Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Janet Harrington

I drove all the way from Independence to make sure I voted. I was number 230 at the Howard voting place.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 07, 2012, 06:23:38 PM
I drove all the way from Independence to make sure I voted. I was number 230 at the Howard voting place.

Does that sound like a pretty good turnout for Howard to you Janet?
I'm hoping they post the results on the county web site.
I e-mailed the County clerk this morning and asked, but got no response.


The only thing I found of interest in todays paper is raising property taxes in Howard.
The cost of services continue to rise, so taxes must also.

Nothing in there about Elk Konnected, LLC unless I missed it.

While, our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners contemplates tax rebates (Welfare) for a few, why?

Really folks, it sounds like austerity has hit our shores. Personally, I don't think it's a joke what Romney said!
And it appears everything is going up except wages. Tax increases and inflation and cutting services. Not good!

And the Federal Reserve is talking QE-3, which will devalue the dollar in your pocket even further.

Wouldn't a County Industrial Area be a better thing then giving tax rebates (Welfare) to a few.
Afterall some of those companies in California want to escape the California financial problems. And they could bring good paying jobs to Elk County and with that population growth and economic development in the form of more money spent locally.

Here is what Romney had to say:

Romney Jokingly Compares California to Greece

Mitt Romney jokingly said the United States needs to do a better job managing debt or it could end up like Greece, or closer to home, California.

The Republican presidential hopeful told an audience in Iowa that he worries the U.S. is on a pathway to crippling debt and is scaring off foreign investors. Romney pointed to problems in Italy and Spain.

He then suggested that Californians know a thing or two about debt. The state is facing the prospect of tax increases and spending cuts to deal with its budget problems.

Food for thought, nothing more.

Don't forget we have the real elections to vote on in November.


One More  
France's 75% Tax Could Push Rich Into Mass Exodus

Rich thinking of leaving if 75% tax rate is passed.


Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on August 07, 2012, 06:43:43 PM
Does that sound like a pretty good turnout for Howard to you Janet?
I'm hoping they post the results on the county web site.
I e-mailed the County clerk this morning and asked, but got no response.

No, I don't think it was a good turnout at all. I wish I could go to the courthouse and look at the votes listed on the chalkboard. Then I would like to know how many ballots were cast in each party in each township. That would give you a good idea of whether it was a good turn out or not. One of the ladies at the polling place told me she thought it was a good turnout for a primary. She has worked at polling place a lot of years, so she would know.

W. Gray

Highest Income Tax Rate in the US has been 94% while the lowest has been 28%.

Highest Income Tax Rate for married couple filing jointly:
1920 and 1921, 73% tax on everything made over $1m.
1922 and 1923, 58% tax on everything made over $200,000.
1924, 46% tax on everything made over $500,000.
1925 through 1931, 25% tax on everything made over $100,000.
1932 through 1935, 63% tax on everything made over $1m.
1936 through 1940, 79% tax on everything made over $5m.
1941, 81% tax on everything made over $5m.
1942 and 1943, 88% tax on everything made over $200,000.
1944 through 1946, 94% tax on everything made over $200,000.
1947 through 1954, 91% tax on everything made over $200,000.
1955 through 1963, 91% tax on everything made over $400,000.
1964, 77% tax on everything made over $400,000.
1965 through 1976, 70% tax on everything made over $200,000.
1977 and 1978, 70% tax on everything made over 203,200.
1979 through 1981, 70% tax on everything made over $215,400.
1982, 50% tax on everything made over $85,600.
1983, 50% tax on everything made over $109,400.
1984, 50% tax on everything made over $162,400.
1985, 50% tax on everything made over $169,020.
1986, 50% tax on everything made over $175,250.
1987, 38.5% tax on everything made over $90,000.
1988, 28% tax on everything made over $29,750.
1989, 28% tax on everything made over $30,950.
1990, 28% tax on everything made over $32,450.
1991, 31% tax on everything made over $82,150.
1992, 31% tax on everything made over $86,500.
1993 through 1994, 39.6% tax on everything made over $250,000.
1995, 39.6% tax on everything made over $256,500.
1996, 39.6% tax on everything made over $263,750.
1997, 39.6% tax on everything made over $271,050.
1998, 39.6% tax on everything made over $278,450.
1999, 39.6% tax on everything made over $283,150.
2000, 39.6% tax on everything made over $288,350.
2001, 39.1% tax on everything made over $297,350.
2002, 38.6% tax on everything made over $307,050.
2003, 35% tax on everything made over $311,950.
2004, 35% tax on everything made over $319,100.
2005, 35% tax on everything made over $326,450.
2006, 35% tax on everything made over $336,550.
2007, 35% tax on everything made over $349,700.
2008, 35% tax on everything made over $357,700.
2009, 35% tax on everything made over $372,950.
2010, 35% tax on everything made over $373,650.
2011, 35% tax on everything made over $379,150.
2012, ??

