Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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QuoteOur Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner made the point, the budget was passed without a mill levy increase, but basically a re-evaluation of properties, which raise the property tax.

I understand what you are getting at, and I can cite you several exmples where the tax is raised, but evaluations were not.
Also, the State requires every parcel to be re-evaluated every year on Jan 1, as well as a hands-on measuring every 6 years.
The K-State also sets the AgLand Value, which took a huge jump this year.  So, re-appraisal can stay the same, the mill levy can stay the same, and tax value may still increase, for those with Ag Land.

I just caught up  in the phraseology of your meaning, and didn't want anyone to misinterpret that aspect.  Carry on sir!  :)


Thank you Ready.
Like I said I don't always come across, so thanks for that input.


Can anyone, anyone at all, Even Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks tell us anything at all about the great (privately owned) Elk Konnected, LLC?

What has all their great visionaries been thinking lately and doing to give us that Superior Lifestyle here in Elk County?

Anything positive at all?

Has Elk Konnected, LLC recieved any or enough "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" monies in the form of grants to open their daycare in Moline?

Will the county government be providing entrepreneurial funding for the daycare center?

By the way is that a positive thing for Elk County, if you do open it?

Will people travel from Howard to Moline and back to go to work?

Will people travel from Longton to drop off their kids and then turn around and drive back to go to work in Independence?

Will people drive from Grenola tp drop off their kids and then turn around and drive to Wichita to go to work?

Wouldn'f all that driving back and forth be counter productive as far as the country's GREEN movement?

Would that take business and money in the form of income away from the lady's that run day care out of their homes?

Would that be a good, positive economic move for Elk County families that rely on that income to survive?

How would that make stronger families, taking away their income ? Do you really care?

Would Elk Konnected, LLC charge a much lower rate for daycare then the in home day care services?

And then after the home daycares close up, would Elk Konnected, LLC then raise their rates back up to the going rate?

Please Konnected Kounty Kommissioner tells us what your organization is doing for Elk County's Superior Lifestyle?

Will the daycare go the way of the Elk Konnected Wellness Center?

If two of you are re-elected as Konnected Kounty Kommissioner, will the county provide financial support to the Elk Konnected Daycare?

Will the Elk Konnected Daycare Center have a garden?

Please Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks give us some answers?

Inquiring minds want to know, what are the consequences and what's it going to cost the taxpayers?


Konnected Kounty Kommissioners I recieved this e-mail and I thought perhaps it could help you with your "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs. And the also you would not have to beg for donation's on your Elk Konnected facebook page for the following:
Items we are looking for:

Washer, Dryer (Electric),Refrigerator ,Stove (Electric) ,Shelves, Children's books, Pack N Plays, Highchairs, Infant swings, Child sized table or Long table with adjustable legs, Child sized chairs, Developmental toys (infants to preschool age), Dress up clothes, Ball, Puzzles, Blocks, Baby Monitors, CD Player, Children's music, Television, DVD Player, Children's DVDs
Art Supplies: crayons, markers, children's scissors, glue sticks, glue bottles, paper, yarn, etc.

And you also wouldn't have to beg on your facebook for items to sell at the Howard City Wide Garage Sale.

Perhaps this e-mail may help wioth that begging problem you have.
I feel it must be real difficult to have  to do so much begging, especially to start a for profit business.
Please correct me if I am wrong about all that begging.

If I can help, I'll gladly volunteer to stand on the busiyist corner of your home town of Howard with a tincup and beg for donations to help such a worthy County organization.
Anyway here is the e-mail I hope you find useful.

Kasikorn Bank of Thailand
106/3 South Sathorn Rd.,
Bangkok 10120 Thailand.
Tel. (+66)81689-4079

Attn: Beneficiary:

This letter is from the Kasikorn Bank of Thailand. We have discovered an
outstanding / unclaimed sum of money that originally belongs to you which is
at the tune of Ten Million United State Dollars. ($ 10,000,000,00) in favor of
your name and mandate has been given to this department to ensure that this
fund gets to you without any delay if only you are serious and ready to
receive your long overdue funds.

Further to this, A special arrangement has been made just to ensure that your
funds is released to you without any waste of time so you are advised to
quickly get back to this office with the below stated information so that we
can commence with the transfer of your funds directly to you.

Also, It will interest you to know that our office has received a message from
Mr.Richard Betron informing us that you instructed him to assist you in
receiving the said $ 10,000,000,00 on your behalf. Please, do understand that
our office will not release the said funds to Mr. Richard Betron if you do not
specifically send us authorization letter to do so. Please, Kindly get back to
us with this required details so that we can proceed with your payment.

Information required from you are:

Your full Name ....

Your Address :..

Your Occupation:......

Home / Cell Phone :............

Scan Copy of your ID Card ................



