Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 06, 2012, 10:50:34 AM
"To make the merchants more money." Why is that a bad thing? Isn't that the whole point? If they don't, they have to go out of business and then where are you? Walmart?

Diane is that one of them Good idea's -- big idea's!
Walmart $4 dollar prescriptins and Sedan Pharmacy, I also have mail order pharmacy through my insurance. However, I try to keep my shopping local, but who knows.

Over tax me, who knows.

Tax 'em to death and they won't have the money or the desire to shop there.

They may be pissed enough to take their consumer buying power elsewhere.

And then what?

Put up that giagantic electronic billboard and let it flash, good luck.

Desperate ideas for desperate times.

Diane you must be Konnected. are you Konnected?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 06, 2012, 10:50:34 AM
"To make the merchants more money." Why is that a bad thing? Isn't that the whole point? If they don't, they have to go out of business and then where are you? Walmart?

That is the job of freemarket, not government giveaways.  The merchants should be paying for this not the taxpayer.  Thats why its a bad thing! 

IF they go out of business, that would be on them, now wouldn't it. It means they can't compete in a no-compete environment.   That would mean that their prices are so high that follks would rather spend the gas money to go somewhere else or do mail order.
Like Ross said, most of my prescriptions are sold for 4 dollars at walmart.  I have to go for that as no local pharmacy is going to give me that price either.  Simple economics and NOW Walmart delivers it to me for free.  So i don't have to spend a dime in gas to go get them.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


How about giving this document a little consideration.  It's the 2011 Annual Report of Valley County Economic Development and the Ord Area Chamber of Commerce.  (Yes, Ross, most of what is going on in Ord is occurring at both the town and county level, they actually think of themselves as one community, even though there are three towns and one village in the county)


And, for a third party analysis of what a positive, cooperative attitude towards community economic development can accomplish, please read this document:



Sorry that is just so much smoke.
Chamber of Commerce and local government won't publish the bad stuff
because they don't want to look bad.

But back to the reasons they gave for the purpose of raising taxes on those poor people.
To raise or maintain the population, Isn't that right?

Did you read anything about that in those reports?

I didn't, perhaps I missed it.

But check out these stats:

Ord, Nebraska population 2,269 at the 2000 census.
Ord, Nebraska population 2,112 at the 2010 census.
       population declined     157                                    
Your PDF website you provided on Ord, Nebraska shows a popuation of 2300 for the year of 2000. Which means an even greater decline in population.

Way to much dis-information, anyway you cut it. they are not maintaining their population is is still declining?
Don't take my word for it do your own research, check the census bureau.
So what is being proved --- that the taxpayers are financing business ---- that's all.
No growth in population, only decline.

These are facts, not advertisement for the local area up there. See the difference.

I don't believe you Elk Konnected followers will be able to push false information on the citizens of Elk County.

Perhaps it will work in your fictious Elk Konnected community and I wish you luck with that.

But if the situation comes to a vote, to give more of the taxpayers dollars away to special people, I think you will find the county voting no?

Remember the school bond ya'all tried to push for the purpose of enhancing Howard. Howard was the only ones voting for it. Not enough, right?


Quote from: evanstrail on March 06, 2012, 03:56:33 PM
Ross, will you please edit your last post.  Intentional or not, you just made it look like I made the statement that you did, because you put it in a quote box that says it's from a post I made, when in fact there is nothing in the quote box that are my words.

Do try better to keep your words out of other people's mouths.  They do enough harm when they come out of your own mouth.


Thanks  for bringing the error to my attention.
I simply deleted the faulty post. And you are quite welcome.
But anyone could have seen it was simply a simple error.
There was no need to get your shorts in such a wad.
And to suggest I would put words in your mouth is absurd.
And by the way the words don't come out of my mouth,
they come out of my finger tips.

But what I was asking was;

Would Evanstrail by any chance be the name of the new tourist trail ride?
Just asking?


I find one part of the original article a tad troubling.... and quite telling:

But Ord's accomplishments and economic stability are built on the back of two industries known for their instability: ethanol and agriculture.