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


You poor folks in Howard facing the property tax increase need Elk Konnected, LLC's help to get that Superior Quaility of Life don't you?

I mean heck with all their Visionaries can't they find away to help you avoid property tax increases?

Just take a look at your city limits boundaries?

Just check it out on Google Earth, it's that easy!

At one point didn't Howard want to extend its city limits out to encompass the West Elk School Campus so it would be the Howard West Elk School? That would have moved the City limits over a third of a mile. But, Just what would that have done for the Superior Quaility of Life  of Howard City Tax Payers?

Will  Elk Konnected, LLC and their Visionaries could help you Howard City Taxpayers by suggesting moving the City Limits a third of a mile east across highway 99 and encompass a few more homes and business.

Couldn't  Elk Konnected, LLC's Visionaries help all the taxpayers and Followers save some property tax money therefore adding to the Superior Quality of Life they display on their web site. Or don't they really want to help the average Joe? Don't they want Howard citizens to enjoy that Superior Quality of Life?

If you look closely on Google earth the Howard City Limits runs across the highway wraps around the little car wash and then darts back across the highway.

I do believe, at one point Howard wanted to extend it's city limits out to encompass the West Elk School Campus so it would be the Howard West Elk School Campus? That would have moved the City limits over a third of a mile. But, Just what would that have done for the Superior Quaility of Life of Howard City Tax Payers?

Well Elk Konnected, LLC and their Visionaries could help you Howard City Taxpayers by suggesting moving the City Limits a third of a t mile east across highway 99 and encompass a few more business, couldn't Elk Konnected, LLC help all the taxppayers and Followers save some property tax money therefore adding to the Superior Quality of Life they display on their web site. Or don't they really want to help the average Joe?

Perhaps Elk Konnected, LLC and all their visionaries can finally do something to help the community of citizens in Howard, what do you think?

Do they have the magic to affect a Superior Quality of Life in Howard?  

Shouldn't Howard request and recieve some real action from Elk Konnected, LLC to prove itself as a caring community organization it claims to be and take some positive action?

What do you have to loose, except some bigger property tax bills?

Does Elk Konnected, LLC care about the people of Howard?

Let's really find out,  what do you say?

You GO Howard !
I think, every one will be watching to see if you get any real help moving those City Limits (less then a tenth of a mile), to help with City Property Taxes.

Will those business support the City of Howard's property tax base?

And Howard, if you don't get any help, remember that at the November Elections.

                           Think about it!

                                            Just My Humble Opinion and thoughts!


Here are some help from Google Earth, pictures.
The yellow line represents the City Limits of Howard according to Google.


Ross, I have followed this thread off and on for quite some time.  When I have extra time in my life, which is not too often, I check in for a few laughs.  The conversations crack me up!  Well anyway, the reason I am just now posting anything has to do with a few questions that I was hoping that you could answer for me.  In your latest post it would seem that you have some anger towards the community of Howard.  The tone of your post comes off to me as anti-Howard.  Why is that? My next question is if you know what year it was that Howard alledgedly wanted to extend its city limits to encompass West Elk Jr./Sr. High School?   And it is my understanding that the official name of the school now is West Elk Schools, am I correct?  When was or has it ever been officially named Howard West Elk Campus?  To my knowledge I have never known it to be named that, not even when the high school was located in the city limits of Howard back in the 1970's.  Was Elk Konnected even an organization back when the suggestion was made to encompass the campus on highway 99 within the city limits?  I have not heard anything about extending the city limits to encompass any of the businesses nor homes east of highway 99, so from where did you get that tid bit of news? 

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