Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I truly like the program...it's a win, win situation.  However I can see this can be misconstrued to  be a "welfare" program for the elite:

Not everyone has $20,000 to build or remodel.  So if by that token if I, who only qualify from none to $10,000 then I am not part of this fine 'rebate' program.

and Ross, Revitalization has been going on in other counties long before Elk Konnected found out where it's 'teat' was!


However, to back date a program to grandfather, is queasy at best.



My present comments in this post are in blue to provide clarity. Thank you, Ross.

Quote from: patriotdad

link=topic=11780.msg193685#msg193685 date=1343869661

Quote from: Ross on August 01, 2012, 03:46:35 PM

I think you are thinking to long term, unless you have a crystal ball. This program is not limited to houses. I believe, it could be used to build a pig farm building for raising pigs and for building barns or even a fancy hen house. None of which, would bring anyone to Elk County. But, would allow them not to pay their fair share of property taxes via kickbacks or the twisted way of calling it a tax rebate and therefore accepting Elk County Welfare.

Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
It doesn't matter if it is a barn, pig farm, or a outhouse. It;s a new taxable property for the county to collect on for the next 50 years.

So again it is not about population growth, just County Welfare for a few, that don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, right?

Why would anyone sign up for the program and start building and not finish. How foolish do you think these people are, how foolish do you think the people are that read this forum?

Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
You missed my point.  You can't collect taxes on something that isn't there. If the program entices someone to build then the county is ahead.

But still just County Welfare for a few, that don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, right?

Is it only about trying to get one or two families to move to Elk County?
I thought it was suppose to be about population growth?

Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
is one or two families not population growth? 

Not really, I've seen that many come and go on several occassions.

If someone really wants to accomplish something why not simply look at Montgomery County and Cowley County? What do they have? Industrial parks that provide places for business' which provide jobs, which require people to work there. Those counties did not start out with big college campus's or big hospitals those things came later. Oh, and a fancy high school campus does not qualify as a College campus. You can build the Taj Mahal of high school campus's and it won't make a bit of difference. Perhaps a blue ribbon campus might draw one or two families, who knows? Building a barn or a house is not Going to do much population growth now is it?

Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
This plan can be used to build commercial properties too.  And no an established farm building a new barn probably won't grow the population but it will increase their taxes and increase tax revenue for our county.

Let's, let them pay their fair share from the git-go just like I did and just like every other property tax payer does. Let's play fair. If the county can afford property tax breaks for a few, why not for all?

I'm pretty sure this program is open to everyone not just a few.  If you want to build or add on anything over $20k then you would get the same benefit the others will get.  If you don't you won't.

But still just County Welfare for a few, that don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, right?
Can I have mine now for building in 2005? They are making it retroactive to Jan 1, 2012, why not back to when I built here?

Is that what this program is based on "IF" ? I don't think so. I think it is based on what a few locals want for themselves!  Perhaps being an Elk Konnected, LLC Follower you can tell us if the Elk Konnected Kommissioners came up with this grand idea through their Konnected Kounty Economic Employee?


If it only add hay barns and pig barns and henhouses and outhouses it really is a no brainer?

Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
Yes more buildings for our county to collect taxes on in the future.

But still just County Welfare for a few, that don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, right?

Since when is it County Government Business to run city business?

Well now let's just take a deeper look at what you have brought up, Okay?
Please feel free to provide some answers, thank you!
Isn't Elk Konnected, LLC more or less home based in Howard?
Doesn't our Konnected Kounty Economic Development any Youth Development Employee live in Howard isn't she a member of the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee?
How many undisclosed Elk Konnected, LLC members live in Howard?

Doesn't Longton have a community member on the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee?
How many undisclosed Elk Konnected, LLC members live in Longton?
Not too difficult to figure out why they are on board, is it?
What Konnected Kounty Kommissioner asked those towns?

Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
I didn't realize Howard and Longton are now buddies and teamed up to pick on the rest of the county.

