Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Does Elk County, or even just yourself, need the false hope for change offered by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and her NGO Elk Konnected, LLC ?

Have you seen any kind of change in the past seven years based on that false hope ?

Have you seen any hope of POSITIVE change in Elk County under the control of Konnected Kounty Kommissioner?

Or is it just failure after failure you see under this false HOPE they offer?

I'm just asking!

Please Read Mr. Wunderlich's web site to understand why Elk County needs new and responsible and loyal leadership in County Commissioners Seats.

Some People are simply more willing to believe falsehoods that confirm their own view, so, instead some in the public increasingly takes issue with those who deliver the facts. To see just how easy it is to be fooled, one need only visit the controlled confines of the university laboratory.
Or read this web site http://www.votemicky.org/issues.htm to understand what is really happening in Elk County Government.

Do the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners operate only to propagandize the many for the benefit of the few? Do they really need to provide welfare to those that do not need it, in the form of tax kick backs also Known as tax rebates, whiled keeping everyone else's property tax inflated?

Displaced loyalties ?
I think so, what do you think?

Allowing Elk Konnected, LLC to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse with in Elk County Government and the continued begging our tax dollars. I'd like to see some transparency from our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and an audit of their organization's books and a list of County Taxpayer moneys given to Elk Konnected, LLC,  money that was approved by the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and their organization? If that doesn't sound like the "Old Guard", I don't know what does! {Can someone help me out with this one about the "Old Guard" thing ?)

I'd like to see some proof that Elk Konnected, LLC is a community organizer! Seven years and nothing, so far, concerning community improvements, why?

Is it because of poor leadership?

Or is it all just a big cover up for something cooking behind closed doors?

Transparency isn't going to ever happen in my opinion!

So let's get out there and vote for some POSITIVE Change, Okay?

Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement, Great POSITIVE change For Elk County

As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-R-Done!" Do it for your own Benefit  !"


I did my civic duty this morning, and it was so easy.
I walked in the court house door, up the stairs into the office.
I showed my driver license and I was off and voting.
I told the clerk they sure make voting sweet and ate a little piece of candy
from the bowl on the desk.

No lines, no crowds, no problems.

So let's get out there and vote for some POSITIVE Change, Okay?

Let's get change for the better done, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement, Great POSITIVE change For Elk County

As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-R-Done!" Do it for your own Benefit  !"


Quote from Diane:
Jar, you have always had permission to skip my posts. By the way ,why would anyone want Elk County to become nothing but little ghost towns? That's very sad.

I didn't know I needed "permission" from you  Ms. Teacher. Guess old habits are hard to break, even if it was decades ago. I just can't help myself, Diane---you are like a train wreck waiting to happen and I don't want to miss it. Plus, everyone needs a little humor in their life


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 07:22:34 PM
By the way ,why would anyone want Elk County to become nothing but little ghost towns? That's very sad.

Another retort couched perfectly in the true Saul Alinsky form.  You really don't see it, do you?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


City slickers will never understand why some of us would rather have ghost towns than the alternative. No MS-13 gangs---no "peaceful" Black Panthers---no zoning and all that other big city government intrusion---no nosey city slickers that think they have all the answers to rural living-------- (no wait, we have them )
People that live here are survivors  . Look at the east coast city slicks right now---going to fist-a-cuffs at the gasoline pumps because they need that gas for their generators. The poor souls have been in the dark and cold for THREE whole days now.
  A few years back we had an ice storm and some people were with-out electricity for 10 days----and we survived---imaging that. Houses we lit up at night from kerosene lamps . We had natural gas so nobody froze as far as I know. There was plenty of ice out side to fill ice chests for food from the ice boxes. Most people have pantries and root cellars stocked with enough chow to feed their families for a long time. Electric range and microwaves won't work ?? Not a problem---most have camping stoves or at least a BBQ grill. Trees and limbs down all over the place ? Again, not a problem---every other household has a chain saw or two and just look at all that firewood to keep people warm. My wife has two horses just across the street in a pasture----before we starve,------- I hear they taste just like chicken. Those are just a few of the reasons I don't give a hoot & holler if  Elk county ever grows !!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 07:22:34 PM
By the way ,why would anyone want Elk County to become nothing but little ghost towns? That's very sad.

Of course not Diane, no one wants that, just like no one wants super storms, but that is not what this thread is about, is it?

What is this thread really about Diane?

It's about Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks NGO, Elk Konnected, LLC, isn't it ?

It's about false hopes for the last seven years of a quality of life and other things, right?

It's about disrespect of the Elk County taxpayers and their rexources.

It is about false hope offered by an NGO!

It's about the confusion of Elk Konnected, LLC and the blurred line between them an NGO and our County Government.

It's about a foolish list of ideas turned over to the Elk County Commissioners by Elk Konnected, LLC.

This thread is not about your false accusations or suggestions that anyone wants harm for Elk County, Kansas or it citizens.
Which includes the young, the old, the babies, the handicapped or any other person. Quite the opposite.

