Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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WOW !!!

Moline you have out done yourself this year with the Dyn-o-mite Crazy Days.
The bean feed Friday evening was terrific and Saturday morning's parade was really terrific!
I expect nothing less for tonights hog roast. I have always enjoyed Crazy Days.

To all those people that VOLUNTEERED to put Crazy Days together, I must say you deserve a BIG PAT ON THE BACK.




Quote from: Bite25 on July 01, 2012, 08:30:09 PM

      GREAT POST !  

No conflicts of interest  ?   ?
No ethics involved   ?   ?

She is still listed as of this moment as Steering Committee Member on the Elk konnected, LLC web site.

Our Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks is now the president of Public Squares Communities and she votes to give her Elk Konnected, LLC Organization money out of Elk County Coffers ?

Didn't Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks once state she did not benefit from any money's paid to Public Squares Communities, LLC ? ? ?

Planned For three years, really ? ? REALLY ? ?

Liz Hendricks, of Howard, will replace founder Terry Woodbury as president, a position Woodberry has held since 2004.

Does that mean she now owns Public Squares Communities, LLC ?  ?  ?

"We've been planning this leadership succession for three years," Woodbury stated in a news release, "so it's especially rewarding to see that our dreams and plans brought us to this turning point in our growing organization."

ISN'T THIS A WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE?   ?   ?                             ISN'T THIS A WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE /  ? ?                         ISN'T THIS A WAKE UP CALL PEOPLE ?  ?  ?


"We've been planning this leadership succession for three years," Woodbury stated in a news release, "so it's especially rewarding to see that our dreams and plans brought us to this turning point in our growing organization."

It's not really a surprise, either. 

Isn't this the same elected Commissioner Liz Hendricks who founded Elk Konnected & turned almost immediately to Mr. Terry Woodbury in January of 2007 for help organizing Elk Konnected, LLC & Elk County under the Public Square Communities, LLC banner.  Read this : http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/aboutus.php

And isn't this the same Liz Hendricks who told the public at a commission meeting in May 2011 that she had lived in Leoti, KS for a time several years ago, knew 'of' the Woodbury family, but do not know Terry Woodbury? 

The same Liz Hendricks who, also at that meeting, clearly said that Elk Konnected did not take public (taxpayer) funds... right before we discovered they had received taxpayer funds from the City of Longton to help pay fees to Mr. Woodbury's company, tried the same in other towns & have been directing the usage of Special Recreation fund (taxpayer provided) monies for several years.

The same Liz Hendricks that. at the same meeting, who admitted Elk Konnected had received a $3,000 scholarship grant from the KS Commerce Dept. (taxpayer monies) and diverted the money to pay annual fees to Terry Woodbury's private company. 

The same Liz Hendricks who is, in spite of her undoubtedly soon to be busy (out of county) schedule as Public Square President, is running on the Democrat Party ticket as an incumbent Elk County Commissioner this year?

Looks like some vague answers are finally floating to the top.  Wonder what else is in store.  In any case, congratulations Liz.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


You know, I have asked a lot of questions about  Elk Konnected, LLC and I just can't seem to get any real answers, why do you suppose that is?

I mean a simple question, like what has Elk Konnected, LLC done to provide the "Superior Quality of Life" they claim on their web site, what have they done?

Now that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks is a PRESIDENT perhaps she is in a better position to explain what is going on with that "Superior Quality of Life", do you suppose you can provide us some answers? Or are the citizens of Elk County below your station in life?

Oh, very important question isn't Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau PRESIDENT of his business?

President Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks now that you have add yet another hat to you many hats as you have said in the past, I feel compelled to ask: If you happen to get re-elected to County Commissioner what is to prevent you from quitting the job like you did with the West Elk Coaching Job? Is that what really happened?
Didn't you just walk out on all those children, before the end of the school year, because your life got to busy? What will prevent that from happening again? Wouldn't that cause the County to have to spend more money to hold another election?
I don't know, I'm just asking?
But, if that were the case wouldn't it be advantageous to the County were to elect someone else?

It seems these days everyone is a president, doesn't it?  Oh, the big money men and really important people are referred to as CEO's now a days aren't they?

But back to that "Superior Quality of Life" thingy. Who would that be for?

