Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Ross, you're asking too many questions to determine where not much, if anything, ever gets done.

Those economic development offices are everwhere and that's just more of the "government" economic deverlopment
you see in most places.


You are right Red.

And that's why I asked at the County Commissioners meeting, why we are paying for an employee to hold the position of Economic Development. I didn't see where anything was being accomplished.

That's when she told us, the County Commissioners and the public at the meeting that she was working with a group or business that wants to remain secret.

I don't find anything in the Ethics that says they should hold what or who they ar working for or with as secret.

What are they hiding?

Is that just a cover up to continue paying for something that is non productive?

I also asked why we need a Youth Development Employee who had done nothing for months for the Youth of Elk County/
Now they are renting movies for the weekends. Is that really woth the taxpayers expense? Are the movies actually going to be something that help with the development of children? Or is Youth Development just another fabrication? Or is it just another misnomer?


well when they work in secret then that usually means they are trying to come up with a deal to bring in some company and give them sepcial incentives they don't want the public to know about  until the deal is signed.  Usually that also means that friends of whoever is handling the transactions get to negotiate sales to this said companythrough the Economic individual thereby bypassing any of the "residents" or businessmen of the county that are not Friends of Government officials.  THat is the sole purpose of secrecy.  To do the same shit their doing and implement the saying its easier to ask forgiveness than get permission. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on January 25, 2012, 11:03:05 AM
well when they work in secret then that usually means they are trying to come up with a deal to bring in some company and give them sepcial incentives they don't want the public to know about  until the deal is signed.  Usually that also means that friends of whoever is handling the transactions get to negotiate sales to this said companythrough the Economic individual thereby bypassing any of the "residents" or businessmen of the county that are not Friends of Government officials.  THat is the sole purpose of secrecy.  To do the same shit their doing and implement the saying its easier to ask forgiveness than get permission. 

I see no where that our County Commissioners or employees have any ethical reason to keep secrets from the taxpayers.
Unless something is amiss. Otherwise there would be transparency. And it makes me wonder how the County Commissioners, Elk Konnected, LLC Association fits in with all of it?

Just asking?


Well. Elk Konnected, LLC and County Commissioners what's happening with that Biggest Losers Contest?
Did ya get any fat people signed up?

And that coed volleyball how many teams have paid to sign up?
Is it gonna be a big tournament?
We never did hear anything about the big baseball tournament are teams still signing up or what's the story on it?

Perhaps, I have missed it but I haven't seen anything on the internet or in the newspaper about any of it.

So perhaps would you be good enough to enlighten us, Here?

Or is everything going the way of the fitness center?

Perhaps you could use some more of the taxpayers money from the County Commissioners recreational funds to promote your self some more?

Come on and talk with the citizens of Elk County that are on this forum, please.


Ross, I do have to say that your comments are not the nicest. I am a big person and fight everyday to try and loss weight. So if I chose to participate in the contest, which is no ones business, makes me a fat person???? I have to say, we have bullying going on in our schools that is beyond mean, but your comment there is down right WRONG!! NO MATTER HOW YOU TWIST IT!! I have smaller girls and tell them everyday that it is not right to call anyone fat! It isn't, do you know what that can do to kids?? I mean really!! Some people, me included, don't have the privelage to eat whatever we want when ever we want. Our bodies don't all work the same!! So PLEASE refrain from that kind of talk, if not for yourself but at the others reading this that like the chance to particapate in the contest!!

Do you as a person not have any code of ethics? I do, and I chose not to call others fat!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on January 30, 2012, 07:42:15 PM
Ross, I do have to say that your comments are not the nicest. I am a big person and fight everyday to try and loss weight. So if I chose to participate in the contest, which is no ones business, makes me a fat person???? I have to say, we have bullying going on in our schools that is beyond mean, but your comment there is down right WRONG!! NO MATTER HOW YOU TWIST IT!! I have smaller girls and tell them everyday that it is not right to call anyone fat! It isn't, do you know what that can do to kids?? I mean really!! Some people, me included, don't have the privelage to eat whatever we want when ever we want. Our bodies don't all work the same!! So PLEASE refrain from that kind of talk, if not for yourself but at the others reading this that like the chance to particapate in the contest!!

Do you as a person not have any code of ethics? I do, and I chose not to call others fat!!

I am so sorry you are offended. I did not call you fat or anyone else by name fat. But really what is the differce between the words.

I have a sister-in-law that was told for decades she was big boned. It was really not a good thing to tell her. It was bad for her health. She finally woke up and lost the weight. She was beautiful before but now she is healthier, still just as pretty but much thinner. And I am very proud of her.

