Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Why don't the commissioners have the courage to defend the taxpayers' rights and property
instead taking the side of the corporations and organizations by doling out the dealls and money?

EK can do a lot of good deeds with your money while the Republicans heap praise upon them and cheer for them.
Marxism is live and well in this country and the Republicans will not raise hardly any opposition to their own party's
participation therein.


Quote from: redcliffsw on February 12, 2012, 08:05:34 AM
Why don't the commissioners have the courage to defend the taxpayers' rights and property
instead taking the side of the corporations and organizations by doling out the dealls and money?

Perhaps, Because two out of three County Commissioners are Elk konnected, LLC.
So whenever the LLC goes before the county commissioners they are going before two of their own members, and it only takes two county commissioner votes to approve a request for money?

No conflict of interest there, huh?

Therefore, No courage required!

Is there?   :)

Diane Amberg

So everything in Elk county was just fine with no problems until EK tried to get organized ? That's not what I remember.
Marxism? How so? Your commissioners were elected by the majority and will eventually stand election again. Then what? Who would want to run with such a history? I
Influence peddling and what seems to be unfair action? Welcome to American politics! The fellow who didn't get what he wanted will always yell "unfair." It happens everywhere.  Sometimes ya will get what you want and sometimes the other guy does.
    Big business and powerful and/or popular people will always have an edge. Even going out to bid on a project only produces one "winner." Does the loser whine and complain and fuss until everyone is sick of it, or does he go on to the next project? Unless one is careful a stalemate will exist so nothing ever happens and nothing ever moves forward. Is that healthy for any community?  Is that a happy content atmosphere? I don't know, but I doubt it.


Well I suppose by you saying all that, that you wouldn't mind paying more, taxes just to keep people with money happy?
No matter what they use your money for.

Is that right?

All they have to do is start an LLC and you would gladly hand over your money for taxes to support their cause,
whether it is right or wrong.

I totally understand.

And that is alright with me, in the county you live in.


QuoteBig business and powerful and/or popular people will always have an edge.

Again, Diane, therien lies the problem.
Yes, they were elected by the people and how many years ago?  Doug Ritz is the newest, and by my value, he may not someone I wish to invite to a party, however I feel he is the most in tune with the needs of the people  (refer to ground up....infrastructure, procedures, maintentence....and yet his voice i fear may be lost with those that are about big business and popular people.

Give me an a**hole without an agenda that gets things done for ALL of the area, or get rid or the ones that want to make everyone happy.
This area was built on a**holes without an agenda, and now it has turned to a slight of hand.  Don't get get me wrong....mistakes have been made.  However somewhere in the political area, it went awry.
And that is what I fear:   politics for the better of a government, not of the people.
And, I reiterate:   It is their monies being flown to the wind for whom?   Re-elect?   Is it too late, and wil anyone run against a well known patrioarch?

ready and waiting

You want proof?    I am living in it everyday

Diane Amberg

So then it's all over but the official death knell for the area.The kids will slowly move away, the old folk will slowly die off and only a few with portable incomes might  move in. That's a shame. I understand, I really do. A council of only three is tiny!
  I remember the towns back in the 50's. But there is no John Wayne type now to ride in and square things up and right the perceived wrongs.
  Why are the "popular people" popular? how so?
I am interested in your opinion. If things were somehow different, list the things, physical things, that need fixing. Roads? bridges? Water works?  (Didn't the country land owners used to keep their own ditches cleaned out in lieu of some of their taxes? Whatever happened to that?)
It's impossible to keep everyone happy, it's true but isn't it supposed to be the benefit goes to the majority, most of the time? But how does one figure out who the majority is and what they want? People don't seem to respond to surveys and the results aren't trusted anyway.  Your average people won't go to meetings and risk saying much for fear of perceived retribution, name calling and threats. Ya can't risk trying to go on someone's property to talk to them for fear of being shot. So what can you do.? The" go away and leave me alones," who don't care about the future of any of the little towns, against the few forward thinkers who wonder what things will be like in 10 or 20 years? So after they all cancel each other out, the net gain is zero....or a clever person or people move into the vacuum and have it all their way! I can't fix any of it, I wish I could. It makes me sad.


Well said Ready.

Why do you think we have people demonstrating across this country, Diane?

They have many complaints, one being the banks ripping us off.

Just like in Greece the common people are rioting and setting Athens on fire as we speak.
They have had enough They don't want to bail out the banks for the rich, by piling it on their own backs.
They feel they have paid plenty already.

The protesters say ordinary Greeks have swallowed enough
spending cuts and tax hikes in an effort to ease the debt burden. - Reuters

Should they continue to tolerate the shades of grey that lie between order and chaos, innocence and guilt, right and wrong,
or go with the truth?

Which would you choose?

Diane it sounds as if you are kin / to someone involved with Elk Konnected, LLC, so I feel compeled to ask, are you?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM
So then it's all over but the official death knell for the area. The kids will slowly move away, the old folk will slowly die off and only a few with portable incomes might  move in. That's a shame. I understand, I really do. A council of only three is tiny!

