Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Have the Commissioners done nothing right in your opinion, Patriot? Did the Wichita Commissioners always do what you thought was right? I still believe that all 3 of the Commissioners are honest and are working hard for all of the county.



You appear to be pro-government, instead of pro-liberty.  Is that about right?


No that is not right. May I ask do you live in Elk County?


Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 02:57:03 PM
Have the Commissioners done nothing right in your opinion, Patriot?

They have made what I considered to be a few good decisions, and I've commented on those in this forum.

Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 02:57:03 PM
I still believe that all 3 of the Commissioners are honest and are working hard for all of the county.

And you are entitled to believe what ever you choose to believe.  As for my assessments... I base them on outcomes and on actions.

All political ideology aside, If I see elected officials display common ignorance (i.e. "A lease is not a debt"), or a repeated willingness to disregard laws regarding their actions & procedure surrounding both public & closed meetings, or any number of other similar negatives, then I must begin to question their fundamental competence relative to the position they hold.

In terms of outcomes, everything from Census records, to the allocation of maintenance expenses, to labor relations, to the micro-management of individual employee duties by individual commissioners (as if they had singular authority apart from the entire board), at least two of our current commissioners have demonstrated a level of leadership that has produced nothing of value that I can see in terms of the growth and real betterment of Elk County, its employees, or the majority of its citizens.

As for 'working hard'.  Perhaps.  Of course, moving boulders from one place to another and back again can be 'hard work'.  But productive... no.  As for honesty... remember that honesty and integrity are two different things.  I prefer to see both in an elected official.

Please note that nothing I've said relates in any way the the 'likeability' of any of our commissioners.  I don't care if they are teddy bears or ogres....I do care if they are competent & produce real, measurable & lasting positive outcomes.  Nor do I care much about 'good intentions'.  It has been well observed that the road to Hell is paved with such things.  After about 10 years in one case and 4 in another, if good intentions is all we have then we aren't moving much, IMO.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I see a big improvement on the country roads. They have put the windfarm money to good use. They are trying to improve the courthouse. Alot of things are moving slowly forward but at least it is forward.


Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 02:57:03 PM
Have the Commissioners done nothing right in your opinion, Patriot? Did the Wichita Commissioners always do what you thought was right? I still believe that all 3 of the Commissioners are honest and are working hard for all of the county.

What the heck does Wichita have to do with Elk County Government?
I guess next you will be comparing Elk County Government with crime ridden cities like Chicago or New York or others?

From my view point, this is what I see.

Elk Konnected, LLC lead by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, and cheerlead by Liebau has addressed Elk County infrastructure!

Well, lets look at the Top Infrastructure of Elk County Government which in my opinion is terribly flawed.

One Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks who founded Elk Konnected, LLC, who is now President of that company's mother company, so to speak, which is Public Squares Communities, INC. Hendricks has said she and her family do not benefit from this connection. My question to her is how am I to believe that?

On Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau, who has behaved at County Commissioners Meeting's as a cheerleader?

Both Konnected Kounty Kommissioners vote repeatedly together to provide county money to this privately owned company, Elk Konnected, LLC? How many other privately owned companies would be provided money from the county recreation fund to advertise themselves by handing out lollipops of whatever sort?

And sir if you mean to tell me this is a perfectly good infrastructure, I beg you to open your eyes.

The fact that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks talked about "The Old Guard" in her open letter as if to be avoiding them, suggest exactly the opposite to me. She even mentioned she had an idea who they were which adds to the suspicion that Elk Konnected, LLC is simply "The old Guard" in a new dress.

And all we seem to have seen out of Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks is failure as listed throughout this thread. Her so called visionaries don't seem to have done much of a job now have they?

Was it by chance her visionaries that came up with the idea of the Community Revitalization Program?
The program known by me as the Handout, 'Beggar-Thy-Neighbor, freeloader, welfare program?

Afterall, doesn't it appear that all Elk Konnected, LLC does is beg?
Isn't it always gimme, gimme, gimme? Begging?
They appear to be real good at it, to me!

Is this the top County Government Infrastructure we need?

As for County Commissioner Ritz, I believe him to be a very straight forward man. A true asset to the county.

A man that has never hollared during a County Commissioners meeting that he is tired of being called a crook, when in fact the words were never uttered. What man did that, and why? Was it a guilty Conscience that brought that about? No, it wasn't written in the minutes of the meeting just like many other things are left out. Why? Figure it out for yourself, I can't think for you, I have enough trouble doing my own thinking about and seeing through this big mess.

November will be a great chance to straighten out this mess IMHO!


Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 03:48:47 PM
I see a big improvement on the country roads. They have put the windfarm money to good use.

I agree & have said so in a separate thread on this forum.  Unfortunately, the two commissioners mentioned earlier waited until the last minute to agree with Commissioner Ritz regarding said improvements.  He had been trying to plan ahead for those actions for over 6 months.  And are you aware there is no clear intention to provide funding to continue those improvements in the 2013 budget?  Enjoy what you see now, the money is about gone for this year, and next year may be a return to pre-2012.

Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 03:48:47 PM
They are trying to improve the courthouse.

Apparently you are uninformed regarding details of the work being done, the cost of that work, the amount of work still being deferred that will be vastly more expensive to complete in the future & the ongoing facility disintegration that has been & will be realized as a result of the manner in which we have failed to plan ahead. Even the most recent work (just completed in recent days) was to have cost $65,000, but then increased to about $82,000 and will ultimately end up at about $95,000!  All in a period of about a month.

Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 03:48:47 PM
Alot of things are moving slowly forward but at least it is forward.

While I would like to agree wholeheartedly, I can't.  The reality is (if you see the entire picture) is that we have been taking 1.5 steps backward for each step forward.  That is not progress.  That's not even maintaining the status quo.

In over 40 years of formal management & leadership training, business ownership & personnel management experience, I'm hard pressed to find poorer examples than can be found in Elk County government... and that's disappointing.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 02:57:03 PM
Have the Commissioners done nothing right in your opinion, Patriot? Did the Wichita Commissioners always do what you thought was right? I still believe that all 3 of the Commissioners are honest and are working hard for all of the county.

What the heck does Wichita have to do with Elk County Government?
I guess next you will be comparing Elk County Government with crime ridden cities like Chicago or New York or others?

From my view point, this is what I see.

Elk Konnected, LLC lead by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, and cheerlead by Liebau has addressed Elk County infrastructure!

Well, lets look at the Top Infrastructure of Elk County Government which in my opinion is terribly flawed.

One Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks who founded Elk Konnected, LLC, who is now President of that company's mother company, so to speak, which is Public Squares Communities, INC. Hendricks has said she and her family do not benefit from this connection. My question to her is how am I to believe that?

On Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau, who has behaved at County Commissioners Meeting's as a cheerleader?

Both Konnected Kounty Kommissioners vote repeatedly together to provide county money to this privately owned company, Elk Konnected, LLC? How many other privately owned companies would be provided money from the county recreation fund to advertise themselves by handing out lollipops of whatever sort?

And sir if you mean to tell me this is a perfectly good infrastructure, I beg you to open your eyes.

The fact that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks talked about "The Old Guard" in her open letter as if to be avoiding them, suggest exactly the opposite to me. She even mentioned she had an idea who they were which adds to the suspicion that Elk Konnected, LLC is simply "The old Guard" in a new dress.

And all we seem to have seen out of Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks is failure as listed throughout this thread. Her so called visionaries don't seem to have done much of a job now have they?

Was it by chance her visionaries that came up with the idea of the Community Revitalization Program?
The program known by me as the Handout, 'Beggar-Thy-Neighbor, freeloader, welfare program?

Afterall, doesn't it appear that all Elk Konnected, LLC does is beg?
Isn't it always gimme, gimme, gimme? Begging?
They appear to be real good at it, to me!

Is this the top County Government Infrastructure we need?

As for County Commissioner Ritz, I believe him to be a very straight forward man. A true asset to the county.

A man that has never hollared during a County Commissioners meeting that he is tired of being a crook, when in fact the words were never uttered. What man did that, and why? Was it a guilty Conscience that brought that about? No, it wasn't written in the minutes of the meeting just like many other things are left out. Why? Figure it out for yourself, I can't think for you, I have enough trouble doing my own thinking about and seeing through this big mess.

November will be a great chance to straighten out this mess IMHO!


Just can't argue with a truth!

Elk County would be greatly better off with new Commissioners.

And here is a great pair.

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
We can only lose if they are not elected IMHO.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 08, 2012, 01:34:05 PM
Ya see that's what Red doesn't acknowledge...If the schools  here were really old time communist ,not one of you would have poor spelling or grammar or written communication skills. It would have been beaten into you, your parents would have been intimidated into making you learn, because they would have be punished economically or physically, or you would have soon been kicked out to be nothing and unemployable,and probably a raging alcoholic.

While Diane's unsupported description paints a picture that may reflect the possible totalitarian end to government run education in countries that attempt to create the ideal communist utopia, her ignorance of the basic concepts of communist doctrine & planning that precede that end are glaring...

Simply said, the Communist Manifesto (and general ideology) don't detail the specific methods of enforcement of learning in government education... they simply point out the basic means.  And those means call for children to be educated solely by institutions controlled by the government rather than by the private sector and that the curriculum be mandated & approved by the government.  The fact is, a more ignorant and less thinking society is easier to control.

In Diane's ignorance, she fails to reflect on the concept of government controlled schooling in the communist ideal and how that same process has been adopted in America.  She also fails to reflect on comments made by early 'founders' of the current American system that clearly indicate that our government system of public schools was never intended to create educated thinkers, but rather to create compliant citizens who possessed the bare essentials of basic education.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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