Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Hey redcliff do you reckon Elk Konnected, LLC might let me sign up as an official member?

Then maybe i could beg for donations to replace my saddles and tack for my business, like they beg for donations of washer and dryesr and all sorts of stuff for their business?

Ya think that might work?

I don't think so, because I am not a beggar, oh well!

I'll just buy my own?

I wonder why they can't buy their own with that $85,000 we talked with Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks about several months back?

I wonder what good they did for the "Quality of Life" in Elk County with all that money?

Since their business plans to open a business ie, Day Care Center on beggar stuff, will they do day care for free?

That's enough wondering for now, since I know there will be no answers!

Let's really improve the "Quality of life in Elk County.
Lets get Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners out of office.


Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County 


Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County  


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 09:09:27 AM
...."Never try anything new unless you are guaranteed success."

Unless you can play and lose with other peoples money!  Heck, look at how that's working for Obama and outfits like Solyndra.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Most everybody uses other people's money at one time or another. Most people who own vehicles or have mortgages, borrow money from a bank.The bank uses depositors' money to pay the bill in full and then the buyer pays the bank, or other loaner, back over time, with interest, and must have collateral.  I know you know that!
  Many start up businesses do the same. In retail sales one must have start up inventory don't they? Some have enough savings for a small start; not everyone does. They borrow other people money. Yes, I know you'll say that's not the same.
  I bought my first car with $ my father loaned me and I paid him back over the first year I owned it. From then on I've always been able to pay cash.
  Many farmers buy seed on time by borrowing and then paying it back when the crop comes in...I'm sure there are a few who don't have to, but many do. I'm sure you know that too.Then there is Federal crop insurance and Federal flood insurance.  But in some areas of the country people can't rebuild the infrastructure in their communities without help from the Feds when a disaster happens. Pooling the tax money creates enough to do something with.To me that's an investment, not just "other people's" money.
   Most commercial fishing boat owners borrow big time from the bank to pay for their boat They'd never get started if they had to wait until they had saved up the total cost first... and on and on.
  Sure, sometimes the venture can be risky and sometimes it's the Gov't playing loose with people's money, but many times ,like with the old CCC projects it's well worth the investment. IMHO.
  Solyndra was obviously a mistake.  (but then there is Konarka, who Romney backed),  Given enough time, perhaps Solyndra may be resurrected or reused somehow.
  Regardless, the folks who had invested got huge tax deductions.
   Our one oil refinery has reopened, even as the pessimists swore it never would...put a lot of people back to work. The accompanying domino effect brought little Delaware City back to life.  There is always hope.
   Red, every time you throw out the words Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Hitler or any of your other favorite words, I'm going to put a nickle in a jar for The Salvation Army's Red Kettle Drive in December. I wonder how must positive I can make out of your negatives? 8)


Thanks for your wasted lesson in basic economics & elementary business capitalization.  Borrowing with repayment provisions is one thing, as is self funding... seeking 3rd party handouts is quite another.  In the former case, the 'other people' get their money back with interest.  In the latter, a few 'managers' get to freeload, employees get a brief break from unemployment & and the 'other people' get little or nothing.... we used to call that panhandling.

As for your love of the 'other people' being taxpayers.... you're showing your socialist roots.... again.  There, now donate another nickle to the Salvation Army.  You'll feel better that way and can still avoid the reality of your anti-capitalist position.

P.S.  Didn't you repeatedly promise to stay away from political discussions?  Sad to see you're not a woman of your word.  I know, it's a free country.... when it's convenient for you.  Yet another tyrannical, statist perspective.  Poke, poke.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I already told you, now 7 people have asked me not to leave because they like hearing another perspective and some have said they have even learned a few things.
I had indeed planned to leave for good, as I said already. Why do you care anyway?  
 Yes, it's a free country and a woman always has the right to change her mind.  :-*  Nobody forces you to read what I write, and as far as I know you are not in charge. Besides, after more than 5 years, I've become a much better typist (well sort of) seeing as how I'm completely self taught. That means I can post longer posts now, much to your chagrin and boredom...like I really care. ::)
Wow, you must really despise Mitt. He got his start using other people's money by convincing them to invest in his ideas among other things.   Now don't get excited, I plan to vote for him, but in some ways he scares me.
 Pan handling today is not the same at all!  If some guy is sitting on the corner with his cup or whatever out, especially if he has a sad eyed dog with him for sympathy, and you give him money, you chose to do it ...nobody forced you.

Cheap shots again? Thanks so much. I totally disagree with your idea of "third party" money.  Besides socialism is an active thing, on it's way to becoming communism, which is what was usually intended. That has mostly stopped around the world.There are still socialist countries but they are different now from what they had been at one time. They are one party systems which the US is not, nor would I ever want less than a two party system .So go ahead and try to insult me, but ya don't know as much as ya think you do...about me I mean. Poke, poke, right back. I need to go do something worthwhile.


What's the topic? Is it Delaware? Some County in Delaware?
Is the topic comparing Elk County to some county in Delaware?
Is it about some one in Delaware who has bunches of friends in Elk County?
No, I don't think so.

The subject appears to be Elk Konnected, LLC, Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and what they are doing in Elk County, Kansas!

So lets talk about the would be freeloaders and beggars and welfare seekers,
seeking to shed their responsibility of paying their fair share of property taxes.
And doing so with the aid of Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks and Liebau,

Is that good for business?

I don't think so!


Well, it would be public information who they are, right?

And I have already said, I would boycott anyone on the list.

And if they don't have a business seeking my dollars and a family member does, it's all the same to me.

If you choose to short change the County Property Tax System, you are in essence boycotting it, in my way of thinking!

There you have it an Economic Development Plan in Reverse, good job!

I'll ask my friends to do the same thing. And they will ask their friends. see how this could grow?

Watch Us Grow! ( Elk Konnected, LLC's motto, but we haven
t seen any growth there have we?)

After all if you are in business to make a profit off of me, you are then using some of that profit you made off of me to pay those property taxes. If you don't want to pay, you don't want to make a profit off of me and my friends.

Let's tell those Konnected Kounty Kommissioners we have had enough.

Let's VOTE them out in November.

Diane Amberg

Sorry Ross, of course you are right about getting off topic, but I think you better check with Patriot and Red as to how that happened. I also did post, on topic, about the run Severy had, sponsored by EK ,but you don't want to hear that.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 02:23:17 PM
Sorry Ross, of course you are right about getting off topic, but I think you better check with Patriot and Red as to how that happened. I also did post, on topic, about the run Severy had, sponsored by EK ,but you don't want to hear that.

Diane, Diane

Severy is not in Elk County.
That is a figment of Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks imagination.
I think that may be what Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, Howard Elk Konnected, LLC really is --- a beggars fantasy.
That has failed at everything they have attempted to do except beg for donations.

That's one reason why we need to vote out the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and get people that do their own thinking for the good of the county. Pretty simple isn't it.

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