Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Good grief! Are you all still at it? I'm sorry you didn't get it! 8)
Red is not stupid enough to think I was serious. He had poked me about something he didn't think could understand a few lines prior and I just poked him back in a most long winded way. We both know we have very little in politics that we agree on. But he knows I"m not serious nor angry. Why do you have to jump in on me? He most assuredly doesn't need defending by any of you.
I'm a moderate independent and he's  deeply  libertarian. So what! I can express my view too ,and have fun doing it when I choose. Shoot, for all I know Red could be a history teacher at a Christian school. Why would it matter? You all must be bored or need to go kill something or shoot apples off someone's head. My word, lighten up already. Something about big boy undies? ;D ;)  Pat, I swear I'm going to mail you a case of cucumbers!
   Have you no sense of humor at all? Or is it just because I'm female and dare to be interested in lots of things including politics?    Plus I'm willing to stand up to you.
   Fine, I'll pack up my history and law books and go home, so there. ;D
  Again with the generalities about teachers...  and all people from Kansas are ignorant hillbillies? Not hardly!
  As far as gun ownership way back, I disagree on everyone having guns. That's why the early militias had to have extra weapons. When they had a muster and drill, not everyone had a weapon so they borrowed from the armory. Or so said the tour guides in New England ( Concord) Ya wanna call them all liars, help yourself. and I see name calling still isn't beneath Varmit even after all this time Tsk,tsk


In response to flints question!

Quote from: flintauqua on March 16, 2012, 07:36:38 PM
At what point in time will the Federal Government stop running on Continuing Resolutions and actually pass on Annual Budget, on time.  Is this a violation of our collective rights?  Who's to blame:  The Executive Branch, The Senate, The House, Tea Party Republicans, non-Tea Party Republicans, Democrats, George Soros, the Koch Brothers, you, me, us, no one, everyone?

Perhaps Corporate America is to Blame! The super rich with their greed for more Government Hand Out's in the Form of Tax Breaks and Stimulus Monies and Grants and any other Hand Outs. Which are known as "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" as in despicable, lack of ethics and moral's. Just take, take and more take.

And I believe, I and others have made that point about what is happening right here in Elk County!

I personally find it REVOLTING, VILE (vile as in the words of a County Commissioner) and DESPICABLE.


Now how about you Elk Konnected, LLC Followers can you explain to us non-followers exactly what Elk Konnected, LLC has done to improve the Quality Of Life in Elk County?

We have pretty much outlined everything they have done that has in my opinion had the opposite effect.

So please, defend Elk Konnected, LLC and tell us.

County Commissioner Liebau, who says my posts are vile and that you would DEFEND Elk Konnected, LLC, here is your chance.  Or was that just a bluff?

Let's hear it,  
Sing Their Praise Loud and Clear,

What has Elk Konnected, LLC done for the Quality Of Life in Elk County?

No actual factual response will be considered as nothing by me.

I really want to know and understand.



You have me begging now, don't any of you Elk Konnected, LLC followers have anything?

Aw, come on!

Surely someone can point out something, please read the questions again and tell us something, please?

Oh, and what about that 5 or 6 years of dedicated coaching by County Commissioner Hendricks at West Elk High and nobody saying thank you when she resigned,
nobody but me?
Why is that?
Am I crazy?

After all 5 or 6 years of teaching sportsmanship and teamwork to our children is hard work and should be applauded shouldn't it?

Where is Elk Konnected, LLC with the KUDOS?

Aren't you kind of shunning your responsibility of praising a positive thing that happened in our Good County for 5 or 6 years?

What's with that attitude?

Don't you want the area to know how proud you are, of the dedicated service of an educator, to our county children for all those years?

Wasn't that a positive thing worthy of a even a small amount of praise?
Come on lets hear it, for a job well done.

Quote from: Ross on March 18, 2012, 06:33:57 PM
Now, how about you Elk Konnected, LLC Followers can you explain to us non-followers exactly what Elk Konnected, LLC has done to improve the Quality Of Life in Elk County?

We have pretty much outlined everything they have done that has in my opinion had the opposite effect.

So please, defend Elk Konnected, LLC and tell us.

County Commissioner Liebau, who says my posts are vile and that you would DEFEND Elk Konnected, LLC, here is your chance.  Or was that just a bluff?

Let's hear it,  
Sing Their Praise Loud and Clear,

What has Elk Konnected, LLC done for the Quality Of Life in Elk County?

No actual factual response will be considered as nothing by me.

I really want to know and understand.


Quote from: Ross on March 18, 2012, 06:02:02 PM
In response to flints question!

Perhaps Corporate America is to Blame! The super rich with their greed for more Government Hand Out's in the Form of Tax Breaks and Stimulus Monies and Grants and any other Hand Outs. Which are known as "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" as in despicable, lack of ethics and moral's. Just take, take and more take.

And I believe, I and others have made that point about what is happening right here in Elk County!

