Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on November 25, 2012, 01:08:17 PM
Ross and Patriot why do you have to be so hateful and arrogant to everyone that does not agree with you.? The people I converse with like the Prarie Star paper. And Ross why in the world do you call people followers when they don't agree with you? Patriot  there is not one commissioner that thinks they are all powerful. You are very narrow minded.

What a hateful thing for you to say and acccuse. May God forgive you!

The Prairie Star is prejudiced by admitting being affiliated with elk konnected, llc, good choice on your part.

And if you read some of his editorials some of them can very well be construed as ugly and mean.

But perhaps you agree with them because of the konnection, had you thought of that?

This post of yours shows the same contempt or arrogant ignorance I spoke of before.  

And this is your own attempt at being hateful! Shame, shame!

You apparently don't support open and honest government or you would not be tryng to shut us up with such a hateful post.

Do you even believe in the constitution?

Good government should not be secretive as secrecy breeds suspicion and ill feelings! How about that?

I was yelled at by a konnected kounty kommissioner during a County Commissioners Meeting for mentioning elk konnected, llc, that was really decent of them wasn't it. A really good attempt at shutting me up in my opinion, but it failed. You see I am still here asking questions, of which you apparently have no knowledge of the answers or are covering something up!

Which is it?


Quote from: proelkco on November 25, 2012, 01:08:17 PM
Ross and Patriot why do you have to be so hateful and arrogant to everyone that does not agree with you.?

I would say it looks like you see 'hate' behind every disagreement.  Make a valid argument, and we'll see if we can come to an agreement.  Throwing names like hateful and arrogant around is not a valid argument.  Take a position on the arguments we cite and defend your position with evidence.

Quote from: proelkco on November 25, 2012, 01:08:17 PM
Patriot  there is not one commissioner that thinks they are all powerful.

There are commissioners who seem to think they have individual powers to make decisions to run things absent the other commissioners.  I, for one, find that an undesirable trait in an elected official. The board is just that, a board, who make majority held decisions... hopefully after rational debate.  They are not three separate super managers who individually direct county resources in autonomy.   Are you saying my previous report on Liebau was inaccurate?  Are you saying his behavior was proper and honorable?  Are you prepared to call the other dozen or so witnesses 'hatefu and arrogant'?  Are you saying his admission to the fact of his actions was insincere?    Are you sure you don't have another dog in this battle?

Quote from: proelkco on November 25, 2012, 01:08:17 PM
You are very narrow minded.

And you appear very defensive, and incapable of debating issues with facts.  I guess that would make you equally narrow minded.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot I have no dog. I just do not agree with you or Ross on most of your comments. Neither of you have answered Mom70x7 question.


Quote from: proelkco on November 25, 2012, 03:23:14 PM
Patriot I have no dog. I just do not agree with you or Ross on most of your comments. Neither of you have answered Mom70x7 question.

Well, disagreement is fine.  Just wish that if you were gonna join the debate it would be to present a different viewpoint rather than to simply call names.  As for Mom's question...here ya go....

Quote from: Mom70x7 on November 25, 2012, 12:56:46 PM
Just curious - how many school board meetings have you guys attended? I haven't gone to any this past year, but for several years I was at all the meetings. I know how they are run, how the members think. Not hearsay, but actuality because I was there.

I really haven't ventured to deeply into the current matter re the school board, yet.  But as far as understanding board ops and thinking, I will make two points....

1.  I have as much first hand 'at the board meeting' information as most of the parents who willingly turn their children over to the schools every day and as the voters had when they killed the board's attempt to issue several million dollars worth of bond debt not many moons ago.

2.  I've attended all but 2 or 3 county commission meetings in the last two years, and that doesn't seem to matter one bit to the Elk Konnected supporters or those who so strongly support the Kounty Kommissioners yet never attend any meetings or talk with any county supervisors... so why should attendance in the case of the school board matter any more so? 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 25, 2012, 03:15:27 PM
Are you saying my previous report on Liebau was inaccurate?  Are you saying his behavior was proper and honorable?  Are you prepared to call the other dozen or so witnesses 'hatefu and arrogant'?  Are you saying his admission to the fact of his actions was insincere?    Are you sure you don't have another dog in this battle?

