Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Agenda 21 for Public Officials


I think they should have also said NGO's which are Non Govenrmental Organizations!


After viewing the "Rudy Taylor and Dale Smith" thread, I think the
liberals prefer to keep the "Coffee Shop" thread for their views.


Obviously, when you post over there, you're in their territory and that's
a threat to them and their liberal thinking.   


QuoteI think the liberals prefer to keep the "Coffee Shop" thread for their views.

wow!  I am not affiliated with any political party.  You paint a very broad brush stroke with a very specific paint that it is in not any color I recognize, nor with would I be affiliated.
I enjoy the coffee shop as it is usually void of confrontation.
I have no problem with confrontation, if it is agreed that is needs to be somewhat civilized.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on October 20, 2012, 08:19:06 AM

Agenda 21 for Public Officials

I think they should have also said NGO's which are Non Govenrmental Organizations!

Ross, paste the you tube video URL(link). Highlight it and hit the you tube icon located below the "B" bold icon and above the smiley :). Then it will show up on the forum. Just telling you, if that is what you would like to do. Not picking a fight.



I hadn't thought of that Fire Elk, I'll try to remember that.
Thank You.


IMHO, I find the following (utilizing EK's often used word) positive only a little stronger, POSITIVELY SHAMEFUL!

Well this weeks newspaper front page Big Bold Red letters
Elk Konnected Punt, Pass Kick event to be Sunday afternoon.

Sorry, folks I think this NGO has bamboozle us again, IMHO!
Do they think the citizens of Elk County are stupid?

Check it out:

This event is listed with the NFL at http://www.nflppk.com/competitions/register/index/14982

The NFL calls it PP&K (Punt,Pass&Kick)

The event is registered as (I copied and pasted from the NFL web site):

West Elk High School Football Stadium
1199 Kansas Highway 99 Howard, KS 67349
October 21, 2012 at 2:00 PM

And is registered by:
Host name: Jennifer Brummel
Email: growingelkcounty@gmail.com
Phone: 620-205-8514

It's all right there on the NFL web site: http://www.nflppk.com/competitions/register/index/14982

Please note that our Elk County Youth Development Employee, that is paid using our taxpayers dollars registered for this event using her Elk County e-mail address and her Elk County phone number. And I would assume, she did this while on the Elk County payroll. Check out the Elk County Youth Development Corodinator web page at http://www.elkcounty.org/youth-development.htm for phone number and e-mail address. And also note the Youth Development Employlee doesn't even list this event on her calender of events, I wonder why?
October Events:•Youth Development (0)
Check it out at http://www.elkcounty.org/module/events.htm?pageComponentId=143454&month=10&year=2012 .

Who do you think is responsible for any accidents that might happen at the West Elk School District Campus?

Is it Elk Konnected?
The property taxpayers with in the West Elk School District Campus?

Who pays for the liability insurance at the West Elk School District Campus is it you the property taxpayer or Elk Konnected,LLC ?
What exactly is Elk Konnected, LLC's input to this event?
I ask where do the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners keep their shame?
Is this behavior by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners a good example for the youth of Elk County? I don't think so, do you?

So, how come it is front page in the newspaper as an Elk Konnected, LLC event?
Have they or their leaders Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have no shame?

We the property taxpayers are IMHO paying for this event, which our children should participate in under the name Elk County Punt, Pass & Kick, Event not Elk Konnected, LLC's name!

Where is the honesty in this mislabeling?

Why is our Konnected Kounty Kommisioner allowing such shameful activity on the behalf of her NGO?

These type of things, are what the FOLLOWERS call doing good for the county and the people of all ages, is it really doing good to mis-represent onself? I don't think it is, do you?

Really, folks don't you think it's time to separate the NGO (non governmental organization) from our local Elk County Government?

Let's change things, let's take our County Government back. Don't you think it's time?

Write-in Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for Mr. Hebb
A Great Improvement, Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-R-Done!"


Quote from: Ross on October 21, 2012, 06:01:36 AM
Please note that our Elk County Youth Development Employee, that is paid using our taxpayers dollars registered for this event using her Elk County e-mail address and her Elk County phone number...

Where is the honesty in this mislabeling?

There is no shame... and there seems to be no line left between the Elk County government and this privately owned company.  I guess they missed all their government classes in school.  They surely don't demonstrate any understanding. These folks are just a local extension of the Obama governing style:  liberal progressive cronyism.  And here I thought Elk county represented solid American values of limited government.  Of course when you elect supporters of the Democrat party platform, this is what you get.  So much for of the people, by the people and for the people.  Not to worry citizens, it's only money... YOUR money.  Principles be damned.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot I'll say it out right shame on the whole bunch, Konnected Kounty Kommissioners for letting it happen and,
shame on the followers for thinking these are such great things being done in their names. IMHO!

Shame, Shame, Shame!

What will they do next with no Shame!


I took a drive by to check out the Elk Konnected Punt, Pass & Kick event this afternoon. I was.  hoping to see some activity and that is what I saw.
I saw all of 11 small children competing, they appeared to be under ten years of age.
I wonder what happened to all the rest of the children of Elk County?
Didn't they get the word at school?
And there are a lot more children in Elk County, aren't there?

Was it poor development, planning and promoting?

Or was it just about getting Elk Konnected, LLC in this weeks newspaper front page in Big Bold Red letters.

I bet they are in next weeks paper again with a story of a great turn out!

Really, what is it really all about?

Perhaps our Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks can tell us how this event was promoted besides a last minute front page newspaper story with Elk Konnected, LLC in Big Bold Red letters?

I'd also like to ask her why the event wasn't listed on our County web site under Youth Development?
Does her recommended Youth Development Employee know how to promote a County event?
Elk Konnected, LLC recommended and suggested hioring this employee to the County Commissioners, so tell us, is she really qualified for the job?

Or again, I ask was this done just to promote Elk Konnected, LLC in the newspaper?

Answers would be appreciated, thank you!


Just as a point of clarification, I was visiting with a mother who had 2 children competing in the PP&K event Sunday, and she reports that the number of participants was somewhere between 30-35.

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