You were the one who pointed out who was on board and who wasn't. I didn't say anything about Howard and Longton being buddies, not a word. Read above where you quoted me, was't it about the Elk Konnected, LLC Konnections?

Well I can only guess, well I can not speak for either town. Let me refer you back to page one of this thread to the suggestion by Elk Konnected, for a unified government centrally located in Elk County. What is considered centrally located in Elk County if it is not the Court House Howard?

Also, I must ask you how many un named Elk Konnected, LLC members live in these two communit

If by a small chance someone is looking to move to our county. And wants to build or remodel a house to live in. 

There is that "IF" again?  What "IF" nobody choose to move here? What "IF" only barns are built?
Why would anyone chose to live here except in retirement? Do you see any really good paying jobs open around here for the masses?

Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
retired people build barns and houses too.

But would County Welfare for a few, that don't want to pay their fair share of taxes, be a real reason to move here ? I don't think so!

That is such a mind fumblingly stupid thing to say in my books. Moline and Grenola are both great little communities and I think you should apologize to them for such an attitude towards them.

Why such a negative towards a couple of Elk County Communities full of good people?
I thought the Elk Konnected, LLC Followers were only allowed think and talk positive?

I am Completely flabbergasted by such an attitude towards our communities.

Quote from: patriotdad link=topic=11780.msg1936
85#msg193685 date=1343869661

No attitude, no negativity.  If someone is looking to move to elk county and build or remodel a house to live in the cities participating in the program would be more enticing.  It might not be the deciding factor in where they decide to live but then again it might. 

Rather wishy-washy about the program aren't we? Lot of "IF's and 'Maybe's" too!
However I'm pretty certain it could be called Welfare for a few that already live here in the county!

Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 12:43:06 PM
Moline and Grenola are not. Why would a town not be in favor of this.
Where do you thing they will buy? Not Moline or Grenola.

Sure, you went back and deleted the words from your original post, but you still said it.
And you can't delete  my quote of it can you?
And it is quoted in my post of

Quote from: Ross on August 01, 2012, 03:46:35 PM
Still posted in bad taste IMHO.


Quote from: readyaimduck on August 01, 2012, 07:39:22 PM
I truly like the program...it's a win, win situation.  However I can see this can be misconstrued to  be a "welfare" program for the elite:

Not everyone has $20,000 to build or remodel.  So if by that token if I, who only qualify from none to $10,000 then I am not part of this fine 'rebate' program.

and Ross, Revitalization has been going on in other counties long before Elk Konnected found out where it's 'teat' was!

Hi Ready,
I understand totally what you are saying.

And I don't believe Elk Konnected, LLC has came up with a single new working idea of their very own.
That was not the point.

However Ready, the program is being billed as a population growth program.
And I am, aware the program has been used in other counties but there is no proof of a population growth, there hasn't even been a feasibility study performed.

And I believe that someone pointed out that the State has said the program should not be used in rural area's.

But really, I have watched the drug store in Howard remodel and expand and without asking for County Welfare in the form of a property tax rebate.

And I have watched the feed store in Moline put in a whole new building and raising the old one without asking for County Welfare in the form of a property tax rebate.

And at this very present time the Insurance Office in Moline is remodeling the front of their store, again without asking for County Welfare  in the form of a tax rebate.

What do they all have in common?
Retail business, right?
They make a profit off of their customers and I assume they are using some of that profit to do all that remodeling and building.
Some of that profit pays their property taxes, too.
But Why do all that work?
Possibly to attract more business and to keep their customers happy?
But what I feel is more important, personal pride, in their business.

And each and everyone of them has done an excellent job.

Good night alll, I'm off to bed.


Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:13:41 PM
The overall benefit to the county outweighs any man hours cost.   100% of something new is 100% more than they had.  The county would still be collecting 57% new tax money during the 5 years of the program.  It is a rebate, the citizen pays it in, the county returns a portion of it for the first 5 years.  There is no loss or no cost to the county.  And drop the man hours thing because it is minimal when you think about the life of a building and how long the county will collect on it. 

