Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Sons of Elk County

It is a sorry day when the loudest voices in EK sound like the Anarchists who wish for no government at all. Just a note,  none of those voices are Elk County born and raised. Let's see if any of them can get elected. Besides, they don't mention that they receive those beggar thy neighbor checks themselves.

Sons of Elk


Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:38:55 AM
It is a sorry day when the loudest voices in EK sound like the Anarchists who wish for no government at all. Just a note,  none of those voices are Elk County born and raised. Let's see if any of them can get elected. Besides, they don't mention that they receive those beggar thy neighbor checks themselves.

Sons of Elk

Hey genuis, care to back up those claims or are you just spouting off your freakin blowhole to hear your own voice?  They may not be born and raised here, so what? Most of the population of this county wasn't born and raised here. What beggar thy neighbor checks to you refer to and wheres your proof?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 21, 2012, 03:36:10 PM
Careful, Red...The same could be said of subsidies...You are edging closer to the sacred cow than you should.  You're liable to get a tongue-lashing if you start saying that peoples' freebies should be taken away! lol

Ma'am, thanks for the warning, however I ain't changing.  But you ought to strongly consider it. 

There are people sucking up tax money and your liberty.  Comprende ?



Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:38:55 AM
It is a sorry day when the loudest voices in EK sound like the Anarchists who wish for no government at all.

Does that "EK" you are referring to mean Elk Konnected or is it Elk County, Kansas.
I  assume the latter, because I don't know where "Elk Konnected, Kansas is located on the map, I just can't find it.

No sir, I was not born and raised in Elk County. However, I was born right here in Kansas in the "EK" you use. But none of that matters as far as taxpayer dollars and County Government, now does it? I will be repeating this in hopes that you may comprehend and understand.

I am an American citizen, that has served my country as a ten year VietNam veteran.
And, I learned in school that what town, county, or state a person is born in has nothing what so ever to do with local government.
I live in this county, I pay taxes in this county, I have a right to vote in this county just the same as a person born in this county.
And I am equally entitled to have an opinion.

How come you don't narrow down exactly to where you were born, was it in Howard?
Maybe, even narrow it down to which street you were born on?
Take it even further, narrow it down to the House number?
Was it the upstairs bedroom or the downstairs bedroom?
Being Elk County born has nothing at all to do with taxing people and how those taxes are used, now does it? My taxes are my dues.

Now, that is a real radically dumb idea that being born in Elk County has anything to do with taxes or county Government!

Repeat, Being Elk County born has nothing at all to do with how government is run, unless you are refereeing to the good old boys club, newly re-organized as Elk Konnected, LLC by our Kounty Kommissioner, is that it?

You call us the loudest voices, that is really stretching the truth considerably. The side of the fence for the truth is far outnumbered by followers, and in my opinion the followers twist everything so badly that what they say comes out as lies.  

The truth, For example: I have never said we should not have government, But I would suggest, we need a truthful government, not an Elk Konnected Kounty Government.
Can you comprehend the truth in that statement?

We could use a lot of the same in the Federal Government, honest that is, right?

Can't you understand and comprehend anything at all? My retirement checks are earned through and paying hard earned money into retirement systems (not just one system) since the age of eleven, therefore they are not "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs. Please re-read until you comprehend, please.

It should be easy to understand if you have at least went to school and passed the 6th grade.

Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:38:55 AM
Just a note,  none of those voices are Elk County born and raised. Let's see if any of them can get elected.

Being elected is not a requirement of being a concerned citizen and asking questions of our government.
And as of the moment not illegal.

However, in the near future it may become a crime to question our federal government, with the way Homeland Security is heading anything is possible. Especially, because of people with your attitude about government business. I find your attitude about being born and raised in Elk County as having anything to do with government almost bordering on a communistic attitude.

But hey, let me take you to an Elk Konnected, LLC's idea, turned into our County Commissioners about government, and how that would do away with the community's of Elk County's City Government's.? Here where the actual loudest voices in Elk County sound like the Anarchists and don't want government. The one that uses newspapers and monthly magazine's to spread, what I call their propaganda, even taking their propaganda directly to the County Commissioners "er" the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners with the exception of one County Commissioner. Read the following quote carefully, please. Then tell me who sounds like Anarchists, please, please?

Here we go:
Quote from: Ross on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM
Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

Being Elk County born has nothing to do with how government is run, usless you are referreing to the good old boys club, newly re-organized as Elk Konnected, LLC by our Kounty Kommissioner, is that it?

Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:38:55 AM
Besides, they don't mention that they receive those beggar thy neighbor checks themselves.

Remember we just had this discussion in the Coffee Shop?

Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:21:57 AM
Elk Konnected and the Volunteers keep up the good work. Patriot, Ross, and Redcliffsw all get their check from the government each month. But if others do it is beggar thy neighbor. They are radicals and should be grouped with the Unibomber Manifesto and the radical left Anarchists. I bet none of them get elected to the County Commission.
Sons of Elk

Quote from: Ross on April 22, 2012, 06:35:58 AM
Another newbie so soon. Sounds like Followers are just getting new monikers so they can respond as new people.
Otherwise, Where have you been for the last year?

