Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: ddurbin on October 22, 2012, 07:47:32 AM
Just as a point of clarification, I was visiting with a mother who had 2 children competing in the PP&K event Sunday, and she reports that the number of participants was somewhere between 30-35.

That's fantastic.  Can you clarify your views on the use of taxpayer resources to promote the privately run event?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Really to me it is not about the children.

It is about promoting the event, was there a real effort to promote it!
I didn't see any flyers in the stores, i didn't see any note from the school, that's what that was about!

Be it 11 or 35 children, it was still a poor turnout! Will anyone give thought as to why such a poor turnout?

I'm all for the children, if handled properly and our Youth Development Employee doesn't surrender credit to those that don't deserve credit.

I take Exception with what I consider exploitation by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and her Elk Konnected, LLC  in order to make headlines on the front of the newspaper in big red letters, no less.

It's about our County Youth Development Employee earning a salary from us, the taxpayers to do the job! I believe she just happens to be on the Elk Konnected, LLC steering Committee.
It's about our County Youth Development Employee utilizing our county computers and our other machinery and our cell phone to do her job for us and then allowing Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk Konnected, LLC take credit for the event.

If our County Youth Development Employee want's to be the Youth Development person for Elk Konnected, LLC, I'd like to suggest that she ask them for a wage and go to work for them? She could still be working for Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and the county could save a considerable sum of tax dollars?

If one would look at the calendar on the Elk County Web site for our Youth Development you would see no youth development activities, so why do we need the job position on the Elk County Payroll?


I know for certain that notes were sent home with children.  I believe it was about two weeks ago that my child brought home the note which included a registration form.   I attended and must say that your observation of 11 children was quite inaccurate.  I don't care who gets credit for the event, as long as someone steps up to the plate to provide Elk County children with opportunities that they might not otherwise have.

As far as a poor turnout, that is your opinion.  Believe it or not, we live in a world where some parents don't want to get off their selfish butts and provide for their children; let alone take them to participate in a something the child might be interested in.  Sad..


Quote from: daisy on October 22, 2012, 12:04:51 PM
I know for certain that notes were sent home with children.  I believe it was about two weeks ago that my child brought home the note which included a registration form.   I attended and must say that your observation of 11 children was quite inaccurate.  I don't care who gets credit for the event, as long as someone steps up to the plate to provide Elk County children with opportunities that they might not otherwise have.

As far as a poor turnout, that is your opinion.  Believe it or not, we live in a world where some parents don't want to get off their selfish butts and provide for their children; let alone take them to participate in a something the child might be interested in.  Sad..

Daisy this may sound ugly, but it is not meant to sound that way!

Sometimes the truth hurts !!

But it appears to me that Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and Elk Konnected, LLC  and their Followers don't seem to care who gets credit as long as it's Elk konnected, LLC, and not all the property taxpayers of Elk County !!

Why do you suppose that is?

There sure seems to be a major break with scruples and morales among that crowd, again IMHO!

And, I apologize only to you specifically, for saying the truth, if you are in that group of people.

Can you see why we need new County Commissioners, it wouould provide a clear and seperate line between the self serving Elk Konnected, LLC crowd and our County Government. Very simple, huh?

They are self serving in my opinion when they take credit for anything done by our County Government!
For instance, this event yesterday and the Elk County Summer day Camps.

Very self serving, IMHO.


The PPK was not about who got credit for it. It was about doing something for the kids. If you did not think it was a good program then that is you right.


Quote from: proelkco on October 22, 2012, 12:59:26 PM
The PPK was not about who got credit for it. It was about doing something for the kids. If you did not think it was a good program then that is you right.

No one said anything was wrong with the PPK or the children.

Elk Konnected, LLC advertising on the front page of the newspaper for their own benefit, in big red letters for something that Elk County Government was responsible for is what was wrong, IMHO
Elk ook credit by that act.



Also last week's newspaper included an article about a Kommunity Konversation

"Flint Hills Frontier invites the citizens of Chatauqua, Cowley, Elk and Greenwood counties to join in a discussion."
A discussion about the vitality of the Flint Hills Region!      Really?

Really a discussion?  Just a discussion?    Nothing more?

"To be held at the Grenola Community Building Tuesday Oct, 30 at 7 pm."

Who invited them to Elk County?

My bet Elk Konnected, LLC, who do you think?

"The discussion to be convened by Flint Hills Regional Council and Elk Konnected"

Why do they always leave the LLC off of Elk Konnected, LLC ?

Which is it Flint Hills Frontier or Flint Hills Regional Council that will be here?

Another NGO - Non-Governmental Organization !

Moving on, okay!
From Filint Hill Frontiers web site, http://flinthillsfrontiers.org/faq
(My remark in blueTheir info in quotation marks, between dividers)
"What is Flint Hills Frontiers?