We await your positive response .


Dr. Rev. Austin George
International payment department
Kasikorn Bank of Thailand
106/3 South Sathorn Rd.,
Bangkok 10120 Thailand.

I sure hope the solves your begging problem.


I'm all for solid community enhancement projects & charity.... but really, do these people EVER invest their own wealth into their business projects?  Lawdy!  Grants for this, donations for that, taxpayer resources for another thing.  At what point do the visionaries open their own checkbooks and directly invest in their own business ideas?  They appear to take no personal risks and expect the masses to fund & provide for all their Big Ideas.

First we're taxed into the closet and then asked (by cronies of the big taxers) to 'donate' even more from our garage & basement.  Remember when charity was something given based on a real need and not given based on having been begged for by those who have no personal need and simply want to avoid giving themselves or taking business risks with their own resources.  It looks less like Beggar Thy Neighbor & more like Take From the Poor to Enhance the Rich.... Robin Hood in reverse.

Quote from: Ross on August 20, 2012, 06:11:02 AM
Items we are looking for:

Washer, Dryer (Electric),Refrigerator ,Stove (Electric) ,Shelves, Children's books, Pack N Plays, Highchairs, Infant swings, Child sized table or Long table with adjustable legs, Child sized chairs, Developmental toys (infants to preschool age), Dress up clothes, Ball, Puzzles, Blocks, Baby Monitors, CD Player, Children's music, Television, DVD Player, Children's DVDs
Art Supplies: crayons, markers, children's scissors, glue sticks, glue bottles, paper, yarn, etc.

Good grief!  Get out your own checkbooks & go to Sams.  Or buy your stuff cheap at the DAV and support a worthy cause. You want to start & run a business?  Then act like business owners & take the risks with your own resources... for a change.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Oh, come on!

I think they want to be known as the "Beggars of Elk County" don't you think ?

They had  lot of Beggar-Thy-Neighbor money and opened that business, uh, The Wellness Center

and couldn't make a go of it. They failed at running the business, but did they fail at linning their pockets?
Let'a see Beggar-Thy-Neighbor, sell the business to some one that knows how to run a business, where does the purchase money go?

Weren't these the same people that were going to advise people on how to start and run their own business?

But seriously, where did the money from the sell of the Wellness Center go?
So yeah, isn't it just a matter of being proud beggars?

Check out their list of proud beggar's on their facebook.
Wouldn't you be proud to be on that list?

And then they want to bring their begging to the Elk County Government in the form of tax kickbacks to a few, right?
They will call it rebates, I call it wellfare.

So I need a disclaimer right here?
I think so?
Because a follower threatened me with a lawsuit right here in this thread.
So here it is.
It' just my opinion folks.

Please VOTE in November.

Diane Amberg

Sounds like you are accusing them of outright theft. "lining their pockets." Uh, make that "linning"(sic) their pockets."  Why do you do that?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 21, 2012, 06:56:50 PM
Sounds like you are accusing them of outright theft. "lining their pockets." Uh, make that "linning"(sic) their pockets."  Why do you do that?

Uhmm because it is theft!  Using tax dollars is always theft.   It is money taken from the taxpayer by lethal force.
IF  you or i were to do it we would go to prison for armed robbery and theft by taking
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 21, 2012, 06:56:50 PM
Sounds like you are accusing them of outright theft. "lining their pockets." Uh, make that "linning"(sic) their pockets."  Why do you do that?

You Diane have the right to twist it anyway you want to.

However, if you re-read it, the truth is I asked a question, didn't I?

Here re-read it and show me where I made an accusation, please.

Quote from: Ross on August 21, 2012, 06:16:20 PM
Oh, come on!

I think they want to be known as the "Beggars of Elk County" don't you think ?

They had  lot of Beggar-Thy-Neighbor money and opened that business, uh, The Wellness Center

and couldn't make a go of it. They failed at running the business, but did they fail at linning their pockets?
Let'a see Beggar-Thy-Neighbor, sell the business to some one that knows how to run a business, where does the purchase money go?

Weren't these the same people that were going to advise people on how to start and run their own business?

But seriously, where did the money from the sell of the Wellness Center go?
So yeah, isn't it just a matter of being proud beggars?

Check out their list of proud beggar's on their facebook.
Wouldn't you be proud to be on that list?

And then they want to bring their begging to the Elk County Government in the form of tax kickbacks to a few, right?
They will call it rebates, I call it wellfare.

So I need a disclaimer right here?
I think so?
Because a follower threatened me with a lawsuit right here in this thread.
So here it is.
It' just my opinion folks.

Please VOTE in November.

Goodnight Diane.


Ross, you can call it opinion.  You can phrase it in the form of a question.  It still doesn't take the accusatory tone out of the statement.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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