Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Fire Elk

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 17, 2012, 11:11:41 PM
Makes no sense to me. Keep guessing. Maybe the California connection is a lucky guess. I doubt it. I know what info you can know about me because I have given it out. Still I am disappointed my private info has been given out.

Still disappointed that my private info was given out.Even though it was not completely accurate the California connection could only be determined by information given when I signed up. That sucks. Wrong very wrong.


Folks who are interested in more serious matters than FE Foolishness might take a moment to check this out:  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,14634.0.html

I'm sure this thread will return to more important things in a few minutes.

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 18, 2012, 01:41:41 AM
Still disappointed that my private info was given out.Even though it was not completely accurate the California connection could only be determined by information given when I signed up. That sucks. Wrong very wrong.

What private information?  To what California connection are you referring?  You're beginning to sound quite circular... quoting and answering yourself.  Strange.  Or is that deranged?  And the accusations of some wrongdoing you appear to be leveling at the forum owners... most offensive, absent any evidence.  I'm not sure I understand your pathology or purpose.  An odd duck you are, to say the least.  Or maybe you just know some allegedly influential folks here and could intervene to bring peace and solidarity to Elk county, Kansas and the Elk County Forum.  In any case, your style surely resembles that of another strange beastie who visited in times past.  :)

I'm curious... if you work in California, how is it you would implicitly agree to have coffee with Ross?  Were you initially planning to drop by on your way to work and the traffic just made a meeting impractical?  Or was that whole thing a leading on born of a pathology that results in fantasy living or constant misdirection?  Yep, you seem to be composed of some odd sod.

And, how unusual that you registered in September of 2012 yet know so much ancient history about the forum and its players.  As if you've actively participated in times past. And if you had, why would you need a new registration?  Old ones don't go away without help.  Or did your former self have some help falling off the list?  Maybe if we knew the name of your former identity, we would better understand you, Sybil.

Now, about that tax rebate thing....

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Fire Elk on November 17, 2012, 10:24:08 PM
I don't know where you get all your info about me but you are mostly wrong on your assumptions. I do not live in California, although I do work there. The only way you could know If I have any connection to California is if the people that run the website provided that information to you. That sucks. That is not right that they provide you that information.

Nope the owners do not give out any information to my knowledge and for you to suggest they do is slanderous and just plain nasty.

Who are you going to attack next?

You give yourself away by your ridiculous attacks and in your post you say things you forget.

I do believe it would be best for me, to totally ignore your posts, because they lack any substance and appear to simply be distractions supporting     elk konnected, llc    in a senseless way. I find your posts both backhanded and useless!

Have a nice life in kalifornia, okay.


Who are you going to attack next?

You give yourself away by your ridiculous attacks and in your post you say things you forget.

I do believe it would be best for me, to totally ignore your posts, because they lack any substance and appear to simply be distractions supporting     elk konnected, llc    in a senseless way. I find your posts both backhanded and useless!

Have a nice life in kalifornia, okay.

This sounds like Ross describing Ross. I don't know of anyone on the Forum that has made more ridiculous attacks on people than Ross.


Quote from: ELK@KC on November 18, 2012, 08:38:57 AM
Who are you going to attack next?

You give yourself away by your ridiculous attacks and in your post you say things you forget.

I do believe it would be best for me, to totally ignore your posts, because they lack any substance and appear to simply be distractions supporting     elk konnected, llc    in a senseless way. I find your posts both backhanded and useless!

Have a nice life in kalifornia, okay.

This sounds like Ross describing Ross. I don't know of anyone on the Forum that has made more ridiculous attacks on people than Ross.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Do you have any idea what fire elk is rattling on about that Teresa or Kjell would give out private info ? Trust me---I tried to pick Teresa's brain before on an identity and it didn't work. Guess what fire elk doesn't understand is everyone has "tells"---and a good poker player will pick up on them. No, I'm not a good poker player so it took at least a half dozen of fire elks post's to pick up on his" tells" to make me feel fairly comfortable on knowing  who he was. I might be wrong but I would bet my best fishing pole on it.
Then he has  the audacity to go to the coffee shop thread and bitch about people being mean. Since I first started reading this forum it was he that threw in his snide, catty remarks all the time, thinking he was dazzling us with his brilliance.


