Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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It's really sad when everything is viewed as potentially being part of some imagined conspiracy theory.  If one would get off their own soapbox once and awhile and pay a little attention to others, they would realize that the answer to their current question can be ascertained from posts on this forum from a year ago.  Happy hunting.


Or review at events/activities that are a matter of record from about 2003 to date, simply fit the pieces of fact together and see clearly that there may well be an agenda at work  Form cash flows to strange lease documents to program proposals and budgets... it's plain as day...  IF you take off the blinders and look.  Remember, even Bernie Madoff's investors were blinded until the feces hit the oscillator.  See something beyond the isolated water slide... then measure the real results.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Wow, you two have really lost me! I understand why anyone who doesn't have insurance needs to get their prescriptions at the lowest price possible but, and I know this sound mean, people have to make choices don't they? If people choose a line of work that doesn't traditionally have insurance even partly provided, so be it, but ya better save a lot, 'cause nobody knows what the future could bring. And you guys sure don't want Gov't invention to help out, even in the short term.
 Self employed folks have known that forever!
 Am I EK? I don't know what that means. Am I somehow flying in at night to go to meetings and disguise myself somehow to work on committees? What do you think?  I have donated to various projects, mostly around Howard, but I don't think any of them were anyway connected to EK, nor would it be anybody's business!
 I admire anyone who will take a deep breathe and jump in to try to get things done and doesn't just talk them to death. What does your Chamber of Commerce say about all this anyway?
Am I EK? HA!  Pretty forward with the questions aren't ya? and no I don't have anything to hide, so don't start that stuff.        
   Bernie Madoff used as an example in relation to Elk County?  Holy Cow! ;D ;D ;D ;D  
" If they don't lower your taxes, it's the same as raising them to give to someone else". What the heck does that mean?  Are you forgetting to include the cost of inflation also?  Low as it might be, taxes, like all other money doesn't go as far as it used to. Would you rather have services and hours cut? That's one that Walmart pulls. Ya have a job but not enough hours to live on independently.
 There are places in this country that were one company towns. All the jobs were at or supported that one industry, often mills or mines. If that closed for any reason, the town dried up and blew away. During the gold rush, when the mines played out people left, sometimes taking their houses with them on railroad flat cars.
 I do hope that is not where EC's situation is heading. Girl Scout cookies? Good grief. Are town feuds far behind? Are they here now? I do hope people are above that, no matter what Gov't does or does not do.
Is it really so important that you figure out the names of the other people who post on here? Is it so you feel you can more successfully attack them? You sure aren't gonna give up your own names.
I'm going to have to go back and reread some of this again as it seems to be attacking businesses now too and I hope I'm wrong. It rambles. I have things to do. Al has his colonoscopy on Friday, so today starts the special food business. yuk  Have fun arguing y'all..


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 07, 2012, 09:55:48 AM
Wow, you two have really lost me! I understand why anyone who doesn't have insurance needs to get their prescriptions at the lowest price possible but, and I know this sound mean, people have to make choices don't they? If people choose a line of work that doesn't traditionally have insurance even partly provided, so be it, but ya better save a lot, 'cause nobody knows what the future could bring. And you guys sure don't want Gov't invention to help out, even in the short term.
Where do you get the idea i don't have insurance.   But getting fleeced by the premiums, and then getting fleeced again at the first of the year to the tune of 200 dollar deductible along with a 20% copay tends to drive one to the lowest price drugs possible.  IT cost me less money to buy 4 dollar prescriptions than it does the copays or the deductible.

As far as home insurance which this was the topic, that is again not anyones responsibility but mine or each and every person out there.  IF ya go on the cheap you gamble that the company won't be able to pay off. 
Oh i also have home insurance as well as auto insurance when i am driving.  that all sucks 1/3 of my monthly income.
Damn leaches on the backside of humanity is what they are!

QuoteSelf employed folks have known that forever!
Self employed have their own insurance. Been there done that.  :)  

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I said "anyone," I didn't say Steve or have anyone in particular in mind as far as as company provided insurance. People do have to plan and be in control of their own destiny as much as possible.
 Insurance companies are indeed a pain .Al has to sleep with a C-Pap because of  the Polio long ago and it was far cheaper for him to shop carefully and buy one than to mess with the insurance company's demand he "rent" it for 6 months and pay a hefty Co-pay every year for durable medical.
 Leeches? ;D I thought you were for businesses being able to charge what ever they can get...without Gov't regulation? (poke, poke) That's funny, you get a bill and it's fleecing. You send a bill it's OK?  The drug companies swear they need all that money for research, as  the Oil Companies need it for drilling and exploration. Personally, I'd like to know how much lower it all would be if they weren't adding the cost of all that outrageously expensive advertizing to our bills!


Quote from: ddurbin on March 07, 2012, 08:17:57 AM
It's really sad when everything is viewed as potentially being part of some imagined conspiracy theory.  If one would get off their own soapbox once and awhile and pay a little attention to others, they would realize that the answer to their current question can be ascertained from posts on this forum from a year ago.  Happy hunting.

Really Mr. Durbin do you think it is a conspiracy?
No one else has said anything of that nature or insinuated such a thing, so is that your opinion that there is a conspiracy?

If you haven't noticed I have never been on the Elk Konnected soap box, that's the only soap box I know of, is there another one?

No, no conspiracy.

