Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Just wondering...

Would a privately owned tourist recreation operation qualify for funds from the county local alcoholic liquor fund (recreation fund) under K.S.A. 79-41a04?



Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Did I understand that right?

Half of the money from the state liquor tax is suppose to go into the county general fund
and the rest of the money is supposed to be distributed equaly to each community?

I didn't seem to read anything about distribution on as a request at the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeting to peivately owned company's.

Perhaps I should re-read that statute. I'm not very good at legalese.



Ross, I think you need to make sure you have your facts straight. Don't you ever, and I mean ever say that I don't listen my Husbands Uncle. That is just you blowing smoke in everyone's a@@!! You know I wasn't that pissed off until you put that here. That is a line of sh@@!!! I don't know who you get your so called facts from, but I do listen to him loud and clear. You don't even know my side of how I think on the issues. Have I stated that the government makes me happy??? All that I have stated is that the way that you go about things is wrong. You are nothing but, oh I won't stoop to your level. But don't you ever say that I don't listen to someone that is such a big part of my family!!! You sir are a piss of work, and not the good kind!!!

See you and your crowd of, whatever you are, are not worth my time of day!! Take this all and see how you all can SPIN IT TO FIT YOUR NEEDS!!! You are vile human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 17, 2012, 08:22:00 PM
Ross, I think you need to make sure you have your facts straight. Don't you ever, and I mean ever say that I don't listen my Husbands Uncle. That is just you blowing smoke in everyone's a@@!! You know I wasn't that pissed off until you put that here. That is a line of sh@@!!! I don't know who you get your so called facts from, but I do listen to him loud and clear. You don't even know my side of how I think on the issues. Have I stated that the government makes me happy??? All that I have stated is that the way that you go about things is wrong. You are nothing but, oh I won't stoop to your level. But don't you ever say that I don't listen to someone that is such a big part of my family!!! You sir are a piss of work, and not the good kind!!!

See you and your crowd of, whatever you are, are not worth my time of day!! Take this all and see how you all can SPIN IT TO FIT YOUR NEEDS!!! You are vile human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tch, tch, temper, temper.
Is that suppose to be an educated response?
And such language?
So, now shall we stick to politics and not mix it with friends and favoritisims.
So you don't like the way I present my self, so what?
I think your Lookatmeknow!! is kind of ridiculous but I have always refrained from saying so. To each his/her own.
If you really listened to your uncle-in-law perhaps you would understand more about this topic.

There is that vile word again, is that becoming a staple with the Followers.

You know nothing of me, therefore I am not offended by your angrily calling me vile.

The truth really hurts and causes anger, doesn't it?

Where are all those people to help you with this problem, the problem of dealing with Ross' opinion of the truth?

You can not stoop to my level without first climbing a few flights of stairs my dear.
Why, because you don't see me using all those expletives in my posts that you just used in your post.

Oh, If you think this is some kind of spin, you should be able to spin it back real good.

And what were you saying in that post about teaching children about bullying, isn't this kind of language a form of bullying?
That must make you a good teacher about bullying.

Remember, I don't ask anyone to believe anything I post? I ask that they do teir own thinking. Pretty simple, huh?

My sympathies, try to have a good night.


Quote from: Ross on May 17, 2012, 08:02:42 PM
Did I understand that right?

Half of the money from the state liquor tax is suppose to go into the county general fund
and the rest of the money is supposed to be distributed equaly to each community?

No, the special tax generated by liquor sales by establishments outside a city/town is collected by the state and 70% goes back to the county to be used only for special purposes...

Each county shall receive: (A) 70% of the amount which is collected pursuant to this act from clubs or drinking establishments located in such county and outside the corporate limits of any city, from caterers whose principal places of business are so located or from temporary permit holders whose permitted events are so located and which is paid into the state treasury during the period for which the allocation is made; and (B) 23 1/3% of the amount which is collected pursuant to this act from clubs or drinking establishments located in the county and within a city that has a population of 6,000 or less, from caterers whose principal places of business are so located or from temporary permit holders whose permitted events are so located and which is paid into the state treasury during the period for which the allocation is made.

The special purpose for which these moneis can be used are...

Moneys in such special funds shall be under the direction and control of the board of county commissioners. Moneys in the special parks and recreation fund may be expended only for the purchase, establishment, maintenance or expansion of park and recreational services, programs and facilities.

The Attorney General has issued opinions saying that the county may disperse all or part of those funds to cities/towns in the county, but the towns must use the monies as required above.  My understanding is that before Elk Konnected existed, those funds were given to the towns.  Interesting, no?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 17, 2012, 08:22:00 PM
You sir are a piss of work, and not the good kind!!!

Freudian slip?  LOL

Just curious, which uncle are we talking about?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well it looks like another so called Summer Day Camp is going to happen again this year.      `   `   
The news paper headline reads: Elk County / Elk Konnected to sponsor kids day camp at five locations.

Now what do you suppose is wrong with that headline?

When the Elk County Government receives a grant on the part of each and every citizen in Elk County don't you suppose it should be called the Elk County Summer Day Camp instead of Kids Day Camp?
Afterall last year Elk Konnected, LLC took credit for the Kids Day Camp by calling it the Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp didn't they? Why is it they insist on taking credit for what we the citizens pay for? Yes , we, each and every one of us that pay property tax pay for the Elk County Government. We pay the wages of the Elk County Youth Development Employee notElk Konnected, LLC of which she is on their Steering Committee and seems to squeeze the name of Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company into Elk County Government business, why is that? Is it perhaps that our Elk County Youth Development Employee works for the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners on their  Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee and is instructed by the founding member of Elk Konnected, LLC to do so? So, I'm confused which position comes first Elk County Commissioner or Elk Konnected, LLC founding member? And which comes first Paid Elk County Youth Development Employee or Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee?