       And since he can't dazzle with brilliance, he's trying to baffle with bull shit.

      Hey , fire EK, or Sod Buster, you told us all about Kalifornia yourself.  ::)


Well, Well, Well! Here we go again, some more of that good old elk konnected, llc stuff.

When will people wake up about control being the main element of elk konnected, llc?

Our konnected kounty kommissioner introduced facilitators to Elk County via elk konnected, llc at kommunity conversations and now the konnected School Board President is planning to use a professional facilitator at a special school board meeting on November 26 at 6:30 pm at the USD 282 West Elk District Office.

Now, why would you suppose the konnected School Board President needs a PROFESSIONAL FACILITATOR ?  To discuss Goal Setting. That is only one of the many jobs of the school board. Discussion is the whole principle of a School Board?

Do you suppose the konnected School Board President  is still upset that the largest majority of board members voted against his elk konncted, llc and konnected kounty kommissioners proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" , and the fact that he could not control the board members? Well I got news for him it is not in his job description to control the elected board members! His job is not to control our duly elected officials, never! But it appears that by bringing in a PROFESSIONAL FACILITATOR it sure looks like that is his goal.

Wake up folks. I sure hope someone on that school board AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MEETING, has the balls and moves to cancel this special meeting and another person has the balls to second it. And the board members vote to stop this control factor. That is another reason to be on the School Board to make sure things operate properly, IMHO

Is he incapable of leading/facilitating a school board meeting?

If he can not do the job, why nor resign from the position of President of the Board and let someone with the capabilities and knowledge do the job? No, I did not say resign from the school board, only from the position of President of the board.

Why hire a professional to do his job?

Is it because it is the elk konnected, llc way, it appears elk konnected, llc enjoys bringing in outside FACILITATORS, to lead. (Is that outside as in outsiders) 

To LEAD  their konnected kommunity conversations, so apparently elk konnected, llc lacks the ability and knowledge to lead. However, I do believe they have a strong ability to bull shit everyone.
Just like with the proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" that offers welfare/kickbacks to certain taxpayers and calling that welfare rebates. Those would be people that don't want to pay their fair share,
just as what has happened over the past couple of decades with the Federal Gov', that has brought about the fiscal cliff. 

So why do we listen to their hired professionals?
We really shouldn't, should we?
Especially, If it they are outsiders?
By outsiders, I am referring to people from outside the boundaries of Elk County.
Those outsiders called facilitators can not be familiar with the intricacies of Elk County, now can they?

Can you see where elk konnected kounty commissioners are taking us, no where,
but trouble,
that will be very difficult if not impossible to correct at a later date,
Is that what you want?

Just take a trip back to page one of this thread:
Quote from: Ross on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM
Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)
Wouldn't that be the ultimate control for elk konnected kounty commissioners in Howard, Kansas?

That didn't work, so isn't it, let's control through the use of PROFESSIONAL FACILITATORS? Are they thinking these dummies on the school board won't know what hit them?
Are they thinking these dummies on the school board don't know they can shut down the meeting,
they don't know they can simply make a motion and a second and voting to shut the meeting down?
If the board members were to do such a thing,
they would then be sending a stronger message to the elk konnected bunch!

The last Konnected Kommunity Konversation was Facilitated by people from Sedgwick County, now ask yourself why aren't they over home facilitating their own problems?
Oh, Sedgwick County has no problems, right? I don't believe that for one minute.
But this last Konnected Kommunity Konversation was completely bogus, IMHO.

President of the board is the FACILITATOR, there is no reason for two facilitators at one board meeting, now is there, especially a professional facilitator outsider?

Perhaps the School Board might try some self discipline and separate his position in the School District from his position with elk konnected, llc, is that a possibility?

Just some of my thoughts!
I could be wrong on a few points but that is the risk I take every time I post, isn't it?


konnected School Board President Whetstone, I have been told, has hired a Professional Facilitator to facilitate the upcoming Special School Board Meeting.