I suppose you would like to pay for all those man hours, since they don't cost anything?
It has already cost money and it is not bringing in a dime, sorry buddy.
And it would still be in my books County Welfare for those few, that do not want to pay their fair share of property taxes.
Plain and simple.

You do know Welfare is for those, that do not want to work and pay their own way, Right?[/color]


Quote from: patriotdad on August 01, 2012, 07:13:41 PM
The overall benefit to the county outweighs any man hours cost.   100% of something new is 100% more than they had.  The county would still be collecting 57% new tax money during the 5 years of the program.  It is a rebate, the citizen pays it in, the county returns a portion of it for the first 5 years.  There is no loss or no cost to the county.  And drop the man hours thing because it is minimal when you think about the life of a building and how long the county will collect on it. 
Looks like a win-win program to me. We have been thinking about building a home there, this will certainly give us an incentive.


I don't get it - why would building a bigger local government give you an incentive to build a new home in Elk County?

Have we lost sight of what the founding fathers intended?  Sure looks like it.  The Republican party has trained and
indoctinated socilaistic values quite successfully down thru the years while calling itself "conservative" at the same time.

Obama and the Republicans want to expand the tax base - nothing new there.  They just very much disagree on how to accomplisjh it.  A great sociialist argument for a great socialist movement - Obama and the Republicans.

Frawin, what are you waiting on. make your decision and start building that dream home in Elk County so you can save all that
money and make Elk County the great place you all imagine by and thru government.


Quote from: redcliffsw on August 02, 2012, 06:14:37 AM
I don't get it - why would building a bigger local government give you an incentive to build a new home in Elk County?

Have we lost sight of what the founding fathers intended?  Sure looks like it.  The Republican party has trained and
indoctinated socilaistic values quite successfully down thru the years while calling itself "conservative" at the same time.

Obama and the Republicans want to expand the tax base - nothing new there.  They just very much disagree on how to accomplisjh it.  A great sociialist argument for a great socialist movement - Obama and the Republicans.

Frawin, what are you waiting on. make your decision and start building that dream home in Elk County so you can save all that
money and make Elk County the great place you all imagine by and thru government.
Redcliff I was born and raised in Elk County, 14 of my brothers and sisters were raised there, 2 of my brothers and 2 nephews still live there as do some good friends. You have never lived there and know nothing about it. You have gone from being a levelheaded poster on the Forum to one of the 4 most full of crap posters on the Forum. Why don't you spend your time trying to clean up the mess you live in.


Frawin, so you think Elk County needs its own stimulus package(s)?  Reminds me of Obama and
Bush - what a pair.  I'm not following the likes of Obama and his ilk and so why would I agree with
a similar pattern of politics in Elk County?

Speaking of being level headed, since when did socialism become normal or did we always assume it was OK?

Ross, said it best - why not lower taxes for everybody?  Level the playing the field instead of expanding and promoting
a government to provide for special interests of the few who want government assistance.

Early on, Frawin you labeled yourself as a conservsative along with me and some others.  I'm not changing.


Quote from: frawin on August 02, 2012, 05:39:22 AM
Looks like a win-win program to me. We have been thinking about building a home there, this will certainly give us an incentive.

Another Elk Konnected, LLC Follower blowing smoke, right?
Who really has no intentions of moving to Elk County or he would have, don't you suppose?

But hey if you are serious, I have Ocean Front Property in Elk County for sale, Cheap.
$10 an acre.
How many acres do you want buy today?

Oh, I'm so sorry, the sale ended 10 minutes ago!

So anyway, I guess if this program fails, you won't be moving to Elk County, huh?

How fortunate for Elk County!

You probably moved away from Elk County for some of the same reasons others have?
But why don't you  --- tell us why you moved away?

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