Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on October 25, 2012, 04:21:52 PM
Patriot, anyone that was at that meeting knows what ideas were stated so they would know if it was not turned in right.

You really don't understand the process & group psychology behind the Delphi Technique when used to obtain consensus, do you?

Quote from: proelkco on October 25, 2012, 04:21:52 PM
And yes as an Elk County citizen I am concerned.

I have no doubt that you have concerns.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


So, after the elections....do you think anyone will be brave enough to replace the E & L on the Courthouse so it doesn't read:
K County Courthouse?  My first thought was Konnected County.   Hmmmmm


Quote from: readyaimduck on October 25, 2012, 05:14:15 PM
So, after the elections....do you think anyone will be brave enough to replace the E & L on the Courthouse so it doesn't read:
K County Courthouse?  My first thought was Konnected County.   Hmmmmm

Or remove the EK sticker on the handicapped parking sign at the northeast corner of the courthouse.  Vandals with Konnections perhaps?  LOL
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That Konnected group is so disKonnected, they don't even want people to know they are Konnected.
One even said don't Konnect him with any group.
I find that really weird.

What, really, what is Konnected but a fabrication by some un-named visionaries that apparently lack a vision, IMHO ! ?

And I'll repeat, I may be crazy, but I'm not insane or Konnected or see visions !

So, what does all that say  about our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.


I think it says they need to be replaced?


Less then two weeks until Election time!

         Our votes in the national contest may not amount to much


                         Here at home our votes are very important to the

                                          Future of Elk County and what you want it to become, IMHO!

Does Elk County want to continue down the path with so called leaders that are actually FOLLOWERS, Folllowers that want to follow NGO's, and copy and be like every other counties in Kansas, that are desperate during these harrowing financial times?

Do we want to follow Elk Konnected, LLC and Public Squares Communities,INC that have no idea in my opinion what they are doing, except to manipulate the people of Elk County and take as much money as they can get from the county??

It appears to me the only good to come out of them is for them tocollect money from our governing bofies and businesses to put in their own bank accounts. Think about that, they are business and they are in business to make money, right?

Look what you have got for your money so far, look at page one of this thread, that's it folks, nothing is what you have got for your money. But I am sure the people that are running these companies are making pretty good money.  

Isn't it time to bring Elk County back to earth? Isn't it time for change in County Government?

  You can vote for change

            and remove the confusion of an NGO called Elk Konnected, LLC

                                     Running our County Government !                 "Or not"

Is it your County Government or is it the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner's Elk Konnected, LLC's County?

It's up to you to get out and vote !

Some suggestions have Humorously been made to call this Konnected Kounty, is it really humor?

I personally don't find it one bit funny!

I find it rather scary because there are people in this world that would like to change a lot of things to suit their own needs, and because that is the way somethings happen, IMHO!

Here is a suggestion for honesty in our County Government:

M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h   [move]



Folks, I really haven't been able to explain, what I think is really happening to and in Elk County.
And I keep learning more and more of this NGO and even if they say otherwise this political movement.

I just know in my heart it stinks, and that it can not be good for the majority of folks in Elk County.
But I'm sure a few folks, are most likely making money at it.

No, I don't have a fancy college education, but that doesn't mean I can't smell a fish, that is rotting does it?

Patriotism does not stink, does it?

There has been in my opinion a seven year attempt at grooming a lot of people in Elk County, to follow NGO's and do as they tell us to do.

Why do you think there has been such opposition to this thread which included a threat of a law suit as well?

Now comes, what you have being groomed for, "Save The Flint Hills", Really?

With a consortium of NGO's! Folks that is just a bunch of NGO's grouping together to strengthen their movement, that's all.
Remember strength comes in large numbers?  A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal.
What is that common goal between them that they want to drag you into? The truth? Where are the Flints going to go, who is abusing them. Are you abusing them? No where and no one.

Is this what you want in Elk County, control by NGO's?

Would you like to learn more about what is really going on?
Do you have the strength and fortitude to handle the truth, how politicians and NGO's really work?

It is frightening, they should in my opinion actually teach this stuff in Senior High School.
But who wants to teach the truth?


If you read this article and understand that "Save The Flint Hills" is no different then "NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS" and the way they operate, I suppose you would want to vote Konnected Kounty Kommissioners out of office. Perhapps for no other reason then for the fact that they don't understand how they are being used by the NGO's.

Please, Think about all this when you vote.

Vote Elk Konnected, LLC out.
At least one of them.


Is it all just a big cover up for something cooking behind closed doors?

Transparency isn't going to ever happen in my opinion in todays situation!

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"

Of course you know the Elk Konnected, LLC and Founder and Followers of the NGO doesn't want change for the better in County Government and Politics, right?