"If there is another downturn in ethanol, it will have a substantial negative effect here," Pollard said matter-of-factly. "I mean, we can't ignore that. It will have an effect. It's one of our largest private employers here in town, they employ forty people. You know, the same thing could be said if ag does down the tubes, we're screwed. I mean, that's the reality of it.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Mr. Evanstrail

Would that by any chance be the company T. J. Evans Trails?

Just curious.


Quote from: Patriot on March 06, 2012, 07:08:58 PM
I find one part of the original article a tad troubling.... and quite telling:

But Ord's accomplishments and economic stability are built on the back of two industries known for their instability: ethanol and agriculture.

"If there is another downturn in ethanol, it will have a substantial negative effect here," Pollard said matter-of-factly. "I mean, we can't ignore that. It will have an effect. It's one of our largest private employers here in town, they employ forty people. You know, the same thing could be said if ag does down the tubes, we're screwed. I mean, that's the reality of it.

Dont they mean if the taxpayers say enough giveaways to the ethanol industry their screwed.  they wouldn't have a job if it weren't for the subsididy they get from us.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


It pretty well explains Economic Development.

About the population, we gotta have you so our stores can make money to line our pockets.
Without the people and taxing the hell out of them we can not subsidise our stores and businesses.

It's not about population a bringing people in that was proven by Ord, Nebraska given to us by Elk Konnected, LLC followers.
The population has done nothing but decline since at least 2000 even with Economic Development was established and all the hype developed by their leaders. Just my opinion along with the numbers from the US Census Bureau.

I would bet their leaders are some of the same people who's business reaped the rewards of the Economic Development that taxes everyone else, don't you suppose?

And I bet they are probably the very some people that believe they have done a great job in their community, don't ya think?
I bet so, because their wallets are getting fatter on taxpayers dollars, while the taxpayers wallets are getting slimmer and slimmer.

Don't we think the Federal Government is spending too much money, tax money?

What's the difference Local Government spending, spending and taxing, taxing.

Oh, they will tell you they  won't be raising your taxes.

Please don't fall for that line.

If they can afford to give tax money through tax breaks or other give aways, then they can afford to reduce your property taxes.

And if they don't lower your taxes, it is the same thing as raising them, to give to someone else.

It is simple manipulation of the citizens that pay taxes.

Something I learned in the military, there was a saying that went something like this.
If you feel them standing behind you with their hands on your shoulders, be alert.
Of course, it was a bit different. But, I won't go there.

And you can bet, that when asked a direct question and politicians choose not to answer, it's because they don't want to get caught in a lie, and they don't want to tell the truth. That in my opinion is why so many questions on this thread go unanswered. You can go back through this thread and read all the omissions your self.

I was threatened with a law suit by some of those politicians on this thread, so that is why I continually say it's my opinion.
I am neither a politician or a merchant in Elk County.

I retired and moved here because I got tired of the big city. I worked in or near big city's where my employement took me. Where I could make a good income with really good health benefits. Just like our kid will do, they will look for work where the money and benefits are. Unless you can force them to stay home on the farm and work for you.

There is no industry here in Elk County that can pay $30 to $40 an hour with excellent health benefits. And believe me if our national economy continues on the path it is on, and the Federal Reserve continues to print  more and more bogus dollars our dollar will continue to lose valus and $30 to $40 and hour for a laborer will not be enough.

That's real Economic Development!

Print more, more fiat dollars, and jack up prices a vicious circle

It's like the idea of helping a child to go to college, but then they have to obligate themselves to return here to earn their living. Ever heard the word indenture. Isn't that sort of like slavery only, for a few dollars? I mean the child could graduate college and go to the city and make really good money, but you want the child to come biack here where the child would be lucky to get minimum wage. I don't call that helping a child go to college. In my opinion it is simply motivated by selfishness and indebtedness forced on the child.

Do we just blindly play follow the leader.
Even as children we did not blindly play follow the leader
did we?


Quote from: Ross on March 06, 2012, 08:17:55 PM
Mr. Evanstrail

Would that by any chance be the company T. J. Evans Trails?

Just curious.

Can't we get an answer to this simple question?
What would be the harm?
Is it the part of the secret our Economic Development program's secret that is afraid they might fail?

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