Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Oldtimer on June 20, 2012, 01:52:52 PM
This would be a good time to see how the people feel about the negative crap that Ross and Patriot put out. It would be a ggod time to bring ot the "TOSS ROSS" and the "PUTT PATRIOT" signs.  My neighbor made a good point yesterday, he says "do you realize that neither Ross or Patriot are are native Elk Countians" and do you notice their two main supporters do not live in Elk County, have never lived in Elk County, do not own land in Elk County, do not pay taxes in Elk County, do not vote in Elk County.

Sir, your statement reeks of negativity.
I'd like to politely remind you, when pointing a finger at someone, you have three poinying back at yourself.

If it helps:
I am a native Kansan for what that's worth.
I am a property owner in Elk County.
I live on that property.
I pay taxes on that property.
I Vote in Elk County.

All this gives me the same rights as someone born, raised in and never left Elk County. So what is your point?

I have also served my country, which allows me to say that I am a 10 year veteran of the VietNam war.

Don't you have any respect for Veterans?

I also served my country for ten years as a civil servant.

I think most of the Elk County Citizens are tired of Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and I believe we will find out at election time.

And most likely tired of people that call other people names in an attempt to control.

Just what good information have you provided this community about Elk Konnected, LLC?

Can you show anything they have done besides leach off of the county for their "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor"money?

Leaching off the County by claiming some sort of responsibility for the Elk County Summer Day Camps?

What have you got to report good about Elk Konnected, LLC? 
Everyone is waiting with baited breath to hear it.

All we seem to get out of you Elk Konnected Followers is bullying, what kind of organization behaves so terribly?

Answers is what we have been asking for, for more then a year!

And what do we get bullying.

Probably, because there is no answer, except for the "Old Guard" wanting to continue to control Elk County Government, right?


Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 20, 2012, 04:37:09 PM
      Duh, I think Boris and Natasha need to go along with Fearless Leader. New squirrels all around! ;)

Duh, Rocky the squirrel is Bullwinkle's buddy.
And both seem to get into a lot of trouble in their cartoon.
Thought I'd be kind and let you know about the squirrel, so you would have it right.

So are you switching now that you know?

Or, perhaps you can tell us exactly what Elk Konnected, LLC  has accomplished besides commandeering our County Commission, adoringly know as Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

You don't have any answers either do you?

Just more attempts at bullying for you, right?


     Ready to be ignorant to humor! ::) ::) . Ah well the thai stick may have something  to do with that. Pre-teen humor ::) . You are beyond help, where is the age limit on humor?


    The cartoon is right up your alley Rossy, so why take offense?


    Might I have meant, Boris (Ken) and Natasha (Liz) ? Come on boys, get a grip.


   I am really hurt, Ross , that you would consider me an enemy. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 20, 2012, 08:25:17 PM
    The cartoon is right up your alley Rossy, so why take offense?

My apologies in advance. 

You are the cartoon.
You cannot seem to provide any reasonable answers to any intellegent questions.
Even you moniker comes from a cartoon.
Now, that's funny.
The devil madee mee do it!
Forgive me Lord.

Am I offended, never!
I am above being offended by arrogant ignorance and cartoon characters.
I find it amusing that you thnk you can offend me.
I am so Sorry to Disappoint you.

But about Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and the "Old Guard" that Elk Konnected, LLC referred to in one of their letters, don't you see the konnection between them?

Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 20, 2012, 08:33:52 PM
   I am really hurt, Ross , that you would coonsider me an enemy. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Well get unhurt.

I don't consider you an enema ER enemy,(doggone devil) that would be hateful and not nice.
I am not a hateful person, I could sit down with you for a cup of coffe and a B. S. session anytine.

I just wish you would provide something worth while.
The humor is slightly entertaining but is mediocre at best.


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 20, 2012, 07:14:57 PM
However....your posts have in my honest opinion have nothing to do with a discussion at hand.  It is a convoluted attempt at pre-teen humor that I believe is unwarranted. 


I'm thinking you're right.  Obtuse & convoluted thinking, planning and communication as well as adolescent approaches to problem solving is a mainstay with some in these parts.  Perhaps that's why so many questions go unanswered and so many choose to blindly follow the music of the Pipers in Power.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


    This whole thread is one big cartoon. A bunch of finger pointing and back slapping. It has accomplished absolutely nothing except make certain people feel empowered by slighting others and boasting about what they think they know. It would work well with the three stooges playing the parts. Patriot, Moe since he thinks he's the smartest person in the county. Ross, Larry since he follows Patriots lead all the time. Duck, Curly just because he's relatively clueless.

   BTW, Mad magazine had nothing to do with the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. It's obvious my posts went completely over you stooges heads. Since you are always looking to retaliate against those who don't like you, you missed the point. ::)

    You call this a discussion ? Better google the definition of that word. I expected the response of immature, adolescent, yadda, yadda, you can find it many ,many times on here as a way to belittle anyone who puts forward any view opposed to the stooges.

   Larry er Ross, I HAVE sat and BS'ed with you,  :o I actually like you. You have great staying power ;) I just don't always agree, no problem.

    Patriot, ( now there's a conflict of terms ) you're hopeless , you offer nothing but a broken record. :-* :P

   Curly, Ready for the loony bin. :laugh:



Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 21, 2012, 09:15:42 AM

   Larry er Ross, I HAVE sat and BS'ed with you,  :o I actually like you. You have great staying power ;) I just don't always agree, no problem.

Now that is really nice to know. Thank you.
I truely appreciate the honesty.

I'm bad enough at stepping in it, as it is. LOL

I have no problem with disagreeing with you, none what-so-ever.
That's what makes the world go around, as long as anger doesn't get involved.

You have roused my curiosity as to who you are.
Before these recent remarks I really didn't care.

The reason I'm curious is because I would never really mean to offend anyone, especially some one I appreciate.

Especially, someone that I can agree to disagree with.

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