I'll tell you , I chose to live here in Elk County, because of the Quality of Life, Elk County offers, and to tamper with it would be a mistake in my opinion. This is a rural area and you don't hear sirens all day long as you do in the cities. You also don't have bank robberies and shooting out here. I heard just the other day in Independence a person riding their bicycle between 12th  and 14th  street on Popular street was shot 5 times. Do we have that kind of quality of life out here? NO! The only area  Elk Konnected, LLC   could really do any good would be the area of poverty, do you think all those visionary's could work on that problem?   

And that brings me to Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau's remark at Commissioners meeting that he directed at the audience by saying, "If only Mr. Ross would volunteer!"!
He still has never told me what he thought I should volunteer for, why? 
What do you volunteer for Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau?
How come Elk Konnected, LLC pay's volunteers $8.00 an hour?
How many volunteers do you have and how much do each get paid?
For you Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau if you were to pay me to volunteer, the same wage I received when I was working, I'll consider volunteering just for you?
But, the personal volunteer stuff I have done and still do on my own, will remain my own, and my personal business.

Well, that's enough rambling for now! Yes, I know I appear to be a thorn in the side, but if I could just get some honest answers, who knows what might happen?

Let's hear from the  Elk Konnected, LLC  Followers now!


I am going out on a limb and guessing:
Ms.Hendricks ,if she runs and gets it  she won't stand a chance if  ELK Konnetected approaches the Board of comissioners for money and she doesn't recuse herself.  That is flat out unethical!  I, myself will call the County Commisioners Board and request a hearing, or whatever they do with the protical (sp)l.



What's wrong with the
"Community Revitalization Program"

First their proposal is predated over 7 months back to Jan 1, 2012, right?

Second it claims a feasibility study has been performed, where is the study for Elk County?

Third it appears to be only aimed at the wealthy that already have plans to build, doesn't it?

Forth it appears they have already received 4 or 5 applications for a proposal, before there is even a hearing.
              That to me means they are sure it will pass, don't you think?

Was this proposal put together by our County Economic Development Employee who is also on the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee (or as I like to call it, their Board of Governors)?

Fifth a motion was made at the Commissioners meeting to change the date on the proposal to a date after the proposal might be approved. This was tabled by lack of a second by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks/President of Public Squares Community, LLC or by  Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau. Does that sound proper to you?

What is the real purpose of this proposal?

Isn't it to allow some of our neighbors the opportunity of paying their fair share of property taxes by returning a large percentage of their tax money by calling it a rebate?

If this doesn't exactly make you happy, you can vote in new County Commissioners, right?

You can get the word out, to change things in Elk County.

As Margret Thatcher
(former Prime Minister of Great Britain )
Once said
"Socialism is GREAT - UNTIL you run out of other people's money".

Even if the present Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks/President of Public Squares Community, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau pass this thingy before the elections, I believe the new County Commissioners Can repeal it.

So, you see your votes next month are very important.

Voting is a privilege and a great honor.

I believe this might be an opportunity to get the "Old Guard" the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks referred to in one of her open letters, out of County Government, don't ya think?

V O T E     I N     N E W     C O U N T Y     C O M M I S S I O N E R S   F O R    A     P O S I T I V E     C H A N G E   I N     E L K        C O U N T Y

Are you Konnected ?



           No Konnected Followers responses?

                                                  No one can answers any questions?

                                                                               No one can dispute any questions?

Are you Konnected?          Is anyone really Konnected?

                                            Really is anyone, Is anyone Really Konnected   ?   I can't seem to find anyone Konnected, Why?        
So, you see your votes next month are very important.

Voting is a privilege and a great honor and a very important responsibility, please use it wisely.

I believe this might be an opportunity to get the "Old Guard" the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks referred to in one of her open letters, out of County Government, don't ya think?



How about it Elk Konnected, LLC with all your talk of positive stuff ,

                                                          don't you agree it's time for a positive change in Elk County Government ?

Fresh County Commissioners and Fresh Ideas from Fresh Visionaries

If we don't hear from you, or your followers, what few there are,  
                                                          then I guess it would be ssafe to assume,
                                                                                          you think a positive change would be good

 for Elk County,
                                                                            Right ?

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