Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Yes, you did. Not everybody thinks you are as cute as you do.  Hey Patsy, telling lies about me? How many examples do you want?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 18, 2012, 07:01:10 PM
Yes, you did. Not everybody thinks you are as cute as you do.  Hey Patsy, telling lies about me? How many examples do you want?

I'm sorry you are confused. I know I am an ugly old fart of a redneck hick.
And I love it. I'm about to start my second childhood as well.

I'd tell you what I think, about the corruption in many organizations and the secrets they hide, but I think it would be a waste of time.

I think you have been an organizationalized person far to long.

Individualism is far more important, that is people that think for themselves.

That's why we need to get people out to vote for such people in Elk County.

That's why we need people to discuss the issues in this thread and get out there and vote for some positive Change.
Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
Good night Diane, good night.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Ross--reading what you and Diane have put up on here makes me think of an old Winston Churchill story. Bear with me, I'm playing off memory. It went something like this: A woman once said to Churchill, Sir if you was my husband I would poison your tea. He looked back at her and replied, Madam if you was my wife, I would drink it. That's some funny shit right there!---Mr. KSHillbilly




Quote from: kshillbillys on September 18, 2012, 07:41:26 PM
Ross--reading what you and Diane have put up on here makes me think of an old Winston Churchill story. Bear with me, I'm playing off memory. It went something like this: A woman once said to Churchill, Sir if you was my husband I would poison your tea. He looked back at her and replied, Madam if you was my wife, I would drink it. That's some funny shit right there!---Mr. KSHillbilly


I remember that one.

Diane Amberg

There are plenty of individuals there.That's why they don't jump when you demand they speak.


Really now, what has happened to the proposed Neighborhood Revitalization Program?
Why was the document removed from the County web site? I can't find it there, why?

If it is such a great and good thing to have a welfare program, called a rebate, for a few taxpayers
and if it's going to cause a population boom
and if it's going to be an economic boom for Elk County, where is it?

Why haven't the hearings been scheduled for it, if it's a good deal?

Or is it being shelved until after the elections because the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners fear it will get them voted out of office?
Is it shelved because it is not a good thing?

Will it be revived after the elections?

Was the fact that it was pointed out that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks privately owned company that she found may have had their visionaries involved in the plans development?

Why, wait to get the ball rolling on such a great and awesome program?

Why not schedule those hearings?

Is something wrong with the politics of it?

Some honest answers would be appreciated along with some honest and open dialog.

Lets hear from you guys.

Don't you think it's time for some POSITIVE Change ?  
Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County


Knock, knock who's there?

Well, well, well Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks little company that she founded, you know Elk Konnected, LLC made the front page of this weeks paper. Well they didn't make the headline, the fell,, in under the Howard Chamber of Commerce's headline.
The Elk Konnected Youth Development Action Team appears about to finally do something, to raise money. Not to do any youth development is it, just to raise money? What ever happened to that $85,000 we discussed with Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks not too awful long ago?  I'm waiting for them to do some youth development, I'd like to know what Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks means by Youth Development.

But anyway they are going to have a Dessert Walk to raise money, I think that is a lot better then begging, don't you.
Although it does promote a form of gambling, doesn't it? And they didn't ask the Kounty Kommissioners for money from the recreation fund for an inflatable or a Bull ride, congratulations for that move. About time to stay out of the county coffers isn't it?

See I can find someting positive to say about Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks little company that she founded, you know Elk Konnected, LLC.

But hey, I still think we need a lot more change then that, don't you?

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?
Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County


Another Kommunity Konversation koming soon?  Stay tuned.  The agenda advances.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on September 20, 2012, 08:44:55 AM
Another Kommunity Konversation koming soon?  Stay tuned.  The agenda advances.

I've been wondering!
Afterall, if they don't have one soon, won't they lose their accreddation in their little club?
Couldn't have that could they?

I call myself a redneck for a reason and here is a pretty good definition of a redneck, not the joke type.
In the 19th century, there was a turn in how terms like redneck were used. The word redneck, in particular, was no longer viewed purely as slander, but as a badge of pride. Among those who shared this sentiment, it stood for someone who believed in self-determination and individual freedom.

And I think that is what we need in the County Government.

So let's get out there and vote for some positive Change, Okay?
Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County

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