I personally find it REVOLTING, VILE (vile as in the words of a County Commissioner) and DESPICABLE.

That's a good response.  I sure like that.


Today i was setting outside the courthouse when I heard circus music start playing at 12pm.  I commented to someone court must be in session.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



Well, I guess them Konnected people just can't show anyway that they have improved the quality of life in Elk County.
So, I guess all we get is more "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" via the Elk Konnected County Commissioners, so that they can hand out more lollipops to us using taxpayers dollars. It's really a good trick isn't it?

But you know I still wonder what is really going on?
Aren't LLC usually in business to make money?
We don't see any other LLC's begging money from the county coffers to pay their responsibilities to other organizations, do we?
If another LLC approached the Elk Konnected County Commissioners for that purpose, do you suppose the Elk Konnected County Commissioners would cough up the money as asily for that organization? Do you suppose for one moment?

This is going to b a rather long post because a learned afew thing after being called by a landman wanting to lease my mineral rights. When all this leasing started about a year ago they were paying $25 an acre. Well folks it is now up to $200 an acre. I have also discovered that mineral right leases are going as much as $1200.00 an achor just two counties west of us. Well that lead me to do some research, no college education here, just questions?

During my research I learned of the use of shell companies and that shell company opening another shell company. That is what I am really trying to point out. All though  the other information about landmen might be of interest to you as well.

Here we go:

Mineral Rights


While a 3/16th share may sound good be very cautions, if they plan to deduct transportation costs, marketing costs and such from your share that 3/16 royalty will quickly be diluted by expenses.

It is always advisable to have a knowledgeable oil/gas mineral/royalty attorney negotiate for you.

Is there a shut-in clause? Is there a minimum royalty clause? Are they going to use your surface land and use one drilling pad for multiple wells going horizontally under your land to other landowners? Do they have the right to use your wells for disposal purposes?

There are a couple of royalty/mineral owner associations in Kansas. You may want to contact them as they represent solely royalty and mineral owners. The Southwest Kansas Royalty Owners Association (swkroa.com) has been around for 63 years and very knowledgeable on oil/gas leasing issues, particularly in the Hugoton Gas Field in SW Kansas. The Eastern Kansas Royalty Owners Association (ekroa.com) has been around a number of years. EKROA is knowledgeable on the drilling going on in SE Kansas including the coal bed methane drilling. EKROA may be able to give you some idea's as to going rates for your area.



This story from Reuters has raised a lot of questions in my mind.
You can read the whole story for your self. I personally don't believe these actions are limited to just one industry.

While studying about landmen offering to lease a person's mineral rights, I stumbled on to some very information which is perfectly legal. But in my mind quite deceptive, And it made me wonder about what is happening right here at home. Do we have what might possibly be considered shell companies in Elk County? Do we possibly have a another company or companies in Elk County that we don't even know exists?

It's just enough to make one wonder and especially since the connection between the Elk County Commissioners and their LLC that at least one Commissioner so ardently defend, right?

Inquiring minds want to know?

Just food for thought?

What really is going on?

Does anybody really know?

Here is a little bit of the story.

Chesapeake's own website advises land owners that their "main consideration" before leasing should be "to discover who will ultimately be producing your minerals." But Chesapeake's strategy made that extremely difficult for the Michigan land owners.
Legal scholars say the operation serves as an intriguing test case of the use of shell companies.

The tactics "raise moral and ethical questions about how entities can be used," says Joshua Fershee, a contract law professor at the University of North Dakota.
Others, including Chesapeake, defend the need to use shell companies and front companies - contractors with local ties who do business on behalf of a larger corporation. John Lowe, a professor of energy law at Southern Methodist University, calls it "business as usual."

"Shells aren't just a device to pull the wool over land owners' eyes," Lowe says.


I skipped down to the end of the article

If land owners prove that they should have been paid, at issue is who will be held accountable: Chesapeake, a corporation with $37 billion in assets, or Northern, a shell company with no publicly documented assets.

And this last Paragraph brings to my mind of Elk Konnected, LLC becoming an LLC as they said, "to protect their members", protect them from what?
Does Elk Konnected, LLC have any publicly documented assets?
You know in case some child or person get's hurt at one of their sponsored events?  
Do they carry some form of liability insurance?
Or will it be like was discussed at the school board meeting about ECCEF.
It sounded to me like the school district would accept responsibility on the school property.
That's you and me the taxpayer, isn't it?
Can you afford higher school property taxes if something bad were to happen?
I can't!

Will the actual/real communities be responsible for accident that may or could happen on one of Elk Konnected, LLC's provided rides?
Or will the county be responsible, because the county is responsible for providing the money for the rides to be leased?
Can you afford higher property taxes if something terrible were to happen?
I can't?  