Haven't you heard form the other Followers, people are fleeing this forum?

Oh and by they Sons of Elk you may call me a radical, because I am a radical.
I am a radical when it it comes to the truth.
It would behoove some of the Followers and so called leaders to be radicals for the truth.
Don't you think?

Oh and by the way Sons of Elk you may call me a radical, because I am a radical.
I am a radical when it it comes to the truth.
It would behoove some of the Followers and so called leaders to be radicals for the truth. Don't you think?
Can't you understand and comprehend anything at all?
My retirement checks are earned through hard work and paying hard earned money into retirement systems (not just one system) since the age of eleven.

And Therefore, do not qualify as "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs.

"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" refers to unearned tax payer dollars distributed as handouts.
These are mostly given
to those that have more money then they know what to do with
and the very same people that make up these programs
to administer to themselves. IMO.

Please re-read until you comprehend, please?

It should be easy to understand
if you have attended school to at least
and passed the 6th grade.

Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:38:55 AM
Sons of Elk

You must really be the son's of a four legged Elk, however, I don't believe a four legged Elk would believe anything you put in your post.  So, I believe you are terribly confused, or you just enjoy twisting words, which is it? I just could not resist that son of an Elk thing, very funny.
I apoogize for that, but it is funny.


Would you look at that yet another person signing on to the forum early this morning.
How about that, yea the numbers keep growing, contrary to what the Elk Konnected, LLC Followers would have us believe.

I'm hoping they will have some information to add to this thread.
After all the more input the better, for everyone.

For instance is Elk Konnected, LLC really planning to start a centralized daycare institution with a flower garden, and be in direct competition, with all the ladies that have shown interest in starting in-home daycare. You know, the ladies that are being assisted by the Childcare Aware Organization out of Pittsburg, KS. I'd prefer my child in an in-home daycare rather then a centralized, institutional or organizational daycare anytime. Especially since the family in-home daycare would most likely be in my neighborhood and would save tons of money on gasoline, traveling to a centrally located system and back again.

Oh, by the way the Childcare Aware Organization had started talks with our local extension office back in January about in home daycare and planned their meeting well in advance of Elk Konnected, LLC's Daycare Kommunity Konversation?

If, I have stated that incorrectly someone straighten me out please?

In the mean time, I have to ass/u/me that Elk Konnected's Visionaries, if they exist came to the conclusion, that if they held their Daycare Kommunity Konversation first, just days before the one at the extension office, that everyone would thnk it was an original idea of Elk Konnected, LLC's . Nice try, Visionaries, whoever or whatever that means, sorry but it does not fly. Mimicing is only flattery not an original idea. If I'm wrong let's talk about it, okay?

If Elk Konnected, LLC's after appointing a steering committe to do whatever the steering committee does decides to start a centralized, institutional or organizational daycare will it fail because of competition from in-home family daycare. Will it goe the way of the Elk Konnected, LLC's Wellness Center?

Should, Elk County Government, you the taxpayer, if asked by Elk Konnected, LLC or ECCEF  for help to finance a centralized daycare, that would be in direct competition with family's in real and actual communities?

Personally, I'm in the corner of the individuls that would start daycare in their individual communities. Where I believe the children would get individual care by people who live in their community and know the childs family intimately. I wish each and every one of those ladies the best in their endeavors.

Something to think about, huh?


No rebuttal on the previous post, therefore, I guess I can assume that the Followers can not find fault with my post, right?

Well let's try this I started a new thread called WASTE AND BEGGAR-THY-NEIGHBOR ON THE NATIONAL LEVEL
And I asked the following:
Do we want this kind of waste of taxpayers dollars in Elk County?
Do we want some small group of people controlling and wasting money as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners providing funds to their own organization as "Beggar-They-Neighbor" funds from programs like, Property Tax Breaks for a few, or so called Economic Development programs that do absolutely nothing for county growth of the population, or their newst idea for Entrepreneur programs? All in my opinion just to steal from the taxpayers.

The Federal and State have plenty of Economic and Entrepreneurial programs people can get free money from, why does Elk County need to further subsidise those, "Beggar-They-Neighbor" Programs? Can't these people that want them qualify under those programs? If not why do they think we should finance them?

But back to the "Beggar-They-Neighbor" waste in Federal Government and the wealthy that pay no taxes and still benefit from living in our country, I find it all VERY un-patriotic.

Infographic: How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent:
Go here:

And you can find it at:


It's my personal opinion that Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are simply exploiting the children of Elk County to further their agenda, whatever that maybe.

You don't see them spending time and money volunteering to make the lives of the elderly at the nursing home better, by handing out lollipops there, do you?

You don't see them handingout lollipops to the aged and homebound, do you?

You don't see them volunteering to handout lollipops in the form of food to the poor, do you?