Quote from: proelkco on November 25, 2012, 03:23:14 PM
Patriot I have no dog. I just do not agree with you or Ross on most of your comments. Neither of you have answered Mom70x7 question.

Speaking of playing 'gotcha' games... I notice you failed to answer the more crucial 4 of my 5 questions.  How about it ma'am?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on November 25, 2012, 12:56:46 PM
Just curious - how many school board meetings have you guys attended? I haven't gone to any this past year, but for several years I was at all the meetings. I know how they are run, how the members think. Not hearsay, but actuality because I was there.

Aren't they suppose to conduct the meeetings according to the Roberts Rules of Order and by the rules laid down by the State of Kansas? Aren't they suppose to respectful?

Not being at the meetings does not mean people are not knowledgeable about what happens there.
Does what the newspaper print about the minutes of the meeting qualify as hearsay?

How can you possibly know how they think from situation to situation and new schoolboard member to new board member zn from year to year? That's a real mind bender to me!

I have been to some school board meetings, but I am unable to get to as many as I would like, but tha't life. and I have heard things out of the Previous School Superintendent that were completely uncalled for and disrespectful to the board members. I have also seen the Konnected President of the board be disrespectful during the meeting.

During a break at a meeting the konnected President of the Board confronted me and was disrespectful towards me and I demanded and recieved an apology from him. You can verify that by asking one of two or three or more of the board members.

What is it you are really trying to say?

I'm not really here to answer questions but to ask them and perhaps learn soething. I hope you don't have a problem with that and my constitutional right to do so?

If the konnected President of the Board can not facilitate the School Board Meetings which is his job, shy hire someone to do it for him. I believe the proper thing to do instead of spending my money for sonmeone to do his job, he should step aside and let another member of the board that can do the job, do it?

Where is his leadership in the atter of facilitating the meeting. or is he hiring soeone to come in and take control of the board and get them to do what his organozation might wants done?

There is a considerable blur between our County's governments and an NGO, haven't you noticed that?
I'm sure if you looked you'd find it right here in this thread.

I am not intending to be ugly, sarcastic only practical?


Quote from: proelkco on November 25, 2012, 03:23:14 PM
Patriot I have no dog. I just do not agree with you or Ross on most of your comments. Neither of you have answered Mom70x7 question.

Nobody asks you to agree with anyone at any time.

I have said it many times I am not here to answer questions but to ask them. in order to learn.

But no one has any answers, just name calling.

I'll continue to ask questions until I get answers.

That is my constitutional right, thank you!

So can yout tell me who the actual or registered or people that claim to be members of elk konnected really are ?

Are they so ashamed of their NGO as to stay hidden?

Do you believe people should receive WELFARE/kickbacks on their property tax through the proposed "Neighbor Hood Revitalization Program" that the State of Kansas said should not be used in Rural Areas or city wide but only in blighted areas?
Isn't it just another variation of the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money?

Do you think Elk County is blighted?

Don't you believe Good Government should not be secretive as secrecy breeds suspicion and ill feelings.

"Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace," Rod Serling once declared. And it's true today.
The mere act of asking an intelligent question now gets you harshly condemned. No questions are allowed. No intelligence is tolerated.
They demand total obedience from everyone.
Do they believe they mastered a level of logic and reason above your cognitive grasp.

So asking a question is, itself, a violation of what they may call higher reasoning a logic?

So let me get this straight. By definition, then, no one can question them because the very act of questioning is, itself, is not recognized by their team of visionaries or steering committee, or so called leaders (or board of directors)?


Good questions there, Ross.

They probably will not answer your questions or debate, however they seemed prepared to
steal peoples' liberty with their government programs. 


I have nothing to do with  ElkKonnect, I just love Elk county and it is sad for me to see the damage that Ross and company are doing to it. Ross you are a really sick and twisted individual. Personally I think you border on slander and harassment and I would like to see someone challenge you in court on it. You say you furnish evidence, I see very little evidence, just your claims off all kinds of trash.


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