Should we be responsible for others actions or non-actions to provide proper liability insurance?
I don't think so, do you?
Shouldn't they show proof of such insurance?
Simply display liability coverage at each event, don't you think that would put peoples mind at ease?
I think so, if they want to be a responsible Elk County business,  don't you?
That's not asking much, just showing responsibility and showing that the responsibility does not fall on everyone else.

Simply display liability coverage at each event, don't you think that would put peoples mind at ease?

Who actually accepts responsibility?

It has been mentioned through out this thread, as stated in paragraph nine, down from the top:
"This raise moral and ethical questions about how entities can be used," doesn't that apply equally well to our County Government and elected officials?

Just my opinion and some articles with attached links so you can read them.
What you decide to think of this information is your choice and your business.


Speaking of being dis-Konnected from the people and from economic realities.....

In addition to tax money giveaways, revenue reducers, road budgets cut by $60,000 in 2012, and special interest pandering, how about a shiny new rural fire barn/ambulance garage/health department center in Howard?  If only Howard taxpayers would cough up the bucks to tear down the existing structure & then sell the plot to the county.  What would we name it? 

Or, we could do county wide daycare with tax dollars.  Next thing we'll be wanting a new elementary school, Kommunity Activity center with a YMCA, olympic pool & golf course... that'll grow our county.  And with EK's booming experience in exercise center management, they're the perfect choice to run it.  How much would they charge the taxpayers to do so, I wonder.

Parking your RV and taking a trail ride past an artesian well and an old limestone arch bridge into a 200 MW windfarm would be fun, too... of course, that might actually draw outside interest and revenue.

What say you?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Don't we think the Federal Government is spending too much money, tax money?

What's the difference Local Government spending, spending and taxing, taxing.

Oh, they will tell you they won't be raising your taxes.

Please don't fall for that line.

If they can afford to give tax money away through tax breaks or other give a ways, then they can afford to reduce your property taxes.

Do you wish to give up your rights and responsibilities to Elk Konnected, LLC, to decide for you what is best for the county?
Do you? That's easily done. Attend their company's meetings and avoid the County Commissioners meetings. Simple, huh?
I don't make all of the County Commissioners meetings but I try to make a few. Mostly is is boring, but there are a few people you can say hi to while you are there. But sometimes it gets a bit interesting.

And if they don't lower your taxes, it is the same thing as raising them, by losing money through give aways to someone else.

It is simple manipulation of the citizens that pay taxes, isn't it?

Something, I learned in the military, there was a saying that went something like this.
If you feel them standing behind you with their hands on your shoulders, be alert.
Of course, it was a bit different. But, I won't go there.

And you can bet, that when asked a direct question and politicians choose not to answer, it's because they don't want to get caught in a lie, and they don't want to tell the truth. That in my opinion is why so many questions on this thread go unanswered. You can go back through this thread and read all the omissions yourself.

Quote from: Ross on February 19, 2012, 03:22:08 PM
I was just reading what a highly respected and highly educated Doctor of Medicine and a politician running for President had to say about our country. I find it very interesting a parallel of our county.

Here we go:
Paul minced no words:
"We've slipped away from a true Republic...[/color] Now we're slipping into a fascist system where it's a combination of government and big business and authoritarian rule and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen.

Ann Coulter visited Fox Business's Follow the Money this week to talk about the relationship between corporations and the White House. Speaking to host Eric Bolling, who had laid down his argument for the unhealthy relations between the government and private enterprise, Coulter boiled down the argument to the President Obama being both "a socialist" and "a fascist."

Well what have we got going on in Elk County?
Isn't it an Elk Konnected, LLC (a privately owned company) relationship with our governing body?
Same thing isn't it?

Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company with two of their members on the County Commissioners Board and maybe 2 or 3 members on the School Board. If that isn't something I don't know what is, do you?
It takes two out of three votes to control the board, amazing isn't it?

The County Commissioners that are Konnected even appear to ignore Kansas State Law, what's with that?

They as members of Elk Konnected, LLC say they want an open and honest dialog but refuse to do so, why?

They appear to only want one way communication with the citizens of Elk County, by having entries in the newspaper or the little rural utility company's monthly magazine. No two way dialog?

Why is it necessary to have a newspaper article about County Commissioners meetings when it leaves out so much information about what happens at the meetings. I'm thinking a form of distraction. They tape record the meetings and we have a very expensive web site that is extremely under used, to inform the citizens of Elk County. How about using all that technology that is so expensive? Yes it would be real easy to put the recordings on the internet. Then people would know the whole story instead of what is chosen to tell them. Wouldn't that be what an honest and educated person could do for the citizens of Elk County?

Heck, they could even stream the meeting on our web site. But that would be worse then leaving a paper trail, wouldn't it?

Or does Elk Konnected, LLC disagree with county government being by the people, of the people, for the people?

This is the 21st century and there is an awful lot of public information on computers in the court house that could easily be placed on our expensive web site. That might make the web site worth the money, don't you think?

I suppose it is rather VILE to suggest any of this, right?

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