Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Didn't take very long for my statement to be proven valid.  And yes...You spend a lot of time quoting yourself...Hard to come up with new material, isn't it...Sad.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 14, 2012, 04:02:35 PM
Didn't take very long for my statement to be proven valid.  And yes...You spend a lot of time quoting yourself...Hard to come up with new material, isn't it...Sad.

So that you can comprehendthat I am not changing my offer for some form of intellectual response from you concerning the subject of this thread, but you continue to fail to provide anything of value.

That is what is really sad, you can not contribute to the conversation.



Good job cat, I think you buried him. Think about the fact that his 2 main supporters have never lived in elk county, don't own property in elk county, don't pay taxes in elk county, and are politically fascists, as are Ross and patriot.


 ;D  ELK, you are so correct.  But, watch out...Rationality isn't appreciated...You have just set yourself up to be attacked by the curmudgeons.  Remember...Duck and weave...lol  ::)


They are so far right, and want to control everyone, by definition they would be fascists


Think about the fact that his 2 main supporters have never lived in elk county, don't own property in elk county, don't pay taxes in elk county

Could you please specify which two supporters you are referring to ?
Thanks in advance.


No Elk, I believe you are way off base.  Those you accuse have never advocated dictatorial government.  Quite the opposite actually.

The rumors of stress among the 'Konnected' having their relationship with government scrutinized must have some validity given the number of uninformed posters returning to this thread to attack private citizens and defend 'the cause'.  Was there an Alinsky Method training session recently?  Resort to personal attacks vs confronting the issues & questions that are raised.

Fascists?  You've got to be kidding...

Fascism:  A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

The obvious should show who here is supportive of centralization of authority under a dictator and who here is promoting censorship

At least get your definitions right.

ELK, kitty, lady di... isn't it you who have tried so desperately to silence red, Ross, myself and anyone who questions the gods & goddesses of private business - government cronyism?  Isn't it you who have routinely advanced pejoratives and engaged in ad hominem attacks.  By trying to label some of us as fascist, it seems Elk@kc is engaging in what psychologists call projection.  That is unknowingly projecting their own failings & personality traits on others.  Do you have ghosts under your bed as well?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: ELK@KC on April 14, 2012, 05:33:38 PM
Good job cat, I think you buried him. Think about the fact that his 2 main supporters have never lived in elk county, don't own property in elk county, don't pay taxes in elk county, and are politically fascists, as are Ross and patriot.

I'm sorry Elk and Cat, I just can't sit here and wait for a response, I have chores to do. So when I come back I find a response that is only a funny face. Nothing intellegent, nothing to respond to. What's with that?
No I'm not burried, but I feel like i am in your B.S up to my elbows.

And now we have two Elk Konnected Followers trying to bully with the silliness and name calling. Neither one of which can provide any useful intellectual information. I don't believe either one has any understanding or comprehension of any of the questions?

I don't believe either one knows anythig about Elk Konnected, LLC except what they are told to do by their leaders.
And that is simply create a diversion and try to confuse the citizens of Elk County for easy manipulation.

Guess what, I believe the citizens are intellegent enough to recognize the ploy you are attempting to pull off and it simply won't work.

However, you are doing exactly as I want, you are showing the true face of Elk Konnected, LLC.

Keep up the good work.


 ;D  Try again, Ross.  Man...Talk about projection...Patriot, you called it correctly but aimed it in the wrong direction.  See what I was referring to, ELK?  Remember...Duck and weave...lol   ;)

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