be to fulfill what is needed, if it is truly needed?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 28, 2012, 10:26:03 AM

Soon there will be a huge change in the information and learning process (It has already started.) Kids won't be expected to memorize most anything they can look up on the internet. Once the basics are learned ,in about fourth or fifth grade, "learning to read" will change even more to "reading to learn.'' Math will be the same...thank goodness!
Education will be much more about cause and effect and applied application. More learning will be self directed, at the rate the child can gain proficiency in the unit topic.  
Teacher college training is slowly, much too slowly, being revamped to reflect this new educational world. Get with it or be left behind. Parents and other interested people will have to keep up ,or wander around with puzzled looks on their faces. ;D ;D ;D Have fun Ross...

I notice you totally ignored the connection between the konnected kounty commissioners and the konnected School Board President (who knows how many other board members are konnected) and the point of no feasibility studies. That was a very good choice in my opinion.

Who do these so called leaders work for, it sure doesn't appear to me that they work for the all of the taxpayers, voters or families of Elk County?

You also didn't respond to the question:
Quote from: Ross on December 28, 2012, 07:49:54 AM

Did your ancestors have outsider facilitators telling them how to live?
Did they?

Thanks for the feed back Diane, it just proves my point about manipulation and taxes.
The Professor/Facilitator even discussed self directed learning, only he called it home schooling by computer. What would that mean to the School District if every child above your fifth grade you just spoke of stayed home and did home schooling?
•   Would we need a bigger school?
•   Would we need more or less local school teachers? Oops, more unemployment, huh?
•   Would we still receive state and federal funding for the grade levels above the fifth grade?
•   If not wouldn't that mean we should plan more, for reducing the size of the school and staff?
•   Did you know some college professors have a million or more students attending their classes via the internet?
See how you try to confuse present day issues, it really doesn't help today's situation does it?
Except for the purpose of control and manipulation of the people, the voters, the taxpayers, now I ask you is that decent?

Do you ask the people to ignore what you write and encourage them to think for themselves or is your goal to just want to muddle things up?

Happy New Years Diane!

Diane Amberg

Anybody is free to read or ignore me as always. I wanted YOUR personal opinion ,period.
You must have serious amnesia problems if you truly don't remember what Cat and others have said collectively about the space in the school and how it's used. ( peanut gallery?) As far as where I live... Do you not remember or are you twisting my tail?  If I was in NJ I'd probably be rebuilding now ..I do not live in the north east. It's a mid Atlantic state and the latitude isn't that much different from yours. I guess you cut your geography classes, huh? ;)
Where I live is immaterial to this and I was in no way comparing you to here. I was comparing you to what others there have already said. As far as my "ancestors,'' I' m not sure what you are driving at. They were all very pro education, but how could I possibly know about the question?" They aren't alive to ask!
As far as education changing...I support it however it comes .Surely you know that by now! Home schooling...sure,why not. Long distance learning? It's not new. Some remote areas have always done it. Practical education for today's kids? absolutely. More state control...sure, up to a point. We still have to compete in a 24 hour a day world setting, not just in little local enclaves unless those kids are to be powerless to go anywhere else to live and work.I'm not being mean .We see it here even now. Kids who come in from some states are at least a year behind! It's not fair to them. 
As far as teacher testing... Most states give those tests in college, before teaching certificates are awarded in the first place. I remember taking mine and it was very difficult. Like taking medical boards, but for teaching.
But your whole interest here seems to be, who can you blame. Is that really constructive? You sure aren't getting much response.
IMHO, people who live there and are are personally affected, are tired of it and have moved on to looking at things from different angles now. They don't think you will ever be satisfied,are a chronic complainer, and have disconnected.  You have had your elections. How about giving your commissioners a chance to settle in?

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