Please concentrate, focus and pay attention to the subject of this thread.

I feel if the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are voted out of office, along with them will go the "Old Guard".

And the county will be far better off for it.

And I am hoping and praying that the majority of Elk County, Kansas (not Delaware residents such as you) agree and that their votes show it.

Sorry but you Delaware residents can not vote in the Elk County, Kansas elections.


I got off track too Ross---sorry---but it probably won't be the last time I do so :D


Quote from: jarhead on November 01, 2012, 01:33:46 PM
I got off track too Ross---sorry---but it probably won't be the last time I do so :D

Bite me Jarhead. LOL

Diane Amberg

Hey Ross...ya voted? Glad to hear they still accept an X for your signature, you uneducated redneck, you. Just kidding of course.  We don't have early voting here. We can actually remember what day the election is! ;D ;D ;D ;D
   Nah, we have absentee balloting and election day and that's it.
  It would be nice if you'd stop talking to me as if I'm Liz.  Makes ya look like a mental case!
   As far as how I write and respond to you few nasties...what difference does it make? If I didn't exist, you'd find someone else to pick on, so I'm saving someone from all your ridiculous attempts at insults, rudeness and ridicule.
  Yes, I have different opinions some times. That doesn't mean I don't "get it". Remember, I get additional information from people who do live out there, including  a couple who are rather afraid of you because they question your sanity. 
  As far as "all you ever do is ask questions"...Do you really believe that?  Go back and reread your own posts from a year and a half ago and watch as the months go by and the belittling starts and the attacks on many of us started. I kept hoping the ridicule and rude writing would stop, but it obviously won't.  Some times I think you do it trying to impress each other. Many folks are not amused and are still afraid I'll think you are all like that. I know better. You always manage to somehow justify whatever rudeness you choose to dump on people.  Blame is your middle name? Why bother. If you think you're gonna put this "city slicker" in her place, I have news for you. Newark looks a lot like Howard neighborhoods, just with more of it. Plus, I grew up way out in the country and moved here as an adult.Some of you live in town too. Do ya call them city slickers?
   Yes, a number no longer post on any thread because of it. If my posts are not "enlightening," fine, move on, who cares? I really do think you few are a minority out there, but the elections will tell. Regardless, I wish the new commissioners well and hope they will have your respect.
  Ross, did you really think you had to tell me I won't be voting out there? Talk about stating the obvious! Hopefully these political threads will die a natural death on Tuesday, but who knows. and according to Jar there are those who do want Elk County to die and once again I'll say, that is a real shame.
  There have been some improvements over the last several years. I don't care who gets the credit for them, but they do exist. Some at great cost to some individuals, some at taxpayer expense.Think about it, what has improved in Elk County? I know some things, and as you are happy to remind me, I don't even live there.


I'm sorry Diane all that is all nothing but big city talk from Delaware that has absolutely nothing to do first hand here in Elk County!
Yes Diane, they accepted my shaky hand written X. LOL

Your long distance information is simply useless to me as well as your opinion from Delaware.

But you are entitled to express your opinion all you want.

As far as improvements in Elk County I have a hefty investment in improvements in Elk County as well as many others and the extreme taxation is making it difficult on a retirement check, for myself and others !

Perhaps with fresh, new unattached County Commissioners that might change.

Unattached to an NGO, that is!

I don't see any possibility of lower property taxes with the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and their NGO which is IMHO driven by the "Old Guard" and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks. Oh, that is the group of people, un-named that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks addressed in one of her open letters on the internet.

I wouldn't count on this thread dying as long as Elk Konnected, LLC is involved in Elk County Government, even if they are not Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

As long as they leave the impression of interfering in government, someone may be watching.

However, if you want this thread to die at you convience just discontinue receiving the e-mail that lets you know a new post has been made. Magically the thread has died just for you.

Then perhaps you can have extra time to get engaged, involved, active in your local community.
Wouldn't that be a positive thing for you.

If you did not let others write your posts for you, I would not have to call you Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks!
But you said it and left the door open! We really don't have any idea who is writing under the name Diane Amberg, do we?

So sorry about that!

But why are you so against good positive change in Elk County, Kansas while you live in Delaware?

Why are you supportive of an NGO that has done nothing but beg for county recreational money, and takes credit for what others do, and begs for supplies to start a daycare center business? Exactly what has the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner's NGO accomplished in the past seven years?

Facts, not fiction please?

Can't you see the failure of those Konnected Kounty Kommissioner's, failure in running an NGO?
How many times do they have to be called on the carpet, even one time at a County Commissioners meeiting by a Commissioners own Aunt?
They failed at running their Wellness Center with all the exercise equipment and everything paid for them with (OPM) other peoples money?

How can you support continuous failure?

That's why Elk County needs good, positive change, but apparently you are against that, why?

I truely feel sorry for you and your way of thinking.

Just think about it, even Elk Konnected, LLC wants positive change !

Or are they just implying that as propaganda?

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