Our Elk County Economic Development employee said openly in the County Commioners meeting that she is working secretly with someone on Economic Evelopment, because they don't want any one to know in case they fail. That sounds simply like it, goes along with Elk Konnected, LLC's failures.

No conspiracy there either. Every one knows about the Commissioners that are Konnected.
And that our County Ecoonomic employee is Konnected. and that you are apparently Konnected.
But your story about answers being answered a year ago is totally wrong.
I guess you don't want taxpayers thinking for themselve and voicing their opinions, Isn't that right?

I just asked a bunch of new questions as a concerned citizen and taxpayer, no answers.
Does that bother you?


Now Mr. Durbin where do you find the answer to thie simple question during the past year?
These are quotes of the questions just asked hours ago.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 06, 2012, 03:56:33 PM
Ross, will you please edit your last post.  Intentional or not, you just made it look like I made the statement that you did, because you put it in a quote box that says it's from a post I made, when in fact there is nothing in the quote box that are my words.

Do try better to keep your words out of other people's mouths.  They do enough harm when they come out of your own mouth.

Quote from: Ross on March 06, 2012, 05:16:33 PM

Thanks  for bringing the error to my attention.
I simply deleted the faulty post. And you are quite welcome.
But anyone could have seen it was simply a simple error.
There was no need to get your shorts in such a wad.
And to suggest I would put words in your mouth is absurd.
And by the way the words don't come out of my mouth,
they come out of my finger tips.

But what I was asking was;

Would Evanstrail by any chance be the name of the new tourist trail ride?
Just asking?

Quote from: Ross on March 07, 2012, 06:11:42 AM
Can't we get an answer to this simple question?
What would be the harm?
Is it the part of the secret our Economic Development program's secret that is afraid they might fail?

See nothing said about a conspiracy. I was simply referring to the secret that our economic development employee has talked openly about that she is keeping from the taxpayers of Elk County.

Can't we get an answer to this simple question?
What would be the harm?
Is it the part of the secret our Economic Development program's secret that is afraid they might fail?Is that what bothered you this time Mr. Durbin?
Is that why you came back out of the woodwork after so long?

Can you show me where the answer to these questions are during the last year on this thread?
If you could do that I would feel honored.

Thank you, Mr. Durbin.


Now Mr. Durbin where do you find the answer to thie simple question during the past year?
These are quotes of the questions just asked hours ago.

Quote from: evanstrail on March 06, 2012, 03:56:33 PM
Ross, will you please edit your last post.  Intentional or not, you just made it look like I made the statement that you did, because you put it in a quote box that says it's from a post I made, when in fact there is nothing in the quote box that are my words.

Do try better to keep your words out of other people's mouths.  They do enough harm when they come out of your own mouth.

Quote from: Ross on March 06, 2012, 05:16:33 PM

Thanks  for bringing the error to my attention.
I simply deleted the faulty post. And you are quite welcome.
But anyone could have seen it was simply a simple error.
There was no need to get your shorts in such a wad.
And to suggest I would put words in your mouth is absurd.
And by the way the words don't come out of my mouth,
they come out of my finger tips.

But what I was asking was;

Would Evanstrail by any chance be the name of the new tourist trail ride?
Just asking?

Quote from: Ross on March 07, 2012, 06:11:42 AM
Can't we get an answer to this simple question?
What would be the harm?
Is it the part of the secret our Economic Development program's secret that is afraid they might fail?

See nothing said about a conspiracy. I was simply referring to the secret that our economic development employee has talked openly about that she is keeping from the taxpayers of Elk County.

Can't we get an answer to this simple question?
What would be the harm?
Is it the part of the secret our Economic Development program's secret that is afraid they might fail?Is that what bothered you this time Mr. Durbin?
Is that why you came back out of the woodwork after so long?

Can you show me where the answer to these questions are during the last year on this thread?
If you could do that I would feel honored.

Thank you, Mr. Durbin.

Diane Amberg

Ross, I know you do some things differently out there, but if someone has a potential business deal in the works, why would you want it to be unveiled prematurely?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 07, 2012, 12:34:42 PM
Ross, I know you do some things differently out there, but if someone has a potential business deal in the works, why would you want it to be unveiled prematurely?

We don't really do things differently. As a taxpayer you are entitled to public information where you live.
And your elected officials should not refuse you public information.

I have explained this before, but I will try again.

If they are using our county economic development they are using public money and resources that are paid for by the taxpayers. It is simply public information as to who is using our resources.

No, we don't want to know about the companies personal financial busines or any trade secrets.

The chances are very remote that they woulld find any competition in Elk County. Really no competition in Elk County.

We were told by our Economic Development employee (our employee) that who ever she is working with wants her to keep it secret in case they fail.

Just who pays her wages, these secret people or all of the taxpayers of Elk County.

I wonder how long she thinks she will have a job if the Elk Konnected County Commissioners are replaced at election time.

It is something I would be considering if I was in her shoes.

I don't feel we need Economic Development (the political tool for fooling the taxpayer) also I don't feel we need a Youth Developement employee (Elk Konnected, LLC's idea), where is the DEVELOPMENT in youth development. Showing movies is not development and having a day care event labeled as Summer Day Camp is not development.

Child development is best left up to the parents, teachers, churches and boy scouts or girl scouts, FHA, 4-H and such,
Not government.

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