Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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You should really try to understand a program before you downgrade it. The Elk County Commissioners receive no kickbacks and are hard working people. I am very proud of all of them and also appreciate the work they do for the whole county.


Quote from: proelkco on August 23, 2012, 09:04:56 PM
You should really try to understand a program before you downgrade it. The Elk County Commissioners receive no kickbacks and are hard working people. I am very proud of all of them and also appreciate the work they do for the whole county.

These are your words and only your words:
Quote from: proelkco on August 23, 2012, 09:04:56 PM
The Elk County Commissioners receive no kickbacks and are hard working people.
These words of yours could very easily be misconstrued. Sorry about that!

So you are proud of having Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners running our beautiful Elk County?
Now, I am gonna do some ass/u/me-ing. I ass/u/me your monicker is perhaps mis-spelled and should perhaps be
pro elk ko as in Ko for Konnected. And I ass/u/me that because of the way you twisted my words, which appears a favorite activity of the Konnected Followers.

I suppose, it wouldn't hurt, if you tried to understand what I wrote, instead of twisting it all out of shape, would it?
Show me where, I said what you are implying. Here is the sentence quoted for you to show me.

Quote from: Ross on August 23, 2012, 08:09:57 PM
Which includes kickbacks or welfare called property tax rebates on properties possibly worth $200,000 or more.
It'a not just a few dollars.

Mr. ProElkCo if you are so pro Elk County why aren't you proud enough, to use your name openly, to defend what you apparently feel is a slam against Elk County by me. Not proud enough or proelkco to do that are you?

I feel, I personally appear, to be more pro Elk County than you, by the fact that I am not afraid to openly object, to what I feel is abuse of Elk County citizens and tax payers. Also the fact that, that I searched the internet in 2005 looking for an ideal place to retire to. While, you probably had very little choice where you live, due to being born and raised here. I personally chose Elk County. As did many outsiders that live here. Isn't that what you folks that were born and raised here, call us. Outsiders? You don't object to us ousiders paying our property taxes do you?

I would personally appreciate hearing from you, how you think this "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" or any other "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" is good for Elk County as a whole. And I am sure, every one else on this thread would like to hear it, too. So please enlighten us, with your wealth of knowledge about the subject.

Don't you think each and every citizen and taxpayer should be informed of the facts and treated fairly by our county taxing system?

I expect you to just skip all the questions, because that is the apparent Konnected way, I truthfully don't expect any answers from
you, but it sure would be nice to have some answers with your expertise on this thread and this subject. We know that you have just logged on to the forum, but you sure don't come across as a newbie to this thread.


Quote from: proelkco on August 23, 2012, 09:04:56 PM
You should really try to understand a program before you downgrade it. The Elk County Commissioners receive no kickbacks and are hard working people. I am very proud of all of them and also appreciate the work they do for the whole county.
PRO, it is great to see some positive attitude on the Forum. You are a great idea for Banners for the upcoming election, "GO WITH PRO, TOSS ROSS". I know I have asked several people why they don't get on the Forum and oppose what Ross and company are putting out there. Most of them say they just ignore him because most of what he says is just crap.


Quote from: proelkco on August 23, 2012, 09:04:56 PM
You should really try to understand a program before you downgrade it. The Elk County Commissioners receive no kickbacks and are hard working people. I am very proud of all of them and also appreciate the work they do for the whole county.
LOL make up your minds.   You don't call special tax breaks for only the rich isn't kickbacks? Yet yall scream bloody murder when the  GOP want to include the rich in the taxbreaks they give everyone else.  Double standards here folks.   At least when we give the rich tax breaks in our national laws they at least provide jobs.  Locally it isn't happening.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


The tax breaks are not only for the so-called rich, they are for anyone that wants to build a structure. It will create future values on the tax rolls and WILL create jobs. Who do you think is going to build the structures. It is a great program and can provide lots of benefits for Elk County. New people, new structures, jobs and increased tax revenue.


Looks like a WIN-WIN program for Elk County. Future tax dollars, new people, Jobs and some new structures.  Our young commissioners should be applauded for this one.


Quote from: Oldtimer on August 24, 2012, 07:25:32 AM
PRO, it is great to see some positive attitude on the Forum. You are a great idea for Banners for the upcoming election, "GO WITH PRO, TOSS ROSS".

Is that the best you've got!

Quote from: Oldtimer on August 24, 2012, 07:25:32 AM
I know I have asked several people why they don't get on the Forum and oppose what Ross and company are putting out there. Most of them say they just ignore him because most of what he says is just crap.

How dumb is that statement on a scale of 1 to 10??

Let me check the top of the page, one moment please.

The scale of 1 to 10 is way to small.
(Read 81690 times)  
They just aren't ignoring anything are they?
There are many more threads on this Forum where they could be going.



Quote from: ELK@KC on August 24, 2012, 08:34:21 AM
The tax breaks are not only for the so-called rich, they are for anyone that wants to build a structure.

In this economy most people don't have $20,000 or more to spend, now do they?
But isn't this plan to include things that have already been built this year.
For instance the Perkins building, built just across the city limits line in Howard?
How would be giving a tax rebate or welfare to that building benefit Elk County?

Quote from: ELK@KC on August 24, 2012, 08:34:21 AM
It will create future values on the tax rolls and WILL create jobs.

Would you kindly prove how this "Beggar-They -Neighbor" program will create jobs?
Don't just say it or dream it, prove it, please?

Quote from: ELK@KC on August 24, 2012, 08:34:21 AM
Who do you think is going to build the structures.

It will most likely be people wanting to make money as merchants, which is fine as long as they pay their fair share of property taxes, without kickbacks or welfare called property tax rebates.

You see those kickbacks or welfare called property tax rebates will be public record. And those will be the business I will personally boycott and I will ask my friends to do the same. They will not make a profit off of my dollar by being a "Beggar-They -Neighbor" business. So I ask you, if they loose 10 or 20% of their business, is that really good business for Elk County?

Quote from: ELK@KC on August 24, 2012, 08:34:21 AM
It is a great program and can provide lots of benefits for Elk County. New people, new structures, jobs and increased tax revenue.

Would you kindly prove how this "Beggar-They -Neighbor" program will accomplish all that?
Don't just say it or dream it, prove it, please?

New people, from where? Are you now saying you born and raised here Elk County residents are now willing to accept outsiders.


Quote from: proelkco on August 24, 2012, 09:20:19 AM
On a scale of 1 to 10 it is a 1.

You need to learn to read, you see the scale at the top of the page just went from 81690 to (Read 81700 times).
I'm so sorry you don't comprehend.

Please pay attention!

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