Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Toss, you are obviously an individual with a personal vendetta and you will stop at nothing to put down these young hard working people. I think the voters are going to see all the work and effort they have put forth for Elk County and the people of all ages in Elk County. I have nothing to do with Elk Konnect so don't start saying I do.


Quote from: Oldtimer on July 12, 2012, 09:59:23 AM
Toss, you are obviously an individual with a personal vendetta

A vendetta not hardly.
Our government is not suppose to take the position as the enemy of the the people that pay it's taxes?
I'm not the one who has been hostile!
Honest answers to honest questions is all I'm looking for?
And all I get is smoke, and threats, why?

Why is it so difficult for our Elk County Government to answer questions honestly without retort ?
Why is our Elk County Government so hostile ?
Why do they feel they have the right to deprive the citizens of Elk County of public information ?

Quote from: Oldtimer on July 12, 2012, 09:59:23 AM
and you will stop at nothing to put down these young hard working people.

Who are they?

Who are the young people you are refering to?

You are only providing smoke and no substance, why?

Quote from: Oldtimer on July 12, 2012, 09:59:23 AM
I think the voters are going to see all the work and effort they have put forth for Elk County and the people of all ages in Elk County.

I do believe that the voters will see right through your smoke screen, for the benefit of the majority of the citizens and taxpayers, because, I believe they will see, like I do, that there is nothing in that statement.

What people?

What exactly have they done?

Are you refering to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

Quote from: Oldtimer on July 12, 2012, 09:59:23 AM
I have nothing to do with Elk Konnect so don't start saying I do.

It doesn't seem like anyone has anything to do with Elk Konnected, LLC ----- Not even you ------- I wonder why that is?
Why do you suppose that is?

Perhaps because there is no membership, just a few people involved in attaching the organization to everything the taxpayers Elk County Government does?

No one wants to admit being a money donor, no one wants to admit being a member ------  Why?

The line between Elk Konnected, LLC and Elk County Government of the people, for the people and by the people is just so blurred to me I can't seem to find it, why do you suppose that is?

Perhaps, do you suppose because, we have two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners that always vote to for Elk Konnected, LLC and whatever their organization asks for from the county coffers?

Perhaps, do you suppose because, we have two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and a Konnected Economic Devlopment Employee that keep secrets from the taxpayers about who they are working with?

That information, I believe is public information, why keep it secret?

When someone asks for taxpayers money, why keep it secret?

The only confidential information is, that party's personal financial information, right ?

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests". - Patrick Henry    


       Great quote from my blood ancestor, Ross . Patrick was a true patriot.


Quote from: Oldtimer on July 12, 2012, 09:59:23 AMthese young hard working people

Sometimes it takes some actual work to take away peoples' rights, to tax them as much as possible, and to do everything one possibly can that is absolutely wrong with government that historically never has nor ever will work like what they are doing now.

The big government disease IS here in Elk County and we're trying to get people to understand that so that we can remove it. Its that simple, there's absolutely NO vendetta... well, unless you want to consider it a vendetta on big government. In that particular case I personally am game. :D


Do you see that Oldtimer, people do see through your smoke, your statements with no substance?

When elected officials appear to be more interested in their own private organizations then providing honest answers to taxpayers, it tends to stand out like a sore thumb, doesn't it.

When a Konnected Kounty Kommissioner takes the time to raise his voice in praise of Elk Konnected, LLC  to avoid a question concerning the County's Economic Development in order to avoid the taxpayer's question it raises all kinds of red flags, don't you think ? I have a hearing problem but, I sure didn't have any problem hearing that praise.

Most of the time I strain to hear what the Commissioners are saying during the County meetings, but if they wish to ignore or evade a question just listen to voices to raise.

Oldtimer, have you ever visited a carnival and visited the games on the midway?

Have you ever questioned the honesty of the games?

Then you surely understand they are rigged so you can't win, right?
It's sneaky, but legal, right?
Does that make it right?

That in my opinion is the same kind of sneaky, I see that happening right here in Elk County, tell me please Oldtimer, is that what you think Elk County deserves?

Did anyone happen to read Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, County Commissioners column in this weeks newsppaper? You know, the one where she wants to inform the public of the highlights of the County Commissioners meeting? I could not seem to find it!never or seldom makes it to the print in the newspapers these days.

I thought it would have been very interesting reading to hear about the nastiness during the open forum, to bad the truth seldom.


None of the three county commissioners are sneaky. None are only out for themselves. None receive kickbacks. All three are honest.


Quote from: dee on July 13, 2012, 03:13:00 PM
None of the three county commissioners are sneaky. None are only out for themselves. None receive kickbacks. All three are honest.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am not one to even consider otherwise.


Why secrets about county government business concerning supposedly Economic development?

Who was or is the party our Konnected Kounty Economic Development Employee said she was secretly working with?

Something very sneaky to me about that?

Who are the four parties that have all ready applied, for the Community Revitalization Program that is only in the proposal stage.

Anyone that files documents with our county government, does not have a right to remain secret, it is public information. County government business is every taxpayer and voters right to know!

I believe there are very few circumstances where county government business is secret business and that is suppose to take place at the commissioners meetings in executive session!

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong?


Quote from: dee on July 13, 2012, 03:13:00 PM
None of the three county commissioners are sneaky. None are only out for themselves. None receive kickbacks. All three are honest.

dee, I think there are more people that agree with you than agree with Toss. Toss thinks if he says the same things over and over enough times people will believe him.


In either case, agree or disagree, let's hope they make their assessments based on verifiable fact rather than coffee shop hearsay.  There are millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer monies & the future of a history rich county at stake.  Yes, it takes some effort to verify.... but it's important to do so.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


[quoteNone of the three county commissioners are sneaky][/quote]

Sneaky is not the word I would use.  When two of three (2/3) of the commissioners vote for a passing of taxpayers monies to benefit an organization that not only is one that they are affiliated with, but created a position that benefits it, and not recuse themselves - that is not only selfish, but highly unethical.

Sneaky?   no.   
Unethical, yes.  Worthy of handling my tax dollars, should I move there?  Not only NO, but Hell No!

ready and hot  (not that way !  :) )

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