Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Elk County can continue in Elk County with the status quo, you know the existing state of affairs, the same old, "Old Guard", right?  :(

You know for a fact the "Old Guard exists right? Konnected Kounty commissioner Hendricks, said so right? She said she worked hard to keep the "Old Guard" out of her Elk Konnected, LLC, so they must exist right?  :(

Elk County can continue with the people that exploit children for their own gain, right? :(

Elk County can continue with receiving the lollipops while others manipulate the dollars, right? :(

Elk County can continue to allow Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to continue to control the county with their two out of three votes, is that what you want? >:(

If not throw you weight behind:

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
Votes for anyone else will cause the incumbent's to remain in office. That's what the incumbents want, that's what they need to stay in office. It's the political way!

Wouldn't it be nice to see some real integrity running Elk County?
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Elk Konnected does not control the Elk County Commissioners just as they do not control West Elk School District. IMHO


Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 09:59:37 AM
Elk Konnected does not control the Elk County Commissioners just as they do not control West Elk School District. IMHO

I said Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have the controlling votes.
I.E. 2 out of 3
Repeat Two out of Three votes on the Commissioners Panel.
Don;t you get it?


One thing about it, if you want your kids to grow up to be communists, send them to a government school.

Diane Amberg

Ross, sorry for interrupting your tirade. I do catch spelling, punctuation and grammar errors on the written page, often, by people who should know better. Why don't they care? Some even went to those "perfect" non public schools.
  Ross please tell me...at what grade should teachers give up trying? Second? Third? 8th? Please let me know so I can tell my teacher friends when to not bother!Then they can study the constitution even more in class, even though the kids won't need to learn to spell any of it correctly, or read any of it
  Red, you are simply amazing and really clueless about communistic style education..and you just insulted every teacher in Kansas. I've given you solutions many times, but you'd  rather boo-hoo-hoo and gripe. Are you lazy or what? I'll try not to rise to your bait again.
  Sorry Ross, but Red took this off topic. It'll be all yours again soon, for whatever this thread is worth. Wouldn't it have been easier to just write it once and then do hundreds of ditto marks?  ;D
   Didn't you go to one of those "communist" schools? They did try to teach you didn't they?  Why do you defend poor grammar and poor spelling and sentence structure?
  Will I stop mentioning it?  Sure, OK, but what will you do in return?
  Somewhere out there there must be some very disappointed teachers.
    Didn't your parents care enough to be sure you studied? Of course, I don't know what your circumstances were.  But, in real communist schools, there would be no excuse.You would be letting EVERYONE down if you didn't perform. Ya know about all that collective thinking stuff?
  Ya see that's what Red doesn't acknowledge...If the schools  here were really old time communist ,not one of you would have poor spelling or grammar or written communication skills. It would have been beaten into you, your parents would have been intimidated into making you learn, because they would have be punished economically or physically, or you would have soon been kicked out to be nothing and unemployable,and probably a raging alcoholic.
  Or they would have chosen your career for you. Show any signs of intelligence and you would have been schooled accordingly or else! You'd be assigned your job, no choice on your part. and NO COMPLAINTS. It that really what you think should go on?  Perhaps you'd rather have our imperfect system after all!
   OK Ross, back to you. ;D TA DA!


So typical of east coast liberals... all yap, virtially no substance & no real focus on the issues at hand.  Diane, your friend Biden must be proud.

So, how about all that political influence associated with our local privately owned LLC?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Just a lot of socialistic jargon by Diane. 

Like I mentioned, "If you want your kids to grow up to be communists, then send them to a government school".


And just where all the perfect schools? Patriot just where are you from? Diane might leave in the East but she at least is civil on the forum


Quote from: proelkco on September 08, 2012, 02:25:08 PM
...Patriot just where are you from?...

Wichita, originally.  Does that have some bearing on elected officials directing county controlled funds to the use of private companies they founded or own?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Sorry Ross,I tried to give it back to you. I'd be civil all the time, but when I'm being attacked I do slip once in awhile. Patsy I was just answering questions. Too bad.
If I can assume that Patriot and Red went to public schools, then they must be good communists? That is so funny!          Ross, before I forget, those 5 thank yous have all been sent :angel:.

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