It seems to me everything is about children, right?

Simply Exploitation of children in my books.  

Afterall, we have real/actual communities and if they could recieve the money squandered on Elk Konnected, LLC  perhaps those communities could do for their own children. Perhaps somethig more pemanent, like an extra slipper slide or swing set for their community park. Just whatever, that community deemed best for their children.

Now it appears that this so called community organization, which is really a privately owned company, might be trying to start a centralized daycare center (see children again) to make money off of them children and in competition with what might be as many as eight women or more that might start in-home daycare. Go figure.

I guess those women could then go to work for Elk Konnected, LLC  at minimum wage, do you suppose? Can anyone tell us what the going rate of daycare is here in Elk County?

All that is really something to be proud of I suppose? But since we can't indulge this so called Community Organization, to remain in an open and honest dialog with the real community and the fact that they only use publications which provide one way communications, or so called Kommunity Kommuity Konversations where they will have the sheriff throw you out if you question their agenda, remember it is their business meeting and they can do that, right? I guess we will never know the truth. Especially, since they became an LLC and are not required to open their books showing how much money they have actually recieved and how much they have spent and how much might be pocketed. Again we will never know, will we?

But we do know they are required by a Kounty Kommissioners Employer to pay his organization thousands in membership fees, recieved from Elk County and the School Districts tax coffers to remain a member of his business, Public Squares Communnities, LLC . It's a requirement listed on Public Squares Communnities, LLC web site. At least that is the way I read it. You too can go there and read it.

Political correctness (or "re-education") happened,
Lack of God's name happened,
Lack of personal responsibility happened,
Lack of personal integrity and honesty happened,
Lack of respect and loyalty to our country happened,
Lack of being an American happened.

Did all of these things die along with common sense??


It's my personal opinion that Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are simply exploiting the children of Elk County to further their agenda, whatever that maybe.

You don't see them spending time and money volunteering to make the lives of the elderly at the nursing home better, by handing out lollipops there, do you?

You don't see them handingout lollipops to the aged and homebound, do you?

You don't see them volunteering to handout lollipops in the form of food to the poor, do you?

It seems to me everything is about children, right?

Simply Exploitation of children in my books.   

Afterall, we have real/actual communities and if they could recieve the money squandered on Elk Konnected, LLC   perhaps those communities could do for their own children. Perhaps somethig more pemanent, like an extra slipper slide or swing set for their community park. Just whatever, that community deemed best for their children.

Now it appears that this so called community organization, which is really a privately owned company, might be trying to start a centralized daycare center (see children again) to make money off of them children and in competition with what might be as many as eight women or more that might start in-home daycare. Go figure.

I guess those women could then go to work for Elk Konnected, LLC   at minimum wage, do you suppose? Can anyone tell us what the going rate of daycare is here in Elk County?

All that is really something to be proud of I suppose? But since we can't indulge this so called Community Organization, to remain in an open and honest dialog with the real community and the fact that they only use publications which provide one way communications, or so called Kommunity Kommuity Konversations where they will have the sheriff throw you out if you question their agenda, remember it is their business meeting and they can do that, right? I guess we will never know the truth. Especially, since they became an LLC and are not required to open their books showing how much money they have actually recieved and how much they have spent and how much might be pocketed. Again we will never know, will we?

But we do know they are required by a Kounty Kommissioners Employer to pay his organization thousands in membership fees, recieved from Elk County and the School Districts tax coffers to remain a member of his business, Public Squares Communnities, LLC . It's a requirement listed on Public Squares Communnities, LLC web site. At least that is the way I read it. You too can go there and read it.

Political correctness (or "re-education") happened,
Lack of God's name happened,
Lack of personal responsibility happened,
Lack of personal integrity and honesty happened,
Lack of respect and loyalty to our country happened,
Lack of being an American happened.

Did all of these things die along with common sense??


This may be off subject but I thought Elk county was getting warmer. Might not be that hot air coming from the east coast after all :D

Wind farms are warming the earth, researchers say
By Eric Niiler

Published April 30, 2012

Discovery News

Research shows these wind farms raise nighttime temperatures.

New research finds that wind farms actually warm up the surface of the land underneath them during the night, a phenomena that could put a damper on efforts to expand wind energy as a green energy solution.

Researchers used satellite data from 2003 to 2011 to examine surface temperatures across as wide swath of west Texas, which has built four of the world's largest wind farms. The data showed a direct correlation between night-time temperatures increases of 0.72 degrees C (1.3 degrees F) and the placement of the farms.

"Given the present installed capacity and the projected growth in installation of wind farms across the world, I feel that wind farms, if spatially large enough, might have noticeable impacts on local to regional meteorology," Liming Zhou, associate professor at the State University of New York, Albany and author of the paper published April 29 in Nature Climate Change said in an e-mail to Discovery News.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/04/30/wind-farms-are-warming-earth-researchers-say/#ixzz1tXxOebHb

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