Flint Hills Frontiers is an opportunity to come together and explore the future of our homeland. Over the next three years, we, the people of the Flint Hills ecoregion, have the chance to establish our priorities and desired future, and set a path to getting there. The project came to be through a collaborative application to the federal government for funds to carry out this work by many organizations throughout the Flint Hills. These organizations, which we are calling the Consortium, have also pledged their own commitment toward the effort, through in-kind services, facilities, and dollars. The impetus for the application for these funds was twofold: the recognition of the Flint Hills ecoregion as a unique and special place within this nation, and the benefit that can be gained through a collaborative process of sharing where we are, where we want to be, and how we're going to get there in the short- and long-term futures."

Another NGO-nongovernmental organization, sorta like Elk Konnected, LLC. Only it appears to be much larger. And coming to Elk County, October 30th, thank you Elk Konnected, LLC ?

"Who is paying for this?

The Consortium won a competitive grant of nearly $2 million from the Office of Sustainable Housing & Communities of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development."

"What if different communities disagree?

We can all agree that we need food for our families, good jobs, excellent education choices, and a healthy environment to live in. Let's work together to determine a regional direction for the future, with the understanding that what works for one county or community may not work for another. The unique position of each community and county will influence the identification of common goals and action items to share with the region. Communities should select action items that are most pressing to them in order to reach their goals. The core planning team acknowledges and respects the positions of individual communities in this very diverse region."

What business do NGO's have with our food supplies or EPA business?
If they know so much shouldn't they make an honest living working for the appropriate agencies?
They don't mention individual people, I wonder why?
What about individual property owners?
Isn't this just a form of NGO manipulating local governments to implement and enforce more and new rules, regulations, Ordinances  and laws?

Isn't this about getting easements over farm land?

Doesn't this sound like "Sustainability Development" of the United Nations and Article 21?
Just give it a thought?

Do you want outsider NGO's telling a local NGO which has two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners what Elk County and it's residents need to do to survive?

Flint Hills Frontiers may not even have their principle office in Kansas, they may have a regional office somewhere, but I could not find a listing for it.

I strongly suggest that as many people who can, attend this meeting. Listen to the fancy talk about sustainability and then discuss the information amongst yourselves at home, with friends and relatives.

They may ask you to sign a pledge or something, or ask you to enter into a verbal contract! Would you make a verbal pledge or sign any contract without first thinking about it for several days?  These are nothing more then high pressure salesmen using soft technics and soft words to get your approval, IMHO!
So it's not a good idea to rush into anything and a time to be cautious, IMHO!

Perhaps someone might offer you $25 for an easment on your property, not necessarily these people, but someone. Would you take it?
I have an water pipeline easement on my property which I had nothing to do with, but it is still there and will never go away. The owner of that easement has the right to come on to my property anytime the deem necessary and I have no say. I'm nopt saying that is necessarily a bad thing, but I am saying they don't have access to all of my property under these circumstances, which is a good thing. IMHO! Would I sell an easment to all of my 60 acres, most definitly not.

Just food for thought!

Who knows what is coming down the pike from all the NGO's networking and forming consotiums, I definitely don't know!
Does anyone have any thoughts or information?

Check out all the activity on the Flint Hills Frontiers Forum at  http://forum.flinthillsfrontiers.org/
Simply amazing isn't it, all that non-activity from their consortium members, isn't it.

Lots of food for thought, huh !

Where is our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners trying to take us, or do to Elk County?


Quote from: Ross on October 22, 2012, 06:31:05 PM

"Who is paying for this?

The Consortium won a competitive grant of nearly $2 million from the Office of Sustainable Housing & Communities of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development."

Not to worry... unemployment way too high, 16+ trillion in debt, food & fuel & commodity prices rising, & insurance/medical costs climbing, real wages shrinking with government wages outpacing private sector wages now by 34%... what's another billion or two of taxpayer money handed over to fund private 'planning' groups?  Heck, it's only money... and we're printing that like there's no tomorrow.  Oh, by the way it's your money.  Gotta wonder what federal, big government, central planner, UN Agenda 21 strings come with it all.  What could go wrong?  

Then there's this:  U.S. Government's Foreign Debt Now $47,495 Per Household
CNS News

Story here:  http://cnsnews.com/news/article/us-governments-foreign-debt-now-47495-household

Yeah, let's focus on the Flint Hills.  I still wonder who's issuing the marching orders to the local community organizers..........

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


It all scares the hell out of this Vietnam Veteran, more so then walking through Da Nang unarmed during the war.

I believe we need to get control of our County Government by voting out the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners!

If we don't what is it going to cost us.

Displaced loyalties ? I think so, what do you think?

Allowing Elk Konnected, LLC to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse with in Elk County Government and the continued begging(stealing) our tax dollars. I'd like to see some transparency from our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and an audit of their organization's books and a list of County Taxpayer moneys given to Elk Konnected, LLC, by the approval of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and their organization? I'd like to see some proof that Elk Konnected, LLC is a community organizer! Seven years and nothing, so far, concerning community improvements, why?
Is it because of poor leadership?

Or is it all just a big cover up for something cooking behind closed doors?

Transparency isn't going to ever happen in my opinion!

So let's get out there and vote for some POSITIVE Change, Okay?
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"

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