I stopped by the West Elk USD 282 and asked how much the District is paying this Professional Facilitator and was unable to receive an answer in Dollars and Cents? This is public information I requested, but I was told that there was no contract for that pay as of yet. And I was also told they had hired this Professional Facilitator before.

Now, I explained in my previous post that the position of President of the School Board is facilitator and now I'll include leader of the School Board. And all this makes me question the leadership abilities of the present konnected School Board President and isn't he a leader of elk konnected, llc and doesn't  elk konnected, llc  facilitate their so kalled koommunity conversations? What is so difficult about facilitation the Special School Board meeting?

I was informed that this Professional Facilitator has been provided with all the necessary information concerning this Special meeting about building a five year plan for the school. What do you suppose the purpose of that is? Could it be that he can use that information along with his expert training in facilitating (controlling) to manipulate our elected school officials? Is that a possibility? Is it perhaps related to the little bit of information I learned on the street today and this is just street talk. The talk was about building an extension on to West Elk for the grade school classes. Really?

Now if the school board is divided on an issue of this sort and it doesn't pass by one vote, what better way to get that vote changed then to bring in a Professional Facilitator (controller) to manipulate the elected school board officials? Just asking? Perhaps they will take another vote concerning the proposed  "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" and this Professional Facilitator (Controller) would be armed to get a yes vote, who knows?

Who knows but the Professional Facilitator (Controller) and the konnected School Board President have planned? If you know will you share with us?

Folks the purpose of the School Board Elected Officials is to sit down and hash out any problems and vote on them and if it doesn't necessarily go the way the konnected School Board President wants it to, too bad, he to is an elected official just like all the rest of the board members and he has no right to hire a Professional Facilitator (Controller) IMO!

This tactic in my opinion is absolutely wrong.
And that is money taken from the education of our County's children?
I'd bet the Professional Facilitator is real expensive, and that's the reason, I could not acquire a dollar amount for his services.

Spending our tax dollars to hire someone to do his job and stinks of abusing the reason for a School Board that is suppose to work together and according to the Kansas School Board System even to engage in heated discussions. You can read that on their web site just as I did.

Why is it we never heard of Facilitators before elk konnected, llc brought them to Elk County?

So what is really going on at West Elk?

And what is really going on with or at konnected kounty kommissioner Hendricks elk konnected, llc?

This outsider would like to know?

And I'd like to know why they are hiding?


There are even Democrats concerned about Agenda 21...Go figure.   Notice 'facilitators' are closely tied to UN Agenda 21 efforts.

Thanks to Rosa Koire and her team at Democrats Against Agenda 21 we have this comprehensive list of key words and phrases that are often used at the local level when discussing Agenda 21 related initiatives.

Affordable housing
Ballot Box Planning
Benefit of all
Buffer Zones
Cap & Trade
Climate Change
Common Core Curriculum
Common good
Community Protocol
Comprehensive planning

Conservation Easement
Direct instruction
Endangered species
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Environmental Justice
General Plan
Global Warming
Good Business Sense
Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions
Growth management
HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Communities
Healthy Communities Strategy
High Speed Rail
Historic preservation
Housing Element
International baccalaureate
International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
Invasive species
Jobs-Housing Connection
Land Use Policies
Lifelong learning
Livable communities
Livable Communities
Local Governments for Sustainability
Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Mixed Use Development
Multi-Use Dwellings
New Economy         New Urbanism
New World Order
One planet communities
Open Space
Outcome based education
Parking Policy
Precautionary approach
Precautionary Principle
Priority Conservation Areas
Priority Development Areas (PDA)
Public/Private partnerships
Quality of life
Resilient Cities
Responsible development
Safe Routes to Schools
Scenic views and vistas
School to work
Sensitive Lands
Smart growth
Smart Streets
Social justice
Stack and Pack Housing
Sustainable Communities Initiative
Sustainable communities partnership
Sustainable communities strategies
Sustainable development
Sustainable Economic Development

Sustainable medicine
Three "E"s of Sustainablity-Equity, Economy, Environment
Traffic calming
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
Transportation Justice
Triple bottom line
Urban Growth Boundary
Urban revitalization
Vehicle Mileage Traveled Tax
Vibrant Neighborhoods
Visioning Meetings

Walkable Communities
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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