Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Now, now, Flint
Don't go selling Ross so short on all this.  You know very well that he has a handful of his own faithful FOLLOWERS that will chime in and defend whatever he has to say.  And if they slip up and forget to, he'll simply repeat himself and carry on the discussion with himself.  That's right, Ross.  There are no answers or even good discussion points in this post.  If you want to take it as an attack on you, feel free to do so.  I certainly won't be offended if you do.  Just don't go trying to connect my opinions about you and your methodologies with anyone or any group.  They are my own independent thoughts, and you're on record as endorsing independent thinking--good or bad.


Well crap, guess I will be that "faithful follower" ddurbin is talking about---------Charlie, why don't you give it a shot at answering some of Ross's questions ? You always say he is too close minded but you fail to answer any of his questions so we can all make up our own minds if that is right. You always seem to have the facts, so why not use those facts to put the ol swabbie on the right path ?


Quote from: jarhead on October 25, 2012, 01:29:32 PM
Well crap, guess I will be that "faithful follower" ddurbin is talking about---------Charlie, why don't you give it a shot at answering some of Ross's questions ? You always say he is too close minded but you fail to answer any of his questions so we can all make up our own minds if that is right. You always seem to have the facts, so why not use those facts to put the ol swabbie on the right path ?

Darned high expectations, jarhead.  You've got to be kidding:  "make up our own minds"?  That fails the liberal belief about themselves that "we know what's best" & "just accept it as truth".  Who the heck are you to presume you can hear open honest information from both sides and "make up your own mind"?  That's just unrealistic.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: flintauqua on October 25, 2012, 12:00:58 PM
Ross, the entire post above epitomizes why no one engages you on this Forum.  Good luck getting your answers here, because even if someone were to answer any of your questions, you would ignore anything that doesn't fit what YOUR closed mind has already decided is the answer before you ever ask the question. 

Thanks for reminding me and everyone else why no one engages you here anymore.  Have fun!

You sir are totally entitled to you narrow minded opinion ( I just had to say narrow minded because you Follower seem to like the term), but I am entitled to my opinion, and my opinion is you are totally wrong?

You see I don't care if anyone engages me, not at all!
When I started this thread, I had no idea, what I was getting involved in!
However, I believe, I got the message across about how phony the list is on page one of this thread, that was provided by Elk Konnected, LLC to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, Then this thing escalated to NGO's trying manipulate the citizens of Elk County.

This whole thread is simply an exercise in getting the people of Elk County to discuss what is going on in Elk County, nothing more.

The major thing, I have noticed through out this thread is that ]Elk Konnected, LLC[/b] and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Followers can not show anything of substance coming out of their NGO. With one exception and that is bringing more NGO's (real outsiders) into play to manipulate Elk County citizens, IMHO!

Leadership, I think not, followers of larger NGO's is more like it. IMHO!

I don't ask anyone to believe anything I say; I hope they would be more interested in thinking for themselves! Or is that too narrow minded for you?

I have helped ]Elk Konnected, LLC[/b] with their begging to supply their Daycare Center they want to open. I helped them acquire several appliances for that daycare, do I get a thank you, NO! The only problem, I have with them is the control they have over our count government and all the other NGO's (real outsiders) they are bringing into Elk County to continue their manipulation of the our citizens, and with their secrecy.

You are right, I don't and have not expected any honest and open dialog from them on this thread.

In fact, I am surprised you even responded because, I feel quite certain the word has been put out to stay off of this particular thread. Thanks for responding it wasn't necessary, but your response is appreciated.


Quote from: ddurbin on October 25, 2012, 12:36:56 PM
Now, now, Flint
Don't go selling Ross so short on all this. 

He ain't selling me short, where do you get that idea.
I'm just an uneducated redneck hick with no college papers.
And I am proud of it, thank you!

Quote from: ddurbin on October 25, 2012, 12:36:56 PM
You know very well that he has a handful of his own faithful FOLLOWERS that will chime in and defend whatever he has to say.  And if they slip up and forget to, he'll simply repeat himself and carry on the discussion with himself. 

I got no followers, there are educated people that do post on here as well.
I got no organization for anyone to follow, I got no NGO, so try again.
No save it.
I enjoy talking to myself, I'm crazy but i'm not insane, I'm high but not on drugs, I'm high on life.
I can even laugh at myself, can you?

Quote from: ddurbin on October 25, 2012, 12:36:56 PM
That's right, Ross.  There are no answers or even good discussion points in this post.  If you want to take it as an attack on you, feel free to do so.  I certainly won't be offended if you do. 

Oh, you to are entitled to your personal opinion just like the rest of us, so have fun with that narrow minded thinking (You'uns like that thar narrow minded term, so there I used it again for your benefit).
I'll leave it up to all the other people reading this thread to think for themselves. I have even ask that they don't believe anything I post, how's that?

And I am not offended by your posted opinions.

Quote from: ddurbin on October 25, 2012, 12:36:56 PM
Just don't go trying to connect my opinions about you and your methodologies with anyone or any group.  They are my own independent thoughts, and you're on record as endorsing independent thinking--good or bad.

So now Followers don't want to be Konnected, interesting,  okay I can sorta go along with that!
Do I got methodo-what-cha-callit's?
I don't even have a college dip-ploma!
So why ya so concerned about what this redneck hick has to say or ask?
Just ignore all of it will ya?

Thank you as well for your insight and your input to this worthless thread.

One question for you, if you will kindly indulge me, and all th other readers, please!

Do you really feel it is necessary for an NGO to be involved in controlling our county government and that, that NGO needs to bring lots of other (outsider) NGO's into Elk County?
Oops, is that two questions in one? Please indulge me and everyone else that is reading this thread, please. Inquiring minds want to know.

Isn't it time for new county commissioners?


Again Ross, the list on page one came from over a hundred citizens ideas at the meeting.


Quote from: proelkco on October 25, 2012, 03:33:35 PM
Again Ross, the list on page one came from over a hundred citizens ideas at the meeting.

We know it came from Elk Konnected, LLC why deny it?
Now Elk Konnected, LLC doesn't want credit for it, that's reall strange IMHO!
That is weirder then Followers not wanting to be Konnected.

Name 50 people who mad any suggestions, name 25 people who made suggestions and which suggestion.
Can't do it can you?

But as the title of this thread says, " Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25"
And that has never been disputed!


Quote from: proelkco on October 25, 2012, 03:33:35 PM
Again Ross, the list on page one came from over a hundred citizens ideas at the meeting.

And, if you know anything about the techniques/methods used to generate that list, you know there is absolutely NO proof that those ideas were actually generated by the citizens in attendance.  The post it notes containing ideas were reviewed and summaries were published behind the scene by Elk Konnected.  No PUBLIC display of the source documents has ever been made.

Do you, perhaps, have a personal interest in any of this?  Just askin. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Here is some of Jay Lenos humor from last night and I think it applies to all the states involved in this thread.

The states are: confusion, dismay, depression, apathy, shock, disbelief, despair, and anxiety. Those are the eight states.

So let's agree to let people make their own decisions and think their own minds.

Do we need new County Commissioners that are not Konnected Kounty Kommissioners involved with an NGO, that is bringing in more NGO's from out side the county, let each and every individual make up their own mind.

Would Elk County be better off with non-Konnected County Commissioners like Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich, let each and every individual make up their own mind.

Okay, right on. cool! Elk County Rocks don't you think?


Patriot, anyone that was at that meeting knows what ideas were stated so they would know if it was not turned in right. And yes as an Elk County citizen I am concerned.

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