Hey, if you go for it, I wish you the very best in meeting your goals.

Just take a look at the show biggest loser that this contest is being copied from. Those folks aren't fat either, they are obese. Oh. I'm a few pounds overweight. I have a few fat cells I am trying to burn off.  I think just about every one does, don't they.

Oh yea, the people on the show the biggest losers don't have to pay to lose weight, infact the winner gets paid by the company. Isn't that nice. They probably get everything paid for like airfare, meals, lodging.

I was just inquiring how the contest was going for Elk Konnected, LLC ?
Or if it was going the way of the baseball, vollyball games and the Wellness center.
They need a successfull event, don't they?

Oh yea, the people on the show the biggest losers don't have to pay to lose weight, infact the winner gets paid by the company. Isn't that nice. They probably get everything paid for like airfare, meals, lodging.

I'm old and disabled according to the government. But it doesn't bother me a bit to be called either one. It's the truth. I do believe there are probably other more politically correct terms that can be used. But it's all the same.

But once again I appologize for offending you. I'm just a redneck old hick.

Have a good evening.


Just to show my using of the word fat is not at all wrong or unethical I feel compelled to show the following article.

Gary Taubes
author of Why We Get Fat
and Good Calories, Bad Calories

Updates for 2012

January 21, 2012 81 Comments

 Checking in after a long absence (working too hard, and blogging too little), I have news and updates for 2012. The first order of business is a letter to the editor of the New York Times in response to Tara Parker-Pope's "The Fat Trap" article that ran on the cover of the January 1st  NYT Magazine.

You can find it at http://garytaubes.com/2012/01/updates-for-2012/

I haven't got the time right now to read it, but perhaps there is some good information in it.
I plan to read it later today.

I hope this satifies the question of ethics on my part.

So County Commissioner Hendricks how's that largest loser contest coming along?


Monday was a sad day for economics in Elk County.

I was in Longton and wanted to stop at the Lions Den for a cup of coffee and a piece of pizza on Thursday.
Guess what, the previous Monday was it's last day, or so I was told.
It's shut down. How sad is that.

Where was all the help to make Elk County a better place to live, what happened to quality of life,
where was all that economic development help for this little Mom and Pop business?

Where was Elk County Economic Development and what were they doing, that function of our county government that operates on our tax money's. oh that's right === working on a secret project.

Do we really need to pay for Economic Development with our tax dollars?
Especially when it sits back doing secret projects?
And doesn't appear to be there for the whole county, is it or isn't it for the whole county?

Where was Elk Konnected, LLC with their improving quality of life in Elk County?
Where were the visionaries?
Wasn't this small business worth any bodies efforts in Elk County?

Where was all that pulling the communities together, stuff?

They must all be busy looking out for some tourism trail ride through the Howard area right?
Is that the big secret our Elk County Economic Development is working on?

At any rate, I will miss the Lions Den and the good people that worked there in Longton.

What is Economic Development????

I'd like to suggest the county Commissioners Define Economic Development and post it on our county web site.

How about posting the job description as well?
I know Commissioner Liebau you don't micro-manage.
I heard you loud and clear at the Commissioners meeting.
That's not what I'm suggesting, I am suggesting only to manage for the taxpayers.

Is Economic Development only for a few in special circles?

What is our Economic Development Employee doing?
Has our Economic Development Employee visited any small business outside of Howard?
Visit them to let them know what Economic Development has to offer?
Especially during these hard economic times.
Or is that strictly an office job?

I still see nothing on the County Web site that says what Elk County Economic Development has to offer.
Why is that?

I read the following on our county web site about Economic Development:

This office is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the citizens of Elk County.  The focus of this office is to attract new business and retain existing business.

I want to know how they propose to do what they say in that statement, please tell us?

Do we have so many business in Elk County that our Economic Development Employee can't visit them
and let the business know what Elk County can do to help them?

Oh, I understand the arguments of socialism, but if the state and the federal governments make the monies available to the county, are those monies only to be used only by a few in special circles?

Don't we have two County Commissioners that are Konnected and Defend and Cheer for the pulling together of the communities through Elk Konnected, LLC ?

How are they accomplishing any that?
It doesn't appear through the use of Economic Development, does it?
It doesn't appear through the use of Elk Konnected, LLC, does it?
It doesn't appear through the use of Visionaries, does it?
It doesn't appear using Lollipops does the job either does it?

Come on County Commissioners how about some real answers?

By-by to the Lions Den in Longton. I'm sure you will be missed.
I'll miss you.

Diane Amberg

Did the folks at the Lions Den say why they were closing? Is the business for sale?

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