Just exactly how is Elk Konnected, LLC sponsoring this event?
I'd like to hear some specifics?
Are they providing paid volunteers like last year?
Will those be paid volunteers?
Will those paid volunteers be paid for by Elk Konnected, LLC?
Or if they are paid volunteers, will the paid volunteers, be paid from funds from the grant provided to Elk County?

Exactly how is Elk Konnected, LLCsponsoring the Elk County Summer Day Camp?
And it really should be called the Elk County Summer Day Camp in my humble opinion.
Don't you think so?
Especially since it is being put on by the Citizens of Elk County?
This is being funded by use of taxpayers money paying for the Elk County's Youth Development Employee or do we really need to pay for such a position within Elk County?

The newspaper article does point out that there will be arts and crafts for the children, which is a step forward from just baby sitting. It leads towards child development. Which is very good.

Have you seen the flyer advertising the Day Camp as it is called on the flyer?
I wonder who put out that flyer?
Was it put out by Elk Konnected, LLC?
If so, was it produced using Elk County resources?
Was it produced by our Elk County Paid Youth Development Employee?
If so, why isn't the Day Camp shown as Elk County Summer Day Camp?
I wonder why Elk Konnected, LLC's logo overshadows Elk County?
Are we adoptingElk Konnected, LLC's logo as an Elk County Logo?
Why is it, that it seem to me that Elk Konnected, LLC has tried to over shadow our government so often?
Is it because our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners don't understand the difference between Elk County Government and a privately owned company named Elk Konnected, LLC ?
Do they really have a difficult problem drawing the line between the two?
Elk Konnected claimed to be a community organization but, IMHO they blew that when they became Elk Konnected, LLC and refuse to communicate openly and honestly with the Citizens of Elk County, WHY?

From Elk Konnected, LLC's web page:

Steering Committee
Jennifer BrummeL
Julie Englebrecht
Liz Hendricks
Tommie Provence
David Whetstone
I wonder what happened to all the other Steering Committee members?

And I still wonder why the School Board President David Whetstone never did recognize County Commissioner Hendricks, Head Volley Ball Coach at West Elk High when she discontinued her service for the scholl. I never heard so much as a thank you. Does anybody know why? Has anyone heard a thank you? And they both serve on the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee.


What a Nitpicking, childish, narrow-minded bunch of jibberish.



Quote from: Oldtimer on May 25, 2012, 06:29:01 AM
What a Nitpicking, childish, narrow-minded bunch of jibberish.

What a very uneducated response, in my opinion.
But you sir, are entitled to your opinion, just as everyone else is. Right?

However, I feel compelled to ask, why you could not answer one single question?

Narrow minded, sure I accept that, because I don't believe in organizations that claim to be something and then not back it up. Especially when they refuse to have open honest dialog which they claimed they wanted. And then just walk away.
I have been no more narrow minded then they have. So yes, I accept narrow minded. After all that is what this thread has been since it inception. Just as every thread on this forum, each thread has a subject. Each thread falls under a category. So yes very narrow minded. Thank you.

Jibberish, your opinion and that's okay with me.

I assume you like the lollipops and propaganda being fed to you?
Well I Don't?
With out answers, that is all the is being done by an organization in this county, IMHO, what do you think?

Nitpicking where and how the county's tax coffers are used and spent would appear to me to be a wise move.
Perhaps our Country, our State and our County would be debt free, like I am and like a lot of other frugal people in the county are.

As long as our elected County Officials continue to appear be confused about who they represent and where their loyalties belong, which to me shows a lack of leadership and ethics, principles and morals, I shall continue to point it out, as my opinion and as is my right under the freedom of speech laws of our country.

I believe in the intelligence, judgment and wisdom of the readers to discern for themselves the information which appears on this thread or other threads or forums, that which is valid and worthy...or otherwise.

I have great trust and respect for the owners and monitors of this forum. And respect the fact that is I get out of line, they the owners, have every right to censor me.

I have great trust and respect for the Elk County people, and believe them to be fully-capable of making their own decisions and discerning their own realities.

I believe you can be perceptive enough to realize that even the things you may disagree with have some value in terms of promoting your own further self-definition and insight. And I would encourage them to use that judgement during the Elk County November Elections.

You, Elk Konnected, LLC followers do not have the power to censor the information here. That is for each individual to do on an individual basis.

I strongly recommend to each individual not to 'assuming' anything. Read, consider, talk with your friends and neighbors and make your own informed decisions.

People 'assumed' the Warren Commission report was accurate. It was not. People 'assumed' the Federal Government would never conduct biochemical experiments on the general populace. But it did, by the score. People 'assumed' the world was once flat.

Sir, I don't ask anyone to believe "anything" I post.
I strongly suggest they think for themselves and make up their own mind?

And we follow that up with further Elk Konnected, LLC followers response:

Quote from: Catwoman on May 25, 2012, 07:03:29 AM
And you, Old Timer, are a breath of fresh air... ;)

And still incapable of any answers. WHY?

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