Give that some thought. control would revert back to all of the people wouldn't it?

Oh well, we want better, don't we?

Diane Amberg

I'd be interested in knowing why a certain person is actually flaunting his lack of formal education, but thinks he knows all about Delphi and manipulation techniques...where did he learn it?  Some underground subversive group? Why would any of you expect your own commissioners to know anything about such things?  What are some assuming the EK and commission folks will just naturally be dishonest about polls and meetings? Is it because those two characters would be if they were in control?  Why is dishonesty automatically assumed, especially with no proof and just ugly gossip and inuendo to support what is accused ?
The "Other One" seems to know even more about organized manipulation. How and why? The average person doesn't run into that kind of thing. They don't need to study it or need to excel in it. They trust their friends and neighbors and don't need to look for enemies under every leaf! Where would they ever be exposed to subversive manipulation methods? 
  To hear some of gripers talk, they are just local hicks who can't even get through a meeting without assassinating Robert's Rules, but somehow they are experts on the Delphi Technique? Now that is just weird and really makes me wonder about the loyalty of some of the chronic complainers. What are they REALLY up to? If they start wearing matching uniforms, watch out.


I have been waiting patiently for this post and I have been expecting it for days.
Thank you for finally showing up.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 27, 2012, 04:41:53 PM
I'd be interested in knowing why a certain person is actually flaunting his lack of formal education, but thinks he knows all about Delphi and manipulation techniques...where did he learn it?  Some underground subversive group? Why would any of you expect your own commissioners to know anything about such things?  What are some assuming the EK and commission folks will just naturally be dishonest about polls and meetings? Is it because those two characters would be if they were in control?  Why is dishonesty automatically assumed, especially with no proof and just ugly gossip and inuendo to support what is accused ?

Flaunting my lack of education, yea, I've done that, and it's true!
College educated people seem to think they are smarter then everyone else.
But guess what, generally they are only educated in one area?
And if you haven't noticed all them educated people and their organization and their followers, can not answer simple questions, asked by an uneducated redneck? And that is a real negative attitude, IMHO!

The dishonesty is through out this whole thread.
Just as this does not appear to be the ranting raving person that usually post on this thread as Diane, IMHO!

Why the secret meetings and the secret recruiting?

Why are you so concerned about people of Elk County learning the techniques used against them? Is it because with knowledge you loose control?

Why does Elk Konnected, LLC want control of our county government?

Why would Elk Konnected, LLC suggest control of all Communities city governments in their hand out to the County Commissioners?

Weren't the Jewish people and the German civilians ignorant of the same thing? Just asking!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 27, 2012, 04:41:53 PM

The "Other One" seems to know even more about organized manipulation. How and why? The average person doesn't run into that kind of thing. They don't need to study it or need to excel in it. They trust their friends and neighbors and don't need to look for enemies under every leaf! Where would they ever be exposed to subversive manipulation methods?

Who said they should excel in being duped?

Right here in Elk County and that is why you want them ignorant of this information isn't it?

You do want the citizens of Elk County ignorant don't you? If you are truly Diane, which I doubt!

However. who ever wrote this does want the citizens of Elk County ignorant. Right?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 27, 2012, 04:41:53 PM

 To hear some of gripers talk, they are just local hicks who can't even get through a meeting without assassinating Robert's Rules, but somehow they are experts on the Delphi Technique?

We are or at least I am not gripping, I am only asking questions and you don't like that way up there in Delaware, do you?

Delaware my ass! Pardon my french!

How clever of you Diane or should I say Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner ?
Because this is more her style of writing, me thinks?

Seeing how Diane, would never have been at any meeting here in Elk County to witness such an event?

Perhaps the problem is the lack of following all the Kansas rules, laws and regulations that apply to County Commissioners meetings that might lead to such a situation, do you suppose?

And I suppose you would just as soon, have all citizens of Elk County shut up, right?
And just accept what ever is dished out to them, right?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 27, 2012, 04:41:53 PM

Now that is just weird and really makes me wonder about the loyalty of some of the chronic complainers. What are they REALLY up to? If they start wearing matching uniforms, watch out.

Who are you Diane to question anyone who lives in Elk County, Kansas from where you live in Delaware?
You Diane, would have no knowledge of loyalty, except perhaps to organizations, IMHO!

Oh, I forgot, you are really Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner[/b ]Hendricks, right?
What sneakiness?

What more reason do people need to vote Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners out of office?

Let's leave it up to the citizens vote, Okay!


Quote from: Ross on October 27, 2012, 05:36:00 PM
Because this is more her style of writing, me thinks?

I don't know, Ross.  It could just be the wild, barely coherent rantings of a fawning sociopolitical sycophant who is trying to ingratiate themselves to a perceived socialite powerhouse.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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