Who says all the kids will move away?
How many have done that and returned?
Where are your facts?
We do live in a lightly populated county, that's why only two councilmen and one councilwoman.
The arguments you provide sound just like Elk Konnected, LLC but backed by nothing.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM
 I remember the towns back in the 50's. But there is no John Wayne type now to ride in and square things up and right the perceived wrongs.

This ain't the fifties or the sixties. We are now 12 years into the 21st Century.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM
 Why are the "popular people" popular? how so?

Who is popular and popular with who?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM
I am interested in your opinion. If things were somehow different, list the things, physical things, that need fixing. Roads? bridges? Water works?  (Didn't the country land owners used to keep their own ditches cleaned out in lieu of some of their taxes? Whatever happened to that?)

There again, I don't know what use to be done in the fifties about ditches and this is not that time.
An honest government not ran by an LLC would certainly be nice.
Perhaps they will be voted out in November, but I fear they are doing the things they want done before then.
My hopes are that who ever runs and win overturns any bad changes.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM
It's impossible to keep everyone happy, it's true but isn't it supposed to be the benefit goes to the majority, most of the time? But how does one figure out who the majority is and what they want?

We know who the minority are and we know they have two seats out of three on the County Commissioners Board for now.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM
People don't seem to respond to surveys and the results aren't trusted anyway.  Your average people won't go to meetings and risk saying much for fear of perceived retribution, name calling and threats.

Most people won't respond to rigged survey's or meetings that are designed to control what they are allowed to say or think? Would you?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM
Ya can't risk trying to go on someone's property to talk to them for fear of being shot. So what can you do.? The" go away and leave me alones," who don't care about the future of any of the little towns, against the few forward thinkers who wonder what things will be like in 10 or 20 years?

Where did that come from? The few across the country that don't want to be included in the country's census?

And forward thinkers, who are they? Are you talking of Elk Konnected, LLC's Visionaries?
What visions do they have? They won't say? They won't come out of hiding, that is if they exist?
They won't have an honest open dialog, will they? Just go back and read about the monies they did address, do you see any truth there?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2012, 06:51:46 PM
So after they all cancel each other out, the net gain is zero....or a clever person or people move into the vacuum and have it all their way! I can't fix any of it, I wish I could. It makes me sad.

Where do you get these ideas?
There is no canceling out, there is change, hopefully for the better of everyone in Elk County.


Diane, I believe the Greek have provided an answer to the questions of popularity and wealthy that you have raised, check it out. Sounds like piss poor economic development happened. Doesn't that resemble our economic development? Give taxpayers money to the wealthy and give the taxpayer more debt. Government interference in free enterprise, not good for the taxpayer is it?

Greek citizens may veto austerity plan
ByConstantine von Hoffman

(MoneyWatch)  Early Monday, while the Greek Parliament approved budget cuts, Greek citizens were proving that the vote -- and the government -- may be irrelevant.

Before the vote to enact harsh new austerity measures, Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos said, "Vandalisms, violence and destruction have no place in a democratic country and won't be tolerated."

Unfortunately no one seemed to have told the citizenry about this. In Athens, 34 buildings were burned and black-masked protesters battled police in front of Parliament.

Violence was also reported from the tourist islands of Corfu and Crete to the northern city of Thessaloniki and in towns across central Greece.

Who in that country is popular now?
Who in that country is rich now?
These people driven to the curb by the popular and rich and their overspending are not going to remain civil now are they?
They couldn't care less about the popular politicians democracy could they?
They have been abused by the rich and popular by those peoples over spending and now those same people are worried about their wealth, can't you see that?

The people on the curb couldn't care less about the wealthy's popularity and wealth either, could they?
Those wealthy are about to loose that wealth the way it looks to me.

Do you think it can't happen here in our country?
Protest across the country have already started, haven't they?

I'd like to see our county kick aside the popular attitude and the interference of a self grandious group and make our county as safe as possible from any kind of financial default and to take an interest in the county as a whole. Not a part of the county over here and a part over there. But the whole county and everyone in it.

If the self grandios think they deserve something better take it to the people via the proper channels. If it involves voting on it by their own people, forget it and put it on the ballot. That would be the ethical thing to do.

Ask the people on the November ballot if they want to continue paying Elk Konnected's, LLC's dues to be members of Public Squares Communities, LLC. Both being privately owned companies meaning neither one is a non-provit company.

Now that would be a poll worth taking and maybe not manipulated.

What do you think the vote might be?

My guess and yes it is only a guess, the answer would be a resounding NO.

So do you think Elk Konnected, LLC would actually ask the taxpayers to vote on an issue like this?

Hell NO they wouldn't.

So if they won't put it on the ballot, won't they have effectively answered the question of the fact that taxpayers should not pay a privately owned companies dues? And also the question of their popularity as you seem to think they are?

But, do I expect any ethical moves concerning these matters. NO!

Just my opinion and my thoughts on this continuing subject.

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